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When a Fairfax County mother got an urgent call from school last month reporting that her teenage daughter was caught popping a pill at lunchtime, she did not panic. "It was probably her birth-control pill," she thought. She was right.
Her heart dropped that afternoon in the assistant principal's office at Oakton High School when she and her daughter heard the mandatory punishment: A two-week suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
"I realize my daughter broke a rule," the mother said. But in an appeal to the school system, she reasoned, "the punishment does not fit the crime."
Hayley Russell was 13 and worried about another acne flare-up when she brought an orange prescription bottle to Rachel Carson Middle School in Fairfax County. She placed the medication on the top shelf of her locker so she could retrieve an antibiotic pill to take at lunch.
"I just didn't think about it at the time," she says.
Hayley violated Fairfax rules that prescription medication must be signed in at the school clinic by a parent and kept there. The pills sat in her locker for months. When an administrator confronted her about them last May, acting on a tip from other girls, Hayley quickly acknowledged her mistake. But it triggered a disciplinary process that kept her out of class for more than seven weeks and banned her from even visiting Carson without official permission.
Dante Verme, who was suspended too, knows how difficult it can be to cope with the stigma.
"They need to focus more on helping kids. Not punishing them. We're kids," Verme said.
In January, 2010, Verme was suspended from Chantilly High School for the remainder of the year. Just before school started again in the fall, he was informed he would be involuntarily transferred to W.T. Woodson High School.
"Before then I'd never gotten into trouble before," he said.
The suspension wasn't for drugs or anything violent. He spent a semester exiled to his home for spray painting smiley face graffiti.
"To me, I thought they treated me like a criminal just bashing you, bashing you," he recalled.
The school system wound up paying tutors more than 500 hours to teach him at home.
Raise your hand if this wacky shit is the only thing this guy was on. I watched him coach as I had kids on opposing teams. He was psycho and an embarrassment to his school. As the umpires, ask the other coaches. Bet this is a relief to the school admin. now they can search for a coach that has respect.
youre all so misinformed its hilarious. First off Sborz and his parents moved from their house in the langley district to a house in mclean. Sborz wasn't on the Canes until after he came to McLean b/c Fitzgerald, Buckley and maybe Beiro?? were on the Canes before they knew who Sborz was. Dr. Jackson never slept around either
youre all idiots Wrote:
> youre all so misinformed its hilarious. First off
> Sborz and his parents moved from their house in
> the langley district to a house in mclean. Sborz
> wasn't on the Canes until after he came to McLean
> b/c Fitzgerald, Buckley and maybe Beiro?? were on
> the Canes before they knew who Sborz was. Dr.
> Jackson never slept around either
Correct - Sborz's family moved to the Kent Gardens area in the McLean HS district from the Langley district. And Ms. Jackson was a good principal whose commitment to the school and personal conduct were never called into question.
Come on folks Wrote:
> Raise your hand if this wacky shit is the only
> thing this guy was on. I watched him coach as I
> had kids on opposing teams. He was psycho and an
> embarrassment to his school. As the umpires, ask
> the other coaches. Bet this is a relief to the
> school admin. now they can search for a coach
> that has respect.
What ever happened to the good ole days when then head football coach, Karl Buckwalter, was fired (I think he resigned before he was fired actually) for banging the mother of a kid in order for him to get more playing time -- like Forrest Gump. I think he went down to Stafford to coach soon after.
and now we have parents who "volunteer" to be high school coaches so their kids who are not good enough to make the team, can play. and of course, the principals will look the other way. what a world we live in.
Joe B. Wrote:
> What ever happened to the good ole days when then
> head football coach, Karl Buckwalter, was fired (I
> think he resigned before he was fired actually)
> for banging the mother of a kid in order for him
> to get more playing time -- like Forrest Gump. I
> think he went down to Stafford to coach soon
> after.
Does it do wonders for your self-esteem to post like a gossipy middle-school girl? At best, you sound like some lame assistant who got fired because you couldn't coach and spent too much time handing out towels in the locker room.
I heard he is coming back right after Spring Break. He will have completed his rehab, reduced his charged. Parents already starting a petition to get him back. Perhaps concerned the current level of coaching or projecting the season out.
Hard to see school wants him as thier poster boy, but guess those kids dope it up too and need coach mentorship.
Second chances Wrote:
> I heard he is coming back right after Spring
> Break. He will have completed his rehab, reduced
> his charged. Parents already starting a petition
> to get him back. Perhaps concerned the current
> level of coaching or projecting the season out.
> Hard to see school wants him as thier poster boy,
> but guess those kids dope it up too and need coach
> mentorship.
Go get your GED and then see if you can write this in English.
>Does it do wonders for your self-esteem to post like a gossipy middle-school girl? At best, you sound like some lame assistant who got fired because you couldn't coach and spent too much time handing out towels in the locker room.
Joe B. says to Don't be a Joe B. --
Actually jack off. I played football with him, knew him well and I couldn't have been more happy to learn of his demise. Grew up with his wife too. He is a shitbird. Go F youself.
Joe B. Wrote:
> Don't be Joe B. said:
> >Does it do wonders for your self-esteem to post
> like a gossipy middle-school girl? At best, you
> sound like some lame assistant who got fired
> because you couldn't coach and spent too much time
> handing out towels in the locker room.
> Joe B. says to Don't be a Joe B. --
> Actually jack off. I played football with him,
> knew him well and I couldn't have been more happy
> to learn of his demise. Grew up with his wife too.
> He is a shitbird. Go F youself.
Haha. Must suck to be in your 30s and still nursing old grievances toward classmates and coaches that you look for opportunities to dredge up.
His a bully. I don't like him. He laughs at us if we don't get something right. but in the bright side we all passed the sol last year. it was US Va History class.
Joe Be Sad Clown Wrote:
> Joe B. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't be Joe B. said:
> >
> > >Does it do wonders for your self-esteem to
> post
> > like a gossipy middle-school girl? At best, you
> > sound like some lame assistant who got fired
> > because you couldn't coach and spent too much
> time
> > handing out towels in the locker room.
> >
> > Joe B. says to Don't be a Joe B. --
> >
> > Actually jack off. I played football with him,
> > knew him well and I couldn't have been more
> happy
> > to learn of his demise. Grew up with his wife
> too.
> > He is a shitbird. Go F youself.
> Haha. Must suck to be in your 30s and still
> nursing old grievances toward classmates and
> coaches that you look for opportunities to dredge
> up.
> Man up, loser.
> Haha. Must suck to be in your 30s and still
> nursing old grievances toward classmates and
> coaches that you look for opportunities to dredge
> up.
> Man up, loser.
30's? Do the math corkytard. Buckwalter is pushing 50.
Joe B. Wrote:
> Joe B.Sad Clown said:
> > Haha. Must suck to be in your 30s and still
> > nursing old grievances toward classmates and
> > coaches that you look for opportunities to
> dredge
> > up.
> >
> > Man up, loser.
> 30's? Do the math corkytard. Buckwalter is
> pushing 50.
Even worse if you're still talking about Buckwalter, not Thomas. Sounds like it's too late for you now. You're a sad sack of shit if you troll internet forums "pushing 50" to get back at old HS classmates. Just staple "loser" to your forehead and be done with it.
Joe B. Wrote:
> Joe B.Sad Clown said:
> > Haha. Must suck to be in your 30s and still
> > nursing old grievances toward classmates and
> > coaches that you look for opportunities to
> dredge
> > up.
> >
> > Man up, loser.
> 30's? Do the math corkytard. Buckwalter is
> pushing 50.
Give it a break Dude! You know him well enough to sit behind the computer and bash him. 30 years of remembering practices that he whipped your ass and you could nt do anything then either. Move on old man
Where did Coach Buckwalter come in here?he is off doing great things at another school and as a McLean grad and former player they have not done as well as they did when he played there or Coached there! did he break the law like this idiot did no! But you are holding him to the standards of the times he was there. but now the times have changed and people like you who think pot is ok and the unwritten rules of society are falling apart before our very eyes want to bring up old stories to hurt someone Get a life jackass! And I certainly bet you don't know him or his former wife!
Letting Thomas return to coaching would be wrong on so many levels. I hope it is not allowed - it is bad enough that he is still teaching, given the way a student in the same situation would have been treated by FCPS.
SasonsRule Wrote:
> coach of mclean fired, program in trouble, cheater
> program, the school should test all their
> coaches.
> http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/crime/arrest.t
> xt
You will all eat your hate posts when I comeback and kick each of your @sses. I got some good lawyers my pops hooked me up with and I beat this shit ans everything will retun to normal. I promise I won't get caught again.
Get over yourself, your old news, nobody wants you back and the school does not need the headache. You really think the principal will put their job on the line for a person that carries pot on school grounds?????
Please Wrote:
> Get over yourself, your old news, nobody wants you
> back and the school does not need the headache.
> You really think the principal will put their job
> on the line for a person that carries pot on
> school grounds?????
Absolutely! The best way to gain favor with a teacher is to show a personal interest in their outside activities. Especially a teacher as rational and self-composed as Thomas.
Disappointed Wrote:
> I heard the charges were dropped this week and
> Thomas is busy planning his comeback as coach.
> Can anyone supply the details?
Jim Patrick Wrote:
> McLean baseaball job open. We will give it back
> to Thomas. We are family
I hope you do Jimmy, then kiss that AP position bye bye!!! We all know you'll get out of dodge before the next one happens and it'll be thrown on the next person. What am I saying, of course they'll hire you, I mean they hired an AP for having sexual relations with other teachers. Great way to run a program and school McLean. God it is pathetic how bad you all want to be like Langley, but still end up looking like the red headed step child. At least your school colors are right for the part.
In the end , we were not allowed to hire our coach back. We hired another, we plan to keep Coach Thomas around to help in the transition or be an assistant head coach to our new head coach.
jake M Wrote:
> did anything ever happeen to him? did he come
> back?
He's still listed as a learning disabilities teacher on the McLean High School website, but not as a coach on the McLean High School Athletics website (he resigned soon after he got busted).
> jake M Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > did anything ever happeen to him? did he come
> > back?
> He's still listed as a learning disabilities
> teacher on the McLean High School website, but not
> as a coach on the McLean High School Athletics
> website (he resigned soon after he got busted).
rules broken Wrote:
> >
> > Sborz was supposed to go to Langley, but
> > transferred in during his sophomore year
> because
> > JT was his Canes coach (wow surprising that
> > happened).
> That is what is wrong with the system. Transfers
> Both schools (mClean and langley) are AP so what
> the hell did he get approved for? Parents sign a
> letter of understanding that the kid will take the
> class/course they are getting an exception for.
> Lousy principal---who didn't do her job.