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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: December 17, 2012 03:10PM

what-ev Wrote:
> A gun ban worked out real well in mexico. Right?

Who are you talking to?

The gun ban didn't work in Mexico because they can buy weapons in the USA.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Joe Leebermum ()
Date: December 17, 2012 03:13PM

You gun owners have blood on your cold prying hands...the blood of six-year old children. All for what? So you can play GI-Joe because you are frightened panty-waisted suburban warrior. Give me a frickin break. Assault rifles have no place in a civilized societ....but wait....

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: December 17, 2012 03:14PM

what-ev Wrote:
> Supreme court rulings and the founding fathers
> disagree with you. Typical response from a far
> left socialist.

Have you even read Heller?

What makes you think I'm a far left socialist or do you just use that phrase in every sentence in an argument?

The only thing Heller struck down was an ABSOLUTE prohibition on gun ownership for self defense.

So now if you want a gun in DC, you have to buy it from the only gun store in the district (in the basement of police headquarters) and you can only have it in your home.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: December 17, 2012 03:21PM

Joe Leebermum Wrote:
> You gun owners have blood on your cold prying
> hands...the blood of six-year old children. All
> for what? So you can play GI-Joe because you are
> frightened panty-waisted suburban warrior. Give
> me a frickin break. Assault rifles have no place
> in a civilized societ....but wait....

I don't th8ink you know what an assault weapon is.

What you really seem to want is a ban on all guns. Good luck getting 2/3 of the house senate to vote for one and then getting 3/4 of the states to ratify.

I suppose you could try to call a constitutional convention to draft an entirely new constitution so you can include things like abortion right and get rid of gun rights and corporate political free speech, maybe even limit the political activity of the wealthy. Heck, maybe the far right will join you so that they can get Christianity declared the state religion and rewrite it so that only white people can be president and the government can only spend money on things Republicans like.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: beeker ()
Date: December 17, 2012 03:58PM

Ban cars also! 40,000 people die in car crashes each year!!!

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Harry Palmer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 04:02PM

beeker Wrote:
> Ban cars also! 40,000 people die in car crashes
> each year!!!

And ban masturbating too. How many children have to die before we outlaw
whacking off?


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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: a reader ()
Date: December 17, 2012 04:19PM

Ban Wouldn't Matter Wrote:
> the truth is under the CT ban the
> rifle was still legal - can't legislate away this
> problem - bring back insane asylums - that is the
> answer - lock these crazies up and put the good of
> the many of the good of the few!

Not to nitpick, but the specific rifle used was not legal for the shooter, he murdered someone, stole it, and illegally entered a school all before the shooting started.

damuriajashi Wrote:
> Swapping out magazines takes about 3 seconds on a
> handgun probably less, its somewhat longer on an
> assault rifle, in any case, it doesn't take very
> longer in either case.

Yes, magazines can be swapped. But if it takes five seconds to swap out an AR-15 magazine and he fired 100 shots and we assume he used common 30-round PMAGs, then he needed three swaps, for a total of fifteen seconds of no shots being fired. If he only had ten round magazines (the AWB limit), he would have needed nine swaps, 45 seconds of no shots being fired. Considering the entire incident took about three minutes from what I have read (his busting into the school until the time he was dead), that's a big difference and it is possible he wouldn't have gotten 100 rounds out of the gun in that amount of time. Yes he would have killed many people, but maybe at least a few more of those kids would be alive.

Aurora, VT, CT, all have a young adult with mental problems that plays violent video games and had access to heavy weaponry. Seems to me all three of those aspects should be addressed to make the argument that new laws can possibly prevent what happened... addressing only one of them won't do it.

So that said, I am in favor of getting rid of high capacity magazines. That legislation should be paired with new health insurance mandates for mental health treatment and limits of violent media access for young children.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: NRA Member ()
Date: December 17, 2012 04:30PM

Assault rifles should be banned. Period!

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gun Nutty ()
Date: December 17, 2012 04:31PM

Help join the cause and picket the NRA - http://picketthenra.blogspot.com/

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: ben23713245125 ()
Date: December 17, 2012 05:23PM

praise the lord

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Quickdraw McGraw ()
Date: December 17, 2012 05:26PM

a reader Wrote:
> Ban Wouldn't Matter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > the truth is under the CT ban the
> > rifle was still legal - can't legislate away
> this
> > problem - bring back insane asylums - that is
> the
> > answer - lock these crazies up and put the good
> of
> > the many of the good of the few!
> Not to nitpick, but the specific rifle used was
> not legal for the shooter, he murdered someone,
> stole it, and illegally entered a school all
> before the shooting started.
> damuriajashi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Swapping out magazines takes about 3 seconds on
> a
> > handgun probably less, its somewhat longer on
> an
> > assault rifle, in any case, it doesn't take
> very
> > longer in either case.
> Yes, magazines can be swapped. But if it takes
> five seconds to swap out an AR-15 magazine and he
> fired 100 shots and we assume he used common
> 30-round PMAGs, then he needed three swaps, for a
> total of fifteen seconds of no shots being fired.
> If he only had ten round magazines (the AWB
> limit), he would have needed nine swaps, 45
> seconds of no shots being fired. Considering the
> entire incident took about three minutes from what
> I have read (his busting into the school until the
> time he was dead), that's a big difference and it
> is possible he wouldn't have gotten 100 rounds out
> of the gun in that amount of time. Yes he would
> have killed many people, but maybe at least a few
> more of those kids would be alive.
> Aurora, VT, CT, all have a young adult with mental
> problems that plays violent video games and had
> access to heavy weaponry. Seems to me all three
> of those aspects should be addressed to make the
> argument that new laws can possibly prevent what
> happened... addressing only one of them won't do
> it.
> So that said, I am in favor of getting rid of high
> capacity magazines. That legislation should be
> paired with new health insurance mandates for
> mental health treatment and limits of violent
> media access for young children.

It takes nowhere near 5 seconds to drop and swap a magazine even for a novice. It would have made zero difference in this and most other cases. And if you're going to come up with hypotheticals, then a larger capacity magazine may in fact be a disadvantage in that if you have a malfunction with it, then you have access to that much less ammo. That was demonstrated practically in the case of the CO theater shooting when his 100-round mag jammed.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Ur Dumb932420 ()
Date: December 17, 2012 05:35PM

isn't a .45 ACP the same thing as an AK?? They are both guns/ they are both arms? ergo you have the right to bear it.. aka the right to bear arms. I prefer a handgun in protecting myself because its easier to shoot around walls and easier to conceal. But if i wanted an AK i sure as hell wouldn't let a liberal socialist c0ck suck get in my way. Guns are fine and they are here to stay. whether legal or illegal mass shootings will continue to happen. also did u know that guns have always been around and its only in this day and age that they are happening more often and with greater number of victims maybe we should worry about teaching responsibility, morals, and love and not violence. and if someone needs help we make sure they get it to avoid danger. If that principle had a gun under lock and key or bio-metrics in her office and was trained to use it this shooting's volume of victims could have been greatly diminished if she was able to carry a weapon at school. Bio-metrics would help ensure only she could get in, and would have to be trained by the police and done thorough background checks by the state and federal government

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: bobby g ()
Date: December 17, 2012 05:36PM

The last time they did the ban Glock mags went for up to fifty bucks a piece and people were still buying. The problem is the people passing these feel good laws know little to nothing about guns, thus the legislation comes out all wrong. I hear some of the so called experts get things wrong all the time and when I hear them refer to the Bushmaster mags as clips or the rifle as an automatic weapon then their expertise is in question.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Bofunk ()
Date: December 17, 2012 05:43PM

There's not an "assault force" on the planet that use what Liberals describe as "assault weapons". We're talking semi-automatic weapons here, no more.

I own weapons to defend myself, so I don't have to pay some Master Chong to teach me some "wax on, wax off" crap. Anyone who wants to break into my castle is going to get it.


P.S. I like how Liberals argue that the Framers believed that in order for the U.S. armed forces to be armed, we needed a Second Amendment.

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I wonder how many children across the country are having nightmares tonight from your inabilty to CARE about securing your guns, Waples Mill.........................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:09PM

I still see the gun nuts would rather talk about politix than talk about how they are going to SECURE THEIR FIREARMS FROM THIEVES AND CRAZY FAMILY MEMBERS ti help INSURE that their community, that OUR NATION no longer has to suffer from THE MISUSE OF THEIR WEAPONRY............................

it's easier to blame us victims of their laziness than for them to step up to the plate and be responsible for their guns

JUST LIKE "MOMS" used to do........... http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mother_made_kid_slay_madman_ojfQG64P9S35iQz9x3BmTJ

so yeah.............in other words, y'all right now going "blah blah blah gub-mint aint taking my guns"? STFU and secure your fucking guns from me and my kids, assswipe. Then we wont have a fucking problem. Cause y'all sound JUST LIKE THAT BITCH - is that who you are? if so, then WHY THE FUCK you having a Bushmaster around unstable ppl living in your FUCKING HOUSE, asswipes

p.s. - I like how to gun lovers, the fact she bought her guns legally means its ok that those children were gutshot in their classrooms - it's gotta be ok since they feel they have the right to be defensive on the issue or responsibility of your firearms

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Re: I wonder how many children across the country are having nightmares tonight from your inabilty to CARE about securing your guns, Waples Mill.........................
Posted by: Igloo ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:13PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> I still see the gun nuts would rather talk about
> politix than talk about how they are going to
ti help INSURE that their
> community, that OUR NATION no longer has to suffer
> WEAPONRY............................
> it's easier to blame us victims of their laziness
> than for them to step up to the plate and be
> responsible for their guns
> JUST LIKE "MOMS" used to do...........
> http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mother_made_kid
> _slay_madman_ojfQG64P9S35iQz9x3BmTJ
> so yeah.............in other words, y'all right
> now going "blah blah blah gub-mint aint taking my
> guns"? STFU and secure your fucking guns from me
> and my kids, assswipe. Then we wont have a
> fucking problem. Cause y'all sound JUST LIKE THAT
> BITCH - is that who you are? if so, then WHY THE
> FUCK you having a Bushmaster around unstable ppl
> living in your FUCKING HOUSE, asswipes
> p.s. - I like how to gun lovers, the fact she
> bought her guns legally means its ok that
> those children were gutshot in their classrooms -
> it's gotta be ok since they feel they have the
> right to be defensive on the issue or
> responsibility of your firearms

Mine are locked up in a safe that weighs 1,200 lbs. How about yours?

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: u idiots ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:16PM

all of you anti gun assholes dont seem to get the big picture. the guns didnt kill anyone. a crazy asshole did. the problem is not gun control, its our the way this country deals with mental health of crazy people. we need to reopen mental health institutions. it will deal with people who can not live among society, and provide jobs. there's a solution for obama. then he can creat jobs to replace the one he cost people. by the way, "assault weapons" is just a stupid term given to guns by antigun democrats. if the 90's ban never came along, they would refer to certain guns as "assault weapons". you want a fix to the problem, we need to deal with what the cause of these mass shootings is, its the mental people that committ them.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: control freaks ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:21PM

Gordon Blvd. demonstrates why people buy guns.

Because we don't live in anything resembling a community anymore.

If people "feel" unsafe, then its ok to just blow off the laws and constitution and just prohibit what they don't like, or take what they want

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Factico ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:26PM

The Sandy Hook school shooting was the second largest.

Of the 11 deadliest shootings in the US, five have happened from 2007 onward.
That doesn’t include Friday’s shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. The AP put the early reported death toll at 27, which would make it the second-deadliest mass shooting in US history.

Here are just the shooting from 2012:

February 22, 2012—Five people were killed in at a Korean health spa in Norcross, Georgia, when a man opened fire inside the facility in an act suspected to be related to domestic violence.

February 26, 2012—Multiple gunmen began firing into a nightclub crown in Jackson, Tennessee, killing one person and injuring 20 others.

February 27, 2012—Three students at Chardon High School in rural Ohio were killed when a classmate opened fire.

March 8, 2012—Two people were killed and seven wounded at a psychiatric hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when a gunman entered the hospital with two semiautomatic handguns and began firing.

March 31, 2012—A gunman opened fire on a crowd of mourners at a North Miami, Florida, funeral home, killing two people and injuring 12 others.

April 2, 2012—A 43-year-old former student at Oikos University in Oakland, California, walked into his former school and killed seven people, “execution-style.” Three people were wounded.

April 6, 2012—Two men went on a deadly shooting spree in Tulsa, Oklahoma, shooting black men at random in an apparently racially motivated attack. Three men died and two were wounded.

May 29, 2012—A man in Seattle, Washington, opened fire in a coffee shop and killed five people and then himself.

July 9, 2012—At a soccer tournament in Wilmington, Delaware, three people were killed, including a 16-year-old player and the event organizer, when multiple gunmen began firing shots, apparently targeting the organizer.

July 20, 2012—James Holmes enters a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises and opens fire with a semi-automatic weapon; twelve people are killed and fifty-eight are wounded.

August 5, 2012—A white supremacist and former Army veteran shot six people to death inside a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin, before killing himself.

August 14, 2012—Three people were killed at Texas A&M University when a 35-year-old man went on a shooting rampage; one of the dead was a police officer.

September 27, 2012—A 36-year-old man who had just been laid off from Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis, Minnesota, entered his former workplace and shot five people to death, and wounded three others before killing himself.

October 21, 2012—45-year-old Radcliffe Frankin Haughton shot three women to death, including his wife, Zina Haughton, and injured four others at a spa in Brookfield, Wisconsin, before killing himself.

December 11, 2012—A 22-year-old began shooting at random at a mall near Portland, Oregon, killing two people and then himself.

December 14, 2012—One man, and possibly more, murders a reported twenty-six people at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, including twenty children, before killing himself.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Dr Yes ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:28PM

Note the gunman had a bullet proof vest so good look in a shoot out with him.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: gun owner ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:37PM

real funny the liberal media left out some interesting information about the mall shooting in oregon. the shooter took his life after a man who has a concealed weapon permit and was carrying LEGALLY, approached the subject when his gun jammed. the citizen drew his glock pistol and as he approached the suspect, he cleared the jammed gun and then killed himself. these mass murderers kill themselves when confronted by someone who can stop them from killing more people, wether it be a cop or armed citizen. Funny how that never made the main stream media. you know why? because the liberal media hates guns and would never say a law abiding citizen possibly stopped a mass murderer from killing more innocent people instead of just two people.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gun Control Now! ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:44PM

Kids killed by the Bushmaster gun.

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seems Waples Mill could care less about dead kids as long as they were LEGALLY killed you see. .............
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:48PM

I notice how Waples Mill been so quiet this weekend - usually their mouth running like Kadashian's Dad..................

@Dr Yes - well, in case anybody wanted to take away his NRA 2nd admendment right to gutshot first graders.

@Factico - oh stop whining. I mean EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Of those guns used on yr list were bought legally, so what's your problem, wimp? That's what the NRA answer for ya - tell me if I'm wrong? LoLz - but not really funny :(

@control - well, Gordon Blvd doesnt own nor need a gun, so I'm not too sure why you are afraid of me. I guess you are a pussy. Cause honestly, you sound like one of those PG thugs - saying they need a gun cause that's how the world is. Fuck you and your kind.

@uidiots-no it's YOU who dont get it, asswipe. "Moms" brought guns into her neighborhood. AND THE STUPID BITCH ALLOWED HER CRAZY SON TO GET THEM. She knew he had issues, talked to others about her struggles with dealing with him, and STILL choose to keep 5 guns in the same house with him. If you cant see how Gotdamn selfish that is, then I guess the blood of 1st graders spilling in a classroom is something you dont really give two fucks about. And fuck you if you are that sort of person. Prove me wrong if you arent.

@igloo - fair enough, yo - if that's true and if you that serious about securing yr weapons from misuse and against me and mine, then I am 1000% with you!

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: I have a gun so I am a man. ()
Date: December 17, 2012 06:48PM

u idiots Wrote:
> all of you anti gun assholes dont seem to get the
> big picture. the guns didnt kill anyone. a crazy
> asshole did. the problem is not gun control, its
> our the way this country deals with mental health
> of crazy people. we need to reopen mental health
> institutions. it will deal with people who can not
> live among society, and provide jobs. there's a
> solution for obama. then he can creat jobs to
> replace the one he cost people. by the way,
> "assault weapons" is just a stupid term given to
> guns by antigun democrats. if the 90's ban never
> came along, they would refer to certain guns as
> "assault weapons". you want a fix to the problem,
> we need to deal with what the cause of these mass
> shootings is, its the mental people that committ
> them.

You are one stupid asshole. Typical American male who needs a gun to prove he exists. Grow a set.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: u idiots ()
Date: December 17, 2012 07:52PM

first off, gordon blvd, your a real stupid dumbshit. you spout off at the mouth way to much so shut it. ur stupid if you think anyone wanted those children to die. that is on the mother for not securing those weapons properly. guess it doesnt matter because she is dead so that mistake will never be made again. you ant gun idiots just dont get it, and prob dont even understand what happened during the gun ban in the 90's. our mental health sytem is severly broken. i deal with mental people all the time, and guess what, nothing is out there to get them help. all of these mass murdereres have one thing in common. they all have mental problems that went untreated, or unable to be treated because of the system. and as a freebee, ill explain the assault weapons ban for you. it didnt allow sales of magazines over 10 rounds, but guess what, they were still out there and able to be owned legally. all it did was that no new production could be made. as far as the assault rifles went, they were stil legal to own and buy. newly made ones could only have one of certain accessories on them. for example, it could have a, adjustable stock, but couldnt have a flash hider on it. it only meant certain accesseries could be added. you could still buy one, and none of it was illegal to own. i know because i bought one during the 90's without any issues. for all you dumbasses that think banning guns is the answer, your wrong. criminals will always have guns. they will never all be confiscated by the police. this entire incident is because of an irresponsible gun owner, and a mental subject who went untreated. he tried to buy a gun a few days before, but he was denied. so what did he do, he killed his mom and took it because he knew he could. i tell you what, your vehicle should be banned to. drunk drivers kill more poeple each year than gun violence. or better yet, ask your beloved president who i know your liberal ass voted for. ask him how well gun violence in chicago is doing? 12 people were killed there by guns this weekend alone. oh, thats right, banning guns in chicago is working out so well. lets look at dc and new york, two cities guns are also illegal. last i checked, lots of people are killed by guns there to and they arent allowed.

@ I have a gun so I am a man, what a douche you are. your just another pussy who calls 911 when you need help. sometimes you just cant wait for a cop to get there to help you. go back to your to your perfect world and live in that bubble. i live in reality, and can take care of myself and my family if something does happen. you are just another one of those in society that runs away because you are to scared to stand up for yourself. thats what these mass shooters are counting on. targets like you that are to pussy to do something, and lay down to die. grow a pair

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 17, 2012 08:58PM

u idiots Wrote:
> first off, gordon blvd, your a real stupid
> dumbshit. you spout off at the mouth way to much
> so shut it. ur stupid if you think anyone wanted
> those children to die. that is on the mother for
> not securing those weapons properly. guess it
> doesnt matter because she is dead so that mistake
> will never be made again. you ant gun idiots just
> dont get it, and prob dont even understand what
> happened during the gun ban in the 90's. our
> mental health sytem is severly broken. i deal with
> mental people all the time, and guess what,
> nothing is out there to get them help. all of
> these mass murdereres have one thing in common.
> they all have mental problems that went untreated,
> or unable to be treated because of the system. and
> as a freebee, ill explain the assault weapons ban
> for you. it didnt allow sales of magazines over 10
> rounds, but guess what, they were still out there
> and able to be owned legally. all it did was that
> no new production could be made. as far as the
> assault rifles went, they were stil legal to own
> and buy. newly made ones could only have one of
> certain accessories on them. for example, it could
> have a, adjustable stock, but couldnt have a flash
> hider on it. it only meant certain accesseries
> could be added. you could still buy one, and none
> of it was illegal to own. i know because i bought
> one during the 90's without any issues. for all
> you dumbasses that think banning guns is the
> answer, your wrong. criminals will always have
> guns. they will never all be confiscated by the
> police. this entire incident is because of an
> irresponsible gun owner, and a mental subject who
> went untreated. he tried to buy a gun a few days
> before, but he was denied. so what did he do, he
> killed his mom and took it because he knew he
> could. i tell you what, your vehicle should be
> banned to. drunk drivers kill more poeple each
> year than gun violence. or better yet, ask your
> beloved president who i know your liberal ass
> voted for. ask him how well gun violence in
> chicago is doing? 12 people were killed there by
> guns this weekend alone. oh, thats right, banning
> guns in chicago is working out so well. lets look
> at dc and new york, two cities guns are also
> illegal. last i checked, lots of people are killed
> by guns there to and they arent allowed.
> @ I have a gun so I am a man, what a douche you
> are. your just another pussy who calls 911 when
> you need help. sometimes you just cant wait for a
> cop to get there to help you. go back to your to
> your perfect world and live in that bubble. i live
> in reality, and can take care of myself and my
> family if something does happen. you are just
> another one of those in society that runs away
> because you are to scared to stand up for
> yourself. thats what these mass shooters are
> counting on. targets like you that are to pussy to
> do something, and lay down to die. grow a pair

Nah, you're just like a child who cries that there's some toy in the world that might not be available for you one day. Grow a pair, and more importantly, grow up.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 09:11PM

my fav quote out of all that bullshit u idiots just posted: she is dead so that mistake will never be made again.

and again, they want to ignore the fact this shit's been re-occuring time and time again.

and again, they want us to forget this shit is happening in our Churches, in our CHILDRENS FUCKING SCHOOLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

You want to cry about mental health - and YES that is an important discussion this Nation needs to have...........


You bitch about DC and NYC where guns are illegal but ppl still get killed there - You want to know WHY, Jackass? What's fucking funny is that as SUCH a lover of guns, your dumb ass dont even care to know why that happens.

Let me tell you why that happens:



Losta those criminals wouldnt have guns if gun owners, gun dealers and gun lovers TRIED HARDER to keep guns away from them.

sick and FUCKING tired of y'all not stepping up to the fucking plate - the Nation gives you ppl the right to bare arms - how about taking that right and being fucking responsible with it and not fuck around with it like a fucking 5 yr old. How about you try using the 2nd admendment more like a responsible code of societal stewardship with America, then instead of the chip of wood on yr shoulder?

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Tard Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 09:54PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> my fav quote out of all that bullshit u idiots
> just posted: she is dead so that mistake
> will never be made again.

> and again, they want to ignore the fact this
> shit's been re-occuring time and time again.
> and again, they want us to forget this shit is
> happening in our Churches, in our CHILDRENS
> You want to cry about mental health - and YES that
> is an important discussion this Nation needs to
> have...........
> You bitch about DC and NYC where guns are illegal
> but ppl still get killed there - You want to know
> WHY, Jackass? What's fucking funny is that as
> SUCH a lover of guns, your dumb ass dont even care
> to know why that happens.
> Let me tell you why that happens:
> Losta those criminals wouldnt have guns if gun
> owners, gun dealers and gun lovers TRIED HARDER to
> keep guns away from them.
> sick and FUCKING tired of y'all not stepping up to
> the fucking plate - the Nation gives you ppl the
> right to bare arms - how about taking that right
> and being fucking responsible with it and not fuck
> around with it like a fucking 5 yr old. How
> about you try using the 2nd admendment more like a
> responsible code of societal stewardship with
> America, then instead of the chip of wood on yr
> shoulder?

So you have some stats to support your claims?

No, of course you don't. lol

Even if they were, what makes you think that someone who breaks into a house can't figure out how to break into most gun safes?


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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 10:11PM

@Tard - no, waht is typical is your Gotdamn lazy ass attitude of "well, I can have a gun - who cares if someone steals it"
Gun should have a lock on it that would break the gun if you didnt unlock it right. That way if the gun safe was stolen, guns in it would STILL not be able to be used in commission of future crimes. NOT. ROCKET. SCIENCE.

As for stats? Well, since I guess you believe criminals maufacture their own guns, I'll hold your hand and walk you thru some common sense



NO, DUMBFUCK - the crooks do not make the guns by hand. They get them from their gunloving friends and relatives, or they steal them from other gun owners too lazy and stupid to lock up their guns properly, or by from scummy gun loving dealer who could care less about others.

In other words, criminals get guns from ppl JUST LIKE YOU. People who'd could care less about keeping YOU GUN out of THEIR HANDS - would rather bitch at me instead of step up to the plate and come up with BETTER ways to prevent criminals from getting guns from y'all in the first place.............

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Tard Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 10:17PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Tard - no, waht is typical is your Gotdamn lazy
> ass attitude of "well, I can have a gun - who
> cares if someone steals it"
> Gun should have a lock on it that would break the
> gun if you didnt unlock it right. That way if the
> gun safe was stolen, guns in it would STILL not be
> able to be used in commission of future crimes.
> As for stats? Well, since I guess you believe
> criminals maufacture their own guns, I'll hold
> your hand and walk you thru some common sense
> http://gunvictimsaction.org/fact-sheet/fact-sheet-
> illegal-gun-trafficking-arms-criminals-and-youth/
> http://homemadedefense.blogspot.com/2009/12/where-
> do-criminals-get-guns.html
> NO, DUMBFUCK - the crooks do not make the guns by
> hand. They get them from their gunloving friends
> and relatives, or they steal them from other gun
> owners too lazy and stupid to lock up their guns
> properly, or by from scummy gun loving dealer who
> could care less about others.
> In other words, criminals get guns from ppl JUST
> LIKE YOU. People who'd could care less about
> keeping YOU GUN out of THEIR HANDS - would rather
> bitch at me instead of step up to the plate and
> come up with BETTER ways to prevent criminals from
> getting guns from y'all in the first
> place.............

First, you have no idea how I secure my own guns or in fact whether I even own guns.

Second, you post obviously biased sources which, worse yet, don't even support your own dumb argument re the predominance of stolen guns. lmao

Last, you then try to switch up and add a few other means on the fly hoping that nobody would notice.

You're pitiful.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Guns for fun? ()
Date: December 17, 2012 10:28PM

u idiots Wrote:
> first off, gordon blvd, your a real stupid
> dumbshit. you spout off at the mouth way to much
> so shut it. ur stupid if you think anyone wanted
> those children to die. that is on the mother for
> not securing those weapons properly. guess it
> doesnt matter because she is dead so that mistake
> will never be made again. you ant gun idiots just
> dont get it, and prob dont even understand what
> happened during the gun ban in the 90's. our
> mental health sytem is severly broken. i deal with
> mental people all the time, and guess what,
> nothing is out there to get them help. all of
> these mass murdereres have one thing in common.
> they all have mental problems that went untreated,
> or unable to be treated because of the system. and
> as a freebee, ill explain the assault weapons ban
> for you. it didnt allow sales of magazines over 10
> rounds, but guess what, they were still out there
> and able to be owned legally. all it did was that
> no new production could be made. as far as the
> assault rifles went, they were stil legal to own
> and buy. newly made ones could only have one of
> certain accessories on them. for example, it could
> have a, adjustable stock, but couldnt have a flash
> hider on it. it only meant certain accesseries
> could be added. you could still buy one, and none
> of it was illegal to own. i know because i bought
> one during the 90's without any issues. for all
> you dumbasses that think banning guns is the
> answer, your wrong. criminals will always have
> guns. they will never all be confiscated by the
> police. this entire incident is because of an
> irresponsible gun owner, and a mental subject who
> went untreated. he tried to buy a gun a few days
> before, but he was denied. so what did he do, he
> killed his mom and took it because he knew he
> could. i tell you what, your vehicle should be
> banned to. drunk drivers kill more poeple each
> year than gun violence. or better yet, ask your
> beloved president who i know your liberal ass
> voted for. ask him how well gun violence in
> chicago is doing? 12 people were killed there by
> guns this weekend alone. oh, thats right, banning
> guns in chicago is working out so well. lets look
> at dc and new york, two cities guns are also
> illegal. last i checked, lots of people are killed
> by guns there to and they arent allowed.
> @ I have a gun so I am a man, what a douche you
> are. your just another pussy who calls 911 when
> you need help. sometimes you just cant wait for a
> cop to get there to help you. go back to your to
> your perfect world and live in that bubble. i live
> in reality, and can take care of myself and my
> family if something does happen. you are just
> another one of those in society that runs away
> because you are to scared to stand up for
> yourself. thats what these mass shooters are
> counting on. targets like you that are to pussy to
> do something, and lay down to die. grow a pair

What meds are you taking? Feel like shooting someone?
Please lock up your weapons before you hurt someone or your family.
You should worry about your mental issues.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 10:32PM

@Tard - yep, I am pitiful. I failed to notice you were just trolling me and not adding to the discussion - good job, yo!

p.s. yr the only one seeing stolen guns as the crux of the argument - it's about RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP OF GUNS. like said to the dude who has his guns in a safe - good job if you do it. Just sick and tired of the asswipes who dont..........

edit - oh yes, since you say my sources are all biased, PLEASE provide us with other sources as to how crimnals get guns - PLEASE show us how I was wrong and what the reality is as to how criminals get guns cause I'm sure you are full of shit on that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2012 10:42PM by Gordon Blvd.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:06PM

still waiting on that tutorial in yr head on how criminals get guns, asswipe............

pic unrelated
survey says.jpg

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Young Curmudgeon ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:10PM

The law requires you keep guns in a safe/locked cabinet, with ammo in a separate place. It's not a tough law to follow. I guarantee that Lanza's mother didn't follow it.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: sam kinison ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:13PM

Young Curmudgeon Wrote:
> The law requires you keep guns in a safe/locked
> cabinet, with ammo in a separate place. It's not a
> tough law to follow. I guarantee that Lanza's
> mother didn't follow it.

What the fuck do you know? Idiot.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: The end ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:15PM

Guns for fun? Wrote:
> u idiots Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > first off, gordon blvd, your a real stupid
> > dumbshit. you spout off at the mouth way to
> much
> > so shut it. ur stupid if you think anyone
> wanted
> > those children to die. that is on the mother
> for
> > not securing those weapons properly. guess it
> > doesnt matter because she is dead so that
> mistake
> > will never be made again. you ant gun idiots
> just
> > dont get it, and prob dont even understand what
> > happened during the gun ban in the 90's. our
> > mental health sytem is severly broken. i deal
> with
> > mental people all the time, and guess what,
> > nothing is out there to get them help. all of
> > these mass murdereres have one thing in common.
> > they all have mental problems that went
> untreated,
> > or unable to be treated because of the system.
> and
> > as a freebee, ill explain the assault weapons
> ban
> > for you. it didnt allow sales of magazines over
> 10
> > rounds, but guess what, they were still out
> there
> > and able to be owned legally. all it did was
> that
> > no new production could be made. as far as the
> > assault rifles went, they were stil legal to
> own
> > and buy. newly made ones could only have one of
> > certain accessories on them. for example, it
> could
> > have a, adjustable stock, but couldnt have a
> flash
> > hider on it. it only meant certain accesseries
> > could be added. you could still buy one, and
> none
> > of it was illegal to own. i know because i
> bought
> > one during the 90's without any issues. for all
> > you dumbasses that think banning guns is the
> > answer, your wrong. criminals will always have
> > guns. they will never all be confiscated by the
> > police. this entire incident is because of an
> > irresponsible gun owner, and a mental subject
> who
> > went untreated. he tried to buy a gun a few
> days
> > before, but he was denied. so what did he do,
> he
> > killed his mom and took it because he knew he
> > could. i tell you what, your vehicle should be
> > banned to. drunk drivers kill more poeple each
> > year than gun violence. or better yet, ask your
> > beloved president who i know your liberal ass
> > voted for. ask him how well gun violence in
> > chicago is doing? 12 people were killed there
> by
> > guns this weekend alone. oh, thats right,
> banning
> > guns in chicago is working out so well. lets
> look
> > at dc and new york, two cities guns are also
> > illegal. last i checked, lots of people are
> killed
> > by guns there to and they arent allowed.
> >
> > @ I have a gun so I am a man, what a douche you
> > are. your just another pussy who calls 911 when
> > you need help. sometimes you just cant wait for
> a
> > cop to get there to help you. go back to your
> to
> > your perfect world and live in that bubble. i
> live
> > in reality, and can take care of myself and my
> > family if something does happen. you are just
> > another one of those in society that runs away
> > because you are to scared to stand up for
> > yourself. thats what these mass shooters are
> > counting on. targets like you that are to pussy
> to
> > do something, and lay down to die. grow a pair
> What meds are you taking? Feel like shooting
> someone?
> Please lock up your weapons before you hurt
> someone or your family.
> You should worry about your mental issues.

This dude is walking the edge. Hope he cools

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Tard Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:53PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Tard - yep, I am pitiful. I failed to notice you
> were just trolling me and not adding to the
> discussion - good job, yo!

So in other words you can't back up your bullshit so now you're bailing out as you usually do. lmao

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 12:08AM

Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 17, 2012 11:06PM

still waiting on that tutorial in yr head on how criminals get guns, asswipe............

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Tard Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 12:25AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
> Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
> Date: December 17, 2012 11:06PM
> still waiting on that tutorial in yr head on how
> criminals get guns, asswipe............

From your own fucking links dumbshit.


"Where do crime guns come from?.

Virtually every gun starts out as a legally manufactured product, but the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) points to three common ways guns move from legal distribution channels to the criminal market:

Corrupt federally licensed gun dealers: Federally licensed gun dealers send more guns to the criminal market than any other single source. Nearly 60% of the guns used in crime are traced back to a small number—just 1.2%—of crooked gun dealers. Corrupt dealers frequently have high numbers of missing guns, in many cases because they’re selling guns “off the books” to private sellers and criminals. In 2005, the ATF examined 3,083 gun dealers and found 12,274 “missing” firearms.

Straw purchasing: Straw purchasing is the most common way criminals get guns, accounting for almost 50% of trafficking investigations. A straw purchaser is someone with a clean record who buys guns on behalf of someone legally prohibited from possessing guns. Straw purchasers are often the friends, relatives, spouses or girlfriends of prohibited purchasers. The two Columbine High School shooters recruited friends to buy guns for them at Colorado gun shows. One of the buyers admitted she would not have bought the guns if she had been required to submit to a background check.

Gun Shows and private gun sales: Gun shows have been called “Tupperware parties for criminals” because they attract large numbers of prohibited buyers. A loophole in federal law allows unlicensed or “private” sellers, many of whom work out of gun shows, to lawfully sell or transfer guns without conducting a criminal background check. Gun show dealers have been known to advertise to criminals with signs that read “no background checks required here.”



Neither of which support your whining about not securing guns as being a primary source. lol

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: control freaks ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:48AM

Gordon Blvd. is full of so much shit it's not even funny

The whole claim that she is really worried about gun owners taking care of their own guns is so obviously a lie--most of the recent mass murderers bought their own guns (Virginia Tech, Colorado, Arizona).

All the feigned outrage is also fake--she's given herself licence to get all worked up over people who had nothing to do with the murder of innocents so she can get over her fear of being contradicted. Reasonable people can advance arguments and follow their logic through without resorting to fake indignation, straw men, and ALL CAPS.

But the simple fact is the individual right to bear arms is written into the bill of rights of the document which sets out how we are to get along with each other as the solution to not only to tyranny, but also self-defense.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: TJ Grad with an AR ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:43AM

5 seconds??? You just made that up. It takes less than 2 seconds to swap out good non-polymer HK maritime mags that drop free. I just tried and I'm no "operator". If a TJ grad like me can swap it in less than 2 seconds, someone with practice can get it down to a 1 second to 1.5 seconds. A ban will do absolutely nothing.

a reader Wrote:
> Ban Wouldn't Matter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > the truth is under the CT ban the
> > rifle was still legal - can't legislate away
> this
> > problem - bring back insane asylums - that is
> the
> > answer - lock these crazies up and put the good
> of
> > the many of the good of the few!
> Not to nitpick, but the specific rifle used was
> not legal for the shooter, he murdered someone,
> stole it, and illegally entered a school all
> before the shooting started.
> damuriajashi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Swapping out magazines takes about 3 seconds on
> a
> > handgun probably less, its somewhat longer on
> an
> > assault rifle, in any case, it doesn't take
> very
> > longer in either case.
> Yes, magazines can be swapped. But if it takes
> five seconds to swap out an AR-15 magazine and he
> fired 100 shots and we assume he used common
> 30-round PMAGs, then he needed three swaps, for a
> total of fifteen seconds of no shots being fired.
> If he only had ten round magazines (the AWB
> limit), he would have needed nine swaps, 45
> seconds of no shots being fired. Considering the
> entire incident took about three minutes from what
> I have read (his busting into the school until the
> time he was dead), that's a big difference and it
> is possible he wouldn't have gotten 100 rounds out
> of the gun in that amount of time. Yes he would
> have killed many people, but maybe at least a few
> more of those kids would be alive.
> Aurora, VT, CT, all have a young adult with mental
> problems that plays violent video games and had
> access to heavy weaponry. Seems to me all three
> of those aspects should be addressed to make the
> argument that new laws can possibly prevent what
> happened... addressing only one of them won't do
> it.
> So that said, I am in favor of getting rid of high
> capacity magazines. That legislation should be
> paired with new health insurance mandates for
> mental health treatment and limits of violent
> media access for young children.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 18, 2012 08:03AM

control freaks Wrote:

> But the simple fact is the individual right to
> bear arms is written into the bill of rights of
> the document which sets out how we are to get
> along with each other as the solution to not only
> to tyranny, but also self-defense.

The 2nd Amendment clearly relates the right to keep and bear arms only with training and participation in some form of national defense. We have that now, the national military. Nowhere is personal use of firearms for self-defense mentioned.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

It was adopted in 1791, and since then our country has changed dramatically institutionally and technologically. Additional amendments have addressed many changes on other issues. Arms use needs to be updated, too.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 08:28AM

@Berhuis - honestly, it really doesnt need any changes...........IF gun onwers and dealers simply did their dealing, trading, selling, and usage with the thought of the community at WHOLE into consideration. The graph that Tard Blvd put out there show this:

Gun lovers who are retailers provide crooks with 20% of all guns in this country, based on that graph. Says almost 40% of the guns criminals get are GIVEN to them buy other gun owning friends and relatives of theirs.

and check this shit out:
Gun owning friends & family of criminals: 35%
Drug Dealers: 15%


I always thought NRA was into America as a whole. Just learning they are a bunch of selfish fucks like any other group

I seriously thought they were different - my bad............

but anyways, I think ALL guns should have a trigger lock required when not in use, with the key legally required to be stored in a location separate from both the firearm and ammo location. If those guns that BITCH had were triggerlocked, and she stored the key away propely................................well all I'm saying is that if you assholes cared enough about the rest of us to simply lock yr weapons away safely, THE REST OF THIS COUNTRY WOULD BE A HELL OF A LOT BETTER.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2012 08:31AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: control freaks ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:11AM

@ Berdhius
Thankfully we don't have to take the word of ideological zealots like yourself for what the second Amendment means, because actual Judges who study Law and History have already done the work for us. To wit:
" 1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53." D.C. vs. Heller

Of course you are welcome to resort to the Amendment process indicated by that document to change that. Good luck with that.

Anything else, though, is sort of the reason people feel like they want the items in the first place--to deal with people who don't have much regard for the rule of law.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: ROCKO MEATS ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:16AM

You crazy dumbasses running around the greater Fairfax County area is another reason for me to CCW never leave home with out it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Rednecked ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:18AM

> You crazy dumbasses running around the greater
> Fairfax County area is another reason for me to
> CCW never leave home with out it.

Another person who will end up shooting his family and then himself.

Do us all a favor and just start with yourself first.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: 3Mj3N ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:20AM

> You crazy dumbasses running around the greater
> Fairfax County area is another reason for me to
> CCW never leave home with out it.

What is CCW? I have a VA state issued CHP and am not leaving home without it anymore.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:22AM

@Rednecked - now, now...............

@ROCKO, 3Mj3N , anyone gunowner - let me ask you something - what steps do you take to secure yr weapon when it's not on you? Do you believe a trigger lock on a stored weapon is a really big deal?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2012 09:22AM by Gordon Blvd.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Less Miserable ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:34AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> control freaks Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > But the simple fact is the individual right to
> > bear arms is written into the bill of rights of
> > the document which sets out how we are to get
> > along with each other as the solution to not
> only
> > to tyranny, but also self-defense.
> The 2nd Amendment clearly relates the right to
> keep and bear arms only with training and
> participation in some form of national defense. We
> have that now, the national military. Nowhere is
> personal use of firearms for self-defense
> mentioned.
> "A well regulated militia being necessary to the
> security of a free state, the right of the people
> to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
> It was adopted in 1791, and since then our country
> has changed dramatically institutionally and
> technologically. Additional amendments have
> addressed many changes on other issues. Arms use
> needs to be updated, too.

We had an army when the Constitution was written. We also had militias, which supplemented the army (like the National Guard does today).

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you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:44AM


Why's it gotta be a fucking Constitution thing?


I mean, FUCK! If y'all simply did that shit, then we wouldnt be having this fucking discussion AT ALL!


if the bitch has simply thought to herself one day "hey, I have a crazy son in the house with my guns - I should put trigger locks on them and hide the key away", her bitch ass could still be standing in her mirror holding her glock, going "are you looking at me?" over and over, or whatever it is y'all do - I dunno.......................

Seriously, how hard is it to simply lock the damn gun up?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 18, 2012 10:03AM

control freaks Wrote:
> @ Berdhius
> Thankfully we don't have to take the word of
> ideological zealots like yourself for what the
> second Amendment means, because actual Judges who
> study Law and History have already done the work
> for us. To wit:
> " 1. The Second Amendment protects an
> individual right to possess a firearm unconnected
> with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
> traditionally lawful purposes, such as
> self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53." D.C.
> vs. Heller
> http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/07-290.ZS.ht
> ml

Not all judges agree, though, the Supreme Court has split its decision numerous times with rational dissent. This topic is up for debate right now, has been for many decades, and will continue to be so. The increasing carnage will eventually not be tolerated by the majority of Americans.

> Of course you are welcome to resort to the
> Amendment process indicated by that document to
> change that. Good luck with that.

And this is what conscientious Americans do. Thanks for the well wish.

> Anything else, though, is sort of the reason
> people feel like they want the items in the first
> place--to deal with people who don't have much
> regard for the rule of law.

Until their own weapons are used against them or against others unwittingly. Note the recent case in CT and numerous others where a child accidentally shoots herself or is accidentally shot by a family member. Oh yeah, and then there's that family in Herndon just recently who were all murdered by their gun-owning father. I wonder in horror if any of the boys or wife woke up after the first shot and whose last moments were facing him with a firearm pointed right at them.


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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: BigK ()
Date: December 18, 2012 10:13AM

All assault weapons and automatic hand guns should be controlled like fully automatic weapons are controlled.

It has been unlawful since 1934 (The National Firearms Act) for civilians to own fully automatic weapons without special permission from the U.S. Treasury Department. Machine guns are subject to a $200 tax every time their ownership changes from one federally registered owner to another, and each new weapon is subject to a manufacturing tax when it is made, and it must be registered with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in its National Firearms Registry.

To become a registered owner, a complete FBI background investigation is conducted, checking for any criminal history or tendencies toward violence, and an application must be submitted to the ATF including two sets of fingerprints, a recent photo, a sworn affidavit that transfer of the NFA firearm is of "reasonable necessity," and that sale to and possession of the weapon by the applicant "would be consistent with public safety." The application form also requires the signature of a chief law enforcement officer with jurisdiction in the applicant's residence.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gunny ()
Date: December 18, 2012 10:32AM

There's a good reason why we don't sell cyanide, C4 or dynamite at your local sporting goods shop.

Assault rifles need to fall into the same category. I'm not saying outlaw the guns, just make them more difficult to get so these whack jobs have to go through more in depth background checks. It's pretty obvious that this kid shouldn't of had access to the weapons.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: WatUhunting? ()
Date: December 18, 2012 10:45AM

I belonged to the NRA as a kid and shot targets weekly at the local cop firing range. I liked it and found if very challenging to perform well. We used bolt action 22 target rifles.

Hunting weapons, target weapons and home defense weapons (esp. shot guns) are entirely useful tools and I think it is very reasonable to own them. The 100 clip rifles seem more like a toy in civilian's hands. They make very poor home defense as the rounds penetrate walls. You are more likely to kill your family members and neighbors behind those walls whereas a shotgun just takes out what is in front of you.

I guess if you are worried about threats approaching a position from a distance these would be preferred for home defense but, barring survivalist situations how likely is that?

Its hard for me to say we should outlaw the high capacity mags or 'assault rifles.' The idea of the 2nd amendment is to allow citizens to defend themselves against the government (my interpretation). However I think controlling the combat weapons in a 'well regulated militia' would be both a good idea and in the spirit of the Constitution. Survivalists could, and I believe should be able to keep all kinds of combat weapons under lock and key in bunkers or vaults.

Keep them in the militia (regulated by members) except for training or target practice or of course defense against attack. But no, no checking out an assault rifle for fooling around on the farm or showing off at the bowling alley. By the way you would want these militias guarded by armed in force by members. The whole idea is to keep the govt away from them.

Lets man-up and get real about the 2nd amendment - its not about collecting combat weapons or playing Rambo on the weekends outside, its about carefully and responsibly holding combat ready weapons en masse to defend against the government

Options: ReplyQuote
new trigger lock laws needed apparently................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 10:59AM

@Wat: and as long as yr telling me you are also securing yr weapons away when they are not in use, I am 100% in yr corner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: new trigger lock laws needed apparently................
Posted by: Ban all guns ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:07PM

Man up, grow a set and dispose all guns. Only pussies own guns.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: henry rollins ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:12PM

I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker last week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my rifles. Looks like the prices are going to sky rocket. I think there is a gun show in two weeks, I bet the prices will double.
Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Balless in America ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:22PM

henry rollins Wrote:
> I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker last
> week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my
> rifles. Looks like the prices are going to sky
> rocket. I think there is a gun show in two weeks,
> I bet the prices will double.
> Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.

Post your address so we can send you a set of tweezers.
You are a coward.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: just wondering ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:24PM

Balless in America Wrote:
> henry rollins Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker last
> > week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my
> > rifles. Looks like the prices are going to sky
> > rocket. I think there is a gun show in two
> weeks,
> > I bet the prices will double.
> > Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.
> Post your address so we can send you a set of
> tweezers.
> You are a coward.

Why are you so focus on cock?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Mike O'Meara ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:26PM

Hi, radio's Mike O'Meara here to talk to you about guns. I grew up not far from Newtown, CT and I have to say the shootings have made me sad. I heard the news and thought of my unborn child. I thought of my grown children. I thought and then I drank a fifth of Jameson's and ate a whole spiral ham. I took a nap and at 15 pancakes and a bottle of red wine. I was upset. Being from the area, I knew where this school was, generally, though I never had been to the town. I got out googlemaps and I looked it up and was sad. I think if we ban some of these guns, I will no longer be sad and that is a good thing.

Thank you.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Kiss with a fist ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:34PM

just wondering Wrote:
> Balless in America Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > henry rollins Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker
> last
> > > week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my
> > > rifles. Looks like the prices are going to
> sky
> > > rocket. I think there is a gun show in two
> > weeks,
> > > I bet the prices will double.
> > > Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.
> >
> > Post your address so we can send you a set of
> > tweezers.
> > You are a coward.
> Why are you so focus on cock?

Why are you so focused on guns?
Afraid of your shadow?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: harry sax ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:39PM

Kiss with a fist Wrote:
> just wondering Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Balless in America Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > henry rollins Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker
> > last
> > > > week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my
> > > > rifles. Looks like the prices are going to
> > sky
> > > > rocket. I think there is a gun show in two
> > > weeks,
> > > > I bet the prices will double.
> > > > Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.
> > >
> > > Post your address so we can send you a set of
> > > tweezers.
> > > You are a coward.
> >
> >
> > Why are you so focus on cock?
> Why are you so focused on guns?
> Afraid of your shadow?

I hunt. They are hunting rifles. I donate the meat to the homeless. I guess i will try killing a deer with a rock.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:40PM

Kiss with a fist Wrote:
> just wondering Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Balless in America Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > henry rollins Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker
> > last
> > > > week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for my
> > > > rifles. Looks like the prices are going to
> > sky
> > > > rocket. I think there is a gun show in two
> > > weeks,
> > > > I bet the prices will double.
> > > > Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.
> > >
> > > Post your address so we can send you a set of
> > > tweezers.
> > > You are a coward.
> >
> >
> > Why are you so focus on cock?
> Why are you so focused on guns?
> Afraid of your shadow?

Which do you prefer more, kissing, getting fisting or kissing cocks while getting fisted?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gun nuts irritate me a little. ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:01PM

Z3R0 Wrote:
> Kiss with a fist Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > just wondering Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Balless in America Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > henry rollins Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > I'm glad I bought my mossburg Roadblocker
> > > last
> > > > > week, also glad I bought 1000 rounds for
> my
> > > > > rifles. Looks like the prices are going
> to
> > > sky
> > > > > rocket. I think there is a gun show in
> two
> > > > weeks,
> > > > > I bet the prices will double.
> > > > > Good time to sell one of my 10 rifles.
> > > >
> > > > Post your address so we can send you a set
> of
> > > > tweezers.
> > > > You are a coward.
> > >
> > >
> > > Why are you so focus on cock?
> >
> > Why are you so focused on guns?
> > Afraid of your shadow?
> Which do you prefer more, kissing, getting fisting
> or kissing cocks while getting fisted?

D. None of the above
I just like to drive my fist thru someones face.
Nothing pleasures me more than rearranging a gun owners face.
I'm a bit old fashion when violence must be dispensed.
How about you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Rick Rich ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:05PM

I don't mind if people own guns.

It's when there is some gun nut having an orgasm every time he talks about his guns. Then being told that I have to get a gun for my protection.

No thanks, I've seen and dealt with enough gun accidents and hassles.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: barry time ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:10PM

Just in, one of the assault weapons allowed to go into Mexico by the ATF has turned up as having been used to kill the Mexican beauty contestant. Where is the outcry? Not only were the laws in place they were ignored by the very agency charged with enforcing them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:11PM

Gun nuts irritate me a little. Wrote:
> Z3R0 Wrote:

> > Which do you prefer more, kissing, getting
> fisting
> > or kissing cocks while getting fisted?
> D. None of the above
> I just like to drive my fist thru someones face.
> Nothing pleasures me more than rearranging a gun
> owners face.
> I'm a bit old fashion when violence must be
> dispensed.
> How about you?

Sure you do, big guy. Sure you do.... Be my bitch.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Looking forward ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:22PM

Z3R0 Wrote:
> Gun nuts irritate me a little. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Z3R0 Wrote:
> > > Which do you prefer more, kissing, getting
> > fisting
> > > or kissing cocks while getting fisted?
> >
> > D. None of the above
> > I just like to drive my fist thru someones
> face.
> > Nothing pleasures me more than rearranging a
> gun
> > owners face.
> > I'm a bit old fashion when violence must be
> > dispensed.
> > How about you?
> Sure you do, big guy. Sure you do.... Be my bitch.

Maybe we meet after New Years. Just got released and would like to celebrate the holidays free. But we will meet.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Rap Brown ()
Date: December 18, 2012 04:41PM

Looking forward Wrote:
> Z3R0 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gun nuts irritate me a little. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Z3R0 Wrote:
> >
> > > > Which do you prefer more, kissing, getting
> > > fisting
> > > > or kissing cocks while getting fisted?
> > >
> > > D. None of the above
> > > I just like to drive my fist thru someones
> > face.
> > > Nothing pleasures me more than rearranging a
> > gun
> > > owners face.
> > > I'm a bit old fashion when violence must be
> > > dispensed.
> > > How about you?
> >
> >
> > Sure you do, big guy. Sure you do.... Be my
> bitch.
> Maybe we meet after New Years. Just got released
> and would like to celebrate the holidays free. But
> we will meet.

You do know that Z3RO is gay and his other handle is Yucky24

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: experienced ar-15 user ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:24PM

Quickdraw McGraw Wrote:

> It takes nowhere near 5 seconds to drop and swap a
> magazine even for a novice. It would have made
> zero difference in this and most other cases.

Actually 5 seconds is an optimistic number for an ar-15... if you dropped the magazine to the floor for later retrieval (or if you didn't care about it), last round fired to first round chambered and sight picture acquired on an AR-15 is over five seconds, probably 7-9 without military training. You'd have to be very practiced to do it faster.

Plus more reloads = more pauses = more chances to run. "larger magazine means more room for failure" doesn't matter for two reasons... first, mags and AR-15's are super-reliable and the chance of that is very low, and second he could just pop another 30-rounder in, he had many of them. There is just no question that 10rd mags would have resulted in fewer shots fired.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:35PM

experienced ar-15 user Wrote:
> Quickdraw McGraw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It takes nowhere near 5 seconds to drop and swap
> a
> > magazine even for a novice. It would have made
> > zero difference in this and most other cases.
> Actually 5 seconds is an optimistic number for an
> ar-15... if you dropped the magazine to the floor
> for later retrieval (or if you didn't care about
> it), last round fired to first round chambered and
> sight picture acquired on an AR-15 is over five
> seconds, probably 7-9 without military training.
> You'd have to be very practiced to do it faster.
> Plus more reloads = more pauses = more chances to
> run. "larger magazine means more room for
> failure" doesn't matter for two reasons... first,
> mags and AR-15's are super-reliable and the chance
> of that is very low, and second he could just pop
> another 30-rounder in, he had many of them. There
> is just no question that 10rd mags would have
> resulted in fewer shots fired.

As an M-16 A-2 user, qualified sharpshooter, I concur that smaller magazines would result in fewer rounds fired. With the higher frequency of magazine swaps, there is an increased chance that the magazine will be improperly inserted, resulting in a jam.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Auto liar ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:40PM

Ever use the M-16 in combat? You are just another chicken shit gun nut who has serious social issues.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:59PM

Auto liar Wrote:
> Ever use the M-16 in combat? You are just another
> chicken shit gun nut who has serious social
> issues.

Your instability is revealed in this debate. You have no cause to question my experience.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: December 18, 2012 05:59PM

Berdhuis - for real, are trigger locks such a big deal?

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:08PM

OP, Get ready to pay through the nose for anything resembling an "Assault Rifle." If you can even find one it's going to COST you a lot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2012 06:08PM by Ogien.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: SLR 95 ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:19PM

RegularVirginian Wrote:
> Now that it's abundantly clear that the "assault
> rifle" ban will be renewed, I needed a
> recommendation for the cheapest one (semi-auto
> rifle) out there that is still semi-reliable.
> I have been a responsible handgun owner since I
> was 22 and want to get one before the option is
> taken away from me.
> Any recommendations on one and where to get one?
> I'd like to do it before they announce the ARB
> renewal and prices skyrocket.
> Also, fuck crazy people for ruining things for
> everyone else and for hurting innocent kids. Sad.

Bulgarian SLR 95..great gun for target shooting.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Yep, very unstable ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:24PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Auto liar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ever use the M-16 in combat? You are just
> another
> > chicken shit gun nut who has serious social
> > issues.
> Your instability is revealed in this debate. You
> have no cause to question my experience.

Wasn't questioning yours. But when you been shot and your hands are bloody and sweaty it takes a little more time. Pain slows down the response time too.
So you got one of those basic training trinkets.
I'm just tired of guns and this macho bullshit that is America.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Very unstable 2 ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:34PM

Excellant ideals on the NRA protest thread.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: just a normal gun ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:57PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> PEOPLE!?!?!!?!?
> Why's it gotta be a fucking Constitution thing?

Because its in the constitution as our 2nd most important protected right, right behind free speech. Obviously it was very important to the founding fathers.

> THEM!?!?!

Apparently youve never heard of bolt cutters or a lock pick. If someones broken into your house a trigger lock will just ensure you get killed and your gun gets taken anyway and it cut off.

> I mean, FUCK! If y'all simply did that shit, then
> we wouldnt be having this fucking discussion AT
> ALL!

Not true, if wed actually blame what was a responsible an evil fucked up person we wouldnt be having this discussion.


Millions of gun owners do. You will just hear the meaning hound on the handful that dont which make up less than 1 percent of legal gun owners.

> if the bitch has simply thought to herself one day
> "hey, I have a crazy son in the house with my guns
> - I should put trigger locks on them and hide the
> key away", her bitch ass could still be standing
> in her mirror holding her glock, going "are you
> looking at me?" over and over, or whatever it is
> y'all do - I dunno.......................

You have no way to know or prove that. Shes dead because of her son who probably would have just found another way to do it since he was intent on doing it. No need to pile onto her.

> Seriously, how hard is it to simply lock the damn
> gun up?

Why are you so fixated on locking a gun up. How hard is it to understand people that want to murder people will murder people unless someone is there that can stop them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: just a normal gun ()
Date: December 18, 2012 07:03PM

BigK Wrote:
> All assault weapons and automatic hand guns should
> be controlled like fully automatic weapons are
> controlled.

Automatic hand guns are illegal. You clearly have no idea what youre talking about.

> It has been unlawful since 1934 (The National
> Firearms Act) for civilians to own fully automatic
> weapons without special permission from the U.S.
> Treasury Department. Machine guns are subject to a
> $200 tax every time their ownership changes from
> one federally registered owner to another, and
> each new weapon is subject to a manufacturing tax
> when it is made, and it must be registered with
> the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and
> Explosives (ATF) in its National Firearms
> Registry.
> To become a registered owner, a complete FBI
> background investigation is conducted, checking
> for any criminal history or tendencies toward
> violence, and an application must be submitted to
> the ATF including two sets of fingerprints, a
> recent photo, a sworn affidavit that transfer of
> the NFA firearm is of "reasonable necessity," and
> that sale to and possession of the weapon by the
> applicant "would be consistent with public
> safety." The application form also requires the
> signature of a chief law enforcement officer with
> jurisdiction in the applicant's residence.

So you plan to have this conducted every single time even though millions of guns are sold every year? Where will this money come from? What NEW federal agency will be made to do so? That will cost billions a year and puts an undue burden on those exercising a constitutional right.

You keep throwing the term assault rifle around as a straw man scare tactic. Its a rifle nothing more. Single shot and less deadly than a hunting rifle. A .308 will do much more damage. I would suggest that you get more familiar with what youre talking about

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: too funny ()
Date: December 18, 2012 07:06PM

It is illegal to own a firearm in Baltimore city. It looks like the ban is working in Baltimore, no gun violence in that city.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: White hats and killing ()
Date: December 18, 2012 07:09PM

just a normal gun Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > PEOPLE!?!?!!?!?
> >
> > Why's it gotta be a fucking Constitution thing?
> Because its in the constitution as our 2nd most
> important protected right, right behind free
> speech. Obviously it was very important to the
> founding fathers.
> > THEM!?!?!
> Apparently youve never heard of bolt cutters or a
> lock pick. If someones broken into your house a
> trigger lock will just ensure you get killed and
> your gun gets taken anyway and it cut off.
> > I mean, FUCK! If y'all simply did that shit,
> then
> > we wouldnt be having this fucking discussion AT
> > ALL!
> Not true, if wed actually blame what was a
> responsible an evil fucked up person we wouldnt be
> having this discussion.
> Millions of gun owners do. You will just hear the
> meaning hound on the handful that dont which make
> up less than 1 percent of legal gun owners.
> > if the bitch has simply thought to herself one
> day
> > "hey, I have a crazy son in the house with my
> guns
> > - I should put trigger locks on them and hide
> the
> > key away", her bitch ass could still be
> standing
> > in her mirror holding her glock, going "are you
> > looking at me?" over and over, or whatever it
> is
> > y'all do - I dunno.......................
> You have no way to know or prove that. Shes dead
> because of her son who probably would have just
> found another way to do it since he was intent on
> doing it. No need to pile onto her.
> > Seriously, how hard is it to simply lock the
> damn
> > gun up?
> Why are you so fixated on locking a gun up. How
> hard is it to understand people that want to
> murder people will murder people unless someone is
> there that can stop them.

So what you are stating is we are all fucked and just as well start killing each other? Unless there is a guy wearing a white hat to save me.
Fuck me, I've had this gun nut thing all wrong.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: ponderous ()
Date: December 18, 2012 07:15PM

Open your eye's. We are all fucked, It's been going on for awhile now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: just a normal gun ()
Date: December 18, 2012 07:32PM

White hats and killing Wrote:

> So what you are stating is we are all fucked and
> just as well start killing each other? Unless
> there is a guy wearing a white hat to save me.
> Fuck me, I've had this gun nut thing all wrong.

Thats a pretty childish response, not surprising.

What im saying is that evil people are going to do evil things. Their always has and always will be murder. There always has and always will be mass murder and mass murder attempts, we just hear about them in the media more now.

Knowing this we should be prepared and have plans in place at schools ect in case it does happen. Not trying to disarm everyone so only criminals have guns and can use all of society as their shooting range. We should be looking for real solutions and deterrents not these feel good things that do nothing but make you more vulnerable

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 18, 2012 08:16PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Berdhuis - for real, are trigger locks such a big
> deal?

Gordon Blvd, I have no experience with trigger locks and have not researched them. Can't comment on them - sorry.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: Gotcha ()
Date: December 18, 2012 08:17PM

just a normal gun Wrote:
> White hats and killing Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So what you are stating is we are all fucked
> and
> > just as well start killing each other? Unless
> > there is a guy wearing a white hat to save me.
> > Fuck me, I've had this gun nut thing all wrong.
> Thats a pretty childish response, not surprising.
> What im saying is that evil people are going to do
> evil things. Their always has and always will be
> murder. There always has and always will be mass
> murder and mass murder attempts, we just hear
> about them in the media more now.
> Knowing this we should be prepared and have plans
> in place at schools ect in case it does happen.
> Not trying to disarm everyone so only criminals
> have guns and can use all of society as their
> shooting range. We should be looking for real
> solutions and deterrents not these feel good
> things that do nothing but make you more
> vulnerable

Childish is as childish does.
So you are always armed looking for trouble?
I've seen enough death and destruction for my lifetime but I choose not to be scared and paranoid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: you know, it really doesnt have to be such a "FEDERAL" issue, y'know.........
Posted by: Round 2? ()
Date: December 18, 2012 08:25PM

Hopefully the Mayans have it right. Time to try again since we fucked this round up.
Happy New Year?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Don West ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:39PM

too funny Wrote:
> It is illegal to own a firearm in Baltimore city.
> It looks like the ban is working in Baltimore, no
> gun violence in that city.

Please dont upset the liberals. Their rebuttal to that is the guns come from Virginia. But if you follow that argument then crime in Virginia should be twice that of Baltimore as guns as more easily available here. Yet Arlington and Alexandria have recorded years of zero homicides recently so the argument is flawed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Gun free Baltimore ()
Date: December 18, 2012 09:49PM

hahaha, yeah..No gun violence in Baltimore because it's illegal to own one in Baltimore city. If that is not a great example, I have no idea what is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: December 18, 2012 11:48PM

NRA Member Wrote:
> Assault rifles should be banned. Period!

What is an assault rifle? Or what do you THINK an assault rifle is?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: December 18, 2012 11:48PM

ben23713245125 Wrote:
> praise the lord

and pass the ammunition

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: RegularVirginian ()
Date: December 19, 2012 06:14PM

Hey guys, OP here... ended up getting an AK-47 and M4 for less than $800. Will take it out to the farm as soon as they get in. Might make a second order, prices don't seem to be skyrocketing online, just in stores. Any recommendations for another "assault rifle" I should look at in the $300-$500 range?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: f-the bishop ()
Date: December 19, 2012 06:43PM

RegularVirginian Wrote:
> Hey guys, OP here... ended up getting an AK-47 and
> M4 for less than $800. Will take it out to the
> farm as soon as they get in. Might make a second
> order, prices don't seem to be skyrocketing
> online, just in stores. Any recommendations for
> another "assault rifle" I should look at in the
> $300-$500 range?

go with a nice hand gun with a 15 round mag. the bulgarian SLR 95 is the best AK for the money. buy 1000 rounds also, they are really fun for target shooting.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: mike jonesy ()
Date: December 19, 2012 06:58PM

If you got a true AK47 for $800 it is stolen or the barrel is filled to make it a souvenir.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: RegularVirginian ()
Date: December 20, 2012 09:21AM

It's not a true AK-47 meaning it's not an automatic. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to afford a pre-1986 class III during the course of my life. It is an AK-47 semi-automatic that has interchangeable parts. It will most likely fit the new "assault weapon" definition if that definition is the same as the one in the ban that expired in 04.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:16AM

The AR-15, which is an M-16 for civilian use, has what is called an 'Effective range' of roughly 550 yards when using the standard high-velocity round. That means if you aim at a target up to 550 yards and pull the trigger, you theoretically have a decent chance of hitting your target. That range can vary less and more by a couple of hundred yards depending on many variables.

HOWEVER, these rounds sail way past 550 yards at high velocity, up to a few miles if aimed upward some, a mile if aimed level to the horizon. That means if you miss your target with this weapon, anyone in the path of that round up to a mile away, if there are no obstructions, is in great danger.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:22AM

M-16's, M-4's (a shorter version of the M-16), and AR-15's are primarily semi-automatic firearms. This means that in order for you to fire a round, just pull the trigger. You can fire rounds as quickly as you can pull the trigger - in theory.

The M-16 and M-4 have a selector switch with 3 options (safe, semi, burst). Selecting 'Semi' allows for 1 round to be fired with 1 trigger pull. Selecting 'Burst' allows for 3 rounds to be fired with 1 trigger pull. That option resembles an automatic, but not completely.

The civilian AR-15 is a semi-automatic, that can be configured to fire 3 rounds with 1 trigger pull, just as the M-16, M-4. It natively fires 1 round per 1 trigger pull.

The AR-15, among many others, should be banned for civilian use.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: Camero ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:24AM

^Above is true. I would never fire an assault type rifle outside of a gun range. The bullets can ricochet or travel for miles beyond your intended target and kill somebody.

Certainly never fire it in the air like the stupid fucks in the Mideast.

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: MuzzleBrake ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:25AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> M-16's, M-4's (a shorter version of the M-16), and
> AR-15's are primarily semi-automatic firearms.
> This means that in order for you to fire a round,
> just pull the trigger. You can fire rounds as
> quickly as you can pull the trigger - in theory.
> The M-16 and M-4 have a selector switch with 3
> options (safe, semi, burst). Selecting 'Semi'
> allows for 1 round to be fired with 1 trigger
> pull. Selecting 'Burst' allows for 3 rounds to be
> fired with 1 trigger pull. That option resembles
> an automatic, but not completely.
> The civilian AR-15 is a semi-automatic, that can
> be configured to fire 3 rounds with 1 trigger
> pull, just as the M-16, M-4. It natively fires 1
> round per 1 trigger pull.
> The AR-15, among many others, should be banned for
> civilian use.

There's no burst feature on an AR-15. Are you making this up or just naive?

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Re: Assault Rifle Ban Renewal
Posted by: 9kTUd ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:27AM

MuzzleBrake Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > M-16's, M-4's (a shorter version of the M-16),
> and
> > AR-15's are primarily semi-automatic firearms.
> > This means that in order for you to fire a
> round,
> > just pull the trigger. You can fire rounds as
> > quickly as you can pull the trigger - in
> theory.
> >
> > The M-16 and M-4 have a selector switch with 3
> > options (safe, semi, burst). Selecting 'Semi'
> > allows for 1 round to be fired with 1 trigger
> > pull. Selecting 'Burst' allows for 3 rounds to
> be
> > fired with 1 trigger pull. That option
> resembles
> > an automatic, but not completely.
> >
> > The civilian AR-15 is a semi-automatic, that
> can
> > be configured to fire 3 rounds with 1 trigger
> > pull, just as the M-16, M-4. It natively fires
> 1
> > round per 1 trigger pull.
> >
> > The AR-15, among many others, should be banned
> for
> > civilian use.
> There's no burst feature on an AR-15. Are you
> making this up or just naive?

He's a dumbass. He says:" The AR-15, among many others, should be banned for civilian use."

Why?? Because you say so? Go fuck yourself.

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