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Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: biffhenderson3 ()
Date: May 05, 2013 10:13PM

After a multiple "service outage" for video's I rented through Verizon Fios on demand and then being charged for them, I finally called after getting a VOD error and spent over an hour on hold, and in phone trees

verizon expected me to go back and identify every "disputed" charge (even though they are the only ones that have actual access to these transactions. this is about 2 days worth of effort for maybe 6 dollars in the short term, but over the long term maybe 50 or 60 dollars.

Answer: don't use FIOS ON DEMAND, or if you do, understand that its a crapshoot and if you don't get the movie you paid for, you may have to spend more time on the phone than you might have watching the original movie.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: YouSuckAtLife ()
Date: May 05, 2013 10:41PM

Well no shit. You couldn't tell the service would suck when the menus are pathetically slow? Besides, why pay $4.99 for a movie when I can get it for $1.50 on blue-ray at RedBox.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Dumb Consumer ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:35AM

By buying FIOS videos-on-demand, you're just encouraging the monster to keep charging ridiculous prices. Thanks a lot, idiot!

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: May 06, 2013 08:17AM

You can get Cinema now on dvd players and video game sets. That way you can rent butt fuck movies. My PS3 player has Amazon, Vudu, Netflix, Cinema Now, Crackle. All of whom are cheaper than Demand.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2013 08:18AM by Priapus.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Verizon Guy ()
Date: May 06, 2013 01:43PM

Verizon has alot of persons staffing their FIOS Noc in Reston. Instead of using the phone, create an account here and email them.


Those bimbos on the phone are not the best, emailing the group is better. If you don't like the answers they give you, escalate to their supervisor.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: don't do it ()
Date: May 06, 2013 01:50PM

YouSuckAtLife Wrote:
> Well no shit. You couldn't tell the service would
> suck when the menus are pathetically slow?
> Besides, why pay $4.99 for a movie when I can get
> it for $1.50 on blue-ray at RedBox.

Redbox sucks. The discs are usually scratched up and rarely play.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: May 06, 2013 02:09PM

"Verizon has alot...."

alot??? Really? I suppose you also "could care less about grammar"?

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Lorenzo1950 ()
Date: May 06, 2013 06:24PM

Apparently there was an outage in Baltimore last night.
I reset my television at least 5 times but the video would freeze and then I would get the blue screen with no connection. I realize Comcast can't call every customer but sometimes it is not clear if the outage is with Fios or with your own equipment. I wish there could be a message flashing on the television screen to tell us about these outages. Here I am thinking my equipment is faulty.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Ded Box ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:21PM

don't do it Wrote:
> YouSuckAtLife Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well no shit. You couldn't tell the service
> would
> > suck when the menus are pathetically slow?
> > Besides, why pay $4.99 for a movie when I can
> get
> > it for $1.50 on blue-ray at RedBox.
> Redbox sucks. The discs are usually scratched up
> and rarely play.

So true. It seems like every time I rent a movie from RedBox it's fucked up and won't play right. So annoying, but if you call and complain they'll give you a couple of free promo codes.....of course those movies won't play right either.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:29PM

Yeah I had trouble with Redbox stuff too. Maybe 50% are fucked up in some fashion.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: RedBoxSuccess ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:35PM

don't do it Wrote:
> YouSuckAtLife Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well no shit. You couldn't tell the service
> would
> > suck when the menus are pathetically slow?
> > Besides, why pay $4.99 for a movie when I can
> get
> > it for $1.50 on blue-ray at RedBox.
> Redbox sucks. The discs are usually scratched up
> and rarely play.

Interesting. I guess I've beaten the odds. I rent 2-3 movies a month from Redbox and have for almost a year now, never once had any issues.

I also glance at the disc before I leave the kiosk to make sure its the right disc and its not jacked up, never saw anything to be concerned with on a brief visual inspection.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: RedBoxSuccess ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:36PM

^adding to the above.. I just realized that I only rent new releases within the first week of them coming out. So maybe the discs I'm renting are not old and haven't had a chance to get fucked up?

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: JK ()
Date: May 06, 2013 07:49PM

Netflix and online streaming are the way to go. I only rely on On-Demand for their free content which usually is available before Hulu.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: jennifer ()
Date: November 08, 2014 12:55PM

When will verizon Fios fix theor on demand issue? You select pause, then go back to play and it takes ypu back to the beginning of the show. Verizon stated that on demand is free with fios therefore they dont support it. I stop all of the shows that go back to the beginning and give up. Waste of my time and money. and no, going to my rentals or my library that does not work eith either. When will we get a fix to something they made us sign a contract for. They should allow you out of the contract they cannot committ to.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: TVTtF ()
Date: November 08, 2014 01:17PM

is it still way cheaper than COX ?

i tried to switch once but it was only Microsoft compatible - couldn't, had to return it

i'm sure they corrected it. however now i can't select service, i have no control a long time, and am indirectly (via double dipping, or rather abusive spending) being billed and have no choice

this is because senile people who have an itch to financially attack me are in control of things

actually a new law in va and elsewhere written by the generation which is apt to do such attacks (double, triple, quadruple dippign attacks)

guess that's why they named it the "me generation"

so i'm getting indirectly phone slammed

i am suing COX though. lying to the elderly / senile is not the only kind of attack they have run on this house. they even sent staff into my home that steals. a totally corrupt organization run from a corrupt city: Atlanta - which is just another Mayor Bing black run Detroit

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: H6D9j ()
Date: November 08, 2014 01:20PM

i tried to tell my aging parernts they had limited money and possibly leaving debt behind - they cannot afford $100+ mo. for watching tv (esp since it's got ads and obama is getting the same free)

problem is they have gov worker friends who tell them it's the other way aroudn, who hog wash them

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: November 08, 2014 07:37PM

Yo, random-letter-unregistered-poster: Please learn to form a coherent sentence. It's painful to even try to read your posts, because they're a small step above random letters strung together.

Hint: if you feel like everyone's against you, it might just be that nobody can understand you, eh?

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Crazy Letter Number Guy ()
Date: November 08, 2014 07:54PM

Greybeard Wrote:
> Yo, random-letter-unregistered-poster: Please
> learn to form a coherent sentence. It's painful to
> even try to read your posts, because they're a
> small step above random letters strung together.
> Hint: if you feel like everyone's against you, it
> might just be that nobody can understand you, eh?

I wouldn't even bother. That nut job has been posting incoherent crap for years. He won't respond to you, either. He still thinks Paul is the walrus.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: November 08, 2014 08:00PM

Greybeard Wrote:
> Yo, random-letter-unregistered-poster: Please
> learn to form a coherent sentence. It's painful to
> even try to read your posts, because they're a
> small step above random letters strung together.
> Hint: if you feel like everyone's against you, it
> might just be that nobody can understand you, eh?

I'm not a regular, but I know he's in fact that "svenestle" scumbag who floods our forum with incoherent garbage.

To avoid it:

Scroll down on suspect post. If you see boldface or repeated dashes,


then just skip the post and don't respond.

Back to topic though. FIOS is so ad-laden now I can't even use the remote without seeing ads for "upgrading" my service or some other shit they try to shove down my throat. Plus the on-demand doesn't work like everyone else has said.

Anyone else sick of seeing ads for such a premium service?

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: DCProf ()
Date: November 08, 2014 08:11PM

Used to have the same problem...upgraded to their new Quantum system (same price as before) and the systems is about 10-times better. Very happy with it now.

Sorry for feeding the beast DumbConsumer....

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: 4uch4 ()
Date: November 08, 2014 11:27PM

continual anti verison posts

continual pro COX posts

this person is continually posting ads for COX

there are many articles answering this spam which show allot of dirt on COX CABLE

and also stating: this isn't a forum for posting COX ads and defaming verizon on a daily basis

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: Guess what ()
Date: November 09, 2014 03:30AM

verizon internet is really slow yall

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: johncommode ()
Date: November 09, 2014 09:41PM


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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: November 11, 2014 12:17PM

I have FIOS and haven't had trouble with OD.

One time we accidentally purchased a movie (wife picked SD, then I exited and picked HD), when i got my bill, called Verizon and they removed the duplicate charge, no problem.

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Re: Verizon FIOS on demand--don't use it
Posted by: FIOS43934324 ()
Date: November 11, 2014 05:14PM

just download the torrent of the movie on your neighbors wireless connection...movies in the theaters only suck in quality, but if you get something that just came out on dvd you can get a decent quality one. If you use android, connect to some public wifi and get the movie wherever as well. Just be sure to turn off cellular data usage when getting the torrent/movie.

You'd be surprised how many idiots there are in the area on WEP or using no password.

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