I found this site today that lists "possible" sightings...
Tracks & Observations: Valrie N, property owner.
03/13/2014 email: "Could these be cougar tracks?" Photos of large animal tracks following deer hoof prints in snow/ice on 03/03/2014 ... no measurement, but estimated at 4"-4 1/2" print ... no obvious toenail marks, large rounded toes, more rounded foot configuration than canine on the most clear print, more elongated print behind that ... however, pad seemed too small for cougar and it appeared that a canine toe/pad X could be made on both prints.
03/14/2014 follow up email:
On 03/04/2014, two different neighbors reported seeing a cougar; 1 lives less than 3 miles from me and the creek that runs through our property also runs near his house. I'm convinced a cougar comes through this area every so often.
In early May 2009, at around 1:00 a.m., I watched a very young cougar in our backyard stalking a possum. Of course, I couldn't believe what I was watching so I ran all around the house turning on every outside light (we had 10) just so I could see better. Sure enough, just on the edge of the light with green eye shine crouched low and walking very slowly with the longest tail on an animal I've ever seen was the Shepard sized cat. It was watching a possum, who was waddling as fast as it could and when it reached the wall it walked along the house. The cat stayed just on the edge of the light but followed the possum as it moved around the house. The cat was walking about 2 feet from the creek. I ran upstairs to get a better look (I had already opened the bedroom window) and knelt in front of the window and just then one of those huge bullfrogs let out a call and splashed into the creek. This made the cat literally jump up and turned itself around facing the creek. Meantime the possum made a beeline for the barn and scurried under it. The cat laid down watching the creek. I had a perfect line of sight and decided to run downstairs to get my camera. By the time I got back upstairs it was gone. No idea which way or where it went. Haven't seen it since.