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Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 04:59PM

I'm a 3rd party reporting this, a witness, though have my own gripe.

NVMHI, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institue (the name is a lie: run by Fairfax), in arlington

TORTUREING a girl. but first ...

------ first background - what all paitents complain of ------

Fairfax is falsely accusing people without a trial and hold them there without a trial. It's how they "deal with" anyone who refuses to agree with what democrats want (but also the truly insane). Note they send people there, ie, because they yelled at someone (if they tell you otherwise they are lying).

Thing is: no trial. Fairfax can hold you without a trial longer than 30 days that way.

Of course the place is run by foreigners bulova hired. While there the damn foreigners proscribe expensive drugs to everyone who comes in (every last one), and if they refuse, gang up on them and force inject them. The damn foreigner doctors write lies down about everyone there to keep them there the maximum ammount of time they legally can (also to show a false record incase somone complains legally they have false "medical" information to say "oh that person? we found they were crazy"). they continually check blood pressure (an idiot can do that, and they bill for it) yet if a patient has a medical complaint they tell them to shut up. And it's a bunch of damn foreigners and implants from other areas. did i say that already?

You all are paying for the drugs and abuse of people maybe someday you! And i bet allot of those drugs are going AROUND the window not just through it.

The damn staff makes up rules as they go along to aggravate the patients: absolutely - to intently aggravate. They insure no one has any human rights or a good day. They insure the day is boring as being slapped with a wet noodle and that no progress (ie, toward a job) is possible unless it is done their way (their way: months of smoozing and preventing progress). They cut off the phones if people call out for help. Any patient that does get angry (they all do - and some of them are crazy and provocable) they will call the police and have them put in prison (incl. the truly ill - which yes - is a terrible thing to do to the ill). they lord it over them, absolutely. these people have power over EVERYTHING. what you say, what you think (because they write up bad reports if you are "disagreeable" thus), when you want to do anything. and they abuse the power continually just to excercise it. They con you into thinking if your a good patient you'll leave earlier. They create problems in the "assesment" papers to insure it's all a lie: they keep you there as long as they legally can. And what's worse is the damn doctors know EXACTLY how to push the patients buttons, many scream and storm out of meets and swear afterword.

this place is a total facist facility burning a hole in the taxpayers pockets and are cruel to even the mentally ill.

--------- TORTURE CASE -----------

there was a southern girl there, young. you'd find her crying on the floor "why me - i had friends - i had a the best boyfriend"

unfortunately like a southern girl she didn't like foreigners and was NOT afraid to say so. she asked for transfer.

they continually assigned blacks to her room who fought her and threatened her life.

they continually ganged up on her and force injected her - and she wouild get bruising. everyone would hear the screaming.

they'd lock her in solitary hours and hours about every day.

the f'ing foreigners acted like they were nice and just helping. she knew what f'ing liars they are.


no f'ing way. they wanted her there and wouldn't let her damn go, wanter her there in the worst wing - the inlet wing.

they made her miserable daily. they foreced themselves and their lack of any human rights on her daily.

make no mistake she had a mouth and was a pain in the ass. sh would break down (under the circumstances, and due to all that forced medication - i can't even say they aren't causing her problem). infact i can't say for sure she had a mouth: because her racial comments may well have been justified. they were torturing her.

they kept her there to torture her. and did torture her. maybe still are.

(you know screaming. other people say "damn why don't they leave that girl alone?")


and they don't give the insane time to eat rush rush if the insane are not watching the clock they say "tough you missed it"

they have "smooze" written on their day board. bunch of damn asshole facist governement workers smoozing time an money off the tax payer and know what? they think it's f'ing funny

and they are all to righteous about the power they have over others

------ The Virginian ------------

A different facility, the one Virginia runs? allot smaller, much nicer, allows patients to smoke (at times). people don't complain there much - except about the right to work so they can leave so they can get their human rights back. except about that. but they aren't that bad there - they try to be good to the patients even a little allowing. it's a temporary place people aren't there long. That's definitely one place they could easily have sent the girl. it's an inlet for the other facility for most.


i have a list of complaints (ie, mold in showers, holes in shower, "missing" legal papers staff took), no time now. just to introduce what crap they get away with, the facists that keep voting bulova in, just starting to explain it is a long article.


as a witness (in my own case but for another too) i accuse NVMHI of torture

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Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 05:13PM


the girl kept complaining she was pregnant and they kept killing her baby, and also that she'd been raped by them

that part i guess i'd attribute to all the drugs they kept forcing into her. there's no way i could know for sure.

the screaming and continual pounding when they continually force her in solitary and teamed up on her / force injected her. unforgettable.

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Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 05:21PM

drugs and what they did to her would drive anyone mad. i mean i wouldn't expect she wouldn't break. her age. people ganging up on her and all that.

they did it intently. they had empty wings to fill after all.

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Re: reported rape bailey's crossroads
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 06:38PM

before i forget.

while at bailey's (a 3 day hold over to nvmhi)

A heard a loud cry. Then I heard a woman screaming about rap.

The nurses are all female but the guards are male. They check the showers while people take showers (done at all facilities).

The woman was latino i think. According to Hilary's / Clinton VAWA law if she cries rape she gets citizen ship. HOWEVER. i have no idea if she's a citizen she may have been.

The nurse said to her "no he was just checking on you". She was very excited yellign "no no he came in he raped me".

Why they thought having an untrained male from dc checking females while showering was a good idea (as oppsed to the nurses doing it) i wonder. Too much trust maybe.


Point being. Let me guess. They didn't report it. And since she's been deemed crazy by democrats: if she makes a claim they will cover it up and say "oh we called her crazy don't listen to her".

Me. All i know is she was honestly excited. Whatever bothered her I'm sure her state of exitation and surprise was not fake.

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Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 18, 2013 06:51PM

Who are you talking to?

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Re: reported rape bailey's crossroads
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 07:05PM

oh i forgot. i did with / after the initial screams i heard some / slight tussel. and she kept screaming "get off me get off me". that's before the nurse arrived to see what was going on of course.

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Posted by: Mikeymike ()
Date: August 18, 2013 08:47PM

Damn, crazy. Take your meds.

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Re: reported rape bailey's crossroads
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 10:05PM

you take the meds. what do you know?

and i'm talking to the town.

I was put in there after winning two lawsuits against the county, they owe me money on disability and they had falsely prosecuted me and lost. And the suits they lost in: they owed me quite a bit of damn money (still do). The Attourney General of Fairfax even dodged court after scheduling the day (we had BOTh schedule the court day).

There was an older asian woman there. quite a temper at times. she complained to me she had worked a long time and saved money and was just in the process of buying her first house. She said the county falsely prosecuted her for "anger" and took all her money. She didn't get a day in court. If she's right: no wonder she had a temper at times. They let her play her boom box shortly, once a week. Wow thanks you fucking facists. What a bonus !!

Another female there also had a strange story. She was more a partier in life. Yet she had been working around town. Had been a realator. She said recently she'd turned a realator deal and the people didn't pay and owed her a nice chunk of money. She was calling people and calling lawyers complaining about it when they didn't prevent her. She said she thought she was there because someone in fairfax owed her money.


that young southern girl with the big mouth (harmless, just mouthy)

she hated me. and though i knew to avoid her - she even tried to pull me in accusing me of "looking at her". weeks later she started talking to me (note there were guys she was interested in - not that they allow interests - they prevent interest).

fact is i'm older and she's younger. it was all a cry for help. that's right weeks later. she was there when i got there and still there a month later.

fact was if i didn't walk a fine line i'd be talking to that asian and never able to tell the story

she probably wondered why no one would stand up for her. fact is I said something to the staff they threatened me. had i pressed they would have called a cop - because they are damn facists.


You heard me. It's a torture charge. And it's 3rd person. I have nothing directly to gain from her case. Mine I already one and i'm waiting for them to test the waters.

They have threatened me. Told me to make a move. But I am courting them. Exactly what they didn't plan for.

And I have a shitload of papers to prove all my cases and they know it.

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Re: reported rape bailey's crossroads
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 18, 2013 10:12PM

they were torturning that girl quite a while

she's tough and did't mind mouthing off about hating foreigners. i do wonder how she is. they were making allot of racial remarks about getting her.

as i said: this is torture because she asked to leave and they kept her there and made her bed with foreigners who threatened and fought her - and they'd write it up on her record as her fault. daily they forced themselves on her and pumped her with medications the World Health Organization has issued warnings about.

tought girl and young. but not as tough as her aggressors. they were a damn gang who hated southerners

i said torture and i mean it

you want to say a damn thing about it let's go to court

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Posted by: XVEPV ()
Date: August 18, 2013 10:29PM

(but also the truly insane).
> Note they send people there, ie, because they
> yelled at someone (if theysvennestle Wrote:
> I'm a 3rd party reporting this, a witness, though
> have my own gripe.
> NVMHI, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institue
> (the name is a lie: run by Fairfax), in arlington
> TORTUREING a girl. but first ...
> ------ first background - what all paitents
> complain of ------
> Fairfax is falsely accusing people without a trial
> and hold them there without a trial. It's how
> they "deal with" anyone who refuses to agree with
> what democrats want

everyone STOPPED reading right there...if you could just refrain from inserting some silly political bias, maybe you would be taken more seriously

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Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: August 18, 2013 11:25PM

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck...this year's 2concerned?

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Re: reported rape bailey's crossroads
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: August 19, 2013 12:54AM


there was an older african lady there from dc. she seems a bit cooky - a likely suspect to be in such a place - outwardly.

but when i talked to her more i found out. the accent was and older one and from a religious way, which also explained the out of date way of her dressing. the part of town she'd been in was an older respectable part of working people. she'd often done laundry to get by. and worked allot. she wasn't high tech but she seemed very sensible for the life she lived. and always very kind.

she complained she had certain income (i can't remember what but it sounded legitimate - an x in the military was it?) and had been paying her rent on time. she said they came along, took her apartment, and stopped her pay. she said she couldn't beleive it and thought they must be theives.

i said, "ok even if that's all so. why are you here at NVMHI? why not at a home?". she said "they told me i'm not old enough yet and i have to stay here a few years until i'm old enough"

i wouldn't say she's high tech or with the fast crowd. but damn if i saw a reason they'd be keeping her a captive.

there's more. i have a list of some of it and it's longer still.

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Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 19, 2013 01:25AM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> Walks like a duck, talks like a duck...this year's
> 2concerned?

Oh, gee, thanks... now I'm "last year's model"?

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Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: August 19, 2013 01:39AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Hmmm... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Walks like a duck, talks like a duck...this
> year's
> > 2concerned?
> Oh, gee, thanks... now I'm "last year's model"?

Nothing personal, so to speak. I actually like you and I hope you're doing well. And I suspect that at least some of this guy's complaints are true.

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Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 19, 2013 01:55AM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> 2concerned Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hmmm... Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Walks like a duck, talks like a duck...this
> > year's
> > > 2concerned?
> >
> > Oh, gee, thanks... now I'm "last year's model"?
> Nothing personal, so to speak. I actually like you
> and I hope you're doing well. And I suspect that
> at least some of this guy's complaints are true.

I'm not offended - I actually meant that to be humorous.

Yeah, everything is good here... it really has been since I got the truth, or as much of it as I'm ever likely to.

I'm also sure there's a lot of truth in this post; at least, from OP's perspective. Not a very common name - it looks like he's from Oakton.

I'm actually not sure what to make of this whole thread. Has anyone determined if the "aggressors" are just the staff, or if he's including patients?

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Posted by: facepalm ()
Date: August 19, 2013 02:54AM

If you ever get your money from your lawsuit, spend it wisely on a basic grammar/spelling/English class. It'll be money well spent....

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Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: August 19, 2013 04:42AM

Thank you for this post. It makes me feel so much better knowing that the county has locked up all these crazy people for obvious reasons.

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Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 19, 2013 08:22AM


I'm going to put my own suspicions aside, and try to give you a little bit of information.

First, if you believe that this woman is truly being abused, you should check out this page:


I assume you're not a family member, so your abilities to do anything specific to her case might be limited. I'm guessing that she doesn't have the resources to hire her own attorney, which is tragic - Virginia has a severely understaffed legal department for representation of people in competency hearings, and I believe that their biggest interest is to "rubber-stamp" the entire process.

There's a fairly high bar for forcing someone onto medication - I believe they need to be declared a threat to themselves or others. Unfortunately, once "medicating" has begun - in many cases - the patient will lose the capacity to defend themselves at all. I've seen people who were coherent before taking their perscriptions, and afterward word so "doped up" that they could barely speak. In such a case, I can't imagine how a real re-assessment of the patient's situation is even possible. The flip-side of the coin is that when the patient refuses medication, they're labeled as "non-compliant", and that's used against them, too.

With regard to "checking on patients": in many cases (including the intake wing), they're required to check-in at least once an hour to be sure that patients haven't tried to harm themselves. But, if you believe a male has gone further than required to check on a female, I strongly urge you to take up the matter with the contacts listed in the link above.

In any event, helping another patient in a case like this is a tricky affair at best. If you have the resources, I'd advise you to consult with an attorney, and possibly the patient's family.

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Posted by: fefwefwefwe ()
Date: August 19, 2013 10:56AM

First off NVMHI is state run and is in FFX CO, no Arlington. It is behind INOVA FFX. Secondly, based on OP's flight of ideas and writing style, he is most likely off of his medication.

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Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 19, 2013 02:13PM

fefwefwefwe Wrote:
> Secondly,
> based on OP's flight of ideas and writing style,
> he is most likely off of his medication.

Yeah, that's the suspicion that I was "putting aside".

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