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pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:22PM

while i bitch about the police, perhaps you should consider my experiences into my thought process. here's the deal:

ok, so yesterday i was taking a scenic route home from my brother's house. going east on braddock road, i was going the limit, i was using cruise control because it has proven faithful in avoid exceeding the speed limit. going past GMU, i crossed an intersection that had just turned green going the speed limit, 40MPH, and there was a GMU cop still stopped at the stop light because as i said, it had just turned green when through. as cops love to do, he started tailing my car. i for one do NOT like being followed by police because it has been my experience that they are looking for reasons to pull you over when you are being followed. so i choose to politely put on my blinker and turn into the left lane. i wasnt taking forever to switch lanes or doing a rapid jerk into the lane, i put on the blinker a second or two and changed lanes. i look back and what do i see? officer friendly has switched lanes so naturally i switch lanes again hoping he will pass to no avail. so about the fourth time of switching lanes over the coarse of a half mile trying to have the cop stop bothering me, he puts on the friendly, "please pull over at your convenience" lights. upon pulling over into the right lane close to the curb i come to a stop. i really need to avoid a ticket so i act as polite as i can while restraining my rage to want to jump out and handcuff him and throw him back into his cruiser. there is no tone in my voice or facial expressions to advocate hostility and turn off my music and roll down my window. "license and registration" he says and i get both out of the glove compartment and hand them two him not saying a thing and he walks to his car and returns in a few minutes.
"i pulled you over because you kept switching lanes."
"... it's been my experience that cops follow people looking for a reason to pull them over... and then you did." (all in a normal calm voice)
"drop the attitude." (in a stern condicending voice)
"... ok......... what would you like?"
"i want you to drop the attitude." (still in a stern condicending voice)
*about a five second pause*
he says, "back at the intersection you passed me at far abover 40 miles per hour."
"i understand that it may have seemed that way because you were stopped but i assure you i was not exceeding the limit."
"hey! i said drop the attitude.... now i was checking that you were not driving impaired...... you are free to go."

now i dont know about you but i find this to be bullshit. i wasnt swerving, had my brights on, or moving super slow to indicate that i had been drinking or anything so just IF i was "drunk" or something and driving without sign of impaired driving should i really be considered drunk? quite frankly, in my experience, my brother just drove along when a cop was tailing him and was waiting for him to screw up or something and sure enough, he was pulled over for having three day expired inspection stickers. if you ask me that is plain bullshit. should cops really be stalking people? i say no. would you liked be stalked by a cop for three or four miles? let me tell you, that "well i have nothing to hide" argument is BULLSHIT. i fucking hate when cops do shit like this.


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:34PM

Well, Gravis, normally I think you are paranoid and crazy but in this case, the incident happened just like it's happened to me. Being pulled over just for the sake of it.

The fucking cops around here are useless. I'm amazed he didn't write you the ticket just to show how much power he has. I can assure you he will be a cop in a patrol car for the rest of his life, because he is a shit-for-brains.

BTW you never mentioned what time of day it was.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: knottydredhed ()
Date: March 15, 2006 02:05PM

cool story, let me know when you get pulled over whlie you are parked in the rest stop on 95s by dale city and your car is searched during 3pm on a saturday when you're on your way to va beach talk about embarassed

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 15, 2006 04:04PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Well, Gravis, normally I think you are paranoid
> and crazy

assure you that i do not hate the police from poranoia insanity as i had no "beef" with the police until a few years ago. since then i have been screwed many times over. And no, it's not just me, the people there that have seen it strongly agree with me.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: § ()
Date: March 15, 2006 04:06PM

No clear probable cause in either case. -§

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 15, 2006 04:46PM

Gravis, I meant that I think you are paranoid and crazy IN GENERAL, not because of the 5-0.

Someone's got to carry that load, dude.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: JC ()
Date: March 15, 2006 05:28PM

I agree, cops around here are just plain assholes. Other times, however, I've encountered officers who are worthy of the badge. Case in point: 2-3 years ago I was coming back from a night partying in DC (on I-66 going westbound), my girlfriend at the time had gotten pretty smashed and I was a little and out of nowhere she yells "Stop the car I need to puke," while holding my composure I tell her "Let's wait 'til we get home so I don't get a ticket since I am over the limit." She tells me that she can't wait and that she can't breathe so I freak out and pull over and open her door... she sticks her head out and stays there motionless for a good 2-3 minutes without making a sound. At this time I think to myself, she must be passed out, but when I go over and try to get her head back in the car she wakes up and continues with the "I can't breathe, I need to puke" routine. I said ok just a few more minutes, so I get back inside the car. Cars were passing us and I was praying that a cop car didn't pass by -- to no avail. Two seconds later I see the all too familiar blue lights. Now I am freaking out. The officer gets out of the car and asks for my license and registration -- asks me if I had anything to drink and I tell him yes -- and asks me to step out of the car. He then goes through the routine of administering the drunk tests -- which I fail out of nervousness and also slight drunkeness -- and while I'm doing these tests I ask him if I can check on my girlfriend because she's very ill. He says ok and when I do I get back in the car. He makes me breathe on the breathalizer and I register .09. Now, at this time I am pretty much shittin' my pants. He tells me to get back inside the car and wait and asks me if my girl needed medical attention. Now, thinking to myself, I decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to make this about her and not me. So, to make a long story short, he calls a fuckin ambulance, then calls a tow truck and tells me: "Since you're over the limit, I can't let you drive like this." I couldn't believe it. I tell him that I'd call a buddy to pick me up and he agreed. To this day that was the closest I have ever been to going to jail. I think that another cop with a fuckin' hidden agenda would have locked me up.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: HD ()
Date: March 15, 2006 08:29PM

Do you think that if you had stayed in your lane and held your speed that just maybe he would not have pulled you over? When you start doing stuff like that you GIVE them a reason to stop you. People who act like that are normally drunk, wanted or carrying dope. You are so paranoid you caused your own problem.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: WashingToneLoc-ian ()
Date: March 15, 2006 08:58PM

Gee. He probably thought you were drunk or on Meth for switching back and forth four times during the course of half-a-mile. Sounds to me like you were being an idiot. Next time, stay in your lane and go the speed limit. You dumbass.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: March 15, 2006 10:51PM


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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: EMSP ()
Date: March 15, 2006 11:46PM

I didn't realize it was illegal to switch lanes. Fuck that cop. "Drop the attitude" sounds like the same pig who pulled me over once for not going fast enough!!

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: CO ()
Date: March 16, 2006 09:25AM

I agree with HD.
Gravis, I have been followed by cops at least 4 times in the past 4 years.
My procedure -
Stick to the speed limit and continue driving in the same lane.
All the 4 times THEY switched lanes and sped off!

If a cop wants to pull you over he will. But dont give him reasons to pull you over.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: trekroner ()
Date: March 16, 2006 09:50AM

This sounds like nothing more than a bored, asshole of a cop who literally had nothing better to do. The fact that he had no recourse but to let you go speaks for itself--you weren't doing anything wrong, and he knew it. Unfortunately, many of them are looking for a reason to issue a ticket; my best advice is to simply not give them one.

As annoying as it is to be followed in that manner, if you know that your license/registration is current and you're obeying the speed limit, let those bastards follow you. They'll eventually grow more frustrated doing the speed limit themselves, and will pass.

If it happens again, be sure to ask for a name and badge number. No attitude necessary--they're obligated to comply. You have every right to follow up and make sure he's not "impaired" as well. ;)

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: March 16, 2006 11:42AM

Or, proactively pull over, get out of the car and assume the position. Wonder what they'd do in that case?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 16, 2006 11:51AM

Sounds like the cop was determined to pull gravis over even though there is no way he could have been prepared to time him through the intersection. If he couldn't tell him the exact speed he was going, the cop was bullshitting and looking for excuses.


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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Fairfax MF-er ()
Date: March 16, 2006 02:13PM

Maybe Gravis just looks like a child molestor or a terrorist. I would assume that's what caused the whole thing.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: 34-09 ()
Date: March 16, 2006 02:29PM

The kicker would have been him nightsticking your sorry ass.
That would be funny.
Please tell me you got a ticket for being a douchebag?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: BR ()
Date: March 16, 2006 02:34PM

Well, honestly...if you kept switching lanes on him like that I'm not surprised he pulled you over.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: March 16, 2006 06:56PM

That lane switching is pretty peculiar behavior, much like someone on drugs or with something to hide would engage in... I'd take a look too if there wasn't anything more interesting going on. That's what he's SUPPOSED to be doing. Sounds like somebody's got a little attitude...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: March 17, 2006 12:11AM

I had an unmarked follow me for 5 seperate turns at signals and what not. He kept tailgating my ass too, like he was trying to get me to speed being oh so sly in his unmarked. Sure I could have slammed on the brakes or something but why kick a sleeping dog? So I made sure to keep it nice and legal and never above 3-4 the limit and when I turned into the development I live he didn't follow. I half expected him to double back but didn't see him pass by.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: March 17, 2006 02:31AM

Psht...instead of switching lanes, Pull over into a shopping center or wherever....

If he still gets on your ass....park the car......walk over to him....and ask him "license and registeration please".....as a joke and ask him if there is a problem....

You ll get a good laugh and he wont bother you....Might even be friends

I donno what i think about cops...i am really confused....

But all i can say is i have encountered some cops that just seemed to think too highly of themselves but i have also encountered many Wonderful officers that make me happy cause we have such wonderful officers in the county....

Either way....If you come across a cop who's cocky....Just make him feel like he's the shit....Cause acting up will do nothing but cause tension......Tension between a person who has the power and is very cocky about it will harm only you.....Who do you think they will listen to? You or the officer?


But remmember, just like you and me, they are all doing there job.

If you disagree with something they did...let them know politely...Thats how you will get somewhere.

K i wrote too much...if i go any further its gonna turn into a book...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: March 17, 2006 09:27AM

Here's a tip. Don't keep changing lanes and if the officer pulls you over and doesn't immediately tell you why he/she pulled you over, demand their name, badge number, the name of their duty officer, their vehicle number, and their station number. Then tell them that you are going to file a complaint due to an unjustified traffic stop.

Oh, and to the guy who had his car searched, you DO know that a police officer can't just search your car at will. They must have probable cause that believe that you have illegal items in your vehicle. They can't just be like, "I'm going to search your car."

If a police officer asks to search your car, *ALWAYS REFUSE* It's no different than letting a cop search your house without a warrant. Sorry, but no warrant, no probable cause, no search.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Fairfax MF-er ()
Date: March 17, 2006 11:02AM

You people are all nuts. You are all paranoid freaks whose paranoid freakish actions draw the attention of law enforcement. Then, when the cops try to figure out if you are drunk, on drugs or mentally ill, you get belligerent with them. They tell you to stop being an ass, which offends you because you ARE an ass. So you run home and get on this board and bitch and whine about the big mean policeman. STFU! You are like those people on Jerry Springer who are 100% responsible for creating their own misery in life.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: RbF_dark420 ()
Date: March 17, 2006 06:29PM

ya it had to of been changing the lanes, I found that when the cops roll up on your tail trying to spook you, I just adjust all my mirrors so i cant see him behind me and then i act and drive like he isnt there. if you ignore them they go away, but if you keep looking at them they think your hiding soemthing. But also i have been pulled over by only 1 bad cop so far that before he asked for my lic & reg asked if i was Stupid.

Only the paraniod will Survive...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: March 17, 2006 07:25PM

I was actually kind of hoping he's pull me over. I was/am 100% legal and was pre-law in college and have worked for legal firms and in courthouses. But like I said there is no reason to provoke them. Their word goes a lot farther than yours in a court of law. BTW does anyone know if Fairfax/VA agencies have dashboard cams?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: taso ()
Date: March 18, 2006 10:00AM

Most of what you said about searches is true. However, a car is not just like a house in the eyse of the court. Because a car is mobile, the standard to search is lower, this is reffered to as the carol doctrine. An officer still needs to have a reason to search but instead of probable cause, they only need reasonable suspicion. It is a lot easier for them to get into cars.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: T ()
Date: March 18, 2006 10:18AM

Alot of Fairfax Co. cars have the dash cameras. Don't know about State or other departments in the area.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: econ ()
Date: March 18, 2006 01:02PM

T Wrote:
> Mofo,
> Alot of Fairfax Co. cars have the dash
> cameras. Don't know about State or other
> departments in the area.

Unfortunately, the dash camera footage is only brought into court when it helps the case, and a judge will rarely require that the police provide evidence that will clear a person of a wrongdoing............. so gay

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 18, 2006 09:32PM

Fairfax MF-er Wrote:
> You people are all nuts. You are all paranoid
> freaks whose paranoid freakish actions draw the
> attention of law enforcement. Then, when the cops
> try to figure out if you are drunk, on drugs or
> mentally ill, you get belligerent with them.

1) i went to great pains to lay out that i was NOT being belligerent.
2) i do have a mental illness, do you have a problem with that?

> They tell you to stop being an ass, which offends you

nein. the first time he said to drop my attitude, i can understand that he felt offened though he shouldnt have felt obligated to "rag on me". everytime after that the cop was just being a jackass because cops in fairfax have egos the size of montana.

> So you run home and get on
> this board and bitch and whine about the big mean
> policeman.

had i done what you said (run home and post) you would have seen me post about 13 hours earlier. this isnt just a kneejerk response to what happened.

> STFU! You are like those people on
> Jerry Springer who are 100% responsible for
> creating their own misery in life.

well... let's see, i think being assulted by the cops (without cause) and then charged with obstruction of justice and assulting two police officers kinda fits under that "not 100% responsible" category. note: this happened a couple years ago and it's only in a few months that ill be off probation. if you want details, do ask. additionally, is it MY fault that i was born with a genetic disorder that causes severe depression. is it my fault that various jackasses in the world say im "faking" depression and that it's not real? get off that high horse you road in on and ram it up your ass. (now that i would pay to see :)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: March 18, 2006 10:33PM

Yo Depression Boy, you're breaking my heart. You use that as and excuse for every dumbass thing you do? I would think someone with an affliction of such a personal nature as depression would kinda keep it on the downlow, not share it with a bunch of strangers who couldn't give a shit. Hey Jesus called, he wants his persecution complex back...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 19, 2006 08:15AM

  how in the hell am i using my depression as an excuse?! also it seems that you are uncomfortable or uncaring to hear that i have such an affliction. you sir, are a monster.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: WashingToneLoc-ian ()
Date: March 19, 2006 09:59AM

I know plenty of people who are clinically depressed who don't have issues with the cops. You ARE using it as an excuse. I'm sure you are collecting your disability check from the feds and spending your days tooling around in your 1992 Toyota Tercel, picking up cigarettes, drinking Hi-C Big Gulps and bitching about how the world is so mean to you. You, sir, are a loser - depression or not.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: depressed forum member ()
Date: March 19, 2006 11:20AM

in his defense I have bi polar disorder and believe me it sucks ass . I am capable of being anything in this world but sometimes its hard to find motivation for anything. when I am happy, its over small stuff, and when im depressed its over small stuff.

i take perscription drugs for add which help but also make me very nervous. these drugs keep me on track with work/school but make me uptight anxious etc which causes me to be a dick.
im 20 years old and i have a job that requires a bachelors degree or 5 years previous experience. I have neither......howd I get it? hard work and a nice resume

and yes i do have a problem with the cops i fucking hate them, i always have to worry all the time about getting pulled over even though im getting passed in the shoulder of the road going 10 mph+++++. cops also like to fuck with me for no reason at all sometimes which just pisses me off even more. when i get fucked with i get extremely angry and get written BS tickets for shit that i diddnt do. did i get angry? yes, did I break the law ? No. so that is BS

I hate people who dont have depression/chemcial imbalances who talk about the shit like they know. much easier to sit back and say 'U are using it as an excuse' well get this brother there are alot of fucking people (1 in 8) who have chemcial imbalance in their brain and its hard as fucking hell because its something you have LITTLE (notice i didnt say no) control over, and influences the way you act/think, but you are still held accountable for it. its really BS too because you dont blame someone for being born retarded or crippled or blind, infact SOCIETY ACCOMADATES THESE PEOPLE, but mean while people with mental disorders are held to the same standard as normal people in regards to the law, social standard, etc, although they have a problem that interferes with their ability to meet these expectations ETC.

sorry for a crazy rant i will rewrite it again so it all makes sense but yes, U try living a day where you go from super happy ( like great sex) to super sad (like a friend died), but it was because someone noticed you and said hey(happy), and you forgot the CD you were meaning to listen to (sad). (trivial shit)

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 19, 2006 01:09PM

WashingToneLoc-ian Wrote:
> I know plenty of people who are clinically
> depressed who don't have issues with the cops. You
> ARE using it as an excuse.

i never said i hate cops because of my disorder. i dont know where you got that idea. disorder or not, i have gotten screwed by them badly and THAT is why i hate them. so... in conclusion... eat me.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: March 19, 2006 01:26PM

Hating cops is like what Judge Bork said about being a liberal; anyone who isn't one at age twenty (liberal/cop hater) is almost as big a fool as anyone who still is at age forty. (his take on the Aristide Briand quote)

As for depression, I don't think dwelling on the shit by advertising it to your local BS forum is likely the best treatment. You're reinforcing its complete hold on your identity; maximizing its use as an excuse for your shitty behavior but at the same time further stigmatizing yourself and thus promoting a downward spiral. Sounds to me like depression is your flag and you identify your place in society with it. Of course I'm no academic; just a guy who doesn't want to get out of fucking bed in the morning and go to work either... Where's my fucking Prozac?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: WashingToneLoc-ian ()
Date: March 19, 2006 02:33PM

First, I have relatives who have manic depression. They use prescribed drugs and have had issues, but I can't tell you the last time they got into it with a cop. It is bullshit to act like having manic depression or clinical depression is an excuse to get into with law enforcement.

Second, if Gravis is bringing up his depression not because he got got pulled over but because he wanted a pity party, then he can go cry himself a river. If you want people on a board like this to cut you some slack, don't try to use your depression. Maybe you can simply act like less of a paranoid twat.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 19, 2006 06:32PM

ok, listen up you fucktards.

first off, im not depressed and it has NOTHING to do with this incident i only mentioned it because of the following

Fairfax MF-er Wrote:
> STFU! You are like those people on
> Jerry Springer who are 100% responsible for
> creating their own misery in life.

so i replied with "additionally, is it MY fault that i was born with a genetic disorder that causes severe depression." which is a valid point. im not responsible for having depression as it's something that i was born with. it makes life harder but i was simply making a point.

Fairfax MF-er Wrote:
> You people are all nuts. You are all paranoid
> freaks whose paranoid freakish actions draw the
> attention of law enforcement. Then, when the cops
> try to figure out if you are drunk, on drugs or
> mentally ill, you get belligerent with them.

1) i went to great pains to lay out that i was NOT being belligerent.
2) i do have a mental illness, do you have a problem with that?

hell, it was really supposed to be more of a joke. you guys have blown it up to mean something when it meant nothing at all. i am NOT using it as an excuse to be pissed off at cops. so really, you are making something out of nothing. read the posts! i am not paranoid as a result of my disorder but rather as having very bad experiences with very bad cops. so you two can go fuck each other and while you are doing it say how im complaining about my bipolar disorder.

i think it's really your problem that you have with me. in essence, you are the ones who have been complaining. sounds like you two a real winners. jackasses.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: March 19, 2006 07:23PM

You threw it out there Sadsack, we simply called you on it. And while the rest is smack, I will give you props on your use of "fucktards..."

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 20, 2006 09:50PM

so i guess mentioning that i suffer from depression is automatically called whining? you two are just acting assholes and nothing else simply because you disagree with me.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: depressed forum member ()
Date: March 20, 2006 11:30PM

WashingToneLoc-ian Wrote:
> First, I have relatives who have manic depression.
> They use prescribed drugs and have had issues, but
> I can't tell you the last time they got into it
> with a cop. It is bullshit to act like having
> manic depression or clinical depression is an
> excuse to get into with law enforcement.
> Second, if Gravis is bringing up his depression
> not because he got got pulled over but because he
> wanted a pity party, then he can go cry himself a
> river. If you want people on a board like this to
> cut you some slack, don't try to use your
> depression. Maybe you can simply act like less of
> a paranoid twat.

Wowowow how about a nice warm cup of STFU read what I said faggot I said I take drugs for ADD not manic depression cause those drugs suck terrible ass and make you super lazy and once you've taken then you cant blame ppl who sick around and coolllect welfare checks cause zyprexa makes u super ass fucking lazy and lithium requires alot of blood testing ok and the others are for people with schizo problems which I dont have so go read u a DSM-III manual or some shit mother fucker

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 21, 2006 12:06AM

zyprexa is the devil.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Fairfax MF-er ()
Date: March 21, 2006 10:23AM

depressed forum member Wrote:

> Wowowow how about a nice warm cup of STFU read
> what I said faggot I said I take drugs for ADD not
> manic depression cause those drugs suck terrible
> ass and make you super lazy and once you've taken
> then you cant blame ppl who sick around and
> coolllect welfare checks cause zyprexa makes u
> super ass fucking lazy and lithium requires alot
> of blood testing ok and the others are for people
> with schizo problems which I dont have so go read
> u a DSM-III manual or some shit mother fucker

Apparently the ADD medication prevents you from using punctuation.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: depressed forum member ()
Date: March 23, 2006 12:29AM

hey look heres my care cup \_/ notice its empty bitch

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: burpguns ()
Date: February 15, 2016 03:35PM

Damn I forgot about this shit

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Alphabet Agency #6 Trillion ()
Date: February 15, 2016 03:42PM

That sucks man. Whenever they are behind me it peaks my anxiety but I just do nothing different and then they usually throw a temper tantrum and go around me real fast. It's fucking gay. I hope the niggers kill them all.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Logitech ()
Date: February 15, 2016 03:55PM

Whatever happened to Gravis, the man named after shitty joysticks?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: February 15, 2016 04:12PM

god let these old posts die you morons....

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Cjjdxncnb ()
Date: February 15, 2016 04:40PM

You think we don't read these forums fucked, you wanted to throw me back in my car? Anytime you want to meet, no badge, no charges, just you and me you little punk. Say the fuxking word. We try and keep the place safe and get pussy motherfuckers like you switching lanes like a pussy. Like I said anytime. P.s. See you next time you drive past.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Miss Him ()
Date: February 15, 2016 07:07PM

I do miss Gravis. Did he just grow up and start a family and career, or was it something else?

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: eeshologists ()
Date: February 15, 2016 07:13PM

Miss Him Wrote:
> I do miss Gravis. Did he just grow up and start a
> family and career, or was it something else?

Eesh chased him away after posting pictures of him and his family constantly.


Vargis Rose, he makes fun of miz and gravis there.

In eeshs defense, gravis was one ugly mug


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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: Peetaaa ()
Date: February 15, 2016 08:45PM

^^^He looks like Peter Griffin!

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: hb6uD ()
Date: February 15, 2016 09:28PM

I've been pulled over for absolutely no reason, driving about 20 in a 20 MPH zone. No reason or explanation for the stop; none whatsoever. Asshole shining super-bright blinding flashlight onto my face the entire time. To the point of extreme pain. It was assault.

After a little while, he commanded that I get lost.

I wanted to shoot him.
Now when someone says "FCPS cops", I think about becoming a police-hunting sniper. Set up carefully near their house and wait for them to arrive home late at night. Pop head with rifle. Drive off.

Would take some careful planning, but would be good to see how many I could pop before they get paranoid. 2 or 3 probably. Then leave the area for a year. Come back annually.

Police names and addresses can be easily obtained, and of course it's easy to case them. Escape route is probably the most important part of the plan; can't be in the neighborhood 10 minutes later.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: cGpYD ()
Date: February 15, 2016 09:29PM


Got snow days on the brain...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: 10 years and 50 odd posts ()
Date: February 15, 2016 09:53PM

later and nobody bothered to notice the OP said he was pulled over by a GMU cop, not a FCPD revenue generator? campus cops are just a notch above a gun carrying rentacop.

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: .... ()
Date: February 15, 2016 11:17PM

If any of the posters here are niggers, 1)you all lie so you probably did deserve to get pulled over, and 2)your idea of "not giving attitude" is worlds apart from what sane, logical and rational humans know is attitude.

We all know it's you know it.

Dindu nuffins. He a gud boy. Etc...etc...

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Re: pulled over by Officer Friendly, for not wanting to be pulled over
Posted by: SADNESS ()
Date: February 15, 2016 11:21PM

Lost Gravis and Eesh stayed? That's tragic.

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