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Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Allegory ()
Date: January 05, 2013 11:46PM

I drove the outer loop of 495 tonight, at maybe 7:00pm or 7:30pm. In the left lane, a state trooper with lights and no sirens goes flying by at about 80 or 85 mph, maybe more. Seconds later, another statie with no lights on sped by in the "Hot Lanes", same direction. A few miles later, I catch up and see the two cops and a pulled over car, might have been a late 90's Civic. Looked like one person in there, and it LOOKED like a white female, maybe 20 or 25. It looked like she was waving her cell phone at the cops. The weird thing is that her car was FACING traffic, i.e. the opposite way of the cops and everybody else.

I'm thinking this moron SOMEHOW got onto 495 going the wrong way, against traffic, and somebody noticed and called the cops on her. But I just don't see how it's physically possible, much less how somebody could be that monumentally stupid.

Anybody know anything?

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Bassackwards ()
Date: January 05, 2013 11:57PM

Wouldn't be the first time.

I go through the intersection of Gallows and 495 all the time. I've seen several people make a right onto the exit ramp for the inner loop headed the wrong way. Can't imagine that you'd get far before knowing that you'd made a big mistake unless you were completely toasted.

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Answer Guy ()
Date: January 06, 2013 09:20AM

Most Honda Civics are equipped with a reverse gear...

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Wrong Way Driver ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:00AM

This happens more frequently than you might thing. In some states they have "no left turn" signs at the end of on-ramps. In Germany, there is even a word for wrong way drivers - Geisterfahrers.

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Your other left. ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:04AM

Allegory Wrote:
> I drove the outer loop of 495 tonight, at maybe
> 7:00pm or 7:30pm. In the left lane, a state
> trooper with lights and no sirens goes flying by
> at about 80 or 85 mph, maybe more. Seconds later,
> another statie with no lights on sped by in the
> "Hot Lanes", same direction. A few miles later, I
> catch up and see the two cops and a pulled over
> car, might have been a late 90's Civic. Looked
> like one person in there, and it LOOKED like a
> white female, maybe 20 or 25. It looked like she
> was waving her cell phone at the cops. The weird
> thing is that her car was FACING traffic, i.e. the
> opposite way of the cops and everybody else.
> I'm thinking this moron SOMEHOW got onto 495 going
> the wrong way, against traffic, and somebody
> noticed and called the cops on her. But I just
> don't see how it's physically possible, much less
> how somebody could be that monumentally stupid.
> Anybody know anything?

Maybe the reverse. Driver was in the right lanes and other traffic made the lane mistake. Sometimes you just have to be left to find the right.
Make any sense?

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:05AM

when I was out west that shit happened like once every two months or so

I remember watching a dashcam vid of a cop who had pulled over a drunk and you can see a car going the wrong way on the other side of the road.

By the time the cop had gotten back to his car to call it in, the wrong way driver had already killed himself and two other ppl - dude was doing like 90

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: terribull ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:10AM

Bassackwards Wrote:
> Wouldn't be the first time.
> I go through the intersection of Gallows and 495
> all the time. I've seen several people make a
> right onto the exit ramp for the inner loop headed
> the wrong way. Can't imagine that you'd get far
> before knowing that you'd made a big mistake
> unless you were completely toasted.

I've seen that, too - once or twiCe. I don't know why that intersection is so confusing to some people but it is.

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Re: Person Driving Wrong Way on 495?
Posted by: Bassackwards ()
Date: January 06, 2013 01:40PM

terribull Wrote:
> Bassackwards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wouldn't be the first time.
> >
> > I go through the intersection of Gallows and
> 495
> > all the time. I've seen several people make a
> > right onto the exit ramp for the inner loop
> headed
> > the wrong way. Can't imagine that you'd get
> far
> > before knowing that you'd made a big mistake
> > unless you were completely toasted.
> I've seen that, too - once or twiCe. I don't know
> why that intersection is so confusing to some
> people but it is.

In that particular case I think it may be because they expect it to be like a typical cloverleaf exit. i.e., that you'd make the right and then circle under to go North. The West side of that junction works that way, that side doesn't. Probably doesn't help that you have people unfamiliar with the intersection coming from the hospital too.

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