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7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Anthonie ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:18PM

Is there a reason there was 7 POLICE cars at a soccer game? There 3 more in the back.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Of course ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:22PM

Yes there is a reason.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Under Cover Brother ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:23PM

Judging by the number of Obama thugs in the photo, yes, at least 7 cops should have been there.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: notlogdin ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:27PM

Under Cover Brother Wrote:
> Judging by the number of Obama thugs in the photo,
> yes, at least 7 cops should have been there.

WTF is an "Obama thug"?

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Blowtorch999 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:30PM

I doubt seven is enough. If there's a lot of blacks and spics, trouble will eventually break out.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:31PM

Anthonie Wrote:
> Is there a reason there was 7 POLICE cars at a
> soccer game? There 3 more in the back.

Where was this picture taken? What school?

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:47PM

Midnight @ Mount Vernon HS... question is why only 7 cars? BTW, your phone's almost dead.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:50PM

Didn't know "Feds" were driving FCPD cars now.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: FCPS Fail ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:56PM

Seeing as how there are 5 police cruisers in the front row of your picture and your claim that there are 3 in the back, that would make 8 police cars. If you count the additional police car about 3/4 of the way up the picture, as not being in the "back" then there would be 6 in the front and 3 in the back which makes 9 police cars. What is it Larkeyy?

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: ?????????????????? ()
Date: May 24, 2013 03:57PM

So many stupid things with the OP. You must be one dumb fuck.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: did Larkey pass counting 101 ()
Date: May 24, 2013 05:26PM

FCPS Fail Wrote:
> Seeing as how there are 5 police cruisers in the
> front row of your picture and your claim that
> there are 3 in the back, that would make 8 police
> cars. If you count the additional police car about
> 3/4 of the way up the picture, as not being in the
> "back" then there would be 6 in the front and 3 in
> the back which makes 9 police cars. What is it
> Larkeyy?

Can he count? 5+3=8 not 7. 6+3=9 BASIC MATH Larkeyy

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Obvious ()
Date: May 24, 2013 05:49PM

Warm weather plus male white tank tops equals police presence.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: NB Forrest ()
Date: May 24, 2013 05:53PM

All you need to see is the black thugs in the picture to understand why you need police presence. Do you really think those niggers are interested in soccer? That's Mount Vernon HS, so these nigs are ghetto trash from Route 1.
Walking around, dressed like bums, cursing and carrying on,lookin for some crminal activity to get into..... just their usual stuff they do all the time.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Epic Fail ()
Date: May 24, 2013 06:00PM

Nuff said...

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Crockett ()
Date: May 24, 2013 07:14PM

"The feds rolled in deep?"

We got ourselves a badass wigger here...

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Pete North ()
Date: May 24, 2013 09:08PM

No shit!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all those niggers! The National Guard, FBI,CIA, and Homeland Security should have been there.

Niggers are NOT ALLOWED out after dark. Call the police ANYTIME there is a nigger in sight.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: JustanFYI ()
Date: May 24, 2013 10:53PM

One of two things.

1. Officers are working overtime hours for additional security by request of the school and paid for by the school.

2. There was an incident/disturbance that you may not be aware of and they responded.

Whichever one it is - I don't see an issue with it, especially based on the low life wannabe punk kids I see standing around in the photo.

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: Negroponte ()
Date: May 24, 2013 11:10PM

anytime there is a jiggaboo at a soccer game, it can only mean trouble

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Posted by: VCU Grad ()
Date: June 13, 2013 07:57PM

Did the drug test all the soccer players before a game?

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Re: 7 Police cars to High School Soccer game
Date: June 13, 2013 11:48PM

Jess1 Wrote:
> Midnight @ Mount Vernon HS... question is why only
> 7 cars? BTW, your phone's almost dead.

"BTW, your phone's almost dead."

Fucking funny!

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