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Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: concernedcitizen ()
Date: January 08, 2013 11:30AM

I have heard conflicting information on this. Some say it is protected under the Constitution, others say it is a violation of the Officers rights. Does anyone know what the law is in the Commonwealth? The way I understand this is as long as you do not interfere with the officers doing their job you can record all you want.

Couple of different scenarios if you want more detail to address:

I get pulled over by a FCP officer for a traffic stop. Can I video record the exchange between the officer and myself? Do I need to let him know I am recording the exchange?

I witness a police stop and want to video the event can I video?

I see a Sobriety check point and want to video, can I?

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Johnny Law ()
Date: January 08, 2013 12:16PM

The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video tape Police Officers or other first responders doing their job, due to matters of National Security. You will be asked to stop and told to turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or similar device, your iphone will be confiscated until deletion of video in question is confirmed. (This usually involves the Police Department's IT division disabling or erasing everything on your device's hard drive, including contacts, photos, apps, etc.)

edit by Cary: This is false. Blatant misinformation will not be tolerated in Fairfax General.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2013 05:45PM by Cary.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: more like johnny dumbass ()
Date: January 08, 2013 12:29PM

You are an idiot.


Johnny Law Wrote:
> The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based
> on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video
> tape Police Officers or other first responders
> doing their job, due to matters of National
> Security. You will be asked to stop and told to
> turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or
> similar device, your iphone will be confiscated
> until deletion of video in question is confirmed.
> (This usually involves the Police Department's IT
> division disabling or erasing everything on your
> device's hard drive, including contacts, photos,
> apps, etc.)

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Defendah Of Da Constitution ()
Date: January 08, 2013 12:29PM

Johnny Law Wrote:
> The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based
> on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video
> tape Police Officers or other first responders
> doing their job, due to matters of National
> Security. You will be asked to stop and told to
> turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or
> similar device, your iphone will be confiscated
> until deletion of video in question is confirmed.
> (This usually involves the Police Department's IT
> division disabling or erasing everything on your
> device's hard drive, including contacts, photos,
> apps, etc.)

Not sure if troll, or cop trying to pull a fast one.

Taking photographs and video in a public space is a constitutional right. LEO's cannot confiscate cameras, cellphones, etc. without a search warrant. And they are not allowed, under any circumstances to delete anything from someone else property, even if legally confiscated. Hope this helps.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Get a clue! ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:00PM

Firstly, you being busted for DUI is not of national security. Secondly, you may think that you are recording a "rodney king" moment, but that video could also be used against you. "holy crap i'm getting pulled over after 20 beers" Get it?!

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:19PM

Would be one boring ass video recording those lames.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Sherlock Bones ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:21PM

Johnny Law Wrote:
> The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based
> on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video
> tape Police Officers or other first responders
> doing their job, due to matters of National
> Security. You will be asked to stop and told to
> turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or
> similar device, your iphone will be confiscated
> until deletion of video in question is confirmed.
> (This usually involves the Police Department's IT
> division disabling or erasing everything on your
> device's hard drive, including contacts, photos,
> apps, etc.)

This is a complete lie. I'm guessing from an officer that doesn't want to be recorded.

The Supreme court just refused to hear a case that would of made videoing taping police illegal in Illinois. So all you need to do cite the Suspreme Court hearing refusal and you are golden.


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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:22PM

concernedidiot Wrote:
> I get pulled over by a FCP officer for a traffic
> stop. Can I video record the exchange between the
> officer and myself? Do I need to let him know I
> am recording the exchange?
> I witness a police stop and want to video the
> event can I video?
> I see a Sobriety check point and want to video,
> can I?

Morons like you who worry about stuff like this really crack me up. No one's going to care about your stupid, boring Youtube videos. I promise.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Sherlock Bones ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:25PM

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Sherlock Bones ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:30PM

Police like to have fun too!

Check out this video of Fairfaxs finest doing donuts in the snow. who says there aren't still a couple of cool cops in Fairfax.


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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Dorkus With GunUs ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:36PM

This one is one of my favorites.

I call it "Dorks with guns having a picnic." These are your typical socially inept gunnuts in FFX county.


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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:53PM

Dorkus With GunUs Wrote:
> This one is one of my favorites.
> I call it "Dorks with guns having a picnic."
> These are your typical socially inept gunnuts in
> FFX county.

Nice. Typical open-carry monkeys, whether in FFX or anywhere else. Anyone in there who isn't overweight? I just watched a bit of it.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: 0 cents ()
Date: January 08, 2013 03:18PM

Sure you can. And it's a great idea. They like it being on YouTube too so they'll go easy on you.

Oh... Be as much of a dumbass as you can. It's OK, they understand that you want a good vid.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: nope ()
Date: January 08, 2013 03:56PM

cops can lie. you can't lie to them.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Johnny Law ()
Date: January 08, 2013 04:31PM

Well first of all you would be stupid recording your own arrest as it will be used against you in court. Second, try to record usFCPD and watch how quickly your iphone or other device is surrendered and damaged beyond repair. Who are you going to complain to, the police, hahahahahaha!!!

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: f hutton ()
Date: January 08, 2013 06:43PM

concernedcitizen Wrote:
> I have heard conflicting information on this.
> Some say it is protected under the Constitution,
> others say it is a violation of the Officers
> rights. Does anyone know what the law is in the
> Commonwealth? The way I understand this is as long
> as you do not interfere with the officers doing
> their job you can record all you want.
> Couple of different scenarios if you want more
> detail to address:
> I get pulled over by a FCP officer for a traffic
> stop. Can I video record the exchange between the
> officer and myself? Do I need to let him know I
> am recording the exchange?
> I witness a police stop and want to video the
> event can I video?
> I see a Sobriety check point and want to video,
> can I?

Some people trouble finds them others they find trouble.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: January 08, 2013 07:14PM

It's perfectly legal to do so while in public, and no, you need not offer notice that you are recording.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: gelgamesh ()
Date: January 08, 2013 07:15PM

next time i get pulled over for "dim brake lights" i'm flippin the bird and slowly driving off. fuck ya'll napoleon complex assholes. dash cam will surely show my lights are fine as fucking usual.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Bud Hoal... ()
Date: January 08, 2013 07:17PM

General rule of thumb...you can record/video/film the police acting in public until the point that your actions interfere with their ability to execute their lawful duties. If a police officers asks you to stop recording, ask if this is his/her personal request or if he/she is issuing you a lawful order to stop. If it is a personal request, you can proceed with the understanding that you are aggravating the situation. If the officer claims that the order is lawful, turn the camera off at that point, show the recording to your attorney, and make a claim of civil rights violation against the department. In the settlement, ask for compensation equal to all your expenses plus one dollar and a demand for increased legal refresher training each year to prevent further miscarriages of justice. As the training is instituted, watch your taxes rise with the added expense. Your once noble effort just bit you in the ass. Would have been better to just shut your gob and move on rather than sass the cops, you smug, entitled blowhard.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Knower Of Things ()
Date: January 08, 2013 08:19PM

Bud Hoal... Wrote:
> General rule of thumb...you can record/video/film
> the police acting in public until the point that
> your actions interfere with their ability to
> execute their lawful duties. If a police officers
> asks you to stop recording, ask if this is his/her
> personal request or if he/she is issuing you a
> lawful order to stop. If it is a personal request,
> you can proceed with the understanding that you
> are aggravating the situation. If the officer
> claims that the order is lawful, turn the camera
> off at that point, show the recording to your
> attorney, and make a claim of civil rights
> violation against the department. In the
> settlement, ask for compensation equal to all your
> expenses plus one dollar and a demand for
> increased legal refresher training each year to
> prevent further miscarriages of justice. As the
> training is instituted, watch your taxes rise with
> the added expense. Your once noble effort just bit
> you in the ass. Would have been better to just
> shut your gob and move on rather than sass the
> cops, you smug, entitled blowhard.

Yeah, let's just forget about silly stuff like Constituional rights. That's for entitled blowhards.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: my2c ()
Date: January 09, 2013 09:09AM

Pinhole camera w/ audio mounted in your car in a way the officer can't see it showing the driver and the window where the officer would be with a switch to flick it on/off hidden, recording and being streamed live to the internet to a private server to be recorded in case they do find it and break it there is still video saved online.

I do this everytime. Just in case. I know its illegal but who cares. In case I ever get Rodney King'd it would save me. The joys of being a minority in UnFairfax County/the whole DMV.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: Agreed--sort of ()
Date: January 09, 2013 12:25PM

How is that illegal? You can record anyone in public in Virginia without their consent, that's no crime. Doesn't change for cops either.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 09, 2013 12:36PM

Can't see the point though, why antagonize?

Sure, if the cop is doing something crazy, like tasing and beating your moms , or harassing your neighbor for no reason, yeah film away.

But doing it just to be an difficult douche, like that asshole on YouTube walking down the highway with a firearm, knowing damn well the cops would show up, and then filming and giving them lip... well, thats just asking for trouble.

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: FBO ()
Date: January 09, 2013 12:53PM

Johnny Law Wrote:
> The Supreme Court has upheld the fact that based
> on the Patriot Act it is against the law to video
> tape Police Officers or other first responders
> doing their job, due to matters of National
> Security. You will be asked to stop and told to
> turn over the tape. If you are using an iphone or
> similar device, your iphone will be confiscated
> until deletion of video in question is confirmed.
> (This usually involves the Police Department's IT
> division disabling or erasing everything on your
> device's hard drive, including contacts, photos,
> apps, etc.)
> edit by Cary: This is false. Blatant
> misinformation will not be tolerated in Fairfax
> General.

Cant be said enough - you are a fucking moron and what you said is completely false.

You must like playing cop - Cory?


I say "fuck" a lot...

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Re: Can you video / record the Fairfax County Police
Posted by: grh360 ()
Date: January 09, 2013 02:53PM

You can record...

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