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Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: FCPDupdate ()
Date: September 09, 2008 06:59AM

Fairfax County Police Department
Public Information Office
4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253
News Release: 08/OCD Arrests/EJA
September 8, 2008

A female escort and her partner were arrested September 3 for defrauding and assaulting their clients. Detectives from the Organized Crime Division and officers and detectives from district stations collaborated on several cases. Their joint efforts resulted in the arrest of two individuals. There are a dozen known cases in Fairfax County that date back to December 2007. The most recent case occurred on Wednesday, August 27. In each case the victim called an escort service and met the female escort at a local motel or hotel. Once the money changed hands, the escort fled without providing her services. If the victim chased the escort, he was assaulted by the escort’s partner using an expandable baton. None of the injuries were life-threatening.

On Wednesday, September 3, Carl E. Worthy, 38, and Wendy K. Kopach, 37, both of 14571 Golden Oak Road in Centreville were arrested without incident at their home. They were both charged with three counts of obtaining money by false pretense and two counts of malicious wounding. Worthy was additionally charged with burglary. Both were transported to the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center. The cases are still under investigation. Additional charges are expected.

Detectives believe there may be others with knowledge of the crimes. Anyone with additional information is encouraged to contact Det. Diguilian at the Organized Crime Division at 703-802-2760 or Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS(8477), e-mail at www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES(274637) or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 09, 2008 07:07AM

I'm glad FCPD is finally realizing that users of prostitutes are the "victims." That said, I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to come forward and complain to the police that he tried to pay for sex with this lady and got his ass kicked.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Dirk ()
Date: September 09, 2008 08:33AM

Bet they quack-haids

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: 3 Legs ()
Date: September 09, 2008 08:52AM

Escorts are not the same as prostitutes. Ones Legal while the other is Illegal, Dipshit.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Mike Sorce ()
Date: September 09, 2008 08:54AM

3 Legs Wrote:
> Escorts are not the same as prostitutes. Ones
> Legal while the other is Illegal, Dipshit.

I would like to hear your logic/foundation for this comment. I cannot tell whether you are ignorant or a troll.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Johns ()
Date: September 09, 2008 08:56AM

Yeah you really have to be careful when selecting your prostitutes.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: September 09, 2008 10:21AM

Holy man, that woman is fugly.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Dude ()
Date: September 09, 2008 10:43AM

I was gonna say. Seems like to me she did them a favor by not going through with the deal...

496 Wrote:
> Holy man, that woman is fugly.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Groom ()
Date: September 09, 2008 11:07AM

If she shaved the mustache off she could steal more.

Says 12 cases, I wonder how many didn't report

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: September 09, 2008 12:30PM

Seems like a nice enough guy...

"WORTHY ","CARL ","E","037"," 14571","GOLDEN OAK ","RD","CENTREVILLE ","VA","03/01/2007","DOMESTIC ASSAULT

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: 3 Legs ()
Date: September 09, 2008 12:41PM

pgens Wrote:
> I'm glad FCPD is finally realizing that users of
> prostitutes are the "victims." That said, I
> wonder if anyone is dumb enough to come forward
> and complain to the police that he tried to pay
> for sex with this lady and got his ass kicked.

No paying for sex Mike, it's a Escort service. Your paying for their company. So Mr Sorce this is the Source/ Foundation of this logical statement, you stupid bastard.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: daroot ()
Date: September 19, 2008 07:33PM

JayBee Wrote:
> Seems like a nice enough guy...
> "WORTHY ","CARL ","E","037","
> ","VA","03/01/2007","DOMESTIC ASSAULT
now they are charging girls for NOT screwing....??!!! No win situation ...

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: daroot ()
Date: September 19, 2008 07:34PM

charged for not screwing...charged if they do.....No win situation

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: midgetfrancios ()
Date: September 20, 2008 06:53PM

I happen to know them and can say I am shockd by it all and saddened would nvr have thought she would be invlvd in anythng of this nature and just hope she takes off blinders and somehow detaches from this opportunistic animal

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 20, 2008 06:56PM

Yeah, because obviously she had no idea she was doing anything wrong. He fooled her!

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: midgetfrancios ()
Date: September 20, 2008 07:02PM

no, didn't say she didn't know she was doing anything wrong did i? just said hope she makes some better decisions for herself and think that would be easer for her without someone like that pulling strings, stop making dumbass assumptions

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 20, 2008 10:15PM

You characterized her partner in crime as an "opportunistic animal" when she was in on the crime too. That makes her equally culpable. Who says she didn't convince this poor fellow to go along with her dastardly plans?

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: midgetfrancios ()
Date: September 21, 2008 11:21PM

you must have missed the part where i said i know them

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 22, 2008 07:45AM

I know them too. Your point?

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: fairly clear point ()
Date: September 22, 2008 11:33AM

I think francois' point is that having known both them, the woman is capable of making far better decisions and staying on the rails if she would lose an association with a negative influence in her life. Fair point, and one that doesn't excuse her culpability.

I say heck, forget the law enforcement angle. Nothing better to discourage prostitution than a perception that a john could be a victim of both a scam and a beating. Even Eliot Spitzer might have stayed away.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: another clear point ()
Date: September 22, 2008 01:28PM

ya but who says she reely knows them. To me it looks like francois's puttin all the blame on the dude who knows he might have been doin that because it was her idea. yu know equal rightz and all it is sexist to assume she was lettin the dude be the boss in the sceeme.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: midgetfrancios ()
Date: September 22, 2008 02:07PM

Ok one more time, the only point i was making as far as saying i know them is just that i was shocked by seeing they were involvd in this, my comment about hoping she makes better decisions and thinking she would be better equiped to without him in her life was only an opinion. this is just very sad and she does have children, just sad all the way around. of course she's responsible for her actions

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: el rebozo ()
Date: October 31, 2008 07:34PM

what a wonderful use of tax money. a big long investigation over a motel room hussle. no wonder fairfax is going broke. i guess things must be slow over at the donut shop. why don't they close all those korean blowjob places in mcclean?

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: repo ()
Date: November 01, 2008 04:26AM

isn't this old?

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: November 01, 2008 10:39PM

el rebozo Wrote:
> what a wonderful use of tax money. a big long
> investigation over a motel room hussle. no wonder
> fairfax is going broke. i guess things must be
> slow over at the donut shop. why don't they close
> all those korean blowjob places in mcclean?

korean blow job places in mclean?

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: putherinjail ()
Date: November 06, 2008 12:44PM

I’ve been watching this topic and saw it resurrected again.
The best thing they could do with this woman is lock her up and throw away the key. Unfortunately, I do know her and I can say that her problem is not the boyfriend. She started getting in trouble long before she met him. Everyone in his family agrees that she was his downfall. Eddie was never in trouble until he hooked up with her.
Look on the Va courts website...she is a career criminal. Always has been, always will be. The problem is, her offensives get more and more violent as she gets older...they need to get her off the streets before she really hurts someone.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Bebe's kids ()
Date: June 16, 2009 03:57PM

FCPDupdate Wrote:
> Fairfax County Police Department
> Public Information Office
> 4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
> 703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253
> FCPD-PIO@fairfaxcounty.gov
> www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police
> News Release: 08/OCD Arrests/EJA
> September 8, 2008
> A female escort and her partner were
> arrested September 3 for defrauding and assaulting
> their clients. Detectives from the Organized Crime
> Division and officers and detectives from district
> stations collaborated on several cases. Their
> joint efforts resulted in the arrest of two
> individuals. There are a dozen known cases in
> Fairfax County that date back to December 2007.
> The most recent case occurred on Wednesday, August
> 27. In each case the victim called an escort
> service and met the female escort at a local motel
> or hotel. Once the money changed hands, the escort
> fled without providing her services. If the victim
> chased the escort, he was assaulted by the
> escort’s partner using an expandable baton. None
> of the injuries were life-threatening.
> On Wednesday, September 3, Carl E.
> Worthy, 38, and Wendy K. Kopach, 37, both of 14571
> Golden Oak Road in Centreville were arrested
> without incident at their home. They were both
> charged with three counts of obtaining money by
> false pretense and two counts of malicious
> wounding. Worthy was additionally charged with
> burglary. Both were transported to the Fairfax
> County Adult Detention Center. The cases are still
> under investigation. Additional charges are
> expected.
> Detectives believe there may be others
> with knowledge of the crimes. Anyone with
> additional information is encouraged to contact
> Det. Diguilian at the Organized Crime Division at
> 703-802-2760 or Crime Solvers by phone at
> 1-866-411-TIPS(8477), e-mail at
> www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text “TIP187” plus
> your message to CRIMES(274637) or call Fairfax
> County Police at 703-691-2131.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: 703-4-Life ()
Date: June 16, 2009 04:39PM

she aint bad looking....

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: SoupNazi ()
Date: June 16, 2009 04:54PM

Wait a second...

If prostitution is illegal, and the hooker runs off with the John's $$$ before he has the chance to have sex with her, doesn't charging her with "Obtaining money under false pretenses" seem a little odd??? I mean, it'd be one thing iff the poor bastard thought she was selling him some Civil War memorabilia or an old croquet set, that's perfectly legal. But in this case, the police are, in effect, punishing her and her partner for, basically, NOT having sex with someone for money.

It just seems odd to me.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: June 16, 2009 04:56PM

703-4-Life Wrote:
> she aint bad looking....

Are you serious? lol

edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 16, 2009 06:58PM

SoupNazi Wrote:
> But in this case, the
> police are, in effect, punishing her and her
> partner for, basically, NOT having sex with
> someone for money.
> It just seems odd to me.

Hence my post in the second post of this thread, FCPD is regarding prostitution consumers as the victims, hooray! (or hoe-ray!... sorry)

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: jmu5647 ()
Date: June 16, 2009 07:47PM

She's not even hot!

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: June 16, 2009 08:09PM

putherinjail Wrote:
> I’ve been watching this topic and saw it
> resurrected again.
> The best thing they could do with this woman is
> lock her up and throw away the key.
> Unfortunately, I do know her and I can say that
> her problem is not the boyfriend. She started
> getting in trouble long before she met him.
> Everyone in his family agrees that she was his
> downfall. Eddie was never in trouble until he
> hooked up with her.
> Look on the Va courts website...she is a career
> criminal. Always has been, always will be. The
> problem is, her offensives get more and more
> violent as she gets older...they need to get her
> off the streets before she really hurts someone.

You are so funny. I doubt you know either of them at all given the facts of reality. Neither one is going to win poster parent of the year, but he owes over 70K in child support. Criminal behavior that she had nothing to do with. Perhaps if he bothered to get a job your position would have some merit. But he doesn't, he mooches off her child support checks.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: June 16, 2009 08:10PM

SoupNazi Wrote:
> Wait a second...
> If prostitution is illegal, and the hooker runs
> off with the John's $$$ before he has the chance
> to have sex with her, doesn't charging her with
> "Obtaining money under false pretenses" seem a
> little odd??? I mean, it'd be one thing iff the
> poor bastard thought she was selling him some
> Civil War memorabilia or an old croquet set,
> that's perfectly legal. But in this case, the
> police are, in effect, punishing her and her
> partner for, basically, NOT having sex with
> someone for money.
> It just seems odd to me.

As far as I can determine, 'escort' does not actually mean 'sex'.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Livia ()
Date: June 16, 2009 08:13PM

Why was this topic resurrected? Last I heard he went to trial for assault charges and she was never prosecuted.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: SoupNazi ()
Date: June 16, 2009 08:34PM

Shadow Wrote:
> SoupNazi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wait a second...
> >
> > If prostitution is illegal, and the hooker runs
> > off with the John's $$$ before he has the
> chance
> > to have sex with her, doesn't charging her with
> > "Obtaining money under false pretenses" seem a
> > little odd??? I mean, it'd be one thing iff the
> > poor bastard thought she was selling him some
> > Civil War memorabilia or an old croquet set,
> > that's perfectly legal. But in this case, the
> > police are, in effect, punishing her and her
> > partner for, basically, NOT having sex with
> > someone for money.
> >
> > It just seems odd to me.
> As far as I can determine, 'escort' does not
> actually mean 'sex'.

Well, there's that, too. Sometimes "you're just paying for their time", and "time" can be anything... Of course, I don't speak from personal experience, I've never hired a call girl/escort/prostitute; I've always just opted to pay for sex the old fashioned way, you know, Valentine's Day, and other "relationship" stuff...

Heh, Valentine's Day is like buying a hooker for the whole year

"He went to Jared!"

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Re: need to build a sonic in the area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 16, 2009 11:01PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:11AM by WingNut.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: SoupNazi ()
Date: June 17, 2009 09:05AM

WingNut Wrote:
> I peg these two for dope fiends who pulled this
> scam on lots of schmucks who just wrote it off and
> went home without calling the cops.

You're probably right... I mean Hell, who wants to call the cops and tell them "I paid a hooker and she turned around and ran, taking all my money with her!"

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: PussyNazi ()
Date: June 18, 2009 06:47PM

FCPDupdate Wrote:
> Fairfax County Police Department
> Public Information Office
> 4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
> 703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253
> FCPD-PIO@fairfaxcounty.gov
> www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police
> News Release: 08/OCD Arrests/EJA
> September 8, 2008
> A female escort and her partner were
> arrested September 3 for defrauding and assaulting
> their clients. Detectives from the Organized Crime
> Division and officers and detectives from district
> stations collaborated on several cases. Their
> joint efforts resulted in the arrest of two
> individuals. There are a dozen known cases in
> Fairfax County that date back to December 2007.
> The most recent case occurred on Wednesday, August
> 27. In each case the victim called an escort
> service and met the female escort at a local motel
> or hotel. Once the money changed hands, the escort
> fled without providing her services. If the victim
> chased the escort, he was assaulted by the
> escort’s partner using an expandable baton. None
> of the injuries were life-threatening.
> On Wednesday, September 3, Carl E.
> Worthy, 38, and Wendy K. Kopach, 37, both of 14571
> Golden Oak Road in Centreville were arrested
> without incident at their home. They were both
> charged with three counts of obtaining money by
> false pretense and two counts of malicious
> wounding. Worthy was additionally charged with
> burglary. Both were transported to the Fairfax
> County Adult Detention Center. The cases are still
> under investigation. Additional charges are
> expected.
> Detectives believe there may be others
> with knowledge of the crimes. Anyone with
> additional information is encouraged to contact
> Det. Diguilian at the Organized Crime Division at
> 703-802-2760 or Crime Solvers by phone at
> 1-866-411-TIPS(8477), e-mail at
> www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text “TIP187” plus
> your message to CRIMES(274637) or call Fairfax
> County Police at 703-691-2131.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: PussyNazi ()
Date: June 18, 2009 07:16PM

Hey it's the PussyNazi,

By reading these comments I know you're not friends of ours or know us.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: June 18, 2009 07:34PM

Livia Wrote:
> Why was this topic resurrected? Last I heard he
> went to trial for assault charges and she was
> never prosecuted.

Who knows? I thought it was interesting that she was charged as an accessory to malicious wounding.

Sounds like a dangerous woman to me. You pay to play, she doesn't play, and then she cuts you if you don't get out of the way.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: PussyNazi ()
Date: June 18, 2009 10:43PM

How many men are in jail that do not understand the word "NO".
WOW! I guess all you Jack humps know the craigslist killer too. OH! WOW! He was........NO, He was a killer. I protected myself and was charged for bullys**t.

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: PussyNazi ()
Date: June 18, 2009 11:12PM

GMU HOKIE works where, Oh I know!! Hokie wishes to pokie, but didn't get their way and called the pokie!!!

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Re: Two Arrested in Fraudulent Escort Service Scheme
Posted by: Monica P ()
Date: September 01, 2013 07:49PM

How odd that now they both are police informants, and drunks to boot. I'd have to drink myself into coma each night in order to fall asleep too if I had the guilty conscience they have to tote around daily.

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