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Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 14, 2006 07:05PM

On the stretch of clifton road between maple branch and henderson, there was an unmarked intrepid (silver) fairfax county police car shooting radar (Ka Band) and he was basically infront ofa house with two bright red doors (cant miss it). Obviously it isnt his house, but he was in a "naturally formed" parking place in their grass. Basicaly where the grass wore over time because the owners use it as a parking place and they put some gavel down so it looks like a regular car at a house parked in their yard. He must have gotten their permission, this is the second night ive seen him sitting there.

DONT SPEED IN CLIFTON WITHOUT A QUALITY RADAR/LASER DETECTOR. He pulled my friend over today and gave him a warning for an un=properly displayed license plate (front plate was in the window). Just watch out people.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Hawaii ()
Date: February 14, 2006 07:43PM

I know some of the state troopers like to hang out underneath that overpass near Centreville on route 66, especially if it's raining. I can't recall what street it is, but check for them when you pass it.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: from the 757 ()
Date: February 14, 2006 07:56PM


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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 14, 2006 09:48PM


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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 14, 2006 10:10PM

Valentine 1 all the way fellas...

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: bizkit ()
Date: February 14, 2006 11:01PM

123 Southbound just before Burke Lake Road in those little unfinished driveways. It's a huge downhill straightaway with no side streets. The speed limit is 55, but it's easy to get a false sense of security and zip on down the hill.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: vthokies ()
Date: February 15, 2006 02:05PM

The overpass on 66 is Monument Drive. It's a very good hiding place.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Sexy1 ()
Date: February 15, 2006 02:16PM

The new housing development on Picket Road in Fairfax. They sit in unmarked cars like they are waiting for the light to change.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Date: February 15, 2006 02:28PM

Cops use all sorts of places on 66 in the vicinity between Monument Drive FFX Co Parkway and the Stringfellow HOV exit. At Monument during non-HOV hours they'll either sit at the bottom of the HOV ramp or sometimes they'll sit at the very top of the HOV ramp mainly waiting to get people going eastbound on 66. It's impossible to see them when they're up there if you're heading eastbound until it's too late. I almost got nailed once because I was trying to see if there was a cop at the top of that ramp and it turned out he was at the bottom instead. The only reason I didn't get nailed is because my wife saw him. They also like to sit underneath the Monument drive ramp getting people going westbound. And of course sometimes they're just scattered randomly in the "Authorized use only" turn arounds right around the FFX Co Parkway stretch. I think there's like 3 or more of those turn arounds there. I try to make it point to not be the fastest person on 66 through that entire stretch of 66.

Then you have 28 in centreville. If you're heading southbound they love getting speeders just as you pass under the overpass for 29. They sit in the grassy area to the right just past the onramp for the people on 29 to get on 28. Although it's been a couple weeks since I've seen a cop there...which usually means they'll start showing up again a few times a week. Northbound on 28 they'll hide under or right before the overpass for 29.

FFX Co Parkway. It's been a while but the only place I see cops frequent is at around 66. Sometimes they hide in that maintenance mini road...if you're heading towards reston from the springfield area it'll be on your right just after you pass the first exit for 66.

Thats really all that comes to mind right now.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: ComicRelief ()
Date: February 15, 2006 05:19PM

Trogdor the Burninator Wrote:
> FFX Co Parkway. It's been a while but the only
> place I see cops frequent is at around 66.
> Sometimes they hide in that maintenance mini
> road...if you're heading towards reston from the
> springfield area it'll be on your right just after
> you pass the first exit for 66.
> Thats really all that comes to mind right now.

It's the entrance to the area that they keep all of the equipment for getting rid of the snow and treating the roads for ice.

Another place to watch out for is on FFX Parkway between West Ox Rd. and Fox Mill Rd., ususally around the bridge that connects both sides of Fox Mill Estates. They sit under the bridge on the sholders, and on the medians just north or south of the bridge catching people going in both directions. There was even a sobriety check point there in December.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 15, 2006 08:05PM

the police could easily defeat it, and in fact use it to slow us all down, by placing speed traps in so many different places just one time each that the map would be full of "reported traps" in two seconds. We'd never know when we were really safe by that site/map.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: A'rn ()
Date: February 16, 2006 04:39PM

Hey, just so ya know...the Airports Authority cops always sit right behind the cement pillar of the FIRST BRIDGE OVERPASS on your way into Dulles. The speed limit goes from like 55-45-35 in the space of 2 miles, so they nail a lot of folks, especially during the winter time.

It's also impossible to see the buggers behind that cement pillar.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: February 16, 2006 11:49PM

I thought radar detectors were illegal in VA? What's the penalty if you get caught with one?

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: February 16, 2006 11:55PM

Never mind, I just saw the thread about this.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Toby ()
Date: February 28, 2006 04:15PM

Advice from Chris Rock:

The number one way to avoid the police.....


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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Rosamunde ()
Date: March 16, 2006 06:55AM

Jim is cool, Toby is right
all others are immature little .....

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: March 16, 2006 11:41AM

Rosamunde, obviously you Jim and Toby are the only ones who "obey" the law. Anyone driving 55 in a 55 zone will be run over around here.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Mitel2005 ()
Date: March 17, 2006 11:26AM

Two places in Fairfax where you can almost guarantee finding cop with a radar gun...

1) Roberts Road between Zion and Commonwealth. I was coming home from Whitetail at around 1am on a Sunday night/Monday morning and just about blew by the cop doing 50!

2) Popes Head Road betweeen 123 and FXCO Parkway/7100. They usually sit in the driveway of that Islamic school shooting towards the cars approaching from 123. Typically there between 7-9am and 3-5pm weekdays. I often see 2-3 motorcycle cops along with a scout car.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: face ()
Date: March 18, 2006 12:51PM

for the record...

1) seen them numerous times (but not recently) going westbound on I-66 right at the split with I-495 north, on the grass next to the West Falls Church Metro station.

2) seen them a few times on Route 7 Leesburg Pike going westbound in the Tysons Corner area just past the Best Buy and Borders, in the Tysons mall parking garage pointing to the street.

3) seen them once or twice on Route 7 Leesburg Pike in the west Falls Church area just past I-66 in the Trader Joe's parking lot.

4) seen them (ACPD) numerous times on Fairfax Drive in the Ballston area of Arlington in the parking lot just past Glebe Road right before the I-66 on-ramp.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: bumper ()
Date: April 07, 2007 07:24PM

Westbound rt. 50 just past the fairfax county parkway exit. For the past couple weeks I've seen cops sitting in the entrance to the old driving range and golf course that used to be next to where those McMansions are now right after Rugby Rd.

Only at night.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: April 07, 2007 08:08PM

Yeah they out in force now that it is starting to warm up. Same April speed traps.

I've seen a number of motorcycle cops in Reston Friday:

1) Where Lawyers road narrows down to two lanes. The speed limit has recently changed from 45 to 35 in that section. Motorcycle cop.

2) Sunrise Valley Drive and Indian Head RD (by the Reston Golf Course)

3) Sunrise Valley Drive and Barton Hill (bottom of the hill next to the tennis courts)

In Chantilly Franklin Farms Rd sitting in the Franklin Farms Park entrance.

Fox Mill Rd an unmarked likes to sit in the entrance to Fox Mill Park & School

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: April 07, 2007 09:08PM

Lurker, those all are great sites to mind. I recall seeing cops all the time at those locations when I lived there growing up, and I see things have not changed.

I have one in clifton. Clifton rd, anywhere near twin lakes golf course, they love to sit in various places in that area and you never see them when they sit in some of them.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: duh ()
Date: April 07, 2007 10:47PM

Like the guy in Clifton, I gladly allow FCPD to set up on my property.

I'd to love to tell y'all where that is....but that would defeat the purpose of slowing you sumbitches down!

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: April 07, 2007 11:00PM

Not everyone speeds. I always go whatever the speed limit is. I have never gotten a ticket except once. That was way back in 1979 in Pennsylvania. They had just built a new road near Slippery Rock College. I was going ten miles over the speed limit because there were no other cars around. I got a ticket for the first and only time. I will never speed again. Or go through a red light or a stop sign. It's not worth it.


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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: April 08, 2007 10:42AM

Cops are always sitting in the church parking lot at the intersection of Braddock and Ravensworth. Mostly just sit there but if you do something stupid they'll pull yer ass over in a heartbeat.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: CWP fan ()
Date: April 08, 2007 11:28AM

Not that it is in Fairfax but along the line of doing 55 and getting run over. Anyone else drive south on 81? The speed limit is 65 but you do anything less than 75 and you are dead. The truck go by in excess of 80. You dont move and they will move you. I know of people who dont even take 81 anymore to go south they will take one of the other roads that run the same route, I think it is route 11.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: April 08, 2007 11:49AM

Yeah CWP i no that to be true. I have been down that road to VA tech many times, got there in 3 hours once. I saw a state trooper once. wasnt stopping anybody. i was in a car with some one once, we were doing close to 90, and barely passsing anyone.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: April 08, 2007 05:58PM

It would be funny if 20% of our citizens drove the speed limit on a Monday morning. This place would shut down. I wonder how many days of that it would take before they changed the law?

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: duh ()
Date: April 08, 2007 06:13PM

Speeding on Interstates or other major routes is one thing....everybody knows how easy it is for your speed to creep up on you.

The ones that burn my ass are the ones that tear through residential neighborhoods running 45, 50 mph, or more in a 25 mph zone. That's intentional and to me, they're saying, "I don't give a shit about your kids playing or anything else because I'm late for my 2-bit job".

That's why the cops have a standing invitation to set up on my property.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: April 08, 2007 08:12PM

What happens if EVERYONE drives the speed limit?

This Youtube video has the answer...


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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: ... ()
Date: April 09, 2007 12:54AM

I see that crap on I95 on a regular basis.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: § ()
Date: April 09, 2007 11:50AM

That's funny, because I crap on a regular basis. -§

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Speed Trap ()
Date: April 09, 2007 01:39PM

nakedshoplifter Wrote:
> What happens if EVERYONE drives the speed limit?
> This Youtube video has the answer...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17lGH1W1l4A

Okay, here is the truth about speeding. The government has an obligation to keep its roads safe, and speeding is one of the factors that makes the roads unsafe. In Fairfax County we average about 10-15 murders per year and average 65-70 fatal motor vehicle accidents per year. Out of those 65-70 fatal motor vehicle crashes, about 40% involve speed, 40% involve alcohol, and 20% involve other issues.

I think everyone can see how much effort is put into drinking and driving education and enforcement, so the same amount of effort is put into speeding enforcement. Speeding - 20 and under the speed limit - is just to keep everyone in check, and remind everyone what the speedometer is for. The government enjoys telling its constituents that they are "aggressively" enforcing the traffic laws, and the reap the benefits in the form of fine payments into the general fund.

Speeding - 20 and over the limit - really is dangerous. I know, you are going to tell me how good a driver you are, and how you never crash... almost never crash. I'll buy into your argument and tell you that it is the OTHER drivers on the road - the drivers that have no clue - that swerve over in front of you as you are going 100 mph. Lets just all slow down and have a wonderful day, shall we? haha.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: CO ()
Date: April 09, 2007 04:27PM

Speed Trap Wrote:
> Speeding - 20 and over the limit - really is
> dangerous. I know, you are going to tell me how
> good a driver you are, and how you never crash...
> almost never crash. I'll buy into your argument
> and tell you that it is the OTHER drivers on the
> road - the drivers that have no clue - that swerve
> over in front of you as you are going 100 mph.
> Lets just all slow down and have a wonderful day,
> shall we? haha.

Hmmm..please start making cars that are incapable to go beyond 60 mph so that fools like me stop shelling out hard earned money on high performance cars and opt for a hybrid civic bitch instead. Thanks.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: April 09, 2007 05:19PM

Except that on a 75mph limit road (not in VA, but elsewhere) you'd be maxing out at 15-under, which is as dangerous to drivers as someone driving 15-over.

And speed doesn't kill... differential speed kills. Police should focus on the outliers, not plinking off random drivers going with the flow of traffic. Get the guys weaving in and out at 75 when everyone else is driving 65, or pull over people cruising in the left lane when the lane to the right is moving faster. This is if the true intent is to reduce road deaths, of course.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: April 10, 2007 09:27AM

There's a really clever spot they use on 29 East, where West Ox and 7100 meet. They hide behind the ramp coming onto 29. It's a long straightaway and very tempting to speed, plus the cop is perfectly hidden.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: jk ()
Date: April 12, 2007 01:52PM

I was told about a spot off to the side of the ramp from 50 west to 66 west. There is an embankment on the outer edge of the ramp that conceals whatever traffic or car is there. There's also a spot on 66w between 7100 and 28 (after the sound wall starts) where it looks like the guard rail was set up to leave a perfect speed trap, though the top of whatever car would be visible.

I wouldn't even drive if I could get around easily otherwise but even with bus/rail transit it's still a real hassle to move around the area. The traffic alone is a good enough reason to stop driving.

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Re: Places where cops like to sit that are VERY smart
Posted by: Enough already ()
Date: September 09, 2020 05:38PM


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