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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 11, 2006 05:49PM

Anyone been pulled over for one ever by FFX county?

Does FFX PD have Detector Detectors or you'd have to be pulled over for another infraction...than they see it, than throw on the extra infraction of possessing one.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: February 11, 2006 06:01PM


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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: February 11, 2006 06:28PM

Yeah it's called VG-2 but almost all newer radar detectors have VG-2 protection. (Radar detector detector dectector)

Most Fairfax cops use the Ka band. Beware though! The newer state police impalas use something different (will usually make a different noise and catch you off guard)

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 11, 2006 06:47PM

the best idea is to ride a motorcycle, and when they nail you on radar and come after you, just take off and gun it at like 200mph. Make sure your bike can go off road, and when you inevitably lose the cops, drive that bitch into the sewers and hide out for a few weeks.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 11, 2006 09:52PM

no points and no permanent confiscation of detectors seized...wow


Looks like the industry bribed the VA legislators a good sum to change the laws after 1992. =)

Makes sense to own one, it goes off, pays for itself right there, considering a speeding/reckless ticket is 3 - 5pts and about a thousand dollars if not more in increased insurance costs annum.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: g ()
Date: February 12, 2006 04:33AM

FYI by the time your VG-2 protection system alerts you too a radar beam...its too late. And slamming on the breaks is a great indication that you have one.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 12, 2006 05:04AM


IMHO, police is no match for a good radar dectector, my Valentine1 goes off when they are miles away, saved my ass plenty of times while driving on 495 and 66.

I live in MD now and will be moving to FFX VA by summer FYI.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: g ()
Date: February 12, 2006 10:46AM

if you have a good radar detector then you may get off from a few tickets, but it still wont work on lidar. (which are fastly outnumbering radar units in the county) Lidar units are dormant and do not emit any type of traceable energy until they are activated. And when they are activated they do not emit any traceable signature greater than the beam itself, which at 1,000 feet is only approximately 3ft wide. This means that if your lidar detector goes off it means you have been taged already. And then you also get another tickett for the detector....have fun buddy!

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: February 12, 2006 01:22PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> the best idea is to ride a motorcycle, and when
> they nail you on radar and come after you, just
> take off and gun it at like 200mph. Make sure
> your bike can go off road, and when you inevitably
> lose the cops, drive that bitch into the sewers
> and hide out for a few weeks.

tell splinter i said whats up

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: February 12, 2006 06:11PM

As far as i'm concerned, anyone with radar/laser detector is a pussy .. "Hey, i want to break the law and drive fast, but if my radar detector detects a cop near by i'm gonna slow down and pretend i'm a good driver". want to drive fast, be a man and drive fast, get caught?... suck it up and pay up.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 12, 2006 06:13PM

ffxMotorist Wrote:
> Looks like the industry bribed the VA legislators
> a good sum to change the laws after 1992. =)

are you kidding? we are in one of the two places they are illegal!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: eluder ()
Date: February 12, 2006 06:16PM

i elude ffx cops all the time....

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 12, 2006 06:46PM

g Wrote:
> ffxmotorist
> if you have a good radar detector then you may get
> off from a few tickets, but it still wont work on
> lidar. (which are fastly outnumbering radar units
> in the county) Lidar units are dormant and do not
> emit any type of traceable energy until they are
> activated. And when they are activated they do
> not emit any traceable signature greater than the
> beam itself, which at 1,000 feet is only
> approximately 3ft wide. This means that if your
> lidar detector goes off it means you have been
> taged already. And then you also get another
> tickett for the detector....have fun buddy!

Some valid points however the benefits of having a detector outweighs not having one by about a 10x fold.

I know plenty of people who are refuse own one because "its against the law...and I dont' want to go to jail" It they would just read the law, lets do the math shall we?

Radar ticket = $90 (includes court fees) no DMV points thus no increase in insurance premium AND you get to keep the detector (no confiscation)

(bare bones conservative estimates)
Speeding ticket = ~$150 and $1000+ increase in insurance cost per year +3pts DMV
Wreckless ticket = ~$250 and $1500+ increase in insurance +5 pts DMV + Poss Jail

$1150 or $1750 + DMV points

Economic/Common sense deduction dictates know your rights (read the law) and get a radar detector asap.

My valentine1 goes off constantly on 66 and 495 (before Braddock road exit southbound) and every time I go down that way I see people pulled over and ensnared by radar. I got a speeding ticket in 2000 on the "split" and therefore bought my V1, since than havent' got a ticket for the past 6 years, insurance premium has gone down from $380 a month to $119 for full coverage and my DMV points are at zero.

Sure, 4wheeler you can cry pussy but as long as I'm saving THOUSANDS of dollars and avoiding DMV points, insurance premium increases, so be it...LOL :-p

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 12, 2006 06:52PM

sorry for my prior grammatical errors, didn't bother to proofread... SUE/Flame ME! lol

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 12, 2006 08:48PM

Gravis Wrote:
> ffxMotorist Wrote:
> > Looks like the industry bribed the VA
> legislators
> > a good sum to change the laws after 1992. =)
> are you kidding? we are in one of the two places
> they are illegal!

Illegal but the fines/penalty are equivalent to a paper tiger to the informed citizen. $30 + $50 court cost

- No DMV point demerits
- No Confiscation of detector

The risk of $90 well worth the rewards of avoiding speeding/reckless tickets that will cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the form of increase insurance premiums.

It goes off while you're cruising 80mph on 66...pays for itself right there.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: February 13, 2006 07:40AM

That's not being a pussy, it's being smart. Do radar detectors offend you?

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 13, 2006 09:52AM

4wheeler = cop/sympathizer IMHO lol

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: § ()
Date: February 13, 2006 11:17AM

There's no truth to the insurance increase @ $1000+ for speeding or $1500+ for reckless unless you have prior moving violations, are under 25 yrs. of age and are deemed high-risk upon entry of your auto policy. -§

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 13, 2006 12:51PM

§ Wrote:
> There's no truth to the insurance increase @
> $1000+ for speeding or $1500+ for reckless unless
> you have prior moving violations, are under 25
> yrs. of age and are deemed high-risk upon entry of
> your auto policy. -§

No truth to what I say? try again buddy...

- prior moving violations = about a million residents
- under 25 years of age = a few million more residents

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: § ()
Date: February 13, 2006 05:26PM

I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble seeing past your ignorance.....

WTF does that have to do with the cost increase? Is your post geared toward the 2 Fast 2 Furious crowd who drive tricked out Corollas? -§

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: sl79 ()
Date: February 13, 2006 06:03PM

ffxMotorist speaks the truth. My insurance went from $2000 to a little more than $3000 when I got my reckless ticket

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 13, 2006 06:19PM

§ Wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble seeing past your
> ignorance.....
> WTF does that have to do with the cost increase?
> Is your post geared toward the 2 Fast 2 Furious
> crowd who drive tricked out Corollas? -§

"§", au contraire my friend...I know PLENTY of OLDER safe drivers over 30 (professionals and soccer-moms) who have been hit with speeding/reckless tickets and their premiums have doubled costing them the $$THOUSANDS$$ I mentioned.

Parked radar cops are nothing more than the equivelent of the unjust tax collectors and highway robbers of the Judeo-Roman occupation era.

Typical despotic government...counting on the ignorance of the public to keep the coffers full of citizen's money.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 13, 2006 08:08PM

im buying one!... as a paperweight of coarse.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: § ()
Date: February 13, 2006 08:24PM

Damn - Time to get new insurance for you folks.

I pay roughly $1300 per year combined for 2 newer vehicles (LR3 and A6) with St. Farm and I've had a reckless 20+ mph speeding ticket that's a little over 3 years old - AND must keep max coverage with min. $500 deduct. pursuant to terms of a $1MIL GL umbrella policy. I'm in my early 30s and have had 3 moving violations total in the past 10 years.

$2000 - $3000 just seems a bit excessive to me. -§

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 13, 2006 08:55PM

I own a radar - It'ss been highly beneficial here in Clifton where I live. I dont just have it for the highways but also for roads like 123, braddock, clifton road, etc. Its more of assurance and comfort. It helps to protect against those %$$#@ @$$ cops on a power trip who ticket you for under 10mph over the speed limit. I also agree with ffxmotorist. It is about being smart, we Fairfax citizens do almost anything we can to save money and this just happens to be one of the ways ;). 4wheeler, would you drive in the snow with snow tires or bald tires? Im assuming bald tires because if you used snow tires you would be a pussy ;). By the way, clifton residents just got their power back on at 8:00pm Monday night. Way to go Dominon.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: February 13, 2006 08:59PM

no, radar detector dont offend me and no, i'm not a cop sympathizer. I just think is funny of the "badass" attitude of some people, but like a said, when the little "peace of mind" gadget goes off the tail goes between the legs.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 13, 2006 09:35PM

I wouldnt call it "baddass" attitude. More of a "haha I got by you" attitude.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: February 13, 2006 09:35PM

snow tires vs balds tires is a totally different issue. The easy excuse for radar detector users is "peace of mind"...of what? not get caught speeding and having to pay up the ass??? and of course cops are "those %$$#@ @$$ cops on a power trip" because they are giving YOU a ticket for speeding. if you were glad they give you one i would be worry...

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: VicTry ()
Date: February 13, 2006 09:44PM

Its just a simple measure that some people take so that they feel like they can be "covered" when they are speeding. Pussy or not, IF i were speeding, id rather know where the cops are vs getting a nice ticket. Of coruse the law is the law, but cmon, do you download music? Thats illegal, and you could get fined a hell of a lot more for that then speeding. Not trying to justify speeding or d/l music but people still do it. Just a thought.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Left Scrotum ()
Date: February 14, 2006 01:29AM

Wow, ffxMotorist is spot on:

D. No demerit points shall be awarded by the Commissioner for violations of this section. Any demerit points awarded by the Commissioner prior to July 1, 1992, for any violation of this section shall be rescinded and the driving record of any person awarded demerit points for a violation of this section shall be amended to reflect such rescission.

I just verified with a radar detector manufacturer that the industry indeed lobbied (aka BRIBED! lol) the VA legislators back in the early 90's to have the laws amended. However it's a safe bet that 99% of VA residents are totally ignorant of these stipulations. If they knew the facts and did a little cost/benefit analysis, Va govt would lose millions in revenue via Park n Shoot radar traps!

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: g ()
Date: February 14, 2006 07:47AM

ffxmotorist, the point of police speed enforcement it to gain voluntary compliance of the speed limits. While i agree that many of the roadways are rated at a lower speed than they ought to, its partially because if you set the limit at 30 people will routinely fo 40-45,,,so if you set it at 40 people will go 55 ect....

Everyone thinks "if i speed its ok because i'm a good driver" (besides the fact that many people who say this are in fact crappy drivers) the ones who are "good drivers" can still get smacked by the asshole who cant drive.

This is the point where i get called a "cop sympathizer". (like thats a bad thing) I think the police do a great job with what they are tasked with, and on top of that for putting up with all the crap they get. Most people do not like being told what to do, even if they know they are in the wrong. They say stuff like "that cops on a power trip" when what they are really uspet about was that they got caught doing something they shouldnt have. If u have ever talked with a cop you will see that the vast majority of them are there to serve you. If society was perfect then there would be no need for police, but its not.

I am not a saint, but i dont begrudge an entire occupation of service because i think i am special and they rules dont apply to me.

In this country my rights end where yours begin. By the cops stopping the guy weaving in and out of traffic during rush hour, and preventing an accident further up the road they are keeping you safe and protecting your rights. I think most reasonable people would agree with that, unless it happens to be the day when you are late for work and are the one putting everyone elses health and property at risk.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: February 14, 2006 08:18AM

§ Wrote:
> Damn - Time to get new insurance for you folks.

Agreed, I pay about $1800 a year for two newer cars (one driver with a reckless ticket) and condo insurance.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: § ()
Date: February 14, 2006 10:40AM

It's borderline price gouging. Those GEICO commercials lie when they say you can save $$ by switching to GEICO.....hell.....I switched from GEICO to St. Farm and saved $500. That's enough savings to almost pay for one max. policy on its own. -§

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 14, 2006 10:43AM


Appreciate your input. However having lived in FFX county for a good 11 years (will be buying a home in Kingstowne in summer) I have noticed that FCPD are unnaturally obsessed with going out of their way to write "fix it" tickets in order to keep the revenue constantly going into the treasury coffers. I witnessed a ffx police cruiser JUMP a median and dangerously pursued a honda civic just because he had an aftermarket exhaust! Totally wreckless and dishonorable behavior.

Morever, FCPD are virtually useless in stopping the proliferation of MS-13 gang activity and infiltration in the county, furthermore, they could not even stop the Bank robberies that occured in springfield a few months ago, right under their noses. Yet they continue to harrass people with chrome mufflers.

FCPD needs to get off their collective dunkin-donut eating butts and go after the REAL CRIMINALS instead of obsessively focusing on revenue collection via radar speed traps and fix it tickets.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 14, 2006 03:18PM

g Wrote:
> its partially because if you set the
> limit at 30 people will routinely fo 40-45,,,so if
> you set it at 40 people will go 55 ect....

that is a very stupid argument. if the limit was heigher, we wouldnt be breaking the law in the first place. fine, let them pull over people going 55, but pulling over people at 45 in a place clearly rated for 45Mph is stupid.

> Everyone thinks "if i speed its ok because i'm a
> good driver"

take a second and think "gee... why are people speeding in the first place?" maybe the answer is that it's a 25 that should be a 45.

> on top of that for putting up
> with all the crap they get.

perhaps if they didnt act like assholes, they wouldnt be treated as such.

> If u have ever talked with a
> cop you will see that the vast majority of them
> are there to serve you.

as they say, one bad apple spoils the barrel... but might i add that a cart of mostly bad apples angers the tradesmen.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: ffxMotorist ()
Date: February 14, 2006 04:39PM

> If u have ever talked with a
> cop you will see that the vast majority of them
> are there to serve you.

Fairfax PD are nothing more than revenue mongers for the county. Protect and serve? yeah right, more like serving up tickets...pulling over the chromed exhaust civic while MS-13 continues to thrive and terrorize.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 14, 2006 06:49PM

I agree, they should protect and serve "G", not profile and get on a power trip. They have more important things to do instead like worrying about MS-13/bank robberies/dangerous drivers not this petty shit.

FYI, I believe fines and forfeitures contributed to about 2.8% of the county revenue for FY 2005. I bet its mostly those BS tickets people just pay because its not worth figthing over ;).

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: unreal ()
Date: February 14, 2006 11:43PM

uhhcya Wrote:
> I agree, they should protect and serve "G", not
> profile and get on a power trip. They have more
> important things to do instead like worrying about
> MS-13/bank robberies/dangerous drivers not this
> petty shit.
> FYI, I believe fines and forfeitures contributed
> to about 2.8% of the county revenue for FY 2005. I
> bet its mostly those BS tickets people just pay
> because its not worth figthing over ;).

Profile? It's you assholes on this board who "profile" the police! Most of you shitheads look at a police officer and already have a preconceived notion about them without knowing anything else about them as an individual. Instead you base many of your opinions on past run-ins with the law (of which there appears to be an abundance of on this board). I have news for you, THAT'S profiling! It's the same stuff you accuse them of doing! I suppose it's wrong for them to "profile" but perfectly acceptable for you to engage in this practice?

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 15, 2006 12:28AM

  the job itself attracts a specific psychological profile. it has nothing to do with their race, religion or monentary status. personally, i dont know any "Rico Swauve" type unix administrators.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 15, 2006 04:06PM

I personally, as well as others, have been approached by numerous cops and have had a few tickets. Out of those few tickets and/or run-ins with the FFX county police, I can honestly say 1 has been a dick. I will agree that most people profile cops but it is MUCH more apparent with them. For the most part, we bring it on ouselves when we are smartass's to them because we don like being pulled over. But those cops that are assholes, thank god ive encountered 1, are the ones who create a sense of dislike towards them therefore people see all cops as bad. This is a two way street. We get pulled over and are complete pricks to them with our smart ass comments and what not and therefore they assume that we are all like that and quit trying to be nice.

Its no different then teachers n the schools, if we all remember highschool. Newer teachers who were young and nice turned, for the most part, within two years of teaching to hard/strict teachers. Why? not because of the whole class, but because of the constant class clowns and trouble makers. My only problem is cops need to treat everyone with respect. You wanna see some asshole shit? I started a forum for GMU parking/campus police. Go read what i encountered with them...

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: February 15, 2006 04:08PM

by the way, I know how to write, i could care less on a forum

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 15, 2006 10:13PM

I dispute you know how to write, but you're correct that nobody gives a flying fuck.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: June 19, 2008 08:11PM

ffxMotorist Wrote:

>insurance premium has gone down from $380 a
> month to $119 for full coverage and my DMV points
> are at zero.

Holy crap! $119 per month? WTF are you driving? My premiums are a bit more than half of that for a brand new car.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: SupaCoolDude ()
Date: June 22, 2008 09:50PM

Ive noticed Fairfax city pigs use LIDAR, and there are no realiable LIDAR blockers/detectors. It reads your speed instantly.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: June 23, 2008 09:39AM

SupaCoolDude Wrote:
> Ive noticed Fairfax city pigs use LIDAR, and there
> are no realiable LIDAR blockers/detectors. It
> reads your speed instantly.

County boys have lots of it, too.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Carl ()
Date: June 23, 2008 09:48AM

ffxMotorist Wrote:
> no points and no permanent confiscation of
> detectors seized...wow
> http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+co
> d+46.2-1079
> Looks like the industry bribed the VA legislators
> a good sum to change the laws after 1992. =)
> Makes sense to own one, it goes off, pays for
> itself right there, considering a
> speeding/reckless ticket is 3 - 5pts and about a
> thousand dollars if not more in increased
> insurance costs annum.


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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: June 23, 2008 12:42PM

btw §, insurance doesn't look past 3 years when calculating a premium

and another btw, premiums won't go up a whole lot (probably less than $100) if you add an additional car... and understandably... it is kind of hard to drive two cars at once...

Carl: correct, or get real sneaky and hook the power up to your fogs so all you need to do is turn your fogs off...

also curious what it costs to get the detector back when seized: "...and, when no longer needed, shall be returned to the person charged with a violation of this section, or at that person's request, and his expense..."

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: strat ()
Date: June 25, 2008 03:21PM

Actually, there are other reasons the penalties are comparativey light for RADAR detector use. I think Virginia is hoping that people don't actually challenge their standing to regulate them.

It turns out that the Federal Government, with the Communications Act has pre-empted regulation of radio equipment in the U.S. There are cases where states and localities attempt to regulate the use of certain equipment, but when those cases have been actually challenged in court, the laws often have been tossed out due to Federal pre-emption.

I am not a lawyer, but I do have 3 radio licenses in my wallet. My reading of the Virginia Code would seem to indicate that as long as you have a RADAR detector that includes a safety warning system receiver, you might even be able to avoid problems with the Commonwealth, as there was an exemption written in the law for that the last time I checked.

The Safety Warning System is a sort of charade that was created after states were repeatedly being cited by the FCC for running microwave transmitters intended to set off RADAR detectors. It turns out that it's illegal to run a transmitter (especially an unlicensed one) that doesn't transmit information of some sort. My guess is that this system that sends "accident" "wind" "hurricane", etc, was a reaction to the possibility that their little "pingers" would be shut down. The consumer electronics manufacturers I'm sure were happy to oblige.

I went to the other extreme and got a police RADAR unit for the car and a license that goes with it. I would be willing to bet that most police couldn't produce the legal authorizations that I can for the use of their units, were they to run into an FCC inspector.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: spincipher ()
Date: December 17, 2011 02:33PM

There a number of reasons that police seem to be EVERYWHERE these days. One is the "overcriminalization" of our society. See overcriminalized.com. I cringe when I hear a legislator say, "I need be about the business of the American people." When legislators legislate, our freedoms are at great risk. When the United States Congress met for the first time in April 1789, it took one month for enough Representatives to arrive to reach a quorum.

In addition to too many stinkin' laws, there is a severe shortage of common sense. The level of common sense in a sociey declines as the number of laws increase. Bureaucrats who believe they are the answer to society's ills think America is only one law away from Utopia. When bureaucrats pass laws, however, their implementation ususally costs money and someone has to enforce them.

I mean no disrespect, but those who look to Government to keep them safe and prosperous are like the passengers on the planes that were flown into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9/11. Those passengers followed the Government's standing directive to stay calm and be cooperative if terrorists hijack the flight you are on. The passengers on Flight 93, on the other hand, didn't wait for a bureaucrat's guidance and used the common sense God had given them. I honor and respect law enforcement, but remember, when your emergency begins, the police will be "on their way." Sometimes there isn't enough time to wait.

I've said many times that "I'm breaking the law the moment I wake up in the morning." I've also said sarcastically that "Everything is illegal." To illustrate how far we've fallen from common sense, please allow me to share a personal example:

One night about midnight my brother and I were standing in the foyer of my home chatting after he had dropped off my daughter for the evening. The doorbell rang. To my surprise when I opened the door, a young Loudoun County sheriff was standing on my front porch. He had stopped to tell us that it is illegal to keep one's car idling anywhere in the state of VA when not en route from one location to another. It is illegal to leave a standing car idling, even if someone is in sitting in the driver's seat. It is even illegal to leave a car parked in one's own driveway! He told me he could cite me for the offense. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was at a loss for words.

This is what we have come to... Young police officers who were "taught" in public schools that "Global Warming" is indisputable fact and an existential threat to mankind, assiduously enforcing IDIOTIC laws to "protect" society from an imaginary threat that has has no empirical basis and has been thoroughly debunked. On the other hand, our national, state, and local legislators and law enforcement officials abandon all sound reason and common sense by swallowing the lie that a socio-political ideology that for fourteen-hundred years has demonstrated its commitment to global conquest through terrorism, genocide, and enslavement, is a "religion of peace." "The inmates are TRULY running the assylum."

Notwithstanding the "control freak" tendencies of most politicians (Well-adjusted human beings don't aspire to power and control.), that's why we have radar guns at every mile marker enforcing absurd speed limits in the name of "safety," on highways where they make no sense.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm 57 years old and I don't need no more stinking tickets!

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Waze ()
Date: December 17, 2011 09:02PM

Smart phone with Waze is the ultimate weapon.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: Resident ()
Date: December 17, 2011 09:42PM

If you got money to burn, this is what you invest in for good detection & jamming of radar/lidar:


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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: strat ()
Date: December 17, 2011 11:26PM

It's not so much bribery, as the fact that someone in Richmond realizes that their law is illegal and pre-empted by the Communications Act of 1934.

The FCC has sole domain over regulation of radio spectrum and equipment type approval in the United States.

Now if you read the law closely, you'll see that "safety warning system" receivers are exempted. I haven't tested this, but it would seem to indicate that those detectors that display "FOG" or "ACCIDENT" from signals in the same RADAR bands are not illegal in Virginia. I am not a lawyer, but I do have several different FCC licenses, including one for running experimental RADAR in my cars.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: RadarLover ()
Date: December 21, 2011 05:48PM

The state police use Spectre RDD (radar detector detectors) which can sniff out all but a few models of radar detectors except for the Escort Redline, Bel STI driver, Bel STI Magnum. The already mentioned Escort 9500ci is also invisible but is $$. Not all the state police cruisers have them installed. I've only seen a couple in Northern Virginia.

As far as I know the county police don't use Spectre and for the most part don't use radar that much. They are mostly using handheld laser now (gray handheld devices). Mostly ProLaser III is what I've seen in FFX and Alexandria City. Unlike radar, laser can easily be jammed but the best device on the market will cost you about $500-1000 depending on model (Laser Interceptor). Once properly installed they won't be able to get a reading on you. Bad thing is that they are still illegal to use so once you get zapped, your alarm goes off then it is best to slow the hell down and disable the jammer.

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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: STEFAN ()
Date: July 06, 2013 05:31PM


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Re: Radar Detectors
Posted by: sneaky ()
Date: July 06, 2013 09:31PM

Althought FCPS uses a LIDAR a lot, do they still employ a Constant/instant On Ka band radar? There are circumstances when its not possible to use LIDAR after all.
I know VSP still does.

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