while i bitch about the police, perhaps you should consider my experiences into my thought process. here's the deal:
ok, so yesterday i was taking a scenic route home from my brother's house. going east on braddock road, i was going the limit, i was using cruise control because it has proven faithful in avoid exceeding the speed limit. going past GMU, i crossed an intersection that had just turned green going the speed limit, 40MPH, and there was a GMU cop still stopped at the stop light because as i said, it had just turned green when through. as cops love to do, he started tailing my car. i for one do NOT like being followed by police because it has been my experience that they are looking for reasons to pull you over when you are being followed. so i choose to politely put on my blinker and turn into the left lane. i wasnt taking forever to switch lanes or doing a rapid jerk into the lane, i put on the blinker a second or two and changed lanes. i look back and what do i see? officer friendly has switched lanes so naturally i switch lanes again hoping he will pass to no avail. so about the fourth time of switching lanes over the coarse of a half mile trying to have the cop stop bothering me, he puts on the friendly, "please pull over at your convenience" lights. upon pulling over into the right lane close to the curb i come to a stop. i really need to avoid a ticket so i act as polite as i can while restraining my rage to want to jump out and handcuff him and throw him back into his cruiser. there is no tone in my voice or facial expressions to advocate hostility and turn off my music and roll down my window. "license and registration" he says and i get both out of the glove compartment and hand them two him not saying a thing and he walks to his car and returns in a few minutes.
"i pulled you over because you kept switching lanes."
"... it's been my experience that cops follow people looking for a reason to pull them over... and then you did." (all in a normal calm voice)
"drop the attitude." (in a stern condicending voice)
"... ok......... what would you like?"
"i want you to drop the attitude." (still in a stern condicending voice)
*about a five second pause*
he says, "back at the intersection you passed me at far abover 40 miles per hour."
"i understand that it may have seemed that way because you were stopped but i assure you i was not exceeding the limit."
"hey! i said drop the attitude.... now i was checking that you were not driving impaired...... you are free to go."
now i dont know about you but i find this to be bullshit. i wasnt swerving, had my brights on, or moving super slow to indicate that i had been drinking or anything so just IF i was "drunk" or something and driving without sign of impaired driving should i really be considered drunk? quite frankly, in my experience, my brother just drove along when a cop was tailing him and was waiting for him to screw up or something and sure enough, he was pulled over for having three day expired inspection stickers. if you ask me that is plain bullshit. should cops really be stalking people? i say no. would you liked be stalked by a cop for three or four miles? let me tell you, that "well i have nothing to hide" argument is BULLSHIT. i fucking hate when cops do shit like this.
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."