Understanding your own stats Wrote:
> Dbags R U Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hahahaha you think that 15% of the population
> > around here is illegal hispanics? Dude you must
> > fuckin live in Annandare or Hoodbridge. Get out
> > more. See all those white people on I-66? Those
> > are not illegals.
> >
> > My statistics comes from
> >
> >
> > s-in-virginia
> >
> > and
> >
> >
> >
> -immigrant-population-brnational-and-state-trends-
> > 2010/
> "Despite the recent decline and leveling off,
the number of unauthorized immigrants living in
> the United States has tripled since 1990, when it
> was 3.5 million. The size of this population grew
> by a third since 2000, when was 8.4 million."
> Also, Pew's numbers generally underestimate the
> population since they are based on a fairly simple
> difference calculation from census data which are
> suspect to begin with.
> "The estimates are produced using a multistage
> method that subtracts the legal foreign-born
> population from the total adjusted foreign-born
> population, with the residual then used as the
> source of information about unauthorized
> immigrants. The source of these data is the U.S.
> Census Bureau’s March Current Population
> Surveys."
> They also don't take into account clustering which
> has a disproportional effect on specific areas
> (e.g., NoVA, Tidewater, and individual communities
> within) so your population percentage estimates
> would need to be adjusted to better reflect
> corresponding local populations.
Yes the data is just skewed, just like the polls were before the election. I forgot how much of an expert you were that you could literally walk around and count how many illegal immigrants you see in an entire state.
Get a life idiot. Want to debate reality, provide your own god damn study. Go, spend the next 2000 hours compiling data asshole. Until then, shut the fuck up. Whether it is off by 2000 or 3000 is irrelevant. There are not 200,000 illegals in Fairfax, PWC, and Loudoun.
There might be 200,000 hispanics, but as I pointed out before, there are 400,000 legal hispanic residents of the commonwealth (a number that is easily tracked because of the census). Your racist ass just cant tell the difference.
Pat Herrity must really love you.