Johnny Law Wrote:
> The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based
> on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video
> tape Police Officers or other first responders
> doing their job, due to matters of National
> Security. You will be asked to stop and told to
> turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or
> similar device, your iphone will be confiscated
> until deletion of video in question is confirmed.
> (This usually involves the Police Department's IT
> division disabling or erasing everything on your
> device's hard drive, including contacts, photos,
> apps, etc.)
This is a complete lie. I'm guessing from an officer that doesn't want to be recorded.
The Supreme court just refused to hear a case that would of made videoing taping police illegal in Illinois. So all you need to do cite the Suspreme Court hearing refusal and you are golden.