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HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: JN ()
Date: January 09, 2013 09:21AM

I received a double citation this morning after I started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66, realized it was still HOV, and turned off the ramp before I had gone down. The officer came up the ramp (he was down at freeway level) and pulled me over on surface streets. He wrote me one citation for the HOV violation despite the fact that I did not attempt to get on the freeway, and an improper backing violation for turning around at the mouth of the ramp.

I can live with the improper backing violation because that is something I actually did. However, I did not try to get on the freeway. Should I try to fight this?

Also, this is my first violation in 7 years of driving.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: JD from Harvard ()
Date: January 09, 2013 09:48AM

Get a lawyer, you are facing a pretty severe prison sentence.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 09, 2013 09:52AM

JN Wrote:
> I received a double citation this morning after I
> started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> realized it was still HOV, and turned off the ramp
> before I had gone down.

LOL, you fucking idiot. You're full of bologna. You saw the cop on the ramp, and that's why you turned around. He knew it, you know it, and I know it.

I'm so happy that he gave you two tickets. Best news I've heard yet today.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: cvhk ()
Date: January 09, 2013 10:05AM

Probably not worth fighting. Your first HOV violation has no points, and a $125 fine.

The Code of Virginia for HOV talks about "highways" though, and although I don't see a specific definition of "highways" in the Code, it seems unlikely to me that the on/off ramp lanes have been explicitly designated as HOV lanes. The CTB has designated "the inside (the beltway) lanes on Eastbound I-66 during the AM peak hours (5:30 a.m-9:30 a.m.)" are restricted, and I guess that leaves up to discretion of whether or not the ramps are included with this. But I doubt the cost of fighting it would be worth it at all.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Off with your head ()
Date: January 09, 2013 10:17AM

Kilton Wrote:
> JN Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I received a double citation this morning after
> I
> > started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> > realized it was still HOV, and turned off the
> ramp
> > before I had gone down.
> LOL, you fucking idiot. You're full of bologna.
> You saw the cop on the ramp, and that's why you
> turned around. He knew it, you know it, and I know
> it.
> I'm so happy that he gave you two tickets. Best
> news I've heard yet today.

I totally agree! What kind of idiot backups off a ramp or the highway. You should be beheaded for endangering everyone around you.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Alex Z ()
Date: January 09, 2013 10:18AM

If thats the best news you've heard all day you must lead a really shitty life.

That said, if you enter the on ramp you're technically on the freeway already. Thats why he gave you the ticket although you realized your mistake before you merged.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: JN ()
Date: January 09, 2013 10:23AM

Off with your head Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > JN Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I received a double citation this morning
> after
> > I
> > > started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> > > realized it was still HOV, and turned off the
> > ramp
> > > before I had gone down.
> >
> > LOL, you fucking idiot. You're full of bologna.
> > You saw the cop on the ramp, and that's why you
> > turned around. He knew it, you know it, and I
> know
> > it.
> >
> > I'm so happy that he gave you two tickets. Best
> > news I've heard yet today.
> I totally agree! What kind of idiot backups off a
> ramp or the highway. You should be beheaded for
> endangering everyone around you.

I didn't back up at all. I simply turned around at the mouth of the ramp. It was more of a U-Turn. I had gone down no more than 15-20 feet down the ramp. Still had plenty of room to veer out.

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notice the dumbass's main concern still has not a thing to do with the fact he/she could have caused an accident
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: January 09, 2013 11:20AM

hold on here.................wait a fucking minute

did you just say you made an fucking U-TURN on the ramp to 66?

cop should have smacked you in your face.


and yet you missed noticing the cop.

case closed

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 09, 2013 12:23PM

I see drivers doing crazy stuff like this all the time, but never see them get caught, so this is cool!

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 09, 2013 12:38PM

That U turn on the ramp sounds dangerous. I suggest paying the tickets. The judge will see things exactly like Kilton, Gordo, and others here. It'd be a huge embarrassment and financially painful to fight this in court.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: JohnGalt338 ()
Date: January 09, 2013 11:11PM

JN Wrote:
> I received a double citation this morning after I
> started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> realized it was still HOV, and turned off the ramp
> before I had gone down. The officer came up the
> ramp (he was down at freeway level) and pulled me
> over on surface streets. He wrote me one citation
> for the HOV violation despite the fact that I did
> not attempt to get on the freeway, and an improper
> backing violation for turning around at the mouth
> of the ramp.
> I can live with the improper backing violation
> because that is something I actually did. However,
> I did not try to get on the freeway. Should I try
> to fight this?
> Also, this is my first violation in 7 years of
> driving.

I agree with the OP, he should have only gotten one ticket for backing up on a ramp at the height of major traffic. Seems reckless driving would be a much more appropriate ticket.

Let's see first violation in 7 years. Until I received a ticket for an alleged rolling stop at a stop sign a few years ago I had not had a ticket for about 25 years. Surprisingly, I did, in that quarter century period, violate traffic laws from time to time.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Judge Judy ()
Date: January 10, 2013 12:07AM


And I'm increasing the fine for insulting the court by trying to pass off that same old tired-ass story. You didn't really think that you're the first did you? lol

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: mr ()
Date: January 10, 2013 01:06AM

Go to court and fight the ticket, OP. It'll be fun... for everyone in the courtroom that morning.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: January 10, 2013 07:24AM

I don't believe a word of this. Op is clearly lying his vagina off and doesn't have the cojones to pull such a manly maneuver. Prove it and post pics of the tickets.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Shocked Shocked ()
Date: January 10, 2013 08:26AM

May be the first time ever that I could agree with Kilton or GB. But I'd take it a step further and hope OP would be arrested and put in jail for a night. Love it when selfish asshole drivers get caught when endangering everyone else on the road!

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: VSP ()
Date: January 10, 2013 12:28PM

Former Trooper here. You are fucked, and a dumb ass for backing up on an off ramp.

JN Wrote:
> I received a double citation this morning after I
> started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> realized it was still HOV, and turned off the ramp
> before I had gone down. The officer came up the
> ramp (he was down at freeway level) and pulled me
> over on surface streets. He wrote me one citation
> for the HOV violation despite the fact that I did
> not attempt to get on the freeway, and an improper
> backing violation for turning around at the mouth
> of the ramp.
> I can live with the improper backing violation
> because that is something I actually did. However,
> I did not try to get on the freeway. Should I try
> to fight this?
> Also, this is my first violation in 7 years of
> driving.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 10, 2013 12:52PM

Shocked Shocked Wrote:
> May be the first time ever that I could agree with
> Kilton or GB.

+1, definitely first time for me.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: January 10, 2013 01:37PM

So where are you from OP?

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: January 10, 2013 01:43PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Shocked Shocked Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > May be the first time ever that I could agree
> with
> > Kilton or GB.
> +1, definitely first time for me.

It is becoming a large club.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: JudgeU ()
Date: January 10, 2013 02:04PM

"The officer came up the ramp (he was down at freeway level) and pulled me over on surface streets"

You saw the cop otherwise you would not have known his original position "freeway level." Thus you turned onto the ramp, saw the cop then evaded by going back up the ramp against traffic.

The cops take notes and no doubt had a little chat with you while writing you up and Im betting you tried your story on him too. Your story volunteers the fact that you saw the cop then acted. He wrote that down in his notes.

Go to court and you will get charged court fees on top of the fines

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 10, 2013 02:45PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Dane Bramage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Shocked Shocked Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > May be the first time ever that I could agree
> > with
> > > Kilton or GB.
> >
> > +1, definitely first time for me.
> It is becoming a large club.

That's because you lugnuts typically side with the posters who break the law, get caught, and then come here to bitch about it. Why this OP is any different is beyond me. I guess turning around on a ramp to avoid an HOV ticket is worse than DUI. :-)

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: What should he have done? ()
Date: January 10, 2013 02:52PM

Although I'm certian the OP have every intention of wrongly using the HOV lanes, what if they really did forget that it was still HOV-only and the sight of the popo reminded them? Would you really have expected them to continue down the rampo anyway? And all that crap about safety is bs. Do you really think they busted a u-turn and cars were honking and swerving, almost causing an accident? Get real. People make illegal u-turns, turns on a red when prohibited, etc. and I guarantee they LOOK before making the move and haven't cause any danger.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: IFearEasternDrvs ()
Date: January 10, 2013 03:00PM

What should he have done? Wrote:
> I guarantee they LOOK before making the move and
> haven't cause any danger.

You haven't driven around Annandale much/lately.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: January 10, 2013 03:17PM

JN Wrote:
> I received a double citation this morning after I
> started to pull down the on ramp onto I-66,
> realized it was still HOV, and turned off the ramp
> before I had gone down.

Just to be clear: "realized it was still HOV" is shorthand for "knew it was HOV but realized I would be caught", right?

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Copper ()
Date: January 10, 2013 03:23PM

You should have been pistol whipped your worthless piece of fucking shit. Then rammed back up your momma's worthless vagina.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: ButWhy? ()
Date: January 10, 2013 05:18PM

I don't know why my car has an 'R' if i am not allowed to use it. If God didn't want me to back down ramps, he wouldn't have put a reverse gear in the automobile.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: Stupidity ()
Date: January 10, 2013 07:20PM

No, no backup, he TURNED AROUND on the ramp, causing him to then be going the WRONG WAY.

I think it's hysterical. Even if you really didn't know I-66 was still HOV, you deserve that ticket because: (1) you were obviously not paying attention to the time, so stupidity deserves a ticket, and (2) the cop was probably damn tired of dealing with stupid people. The other ticket, as you said, you can live with that.

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Re: HOV Violation but I wasn't on the freeway
Posted by: whatreminded you ()
Date: January 10, 2013 08:19PM

It really does not matter if seeing the cops reminded the HOV offender of his violation or not. By that logic we could just let HOV offenders off at the next exit to get back into non-HOV traffic. Once on the ramp he was on HOV no matter how many illegal U turns or driving in the wrong direction infractions he was willing to rack up. Had you driven up been pulled over like you should have you would only be looking at one ticket.

You should be glad he didnt cite your for evading a police officer or reckless driving...

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