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What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: October 28, 2008 03:18PM

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: October 28, 2008 03:54PM

He better start worrying about his bunghole.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: October 28, 2008 11:33PM

Oh my god.

Genevieve and I know this guy. He was at my house hanging out via a mutual friend a few months ago. He is on probation (or parole I can't recall which) and is a meth (and many other drugs) addict. He is clearly on meth in the photo above.

If he did a robbery, it was to fuel his habit. He told me he's done a bunch of dumb shit before to fuel it. This time he stepped way over the forgivable line... the thing that sucks is he is more or less a decent guy when he's not tweaked out, too bad he can't keep his shit together. His next 5-15 years should be interesting.

If you look up his record on this site, it's pretty long... if you go with the state site's search, it becomes an odyssey.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: C9jGC ()
Date: October 29, 2008 07:48AM

Only 26....what a F**kup.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: October 29, 2008 09:39AM

The circles around the eyes are often due to hepatitis or sorocis of the liver.

Either that or he is some of left over actor from the last Ghost Busters movie.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2008 09:40AM by Lurker..

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: duhhhh ()
Date: October 29, 2008 09:47AM

u ppl are dense, he started to blink at the precise moment the shutter closed on the jail cam!

also a lot of bad ppl are "decent" when they arent tweaked out, doesnt negate their actions. addictions are just a crutch ppl try to use to weasel out of taking responsibility for their actions

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: October 29, 2008 11:48AM

Actualy, Lurker, you are spot-on. When he was at my house I invited him to have a few drinks, and he and two other people proceeded to lay waste to my bar.. top shelf, mid, whatever, they tore into it without abandon and managed to reduce a massive stock to mere drops.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: October 29, 2008 12:11PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Actualy, Lurker, you are spot-on. When he was at
> my house I invited him to have a few drinks, and
> he and two other people proceeded to lay waste to
> my bar.. top shelf, mid, whatever, they tore into
> it without abandon and managed to reduce a massive
> stock to mere drops.

I hope you didn't get stiffed entirely. I assuming they at least had some drugged up naked strippers or porn stars with them?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: LuLu ()
Date: October 29, 2008 01:52PM

It's almost like he has cataracts. Either way he has the look of someone who will be dead very soon.

Am I the only one who thinks REStonPeace should choose his friends--or at least the people who enter his home--, more wisely?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2008 04:50PM by LuLu.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Lukey Luke ()
Date: October 29, 2008 06:08PM

He burglarized my neighbor's house a couple of years ago in Fox Mill. He is a pleasant guy on ocassion though

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: October 29, 2008 06:31PM

Looks like he got a good start to this year with a DWI.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: October 30, 2008 04:24AM

Lulu, you're not the only one who thinks that... believe me, getting into 'Club RESton' is going to be a bitch from now on...

and as some other poster mentioned, he lived in fox mill for a long time, and I grew up there, so since I had just met the dude and he didn't mention his record, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, having forgotten that fox mill is full of miscreants. lesson learned.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: October 30, 2008 04:25AM

hmm well I meant to post that under reston peace, oh well

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: e ()
Date: November 10, 2008 03:46AM

i was his fiancee until just 6 months ago.hi.not that anyone really cares, but this is a way for me to vent over this. i may not even return to this to see if yall respond, but i guess for the least it'll give you somethin to chew on. Luke is a charmer. beneath all the crap you will find a good child.i fell in love with him instantly.we understood each other, we had fun...it was like movie kinda happy and shit.about a month later i was shocked when he was arrested for a probation violation (not parole), failure to pay restitution...well, i knew bits about his record, but i didn't relly know. he was sentenced to a year at fairfax (his current home). we had been together 1 month, and i stood by his side for 1 year.faithful.more than faithful.i bought him a new wardrobe, he was living in my moms with me rent free.this boy had it made.i did and gave everything for him.his history does include drug use yes...i may be partial because i witnessed and participated in the 8 month iv cocain bender of our 2nd year together, but before we were together he did do meth.he dragged me down a very hard road, but in was the one who chose to follow until i could walk no further, then i crawled, then i lie still, then i was dragged.for 2.5 years i was a prisoner to this child.he will serve his time...i am finally free. his eyes?they're dead.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: November 11, 2008 12:12PM

Well hopefully you've received the help you need to get clean and try to move on with your life.

Luke will be getting at least (5) years for his current offenses. But since he has prior convictions for forgery and credit card fraud, I suspect he'll get 7-10. That should give him plenty of time to clean up his act.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: November 11, 2008 12:27PM

I may have to rely on REStonPeace for the details, but Luke did mention you e. Apparently, he had decided that you were the one he was going to marry. Unfortunately, he didn't tell our mutual friend this until after they had been dating for a few weeks. Then after they broke up, he proceeded to hook with one of her best friends... while she slept in the next room. Lovely guy.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RES<3'sGenevieve ()
Date: November 11, 2008 12:47PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Oh my god.
> Genevieve and I know this guy. He was at my house
> hanging out via a mutual friend a few months ago.
> He is on probation (or parole I can't recall
> which) and is a meth (and many other drugs)
> addict. He is clearly on meth in the photo above.
> If he did a robbery, it was to fuel his habit. He
> told me he's done a bunch of dumb shit before to
> fuel it. This time he stepped way over the
> forgivable line... the thing that sucks is he is
> more or less a decent guy when he's not tweaked
> out, too bad he can't keep his shit together. His
> next 5-15 years should be interesting.
> If you look up his record on this site, it's
> pretty long... if you go with the state site's
> search, it becomes an odyssey.

Considering your married RES, I would be more careful who you have over. Just like when driving, remember, 'Precious cargo'.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: November 11, 2008 12:59PM

Genevieve Wrote:
Unfortunately, he didn't tell our mutual
> friend this until after they had been dating for a
> few weeks. Then after they broke up, he proceeded
> to hook with one of her best friends... while she
> slept in the next room. Lovely guy.

Three women at once, sounds like this guy really knows women. Sorry, but every girl I know who dates a guy like this knows he's probably cheating. Chances are that she met him when he was cheating on some other girl and she knew it.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 11, 2008 01:03PM

RES<3'sGenevieve Wrote:

> Considering your married RES, I would be more
> careful who you have over. Just like when driving,
> remember, 'Precious cargo'.

Considering my married.... what?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 11, 2008 01:05PM

There is no proof Luke hooked up with the girl in our den. I might have to go with good ol' "anything but" on this one.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: you got me ()
Date: November 11, 2008 01:19PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> RES<3'sGenevieve Wrote:
> > Considering you're married RES, I would be more
> > careful who you have over. Just like when
> driving,
> > remember, 'Precious cargo'.
> Considering my married.... what?


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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: November 11, 2008 01:43PM

Eeew, that guy has ghost eyes like Cindy McCain.


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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: what? ()
Date: November 11, 2008 03:42PM

but hey seriously... what is wrong with his eyes... is that really from blinking?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: November 11, 2008 04:48PM

A couple acts of sodomy in the pen should take care of that cloudy eye thing.....

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Catlovr ()
Date: November 11, 2008 06:33PM

496 Wrote:
> A couple acts of sodomy in the pen should take
> care of that cloudy eye thing.....

Ah not again, another dumbass comment.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: NeverAlone. ()
Date: March 12, 2009 02:51PM

what you think you know, you have no idea.
addiction is a disease.CHRONIC progressive and fatal.
ITs never going to change. Hes sick.
and needs a friend.
Gods got Him and so do i.

"SWIM home" he will soon.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 13, 2009 06:31PM

Whatever did happen to Luke? He really is a good guy when he's not strung out, hope he lands well.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: sophacles ()
Date: March 13, 2009 08:53PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> The circles around the eyes are often due to
> hepatitis or sorocis of the liver.
> Either that or he is some of left over actor from
> the last Ghost Busters movie.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: lady angel ()
Date: September 23, 2009 05:38AM

luke steffan has a heart of gold... a child of god.

i love him with everything iam. you don't know the true Luke I DO... He is my bestfriend, my whole heart. people are sick. ADDICTION IS NOT A CRUTCH it is a disease, how would you know what it is if your NOT an addict. he was sick.hes an angel yes we've all done our fair share of wrongs but before you go judging people make sure your FUCKING hands are clean. this message board makes me sick. get lives you fucks. karma is a bitch.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 23, 2009 07:25AM

lady angel Wrote:
> luke steffan has a heart of gold


> ... a child of god.


> you don't know the true Luke I DO...


> hes an angel


> yes we've all done our fair share of wrongs


> but before you go judging people make sure your FUCKING hands
> are clean.


> this message board makes me sick.


> get lives you fucks.


> karma is a bitch.

Bonus points!

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: WTF? ()
Date: September 23, 2009 09:25AM

I think Luke has a heart of gold and is a great guy too. He is just a fucking dumb ass with no self control and needs to have his gangsta ass thrown in jail for robbing people.

Karma is a bitch when you rob people!

Robbery at 7-Eleven Store in Reston

A 48-year-old, Reston man, working as a clerk at the 7-Eleven Store at 2303 Soapstone Drive, was robbed. Shortly before 5 a.m. on Sunday, October 19, a man, claiming he had a gun, approached the clerk and demanded money. The clerk handed over an undisclosed amount of cash and was not injured. The suspect fled on foot.

He was described as being white, in his 20s, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing approximately 160 pounds. He was wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans and a bandana covering his face.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 23, 2009 10:12AM

I have hung with Luke several times... I know these things about him also but damn, you also know as well as I do he's the first to talk about personal responsibility and owning your actions. People who blindly defend dangerous criminal behavior make me as sick as this board makes you.

And as far as hands being clean... it's perfectly fine to pass judgement on his behavior. he robbed a 7-11 twice, with a gun. The terror that clerk must have felt is what resonates with me more than Luke's soul.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Date: September 23, 2009 04:37PM

I just find judgement sad all together. no one knows what was in that poor boys mind. leave him to fight his own demons, dont attack him while he struggles. all of think you are justified when you judge him but you aren't. there is never a reason to judge.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: September 23, 2009 04:50PM

stay silent

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 23, 2009 05:00PM

You're right. I mean, who among us can claim we haven't found ourselves committing armed robbery?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Toke Master ()
Date: September 23, 2009 05:07PM

> I just find judgement sad all together. no one
> knows what was in that poor boys mind. leave him
> to fight his own demons, dont attack him while he
> struggles. all of think you are justified when you
> judge him but you aren't. there is never a reason
> to judge.

We know what was on his mind -> Robbing a 7-11 for fast cash. Pleny of people do drugs and don't rob 7-11's while on them.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Steve U. ()
Date: September 23, 2009 05:44PM

When I first read the title of this thread, I thought you meant my alter ego Stephan Urkel.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 23, 2009 06:05PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> You're right. I mean, who among us can claim we
> haven't found ourselves committing armed robbery?

Lord knows I relapse every other week, at least.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Rat tar Rat ()
Date: September 23, 2009 06:07PM

Mephisto is too busy sexual assaulting women and abusing animals that sick fuck.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 23, 2009 06:09PM

Rat tar Rat Wrote:
> Mephisto is too busy sexual assaulting women and
> abusing animals that sick fuck.

There's that, too.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 24, 2009 02:37PM

> I just find judgement sad all together. no one
> knows what was in that poor boys mind. leave him
> to fight his own demons, dont attack him while he
> struggles. all of think you are justified when you
> judge him but you aren't. there is never a reason
> to judge.

Do you care about what was in the 7-Eleven clerk's mind as Luke pointed the gun and demanded money?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Date: September 24, 2009 02:59PM


edit: removed street name because im a nice guy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2009 03:00PM by Charlie Schmidt's "cool cat".

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: judging ()
Date: September 24, 2009 03:00PM

> there is never a reason to judge.

Yes, their is. It is called being a Judge. Even, as a juror, you are passing judgement. It is part of our system of law and order.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: david letterman ()
Date: September 29, 2010 01:37AM

you are clearly a fucking moron. Why would you take it upon your self to go on the internet, were what you write is permanent, and speak about a person as if you know him, when you clearly dont, and say things that are not true? Dont you think he has enough problems without your dumb ass spreading missinformation? Get a life.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: angel wings ()
Date: September 29, 2010 01:46AM

Jesus Christ, do any of you know this girl who posted this? She is her own child and her own problem. She is an actress who thinks the whole world is her stage. As long as she has a patsy things are fine, She just publicly blamed anothe rperson for all of her problems, and then called that person a child. Grow up child. Wake up, we know you. You are disgusting all on your own Erin Left. Stuupid children Post stupid childish things. Take your own responsibility for your own shit. Hes a charmer? He had you fooled? you are a fool, but that isnt his fault. Even today, years after him, you still suck

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: luke steffan ()
Date: September 29, 2010 02:41AM

Hi, my name is Luke Steffan, if any one still reads this I just have a few things to say for myself. I notice that many people who dont know me or my past at all have chosen to comment on things they dont know about. That makes me sad. This is permanent. I wonder if any of these people took the time to notice that those charges were obsolved? The police found out through exculpitory DNA evidence that I was not responsable for those crimes. So thank you all for spending your time thinking that you know what you are talking about. Good work.You clearly do not. You all suck. But dont think that I am angry. Im not. You are your own punishments, you just dont know it. There are postings on here that are from disgruntled women from my past. Women that I really cared about, that cant seem to own what is their own. I am not an innocent man. But I am a man none the less. What Ive done in my past: I own, like it or not. But the things that you people seem to think you know so much about,are just foolish comments, posted forever in a place that will not dissapear. If a man were to decide to look me up, and found this site, he might think that now he knows something about my true personality, or standing in this world, when really all that he found is what you people, you shallow judgmental people, think that you know. That is a terrible thing. One posting speaks of carma. None of you are innocent. None without fault. You do not know me, you do not know my past, my future, or my motivations at any point throughout. I am just sad about this. You all make me so sad. Not because you are wrong, but because this is the world that I live in. If I ever were to do something like the thing that you all are so certain I did, it would would be because I was dying to go to prison. To escape you.In my life, I have spent over 6 years in prison, and it aint because im a saint, but you dont know that, you dont know shit, so stop pretending that you do. Honestly, in prison, I met some people that blow you people out of the water as to quality of human life. You all post these comments, like you are 'in the know', I guess so you can feel better than what you are, just for a moment, but you forget that every thing posted has a face. You are pothetic. You post under what you think is a clever handle, But what is really a mask for your fear. And I dont mean fear of me. I am not a man to fear. I am kind, I am gentle, all that I have ever wanted was pease, love, and goodness. On that you can stand. Fear of what you might find if you just looked at you, instead of me, or others "like me". As for Erin Left, my greatfully Exgirlfriend, You are a sad thing to behold. Do you really blame me for your IV drug addictions? Did any of you people even see or know me using meth? You think I was feeding an addiction by robbing 7-11s? For meth? Jesus, who are you people? What gives you right to say something like that?! Ugly, Ugly Ugly Ugly people! The photo was taken durring a blink, Are you retarded? do you think drugs make a persons eyes look like that? Have you ever found your eyes looking like that for any reason? You people are so stupid. Why would you put yourselves out there like that, and under the guise of putting me out there? Pathetic. Angel lady, I know who you are, you are a good friend, as a matter of fact you are the only person on this post that knows what a friend is. And I thank you. Thanks for showing these people what they are worth to the world. And I can see it now, "how can a guy like luke talk about worth to the world?" good question. Meet me and find out. If you need something, anything, help in any way I would be there. If you ever wanted to meet an experienced heart, I am that. Some people know that. Some people just wish they knew things. God bless you all. Some of you deserve it, many just need it. Im not perfect, I have done some bad things, some the police know about, and some that they dont, But I am not what you say that am. I never was. If you want so badly to talk, talk about you. make the world a better place. Stop who you are.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: I cunt spell ()
Date: September 29, 2010 03:13AM

Way too much text, stopped reading after the first couple of lines. Reads like a meth rant.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: September 29, 2010 08:52AM

Thread resurrection

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Future Ex Mrs. Steffan ()
Date: September 29, 2010 01:46PM

Darling - I wish you the best as you embark upon life in the outside world. I also wish that you'd use that space bar. Really. Try to push the enter button every time you change a thought.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Breaking Bad ()
Date: September 29, 2010 01:57PM

I cunt spell Wrote:
> Way too much text, stopped reading after the first
> couple of lines. Reads like a meth rant.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: IDK..but ()
Date: September 29, 2010 01:57PM

what? Wrote:
> but hey seriously... what is wrong with his
> eyes... is that really from blinking?

I think it's just the quality of the photo and how it was developed.

That's totally the photo, not him

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 29, 2010 02:02PM

I'm not rereading the thread but did you knock over the 7-11 or not because that's really all I commented on I think.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 29, 2010 07:20PM


"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: October 01, 2010 02:05PM

I cunt spell Wrote:
> Way too much text, stopped reading after the first
> couple of lines. Reads like a meth rant.

Plus it's written at 2 AM. Can't sleep? Wonder why! Paragraphs are your friend!

If you don't want your name smeared all over the internet, don't be a dumbass. It’s pretty simple.

If you do stupid things (such as end up an addict and a criminal) people will call you stupid. That's the way life works.

Can't handle it? Go back to jail. I'm sure someone there can sympathize with how unfairly strangers have treated you on the internet.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Effie ()
Date: October 01, 2010 03:11PM

Luke Steffan Wrote:
Honestly, in prison, I met some people that blow you

Yeah, that what we've heard.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: BP ()
Date: October 06, 2020 11:02AM

For all of you with nasty comments who know nothing, Luke is on Life support that will be removed tomorrow. Seriously, get to know someone before throwing out ugliness. I will not give details.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: BP ()
Date: October 06, 2020 11:30AM

Never mind, he got better.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: Angel wings ()
Date: April 19, 2023 02:52PM

BP Wrote:
> Never mind, he got better.

He didn’t you peices of shit. All of you are garbage human beings.

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: BUtisit ()
Date: April 19, 2023 03:44PM

Victim of spider?

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Re: What the hell is wrong with Luke Steffan's Eyes
Posted by: 711 to ABC ()
Date: April 19, 2023 05:47PM


He robbed the ABC store twice in 2015 and 2016.

Whats he up to now?

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