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Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Unfair ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:16AM

Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting
Higher rents, later availability on units among issues in study by Equal Rights Center
by Kali Schumitz Staff writer

Latinos are frequently treated differently than whites when renting an apartment, according to a review of portions of the Virginia apartment rental market.

The Equal Rights Center, a national civil rights organization, conducted more than 100 “matched pair” tests at apartment complexes around the state, including in the City of Fairfax.

Matched pair testing uses subjects who are the same in all respects except the one that the study is testing for, in this case ethnicity, said Donald Kahl, executive director of the Equal Rights Center.

For example, a 25-year-old Latina woman would go to a leasing office inquiring about apartments available for rent. Shortly after, a 25-year-old white woman would go to the same office asking about the same apartments. Both subjects would present similar income levels and employment history.

About 55 percent of the time, the Latino subjects experienced what the report describes as “adverse treatment,” as compared to their white counterpart.

The rate was even higher in the Northern Virginia tests — about 82 percent of testers in the 33 tests conducted here reported adverse treatment, including all five tests in the city of Fairfax.

“This report certainly identifies that in the commonwealth there remains much to be done to advance fair housing in general and in particular for the Latino community,” Kahl said.

In addition to Fairfax, the testing was conducted in Loudoun and Prince William counties locally; areas around Culpeper, Harrisonburg and Charlottesville in northwest Virginia; and in the Richmond and Hampton Roads/Virginia Beach regions.

Events identified as adverse treatment included Latinos being quoted higher rental rates or fees than whites for the same apartments, not being offered the same discounts or specials, being offered later availability dates, being told there were fewer apartments available or being informed of different application requirements, such as a credit check or Social Security card.

Although the study documented differential treatment, it’s impossible to draw conclusions about the reasons for the treatment, Kahl said.

“There is a possibility that the individuals representing the properties are not properly trained,” he said. “It may be simple error, or it may be something more sinister than that.”

The report recommends that housing providers ensure their staff members are trained in fair housing laws and also that they rely on written materials, to ensure that all potential applicants receive the same information.

Another goal of the report is to raise awareness within the Latino immigrant community about fair housing laws, Kahl said.

“Our goal is to highlight that this type of treatment does occur and that it’s wrong and that there is something they can do about it,” he said.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: I'd do it too ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:21AM

Unfair Wrote:
> Study: Latinos receive different treatment when
> renting
> Higher rents, later availability on units among
> issues in study by Equal Rights Center
> by Kali Schumitz Staff writer
> http://www.fairfaxtimes.com/article/20130502/NEWS/
> 130509622/1117/study-latinos-receive-different-tre
> atment-when-renting&template=fairfaxTimes

That's probably because the landlords are worried that 25 people will be living in the apartment before long.

Its completely justified IMO.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: annandale ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:21AM

Perhaps landlords are sick of renting to one or two, but having 12 living in an apartment and trashing the place?

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Negroponte ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:35AM

[insert lame "50 people in a house" joke here]

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: annandale ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:38AM

I don't think that it's a joke, but a reflection of reality.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Locustdale ()
Date: May 08, 2013 11:59AM

Fuck Em, The damn Locust will pile in 10 deep into a one bedroom.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Too bad, so sad..well not really ()
Date: May 08, 2013 12:16PM

If the "Latino immigrant community" would learn to conduct themselves in a civilized manner and follow the law for once then maybe landlords would not be discriminating against them.

Nobody to blame but themselves.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: FrankDodd ()
Date: May 08, 2013 05:22PM

Landlords do not enjoy problems, and from experience, they know where problems come from. Sadly, the truth hurts, and has no place in this land of political correctness.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: May 08, 2013 05:33PM

The locust have created their own reputation. I shouldnt have to rent my property to a bunch of scum who will invariably destroy the property, skip out on the rent, and fill the place with their "relatives" and assorted other garbage.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Date: May 08, 2013 08:56PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> The locust have created their own reputation. I
> shouldnt have to rent my property to a bunch of
> scum who will invariably destroy the property,
> skip out on the rent, and fill the place with
> their "relatives" and assorted other garbage.

I completely agree with your statement, however, that need not apply solely to Latinos.

The locust in this scenario could be anything including poorly educated redneck, white trash, bluegums, bohunks, Buddhaheads, Camel Jockeys, Charlies, Chugs, Frogs, Coolies, Coonasses, Dagos, Gooks, Guidos, Hajis, Huns, Injuns, Lugans, Micks, Paddys, Polacks, Ragheads,Teuchters, Twinkies, Wiggers, Yids and Zipperheads.

The point is that the behavior that is the focus of your statement is not specific to race or ethnicity, it's associated with the persons up-brining and socio-economic origins.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2013 09:02PM by White Possibly Hispanic.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: boston blackie ()
Date: May 08, 2013 09:11PM

White Possibly Hispanic Wrote:
The locust in this scenario could be anything
> including poorly educated redneck, white trash,
> bluegums, bohunks, Buddhaheads, Camel Jockeys,
> Charlies, Chugs, Frogs, Coolies, Coonasses, Dagos,
> Gooks, Guidos, Hajis, Huns, Injuns, Lugans, Micks,
> Paddys, Polacks, Ragheads,Teuchters, Twinkies,
> Wiggers, Yids and Zipperheads.

While I do not agree with the descriptions I do agree with the sum total. Anyone of any race can wreck a home. Trash cuts across all race lines. Bottom line is most renters dont care they know they are moving on eventually.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Negroponte ()
Date: May 08, 2013 09:19PM

I love renting to a good bohunk.

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: WentBack ()
Date: May 10, 2013 04:04PM

30 in a room in America
Fuck you
You stupid spick

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Booooooooooooo! ()
Date: May 10, 2013 04:09PM

Not true !

Most owners and management companies will rent to anyone with a job and check... More BS from more BS organizations

The real issue that needs a discussion is the FAIR CREDIT
issue as the Providers of Housing and staff and management and owners have no issue to destroy the credit of one with a Judgement for being late...

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Re: Study: Latinos receive different treatment when renting in VA
Posted by: Nostradamus ()
Date: May 10, 2013 04:44PM

Why do hispanics always own chickens? And do most leases forbid chickens? This could be the issue.

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