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Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Ye Ole Woodson Man ()
Date: April 04, 2013 12:43PM

Mr . Charles E. Billak who was a long time W.T. Woodson asst principal then principal died at his hoem in Warrenton Va Mar.28th 2013. He was 75 years old. Good naturedly known as "Chuck or Chuckie" by students, he was a good guy. He was there well over 40 years back and had 32 years service with the Fairfax County Schools.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Sad news ()
Date: April 04, 2013 01:21PM

He will be missed. Not by me, but surely by someone. RSVP Mr. Billay.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: younggg ()
Date: April 04, 2013 02:03PM

75 wow the years of service to our finest youth clearly cut the mans life short. RIP

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Grammar Cop ()
Date: April 04, 2013 05:00PM

RSVP...are you having him over dinner, seriously??!!


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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: ffx old timer ()
Date: April 04, 2013 05:16PM

I didn't know Mr. Billak, but I did know Mr. W.T. Woodson. He was a fine man also. He lived on 123 just south of 29-211&50. I delivered his newspaper and did yard work for him.

R.I.P. gentlemen. You did a fine job in life.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Captain Jack ()
Date: May 09, 2013 02:57PM

This was one unhappy dude, and he took it out on his football players in the mid-60s. Finally, the School Board caught on and he was relieved of his coaching duties after 1966. WTW immediately began fielding winners (and at least one state championship) after that.

He played favorites viciously, and woe to any player that wasn't in the inner circle.

There was so much talent on those early teams, yet he failed to bring out the best in them.

Perhaps he remarried later in life and turned his life around, but he was just negative, negative, negative in the mid-60s, and he was capable of great mental cruelty and some physical (on the football field) abuse.

Today, a man like that would not last a minute in high school coaching.

He was strongly disliked by the student body.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Captain Jack ()
Date: May 09, 2013 03:01PM

I knew him well, and there was nothing "good natured" about his personality (at least, when he was in his 20s and 30s). He may have changed in the late 70s and later, but he had a very dark demeanor, always scowling, always patrolling the lavatories for smokers (the "horror"), and casting a long shadow on many with whom he came into contact. Sorry, but I have to be honest.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: ????? ()
Date: May 09, 2013 05:54PM

Ye Ole Woodson Man Wrote:
> died at his
> hoem

What is a "hoem"???

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Steven K ()
Date: July 20, 2015 11:26PM

I am one of the football players who played for Captain Ahab in the early to mid-60s. "Coach" was a mean son of a bitch, and he brought all of his problems onto the field with him. What a maladjusted asshole. All these years later, I can say that he was the most malignant human being I ever met. I heard that he became more cuddly later on, but I only knew him for the prick that he was. He was detested by his players and the student body. He was a neo-fascist.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Ghost of Charles ()
Date: July 21, 2015 07:27AM

There's obviously one whining loser pussy posting here who couldn't cut the mustard and 50 years later still can't get over it. Validates my assessment of him completely.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: GhostBuster ()
Date: November 13, 2015 09:18PM

Billak was an angry dude. Look at the yearbooks from those early years (1963-70). Always frowning, never smiling.

Lost several players to O'Connell, St. John's, and Annandale. They would not play for him. They transferred out.

School Board finally fired him after '67. Had a good team that year, but was not cut out to be a coach.

Glad to hear that he got his life straightened out (new wife, four kids, good record as principal).

But, truth is, in the early years, he had a bad side to him and he was not liked.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Cody ()
Date: April 16, 2016 03:13PM

You people are literally the most scum human beings I have ever come across. How can you bash someone who just passed away. You are literally commenting on his obituary. That is my grandfather and he was the greatest man I've known. So what he had his problems and was mean at times but who hasn't been that way. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope I never meet any of you disgusting rats. I am proud to say I am related to that man and I swear to god for your sake I don't ever meet you low life trash.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Humphrey Plowjogger ()
Date: October 23, 2021 09:45PM

I hated this bully. There was nothing commendable about him at all. He was just a mean prick, period.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: WTW 83 ()
Date: October 25, 2021 02:10AM

Mr. Billak was one of the administrators I remember from my time at WTW. He was friendly and usually stopped to talk to us in the lunchroom each day. He and Mr. Thompson (Bernie!) nabbed me a few times when I was doing something stupid and they didn't make a big deal out of it.

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Re: Long Time W.T Woodson Principal Passes
Posted by: Fiveyearsstillhating ()
Date: October 25, 2021 02:34AM


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