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FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: off to Staples ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:00AM

Just sent my middle schooler in with the 'her' supplies. FCPS seems to have expanded the scope of what 'supplies' means to include anything that the teacher or school might consume during the year. For example, the supplies list asked for 6 boxes of tissues. In a school with 800 kids, that's 4800 boxes of tissues - where do they even store them? Plus white board markers, hand sanitizer (1 per class) - does FCPS even bother to stock the buildings? I'm waiting for the call for a case of toilet paper from each kid.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: Curmudgeon ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:23AM

this strikes me as a racket too. my kids are in elementary, so my favorite is the multiple pairs of scissors. what the hell are they cutting?

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:49AM

Defy authority. If it bothers you that much, send in a note saying you will supply your kid what he needs, but you will not contribute to a common pool. They can huff and puff, they can jerk you around, and you can write off getting any special treatment, but officially they cannot force you to buy supplies for common classroom or school use.

The reality is though that FCPS does an extremely poor job of supplying classrooms, and much of what is used is purchased by teachers, parents or the PTA. In poorer schools you can have 1/3 of the parents carrying the load for the entire school. And yes that can sometimes include toilet paper. One year they stopped stocking the toilets in the individual classrooms of our elementary school.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: read the memo ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:52AM

Clearly you haven't been following the budget discussion.

FCPS is broke. No money for raises or these basic supplies.

THey did find some funds for turf fields though--lots of it.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: basic math (booster style) ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:56AM

FCPS does not need science books.

FCPS cannot afford scissors or pencils.

But-they can afford artificial turf. Where does "playing on turf" appear in the SOL?

Come on, Tammy Kaufax and Patty Reed, answer that question. Need your lifeline? I hope Ryon McElveen is awake to take your call.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: FCPS = Pinko commie bastards ()
Date: September 05, 2013 10:58AM

At my nephew's school they pool ALL the school supplies. Everything the kid brings to school is taken and split among the group.

That's a nice little lesson in communism they're teaching those kids.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: bus driver ()
Date: September 05, 2013 11:00AM

You should see these kids carrying suitcaes size bags of these "supplies" Not to mention the room it takes up!

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: surprise! ()
Date: September 05, 2013 11:02AM

FCPS = Pinko commie bastards Wrote:
> At my nephew's school they pool ALL the school
> supplies. Everything the kid brings to school is
> taken and split among the group.
> That's a nice little lesson in communism they're
> teaching those kids.

My kids ES does that too. The PTA sets up the order with some online company (which is actually very convenient) which delivers it directly to the school. They kids never get the stuff. I went to orientation night once and the packages were laid out sealed on the kids desks, as if to prove they were actually shipped. Some immigrant family was opening theirs up, and the teacher flipped out and explained the communal appraoch. They clearly had not learned that what you pay for is not yours in FCPS.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 05, 2013 11:06AM

off to Staples Wrote:
> Just sent my middle schooler in with the 'her'
> supplies. FCPS seems to have expanded the scope
> of what 'supplies' means to include anything that
> the teacher or school might consume during the
> year. For example, the supplies list asked for 6
> boxes of tissues. In a school with 800 kids,
> that's 4800 boxes of tissues - where do they even
> store them? Plus white board markers, hand
> sanitizer (1 per class) - does FCPS even bother to
> stock the buildings? I'm waiting for the call for
> a case of toilet paper from each kid.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 05, 2013 11:32AM

read the memo Wrote:
> THey did find some funds for turf fields
> though--lots of it.

It's all a shell game. The County could pay for those turf fields from the general budget. Instead they are choosing to allocate the funds to the schools and have the schools pay for it.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: musical chairs ()
Date: September 05, 2013 12:05PM

Right now, no one wants to be without a chair when the turf comes crashing down.

The Department of Education is concerned about the use of a non-US source, and they will be monitoring Tuesday's vote.

The County is also waiting for an estimate to repair the vandalism to the Reston fields, it seems the paint destroyed part of the turf, so it just can't be cleaned off.

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Re: FCPS School Supplies Scam
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 05, 2013 05:28PM

yea and all the foods are going to be from Goya now

did you see who just got in office as president?

and FCPS is the bigger part of fairfax's unfunded spending

it's a hostile take-over of control of usa loans by green card workers who won't owe it

i'm sure they are quite aware of how badly they are raping you

they are only hiring green cards for labor. they are huge biggots. it's marauding to be more accurate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2013 05:29PM by svennestle.

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