Mary Z Wrote:
> Whatever...white piece of crap hispanic...
> Probably a whole lot smarter than you (common
> sense & education wise)...just tired of minorities
> feeling a sense of entitlement while those of us
> with a backbone work & don't believe in sucking
> off the system.
I, for one, am
convinced of your superior intellect (common sense & otherwise). Your eloquent usage of profanity and your subtle mastery of insults to defend your argument leave no doubt that we are in the presence of one of the greatest minds of our era. Teach your daughter well so that future generations can benefit from this gift bestowed upon you.
our albatross Wrote:
> whites are stuck with gordon blvd so hispanics got
> us beat
GB is one of the few on this topic with any common sense. Be thankful that she's representin', bc the rest of you dumb fucks collectively bring down the IQ of FFC. (But I'll always have a special place for Mary Z - regardless of whether she's special needs. She can have my food stamps anytime)