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42 Arrested in Dulles Immigration Raid
Posted by: ICEupdate ()
Date: August 13, 2008 10:24PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal officials have arrested more than 40 men at Dulles International Airport who they say were working illegally in the U.S.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Richard Rocha says officials set up a checkpoint at the airport about 5 a.m. Wednesday, checking the identities and immigration status of more than 200 people. Of those, they arrested 42 suspected illegal immigrants.

Rocha says most of those interviewed worked on construction projects at the airport, which is located in Chantilly, Va.

Officials would not say where the detained men were being held.


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Re: 42 Arrested in Dulles Immigration Raid
Posted by: RamblinRamboRedneck ()
Date: August 14, 2008 12:40AM

Whoops! Sorry ICEupdate. Didnt see your post. I was so
happy I didnt check first. Sorry pal. Ill try and more
observant next time.

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