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Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Real Americans ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:53AM

What your view on the Hispanics in this area? Most of them seem like hard workers and I have nothing against them. I work with someone of them and they seem to have a lot of more fun than us

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Realer American ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:58AM

I hate them. I might hate them a little less if they spoke English, but most of them I encounter are either too ignorant or lazy or both to bother assimilating and will soon ruin America just as they have done to the hell holes they left that they already ruined.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Rico Suave ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:01AM

I like Spanish Women like to play all night long

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:05AM

Latin American women are hot. Mexican women look like fireplugs

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:08AM

Individually, yes, they are wonderful, family oriented , friendly, fun loving folk.

But they also bring a minority element of rapists, pedophiles , bad drivers , and smelly , unwashed , 7-11 dwelling , 3rd world influenced , illegally displaced low lifes.

Not to blame them for wanting to escape from their hellish home countries, however.

The blame falls to our scumbag politicians , afraid to offend a possible future voting base.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: double speak.. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:11AM

BEH Wrote:
> Individually, yes, they are wonderful, family
> oriented , friendly, fun loving folk.

This is what a closeted racist says.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:18AM

They need to learn to throw their trash in trash cans/bags, instead of the yard, street, sidewalks, etc.

Learn English.

Stop sticking fake, plastic vents to their cars.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gabriela. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:31AM

Realer American Wrote:
> I hate them. I might hate them a little less if
> they spoke English, but most of them I encounter
> are either too ignorant or lazy or both to bother
> assimilating and will soon ruin America just as
> they have done to the hell holes they left that
> they already ruined.

You sir are very ignorant. May of us Latinos do speak English, follow the laws, pay our taxes and HATE ignorant pieces of shit like yourself, don’t generalize.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: yepp ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:06AM


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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Set opinion ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:13AM

If they spoke English, I'd like them better. If thy were legal, I'd like them better. And if they didn't have libtards backin them up, I'd like them better. But right now, all the odds are against them, in my opinion. So my answer is no. Go back to the border and get yourself a green card and I'll give you some respect. Otherwise, get the fuck outta my country.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Anon2523454 ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:16AM

I hate em..

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:21AM

double speak.. Wrote:
> BEH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Individually, yes, they are wonderful, family
> > oriented , friendly, fun loving folk.
> >
> >
> This is what a closeted racist says.

And this is what a closeted douche bag says.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Outdated notion ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:28AM

Real Americans Wrote:
> What your view on the Hispanics in this area?
> Most of them seem like hard workers and I have
> nothing against them.

10-15 years ago this was true. Most of the hispanics in this area, even the illegal ones, came here looking for opportunity. They WANTED to work.

The Hispanics showing up today? Not so much. A large percentage of them come here looking for handouts and a free ride. Which out gov't gladly provides.

The Democrats are working on enslaving them through the entitlement system just like they enslave the blacks. They run radio/TV ads for US entitlement programs (food stamps, welfare, etc.) IN MEXICO for crying out loud!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:29AM

There is a difference. I'm married to a Latina. Awesome. Hispanic women are built like boulders. Some of them are decent human beings. The rest are like wild animals.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 10:30AM by Ahmayzin.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gerry Future Prez ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:36AM

I think they have ruined most if not all modest neighborhoods and their adjoining schools for average Americans.

I think they have robbed blue-collar white/black Americans of the ability to make a living wage doing work like landscaping, arborist work, every service job and every construction job.

I think they have cost the county 10x in services than what they have provided in taxes.

I think they have dramatically raised the price for housing in relation to rental properties and buying older close to the city suburban homes.

I think they have introduced Guatemalan and Salvadoran organized crime to the DC burbs causing our police forces to form special MS-13 units.

I think they have robbed our teens of the ability to get their first job at a local restaurant, fast food outlet or store.

I think they will follow African-American assimilation patterns as opposed to East Asian or European and create a gigantic Meso-American counter culture at odds with traditional US norms.

If I can think of miore I can add later.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: wop ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:47AM

My people came over from Italy in the teens of the past century. They were treated just like the hispanics of today, if not worse, by the rednecks of their day.

Italians brought some crime (mafia) but most were hard working decent people. My uncles fought and a few died in World War II.

Today you can't tell "us" from "you". Get over it, the same thing will happen with the today's immigrants.

Look on the bright side, if they weren't here, who could you hillbillies feel superior to?

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Here first ()
Date: March 04, 2013 11:22AM

My ancestors arrived in the 18th century from England and Scotland. At that time most americans still considered themselves British. The native americans and the slaves couldn't possiblly harass, intimidate, persecute or in any way do the things that we have done to every immigrant group since then. Including the irish, german, chinese, italian- you name it.
Ignorance causes fear, fear causes racism. For you haters out there, just imagine the bigoted reception your ancestors very well may have received, put yourself in their shoes and imagine how it would feel to be treated that way today.
All races and all nationalities have undesirable members. Most certainly the ancestors of you all "true" americans were on the receiving end of the kind of hostility, hate and prejudice that you espouse today. It is not an American value.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gerry Future Prez ()
Date: March 04, 2013 11:58AM

2 million Italians is no different from 40 million Mexicans. Somalians and Germans are exactly the same. The Swedes are carbon copies of Guatemalans. WHy there are no group differences at all in educational attainment, average income, family stability,welfare usage or crime participation. I call it diversity instead of balkanization.

Since immigration was beneficial in the past it has to be beneficial now. Common sense, hillbilly-redneck-loser-hatemonger!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Times have changed. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 12:00PM

wop Wrote:
> My people came over from Italy in the teens of the
> past century. They were treated just like the
> hispanics of today, if not worse, by the rednecks
> of their day.
> Italians brought some crime (mafia) but most were
> hard working decent people. My uncles fought and
> a few died in World War II.
> Today you can't tell "us" from "you". Get over
> it, the same thing will happen with the today's
> immigrants.
> Look on the bright side, if they weren't here, who
> could you hillbillies feel superior to?

Apples and oranges:

1. Italians, Germans, and the Irish came here LEGALLY.

2. When your people came here America wasn't a complete welfare state. They didn't come here to leech off the system.

3. Immigration quotas helped encourage assimilation.

4. Most European immigrants at least made an effort to learn English.

5. European immigrants were proud to be here and WANTED to be Americans.

On average, none of these things apply to our undocumented friends from the south.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 12:07PM

ROFLMAO@ all that bullshit you just posted



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 12:32PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Blowtorch323 ()
Date: March 04, 2013 12:24PM

Is it true that many Hispanics dont put used toilet paper in the toilet? I was told they throw shit covered toilet paper in the the trash can. How would you like to live next to that?

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: March 04, 2013 12:39PM

I know they like to pile up in one crib, then jump around 24 hours a day like Gorillas in the mist. Fucking upstairs neighbors. No home training. I also don't enjoy hearing them screw at 1am when Im trying to sleep. "MMM Senior, Si Si, Yo quiero Fresca Taco...MMM MMM Univision....MMM MMMM MMMM!!!"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 12:39PM by Ahmayzin.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 04, 2013 02:27PM

Despite this being a Troll originated conversation, I am highly amused by the level of ignorance displayed. Continue to entertain me like dancing monkeys. Dance, I say, Dance!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: the confessor ()
Date: March 04, 2013 04:58PM

They are nothing but human locust.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mary z ()
Date: March 04, 2013 05:07PM

Tired of working my butt off so I can provide for them when I have a hard enough time as a single mother. Sick of these illegals sucking off the system..enough is enough.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: section 8 sharon. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 05:14PM

I think most are very hard working and interested in a better life. They will be tempted by liberal democrats telling them they should not work but collect welfare and food stamps.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 04, 2013 05:51PM

Mary z Wrote:
> Tired of working my butt off so I can provide for
> them when I have a hard enough time as a single
> mother. Sick of these illegals sucking off the
> system..enough is enough.

My sympathies to you for having to live in one of the most expensive areas in the US as a single parent, with (presumably) a single income. I know that is extremely challenging in this county.

BUT... Just because you identify someone as a hispanic or latino, it does not mean they are illegal, nor does it necessarily mean they collect welfare or food stamps. In fact, the latest info from USDA indicates that Whites are by far the largest recipients of welfare in the US:

SNAP Recipients by Race:

34% were whites;
22% were African-Americans;
16% were Hispanic;
3% were Asian; and
4% were Native American.
20%, race/ethnicity was not reported.

Lastly, as a single parent, most of YOUR taxes are probably returned to you as exemptions or deductions, and I bet I pay for more of YOUR benefits as a single mother than you end up paying for the benefits of "illegals" in the county.

Racism generally stems from ignorance.

~White, Possible Hispanic

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2013 01:56PM by White Possibly Hispanic.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: barry times ()
Date: March 04, 2013 06:41PM

SNAP Recipients by Race:

34% were whites

Well duh, whites are still the majority but losing ground fast so it only figures there would be more on welfare. Besides who can resist the temptation of welfare when it beats the hell out of working for a living.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: MLK republican ()
Date: March 04, 2013 06:50PM

Well said BEH.

I have worked with hispanics from time to time in my life and found them to be very likeable hardworking people.

But hey, illegal is illegal.

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but at least you've noticed that they are human just like everybody else, though :)
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 06:59PM

MLK republican Wrote:
> Well said BEH.
> I have worked with hispanics from time to time in
> my life and found them to be very likeable
> hardworking people.
> But hey, illegal is illegal.

yeah...............and 50 means 50, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 07:00PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: 3 kids by 18 ()
Date: March 04, 2013 07:03PM

If they can just be strong and avoid the temptation put out by democrats to go on welfare. Mighty tempting.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: GordoIsGay ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:06PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> ROFLMAO@ all that bullshit you just posted
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> le/2006/05/07/AR2006050700721.html
> http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/17/the-irish-the-il
> legal-immigrants-of-yesteryear/

Or you can just pick today's WaPo that says most hispanic illegals don't give a fuck about becoming an american citizen or learning the english language.

Yup, that's right. Today's post, as in March 4, 2013. On the front page, in fact.

So shove that up your liberal ass.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 04, 2013 08:23PM

You guys generalize too much. Hispanics are not a race. They are all different. In fact the white hispanics are the real hispanics. The ones you are all stereotyping about are just people whose ancestors were conquered by the Spanish and the French.

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do ALL you racists just buttfuck your way thru High School Economics? o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:24PM

Sigh........................so maybe YOUR DUMB FUCKING ASS SHOULD QUIT HIRING THEM THEN!!!

pic unrelated

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Maggie Seaver ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:24PM


Maggie Seaver "Joanna" is a Mexican.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:24PM

The average brown "hispanic" IQ is an absolutely pathetic 80. In comparison, the average White IQ is 100. And anyone who's read "The Bell Curve" knows that there's a very strong correlation with race, IQ and general quality of life statistics.

Because brown "hispanics" have such innately lower cognitive abilities, they also have much lower academic scores, much higher violent crime rates, much lower economic performance, much more health problems, high rates of government leeching and all kinds of other chronic social problems.

Brown "hispanic" countries are 3rd world cesspits for a very good reason - they're full of low-IQ savage spics. And people carry their genes with them everywhere they go. It's dangerously delusional to pretend that beaners will magically transform themselves when they come to America.

And as low IQ brown "hispanics" become the new racial majority in America, as they're estimated to accomplish by about 2050, that will almost certainly mean the collapse of America as it essentially becomes North Mexico.

Corruption, violent crime, socialism and general 3rd world backwardness will become widespread in America.

As to the people who will respond with points such as "But I know some really nice and intelligent hispanics!1"

I'm not saying that all brown "hispanics" are subhuman scum, but statistical averages clearly matter on a societal scale.

Ignore and resist these ugly scientific racial truths at your own personal and societal peril...

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Daisy Duke ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:27PM


Daisy Duke is Mexican too.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Wonder Woman ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:30PM


The real Wonder Woman. Linda. She is Mexican.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Cameron Diaz ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:39PM


Cameron Diaz. A Cuban.
No. I am not a fan.
But she is a Hispanic.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: ConcernedNeighbor ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:42PM

"Do you like the Hispanics", are they all the same? That's what your question implies.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Black to the future ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:46PM

We all know who we are talking about. The illegal hispanic locust.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:46PM

ConcernedNeighbor Wrote:
> "Do you like the Hispanics", are they all the
> same? That's what your question implies.

only to stupid and ignorant ppl :(

that's all they see - an entire race as the same...............

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Christina Aguilera ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:48PM


Christina Aguilera is another Hispanic.
No. I am certainly not a fan of hers.

To think like all Hispanics in the USA look and act like the illegals standing outside of Burger King or 7-Eleven makes you all look like a bunch of idiots.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:48PM

Since three famous actresses are now found to be hispanic, I'm sure everybody here will change their mind.

I think what annoys me from any race are those that perpetuate the negative stereotypes. I'll just call them fucking assholes and worthless scum.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:52PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> Since three famous actresses are now found to be
> hispanic, I'm sure everybody here will change
> their mind.
> I think what annoys me from any race are those
> that perpetuate the negative stereotypes. I'll
> just call them fucking assholes and worthless
> scum.

that's the thing - there are fucking assholes and worthless scum in ALL races - and to pretend it's just with hispanics or blacks or asians or muslims or whatever y'all are hating on this week................well it's just FUCKING STUPID when it's there are JUST AS MANY white fucking assholes and worthless scum, y'know? Just look at Congress right now tell me I'm wrong LoLz

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: YouDumbAss ()
Date: March 04, 2013 08:55PM

Cameron Diaz Wrote:
> Cameron Diaz. A Cuban.
> No. I am not a fan.
> But she is a Hispanic.

Stop bullshitting people. First, the actresses in your examples are Americans, not Cuban, or Mexican, etc. They were born here. They didn't come here illegally and drive down the highway at 90 MPH w/o a fucking license.

Second, they do have a little Latin heritage in them.

From the looks of them compared to folks working in MD's, I would say very little.

I'm not pissing on the kid working at McD's but you're making an ass of yourself if you're actually trying to sell people on the idea that Mexico is full of blue eyed blondes.


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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:01PM


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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:01PM

(the answer is "naggers")

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notice this jackass is so clueless he dont realize our illegals arent from Mexico...........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:02PM

@youdumbass - so your idea of Mexico is bunch of ppl driving 90 mph down the highway? WTF is wrong with you?

protip: there's actually a logical reason we call them "Hispanic" around here................

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uh OH!! SHIT'S ON, NOW!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:03PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> (the answer is "naggers")

who you callin' "Nagger", BITCH?


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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: ... ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:05PM

YouDumbAss Wrote:
> Cameron Diaz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Cameron Diaz. A Cuban.
> > No. I am not a fan.
> > But she is a Hispanic.
> Stop bullshitting people. First, the actresses in
> your examples are Americans, not Cuban, or
> Mexican, etc. They were born here. They didn't
> come here illegally and drive down the highway at
> 90 MPH w/o a fucking license.
> Second, they do have a little Latin heritage in
> them.
> From the looks of them compared to folks working
> in MD's, I would say very little.
> I'm not pissing on the kid working at McD's but
> you're making an ass of yourself if you're
> actually trying to sell people on the idea that
> Mexico is full of blue eyed blondes.
> Idiot.

Believe it or not but there are lots of white people in Mexico.

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Re: notice this jackass is so clueless he dont realize our illegals arent from Mexico...........
Posted by: GordoTheDumbass ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:09PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @youdumbass - so your idea of Mexico is bunch of
> ppl driving 90 mph down the highway? WTF is wrong
> with you?
> protip: there's actually a logical reason we call
> them "Hispanic" around here................

Brainless idiots driving down the highway at 90 MPH is a hell of a lot closer to the truth about Mexico than suggesting the population looks like than "Maggie Seaver" (real name: Joanna Kerns)

You dumbass.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Saul Alvarez ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:11PM



Saul Alvarez is a boxer born in Mexico. He is a white boy.
Probably has ancestry from Spain, France or Germany.
But he was born in Mexico so he is a Mexican.

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Re: notice this jackass is so clueless he dont realize our illegals arent from Mexico...........
Posted by: Yes, I like spics ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:11PM

When they clean my home and mow my yard.

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Re: notice this jackass is so clueless he dont realize our illegals arent from Mexico...........
Posted by: You are a dumb ass ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:14PM

GordoTheDumbass Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > @youdumbass - so your idea of Mexico is bunch
> of
> > ppl driving 90 mph down the highway? WTF is
> wrong
> > with you?
> >
> > protip: there's actually a logical reason we
> call
> > them "Hispanic" around here................
> Brainless idiots driving down the highway at 90
> MPH is a hell of a lot closer to the truth about
> Mexico than suggesting the population looks like
> than "Maggie Seaver" (real name: Joanna Kerns)
> You dumbass.

There are lots of white people in Mexico.

Have you ever been to Mexico City before?

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notice the jackass cannot recognize how foolish he looks stating an ENTIRE NATION acts the same way.........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:15PM

GordoTheDumbass Wrote:

> Brainless idiots driving down the highway at 90
> MPH is a hell of a lot closer to the truth about
> Mexico than suggesting the population looks like
> than "Maggie Seaver" (real name: Joanna Kerns)
> You dumbass.

And here, we can listen to the mating call of the North American Bigot, safe in it's natural habitat of his mother's basement LoLz

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Go on - keep on bitching and hating - yeah, that'll fix the problem.......................DUMBASS
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:22PM

look, it's a no-fucking-brainer - if you dont like illegals, DONT USE THEM AND DONT SUPPORT BUSINESSES THAT DO!

like I pointed out on the last thread about this bullshit, everyone still packs Chipotle.

It aint black ppl whipping out money at the Home Depot to Jose to get in the truck, IS IT NOW?!?! Dont see no Muslims getting Carlos to bricklay up a Mosque, DO YOU? SO what the FUCK?

I'm just saying, look at YOURSELF if you want the prob to go away. Cause the $$$$$ is too good for them, plain and simple

You can hate and hate all you want, but they will STILL COME. Cause the $$$$$$. Built a wall. Build a canal. But if yr still gonna hire, they'll still come, yo.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mexican ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:37PM


I gurantee you none of the people on this list hang out in front of Burger King or 7-Eleven. None of them are out to rob you either. None of them are in gangs.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Uma Thurman ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:49PM


Uma Thurman's mother was born in Mexico City.
Lots of white people from Europe move to Mexico.
Mexico City is very European.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: GiveUpYouIdiot ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:05PM

Uma Thurman Wrote:
> src="http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/53000
> 00/Uma-Thurman-uma-thurman-5360765-1024-768.jpg">
> Uma Thurman's mother was born in Mexico City.
> Lots of white people from Europe move to Mexico.
> Mexico City is very European.

Uma's mother was Nena von Schlebrügge. Her maternal grandfather was Colonel Baron Friedrich Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge, a German Cavalry officer.

Yes, these are exactly the people who are coming over the border and hanging out in front of Home Depot

This exception-is-the-rule bullshit is so fucking lame. Who are you trying to convince?

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:09PM

Pointing out the fact that there's White people in Mexico and that some celebrities are Mexican is typical libtard "logic". It proves nothing.

Yes, I know that there's White people in Mexico. Study basic history. Mexico is a White European colony just like America is. As are virtually all of the countries in North, Central and South America (and the Caribbean).

If anything, pointing out the fact that Mexico has White people in it actually debunks the points often made by libtards in support of illegal immigration.

They say it's racist (so?) to oppose illegal immigration and that spics are the original natives so they're merely reclaiming their lands from the evaaaal White Man.

Most "hispanics" are hybrids between White Europeans, the indigenous pre-Columbian brown people living in the Americas and black Sub-Saharan African slaves. Very few Mexicans are 100% indigenous genetically.

But you'd be amazed by how many spics consider themselves to be White. Virtually all of them do. It's only when they want to exploit White Guilt that they play up their browness.

But regardless. Land and resources should belong to the superior race. The brown indigenous Americans, especially in the USA, were primitive savages. They didn't accomplish shit. They didn't even have a written language or use the wheel. The only structures they left behind were giant mounds of dirt. They literally added nothing to humanity (besides my uber-cute moccasin slippers).

Then White European imperialists showed up and swiftly transformed these previously useless brown savage lands into the most advanced and prosperous country on the planet. And the creation of White America also added major political and technological advancements to human civilization.

We colonized these lands because we were a superior race. Now we're letting mud people to recolonize it. But this time around it's an artificial invasion because Whites have entered an era of pathological self-loathing.

Brown people aren't colonizing White America because they're smarter or superior. They're colonizing it because we've neutered ourselves with "liberalism" and no longer have the willpower to stand up for ourselves.

Big difference.

America will almost certainly go backwards as it's "tanned"...

Why would you want America to become a 3rd world brown cesspit unless you were an anti-White and anti-Western Marxist or some kind of other Leftist nutjob like an environmentalist that views America as a main source of pollution and human development?

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: UsingYourThoughtProcess ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:15PM

Uma Thurman Wrote:
> src="http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/53000
> 00/Uma-Thurman-uma-thurman-5360765-1024-768.jpg">
> Uma Thurman's mother was born in Mexico City.
> Lots of white people from Europe move to Mexico.
> Mexico City is very European.

OK, here's a picture of a bunch of black people. No doubt this will make perfect sense to your pea-sized fucking brain.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: 65 year old gringo ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:20PM

GiveUpYouIdiot Wrote:
> Uma Thurman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> src="http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/53000
> >
> 00/Uma-Thurman-uma-thurman-5360765-1024-768.jpg">
> >
> > Uma Thurman's mother was born in Mexico City.
> > Lots of white people from Europe move to
> Mexico.
> > Mexico City is very European.
> Uma's mother was Nena von Schlebrügge. Her
> maternal grandfather was Colonel Baron Friedrich
> Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge, a German Cavalry
> officer.
> Yes, these are exactly the people who are coming
> over the border and hanging out in front of Home
> Depot
> This exception-is-the-rule bullshit is so fucking
> lame. Who are you trying to convince?

There are lots and lots of white people in Mexico.

There are lots of half breeds down there too.
50 and 60 year old American gringos go down to Mexico and bang 21 year old Mexican women all the time.
It sure beats the hell out of banging your 50 and 60 year old American wife thats for sure.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Blowtorch99 ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:33PM

Posting pictures of beautiful women who are of hispanic heritage does very little to sway my opinion. These arent the hispanics I see and have to deal with in the NOVA area. The ones I see are dirty filthy shifty beggars for the most part. They are the worst drivers Ive ever seen and the truth is they have no intention of learning English, they get their kids to do that for them.

About the only things I have seen them contribute to our society is blighted neighborhoods, fucked up POS cars with fake wings and scoops, and MS-13,

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mexican of European Decent ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:36PM

Not all Mexicans are dark and there are lots of Mexicans who have no interest in coming over to the United States.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: YES ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:40PM

GiveUpYouIdiot Wrote:
> Uma Thurman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> src="http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/53000
> >
> 00/Uma-Thurman-uma-thurman-5360765-1024-768.jpg">
> >
> > Uma Thurman's mother was born in Mexico City.
> > Lots of white people from Europe move to
> Mexico.
> > Mexico City is very European.
> Uma's mother was Nena von Schlebrügge. Her
> maternal grandfather was Colonel Baron Friedrich
> Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge, a German Cavalry
> officer.
> Yes, these are exactly the people who are coming
> over the border and hanging out in front of Home
> Depot
> This exception-is-the-rule bullshit is so fucking
> lame. Who are you trying to convince?

Exception to the rule?

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico City alone who are of European decent. Millions perhaps.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: GiveUpYouIdiot ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:45PM

YES Wrote:

> There are hundreds of thousands of people in
> Mexico City alone who are of European decent.
> Millions perhaps.

A picture of black people for you

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: IDIOT ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:59PM


You saying the illegals standing in front of Burger King and 7-Eleven represent all Hispanics is just as ridiculous as me saying HONEY BOO BOO child represents all American white people.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Dev ()
Date: March 04, 2013 11:05PM

By quantity, yes, the majority of Hispanics in NOVA are not white. But Hispanic is not a race. It is an U.S. classification of anyone from a Latin-American country. Most white latins stay in their countries or quietly assimilate into US anglo culture. It's the cholos that stick out like sore thumbs and are mostly of indigenous descent.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Whitey White ()
Date: March 05, 2013 05:17AM

No problems with them, the darkies are the ones that I can't stand

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: What I see ()
Date: March 05, 2013 06:26AM

Whitey White Wrote:
> No problems with them, the darkies are the ones
> that I can't stand


Hispanics hanging out in front of places are usually looking for work. Can't say the same about blacks who stand around outside which would generally be SE or PG. I doubt that they are looking for any work.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:33AM

What I see Wrote:
> Whitey White Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No problems with them, the darkies are the ones
> > that I can't stand
> +1
> Hispanics hanging out in front of places are
> usually looking for work. Can't say the same
> about blacks who stand around outside which would
> generally be SE or PG. I doubt that they are
> looking for any work.

why should they be looking for work? Guys hanging around a 7/11 in SE or PG already have their own business LoLz

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Huggy Bear ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:52AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> What I see Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Whitey White Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > No problems with them, the darkies are the
> ones
> > > that I can't stand
> >
> > +1
> >
> > Hispanics hanging out in front of places are
> > usually looking for work. Can't say the same
> > about blacks who stand around outside which
> would
> > generally be SE or PG. I doubt that they are
> > looking for any work.
> why should they be looking for work? Guys hanging
> around a 7/11 in SE or PG already have their own
> business LoLz

Productive businesses that contribute to the community.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:12AM

Huggy Bear Wrote:

> Productive businesses that contribute to the
> community.

First come, first serve basis................

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Marco ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:27AM

I am luking for sum constucting work in fairfax. any amigos nows anyone luking to hire? my rate is $7per hour

your amigo from Mehico

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Sven the Squarehead ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:07PM

I find it strange how some people are mistakenly under the impression that the term 'Hispanic' implies a specific racial makeup.
On the contrary, Latin culture is comprised of Blacks, Whites, indigenous South & Central Americans & multiracial/mestizo peoples.

Saul Alvarez is Mexican by birth & nationality, yet there's a chance he is of European Spaniard extraction, as is fairly common of White Hispanics.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Charlie Sheen ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:11PM

I'm Hispanic...and WINNING!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:20PM

Poor Canelo Alvarez will have his head handed to him by Austin Trout in a few months.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mlk republican ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:18PM

Lots of beautiful women posted on this thread. If they were the hispanics hanging out at 7-11's looking for work there would be lots of warrants out for gropers and a huge public outcry for amnesty. Very few contractors would meet their deadlines. Talk about call of the wild. I probably won't be right the rest of the day!!!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mary z ()
Date: March 06, 2013 08:46PM

White Possibly Hispanic go F*** yourself.

I work full time, pay all of my taxes...1 dependent and got $100 back from my fed tax return this year. I pay $350 a month for health insurance for myself & daughter. I make enough that I wouldn't qualify for any assistance NOR would I even want it as I prefer to work rather than feel a sense of entitlement.

I have NO benefits coming in other than the one I work hard for...my paycheck.

So KISS MY @$$...white possible hispantic piece of crap!!!! So do us a favor and shut up you ignorant pig.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: OhYeah2 ()
Date: March 06, 2013 09:04PM

You tell him Mary, cuz he's a shithead.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 06, 2013 09:45PM

OhYeah2 Wrote:
> You tell him Mary, cuz he's a shithead.

Here, I fixed it for you - lol:

>. You tell him Mary, cuz he's a hispantic shithead.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 06, 2013 10:02PM

Mary z Wrote:
> White Possibly Hispanic go F*** yourself.
> I work full time, pay all of my taxes...1
> dependent and got $100 back from my fed tax return
> this year. I pay $350 a month for health
> insurance for myself & daughter. I make enough
> that I wouldn't qualify for any assistance NOR
> would I even want it as I prefer to work rather
> than feel a sense of entitlement.
> I have NO benefits coming in other than the one I
> work hard for...my paycheck.
> So KISS MY @$$...white possible hispantic piece of
> crap!!!! So do us a favor and shut up you
> ignorant pig.

Hang in there, Mary. Work all that pent up agression out of your system. Based on your response, I'd say I either hit a nerve or you had a bad day at work. But either way it's apparent that you didn't clearly understand my statement, and that's okay. You just prove my point that most of the folks criticizing hispanics (or should I say hispantics?) are not the brightest bulbs.

Thanks for your help!

~~ White, possible hispantic piece of crap

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: stui ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:16PM

I like young latina girls (14-18). They are very good in bed.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Mary Z ()
Date: March 07, 2013 05:54PM

Whatever...white piece of crap hispanic...

Probably a whole lot smarter than you (common sense & education wise)...just tired of minorities feeling a sense of entitlement while those of us with a backbone work & don't believe in sucking off the system.

Options: ReplyQuote
so you honestly feel that it's only the minorites that act all entitled in Fairfax County? BWAHAHAH HA HA H HA HA HAH AHA !!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 06:01PM

Mary Z Wrote:
> Whatever...white piece of crap hispanic...
> Probably a whole lot smarter than you (common
> sense & education wise)...just tired of minorities
> feeling a sense of entitlement while those of us
> with a backbone work & don't believe in sucking
> off the system.

YOU IGNORANT FUCK................ if you cant see that EVERY FUCKING RACE AROUND HERE ACTS WITH A SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, then you need to seriously just take a plastic bag and tie it around yr head and breathe.......................

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: so you honestly feel that it's only the minorites that act all entitled in Fairfax County? BWAHAHAH HA HA H HA HA HAH AHA !!!!!
Posted by: mary Z ()
Date: March 07, 2013 06:29PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Mary Z Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Whatever...white piece of crap hispanic...
> >
> > Probably a whole lot smarter than you (common
> > sense & education wise)...just tired of
> minorities
> > feeling a sense of entitlement while those of
> us
> > with a backbone work & don't believe in sucking
> > off the system.
> YOU IGNORANT FUCK................ if you cant see
> SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, then you need to seriously
> just take a plastic bag and tie it around yr head
> and breathe.......................

Could you please shut the fuck up. Thank you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: markj ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:03PM

hate them....DEPORT!

and tell them to quit littering...POS

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: so you honestly feel that it's only the minorites that act all entitled in Fairfax County? BWAHAHAH HA HA H HA HA HAH AHA !!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:04PM

mary Z Wrote:

> Could you please shut the fuck up. Thank you.

nope, not a shred of entitlement in her, ladies and gentlemen.....................

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Lolz ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:15PM

Shut the fuck up sounds like good advice, just saying.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: fugid... ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:45PM

I love hispanics. I like them basted in butter with lots of garlic and some roasted fingerling potatoes. Plus, crack open their heads and you'll be rewarded with a delicious paste made from dark chocolate and crushed almonds.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: our albatross ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:48PM

whites are stuck with gordon blvd so hispanics got us beat

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Date: March 07, 2013 11:17PM

Mary Z Wrote:
> Whatever...white piece of crap hispanic...
> Probably a whole lot smarter than you (common
> sense & education wise)...just tired of minorities
> feeling a sense of entitlement while those of us
> with a backbone work & don't believe in sucking
> off the system.

I, for one, am convinced of your superior intellect (common sense & otherwise). Your eloquent usage of profanity and your subtle mastery of insults to defend your argument leave no doubt that we are in the presence of one of the greatest minds of our era. Teach your daughter well so that future generations can benefit from this gift bestowed upon you.

our albatross Wrote:
> whites are stuck with gordon blvd so hispanics got
> us beat

GB is one of the few on this topic with any common sense. Be thankful that she's representin', bc the rest of you dumb fucks collectively bring down the IQ of FFC. (But I'll always have a special place for Mary Z - regardless of whether she's special needs. She can have my food stamps anytime)

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: Jeez.... ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:29PM

For God's sake, Gordon Blvd IS NOT a woman! That concept was floated by a paranoid bipolar guy with a thing against dancing black men. Do you really think any self-respecting woman would talk like an aging hipster? Irritating as he is, GB is not a woman!

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: hkjVDKAsdfjkasjkdfb ()
Date: March 08, 2013 01:40AM

99.99% of Hispanics are the hardest working and most family-orineted people in teh country. We should open our borders and colleges to them...and execute the 0.01% involved in gang activity based on their tattoos alone.

Any more questions?

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: YO CHICANO ()
Date: March 08, 2013 07:02AM



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I have GOT to admit - ppl wasting time wondering what my gender and race are has been pretty effing funny to a lot of us here :)
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 08, 2013 07:29AM

> OF US.

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Re: Do you like the Hispanics
Posted by: WCLN9 ()
Date: March 08, 2013 07:42AM

Jeez.... Wrote:
> For God's sake, Gordon Blvd IS NOT a woman! That
> concept was floated by a paranoid bipolar guy with
> a thing against dancing black men. Do you really
> think any self-respecting woman would talk like an
> aging hipster? Irritating as he is, GB is not a
> woman!

That pranoid bipolar guy was the retard Gordo. He loved that everyone thought he was a chick. Even when it was pointed out that he talked about his wife and daughters, some still believed his bi-lie. Retards following retards.


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this dude has made over 10-15 PERSONALLY pics about Gordon Blvd over the last few weeks
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 08, 2013 07:54AM

WCLN9 Wrote:

> That pranoid bipolar guy was the retard
> Gordo. He loved that everyone thought he was a
> chick. Even when it was pointed out that he
> talked about his wife and daughters, some still
> believed his bi-lie. Retards following retards.
> .

wow....................I really got to you, didnt I?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2013 07:55AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: this dude has made over 10-15 PERSONALLY pics about Gordon Blvd over the last few weeks
Posted by: Philllll ()
Date: March 08, 2013 08:05AM

Love u, Gordon :D

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