Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by:
luke steffan
Date: September 29, 2010 02:41AM
Hi, my name is Luke Steffan, if any one still reads this I just have a few things to say for myself. I notice that many people who dont know me or my past at all have chosen to comment on things they dont know about. That makes me sad. This is permanent. I wonder if any of these people took the time to notice that those charges were obsolved? The police found out through exculpitory DNA evidence that I was not responsable for those crimes. So thank you all for spending your time thinking that you know what you are talking about. Good work.You clearly do not. You all suck. But dont think that I am angry. Im not. You are your own punishments, you just dont know it. There are postings on here that are from disgruntled women from my past. Women that I really cared about, that cant seem to own what is their own. I am not an innocent man. But I am a man none the less. What Ive done in my past: I own, like it or not. But the things that you people seem to think you know so much about,are just foolish comments, posted forever in a place that will not dissapear. If a man were to decide to look me up, and found this site, he might think that now he knows something about my true personality, or standing in this world, when really all that he found is what you people, you shallow judgmental people, think that you know. That is a terrible thing. One posting speaks of carma. None of you are innocent. None without fault. You do not know me, you do not know my past, my future, or my motivations at any point throughout. I am just sad about this. You all make me so sad. Not because you are wrong, but because this is the world that I live in. If I ever were to do something like the thing that you all are so certain I did, it would would be because I was dying to go to prison. To escape you.In my life, I have spent over 6 years in prison, and it aint because im a saint, but you dont know that, you dont know shit, so stop pretending that you do. Honestly, in prison, I met some people that blow you people out of the water as to quality of human life. You all post these comments, like you are 'in the know', I guess so you can feel better than what you are, just for a moment, but you forget that every thing posted has a face. You are pothetic. You post under what you think is a clever handle, But what is really a mask for your fear. And I dont mean fear of me. I am not a man to fear. I am kind, I am gentle, all that I have ever wanted was pease, love, and goodness. On that you can stand. Fear of what you might find if you just looked at you, instead of me, or others "like me". As for Erin Left, my greatfully Exgirlfriend, You are a sad thing to behold. Do you really blame me for your IV drug addictions? Did any of you people even see or know me using meth? You think I was feeding an addiction by robbing 7-11s? For meth? Jesus, who are you people? What gives you right to say something like that?! Ugly, Ugly Ugly Ugly people! The photo was taken durring a blink, Are you retarded? do you think drugs make a persons eyes look like that? Have you ever found your eyes looking like that for any reason? You people are so stupid. Why would you put yourselves out there like that, and under the guise of putting me out there? Pathetic. Angel lady, I know who you are, you are a good friend, as a matter of fact you are the only person on this post that knows what a friend is. And I thank you. Thanks for showing these people what they are worth to the world. And I can see it now, "how can a guy like luke talk about worth to the world?" good question. Meet me and find out. If you need something, anything, help in any way I would be there. If you ever wanted to meet an experienced heart, I am that. Some people know that. Some people just wish they knew things. God bless you all. Some of you deserve it, many just need it. Im not perfect, I have done some bad things, some the police know about, and some that they dont, But I am not what you say that am. I never was. If you want so badly to talk, talk about you. make the world a better place. Stop who you are.