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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dagwood ()
Date: December 10, 2012 10:06AM

Dogwood Elementery is one of the County's worst schools. Sadly, I believe that the color of your skin and your economic level greatly affects the way you and your children are treated at this school. If you are diligent in monitoring what you are told about what is, or will happen in the school and classroom vs. what actually does happen in the school and classroom you may find what I found--a large discrepancy. Some infractions are minor while others are major and can have a negative impact on not only your child's education but on his or her self esteem. For those who will disagree with me that is fine, and of course it's your prerogative. All I'm suggesting is that you monitor your child's experience at Dogwood very carefully and this includes making unscheduled and unexpected visits to the school. Listen and learn. I sincerely hope that your experience is different from mine. Just because a staff member or part of the administration smiles politely at you and tells you what they believe you want to hear does not mean that your child will be treated well.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dogwood Parent ()
Date: December 10, 2012 10:39AM

This is a bad school and the money is low. I wouldn't recommend this school. The teachers are nice but the school isn't that great

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Archie ()
Date: December 10, 2012 10:42AM

Wow. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I went there many years ago and the place was a dump then. It is in a VERY economically - interesting- area and , as a white boy, I was not necessarily made to feel at home. Walking past those shitty apartments to the left of the school was a nightmare. I remember, in first grade, seeing one of my classmates physically fighting the principal. He damn near won too, but I think he was like 10 and in the first grade. After a while, my parents had an epiphany and realized a harsh reality- if you live in a poorer area, expect bad teachers, lackluster admins, and to get shortchanged when it comes to renovations. Luckily, my parents got me the hell out of there. A fire nearly gutted that hellhole a while back- too bad it didn't.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Princpal resigned ()
Date: December 10, 2012 12:14PM

Dogwood ES
Principal was hired in July and they alredly have an Interm Principal

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: ssss ()
Date: December 10, 2012 12:15PM

cohol, Tobacco, And Other Drug Offenses 0 1 0
Disorderly Or Disruptive Behavior Offenses 17 13 11
Offenses Against Staff 0 0 0
Offenses Against Student 0 1 0
Other Offenses Against Persons 4 6 7
Property Offenses 0 1 1
Technology Offenses 1 3 0
Weapons Offenses 0 0 0
All Other Offenses 0 3 0

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: icely ()
Date: December 10, 2012 12:16PM

Schools Official Assails 'Gay Lifestyle'
Fairfax Letter Urges Revisions to Teaching

By Maria Glod
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 3, 2005; Page B01

A Fairfax County School Board member has sent letters to the district's 24 high school principals urging them to ensure that students hear the views of people who believe that homosexuality is a choice and a "very destructive lifestyle."

In a Jan. 30 letter, Stephen M. Hunt (At Large) asked the principals to host speakers with an "ex-gay perspective" and offer students, teachers and counselors literature provided by the conservative group Concerned Women for America and other organizations.

Stephen Hunt wants students to hear that sexuality is a choice. (Courtesy of Stephen Hunt)

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"Children are being taught that homosexuality is normal and natural. It is neither," Hunt wrote. "To state that it is normal or natural is to promote the myth that accompanies the homosexual activist rhetoric."

Hunt's letter, which was not reviewed by other members of the 12-person board before it was sent, sparked sharp rebukes from some other board members and Superintendent Jack D. Dale.

Several board members said that although the letter was on private stationery, it was inappropriate because principals may have believed it was endorsed by the board. "By signing his name as a School Board member, it calls into question whether he is speaking on behalf of the board, and he is not," board member Jane K. Strauss (Dranesville) said.

Dale said he has written the principals to let them know Hunt's view is not sanctioned by the board or administration. "I very much regret that our principals received this letter, which is not representative of the School Board's views," Dale said in a prepared statement. "We want our schools to be seen as welcoming places for all individuals."

The role of schools in teaching about sexual orientation is among the most contentious topics that come before school boards. In 2002, a Fairfax couple who asked for removal of several books in school libraries and reading lists cited references to gay sex among their objections. And in 2001, the School Board heard from conservative groups and gay rights activists as it considered giving anti-discrimination protection to homosexuals.

Hunt said yesterday that he is concerned that students who do not support homosexuality may be afraid to speak up in school or labeled as intolerant. Hunt said he is not seeking to ban material or programs in place but believes that other information should be included.

Hunt said his letter specifically notes that students should respect the rights of gay peers. "If a person does choose a gay lifestyle, we should respect their freedom, their safety and their choice," he said.

But in the letter Hunt said students often are exposed to the "Will and Grace version of homosexuality." He contended in the letter that gays often suffer drug and alcohol abuse or physical abuse and that gay men don't live as long as heterosexual counterparts. "There are huge ramifications for people who may make a choice to go into that lifestyle, and we should make sure they are fully aware of the entire issue," Hunt said in an interview.

Kelly Schlageter, a founding member of Equality Fairfax, an advocacy group for gays and others, rebutted Hunt's contention that sexual orientation is a choice and disagreed that problems, including drug and alcohol abuse, are often part of a gay lifestyle. She said she worries that Hunt's views may send a message to students that it is wrong to be gay.

Tamara Ballou, the school district's former family life education coordinator, said students in two classes -- ninth-grade biology and 10th-grade personal and community health -- hear lessons about sexual orientation. She said letters describing the topics, including homosexuality, are sent to parents, who can have their child removed from that class. The materials taught are available for parents to review.

As part of the Fairfax policy, teachers are to tell students that "the reason for same sex attraction is unknown," according to the lesson plan. "Although individuals choose their sexual behavior, people do not choose their sexual orientation," the document states.

Lynn Terhar, president of the Fairfax County Council of PTAs, said that she's satisfied with the way sexual orientation is handled in the schools and that she hasn't heard concerns from parents. "In my personal opinion, his comments strike me as those coming from a religious point of view," Terhar said. "I don't believe there is any place for that in the Fairfax County school system."

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: December 10, 2012 01:20PM

I wish the County would realize they can't just throw money at the problem. Because the school has been so bad it gets a lot of funding, free lunches, free after school programs. If the problem is the student body, the best chance for those kids is to ship them to other schools and make this one a magnet school. You can have the best intentions and funding, but until the makeup of the student body changes, it's going to be a bad school.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: December 10, 2012 06:18PM

Dagwood Wrote:
> Dogwood Elementery is one of the County's worst
> schools. Sadly, I believe that the color of your
> skin and your economic level greatly affects the
> way you and your children are treated at this
> school. If you are diligent in monitoring what you
> are told about what is, or will happen in the
> school and classroom vs. what actually does happen
> in the school and classroom you may find what I
> found--a large discrepancy. Some infractions are
> minor while others are major and can have a
> negative impact on not only your child's education
> but on his or her self esteem. For those who will
> disagree with me that is fine, and of course it's
> your prerogative. All I'm suggesting is that you
> monitor your child's experience at Dogwood very
> carefully and this includes making unscheduled and
> unexpected visits to the school. Listen and learn.
> I sincerely hope that your experience is different
> from mine. Just because a staff member or part of
> the administration smiles politely at you and
> tells you what they believe you want to hear does
> not mean that your child will be treated well.

If you are holding back on any impropriety, that is not cool at all, and if you do actually have something that affects children, you should be bringing in up somewhere other than the underground. No offense to the underground, but its generally not going to affect change if this is the case.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Justataxpayer ()
Date: December 10, 2012 11:47PM

Didn't it burn to the ground in 2000?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Doggywood ()
Date: December 12, 2012 07:13AM

Justataxpayer Wrote:
> Didn't it burn to the ground in 2000?

It did. They would have been better off dispering the kids and turning the area into a park.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Taxedpayer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 07:28AM

Doggywood Wrote:
> Justataxpayer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Didn't it burn to the ground in 2000?
> It did. They would have been better off dispering
> the kids and turning the area into a park.

The school Fairfax forgot. Horrible place. Never should have been rebuilt.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: TaxingPayer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 01:34PM

You are there every day to make that assessment? What makes it so horrible?
Do tell.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Taxed Payer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 01:45PM

TaxingPayer Wrote:
> You are there every day to make that assessment?
> What makes it so horrible?
> Do tell.

I am only there twice a day every day of the week. Once to drop off my kids, the second time to pick them up. Sometimes I am there on Saturdays to help my kids with a school function. So yes, I am there everyday of the work week and sometimes on the weekend.

What makes it so terrible? Apathetic Teachers, dirty classrooms and restrooms. If I could afford to move or put my kids in a private school, I would, but as of now I cannot.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: TaxingPayer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 02:06PM

Are all the teachers apathetic there?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Taxed Payer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 02:17PM

TaxingPayer Wrote:
> Are all the teachers apathetic there?

the ones I deal with, yes.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Old School ()
Date: December 17, 2012 02:35PM

My son went there before the fire and it was not too bad. It was dated, even then, and the teachers were ok, but I never felt they were giving my son the best education they could.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: TaxingPayer ()
Date: December 17, 2012 04:31PM

I was just wondering if Dogwood was taking more than it's share of criticism for issues that are prevalent throughout the county and/or at other schools of the same enrollment demographic.

I like to think that criticism of Dogwood stems from parents being more involved in their children's education and, therefore, being more vocal about shortcomings.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Restonite ()
Date: December 18, 2012 06:53AM

"Being more vocal about shortcomings"? Do you think any shortcomings are addressed by the FCPS Administration? Do you think any parent complaint about a teacher, the curriculum or other students gets addressed? The answer would be no, they don't.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: General FCPS ()
Date: December 28, 2012 07:58AM

Restonite Wrote:
> "Being more vocal about shortcomings"? Do you
> think any shortcomings are addressed by the FCPS
> Administration? Do you think any parent complaint
> about a teacher, the curriculum or other students
> gets addressed? The answer would be no, they
> don't.

This could be said for 90% of the schools in Fairfax. Heck, maybe even 100%. Dogwood is one of many bad schools in the County.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: FCPSComplaintDept ()
Date: December 28, 2012 01:15PM

Complaints don't get addressed? At all?? 90% of schools in Fairfax? 100%??
Inaccurate statistics to be sure.

However, I'd be willing to bet that the ridiculous complaints on this forum aren't addressed as readily as serious issues...and I have no problem with that.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Define it ()
Date: December 28, 2012 01:20PM

FCPSComplaintDept Wrote:
> Complaints don't get addressed? At all?? 90% of
> schools in Fairfax? 100%??
> Inaccurate statistics to be sure.
> However, I'd be willing to bet that the ridiculous
> complaints on this forum aren't addressed as
> readily as serious issues...and I have no problem
> with that.

what's your definition of a serious issue over a rididulous complaint?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Complaint Department ()
Date: December 28, 2012 01:32PM

Good point. What you may perceive to be a ridiculous complaint, "my child is being picked on by other kids", could be a serious issue on many levels.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Obivous Troll ()
Date: December 28, 2012 01:45PM

FCPSComplaintDept Wrote:
> Complaints don't get addressed? At all?? 90% of
> schools in Fairfax? 100%??
> Inaccurate statistics to be sure.
> However, I'd be willing to bet that the ridiculous
> complaints on this forum aren't addressed as
> readily as serious issues...and I have no problem
> with that.

Obvious Troll is obvious. This is some schmuck who doesn't care about figuring out what is a serious problem vs something they perceive as ridiculous. You must work for FCPS.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: learn to read, please ()
Date: December 28, 2012 03:50PM

This is not actually true. They ATTEMPTED to hire a principal in July, but could not find one they liked, so they hired an interim instead.

You seem to be saying that a new permanent principal was hired in July and has already left. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: learn to read, please ()
Date: December 28, 2012 03:51PM

This post is patently untrue.
They did NOT hire a principal in July and then replace him/her with an interim.

They didn't hire a principal in the first place - the interim is filling in for the one who retired last year.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: MoreInfoPlease ()
Date: December 28, 2012 04:20PM

Where does 90% and 100% come from? Over what period of time? Is that number based solely on personal experience or are those numbers based on EVERY complaint FCPS has received countywide or by individual school? Is that number based on individual complaints regarding textbooks, or lunch programs, or bullying, or classroom management, or buses, or grounds, or facilities, or security, or school administration...etc, etc. Are these complaints meant to call attention to issues that, when addressed, would benefit ONE student or ALL students?

What are some solutions?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Solutions ()
Date: December 28, 2012 05:14PM

Hire a permanent principal for a start.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: muchneeded ()
Date: December 29, 2012 12:05AM


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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Harsh ()
Date: January 03, 2013 03:09PM

muchneeded Wrote:
> Remember?

Wow, harsh, but yeh, probably should have either tore it all the way down, or completely rebuilt.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: So confused ()
Date: January 08, 2013 08:33AM

Did the school recently burn down?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: January 08, 2013 01:59PM

yes but it's still open. they teach the local tribe of silverbacks while sitting on piles of bricks. the soot doesn't bother them and doesn't really show much on their skin.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Well now... ()
Date: January 09, 2013 01:17PM

Z3R0 Wrote:
> yes but it's still open. they teach the local
> tribe of silverbacks while sitting on piles of
> bricks. the soot doesn't bother them and doesn't
> really show much on their skin.

this one seems a bit harsh....a bit, not a lot.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Herrity ()
Date: January 11, 2013 11:03AM

Z3R0 Wrote:
> yes but it's still open. they teach the local
> tribe of silverbacks while sitting on piles of
> bricks. the soot doesn't bother them and doesn't
> really show much on their skin.

I hope the teachers all got their shots along with that big pay raise.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: I'm Curious ()
Date: January 11, 2013 03:11PM

Is this really the worst school in the county? What do you think classifies a school "the worst"? There has to be a list like that somewhere.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: I'm Curious Too ()
Date: January 11, 2013 03:39PM

I'm Curious wrote:
>Is this really the worst school in the county? What do you think classifies a >school "the worst"? There has to be a list like that somewhere.

What makes a school the "worst"? That's a good question that has been asked before on this forum in other threads. Is it the Admin team? Teaching staff? Facilities? Demographics? Suspension rates? Testing scores? How are the statistics ranked?

"Worst" is subjective until an actual list of criteria and statistics is produced.
People bad mouthing a school just because they have an axe to grind does not mean a school is, in actuality, "worst".

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: bd05 ()
Date: January 11, 2013 06:19PM

My work takes me into many FCPS.
A good principal and make a school great.
A lousy principal will make a great school lousy.
It runs from top down. Doesn't happen overnight, but it happens.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: bd05 ()
Date: January 11, 2013 06:20PM

Sorry, that should be:
A good principal can make a school great.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Sounds good ()
Date: January 11, 2013 06:36PM

bd05 Wrote:
> My work takes me into many FCPS.
> A good principal and make a school great.
> A lousy principal will make a great school lousy.
> It runs from top down. Doesn't happen overnight,
> but it happens.

Sounds good, but I want fact and figures

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Logic ()
Date: January 11, 2013 07:36PM

Following this logic Dogwood doesn't have a leader, they have a temp. Does that mean they don't have good leadership?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: dieing breed ()
Date: January 11, 2013 10:54PM

most of the kids attending this school will end up in the criminal justice system because both parents are working low pay jobs just to survive and don't have time to raise their kids. the kids that do have at least one parent that is spending time with them will do ok in life. the point is that it's government fraud at all levels that puts these kids at risk. both parents have to work until may just to pay their taxes. if liberals don't get honest and i suspect they won't you can kiss your children's future goodbye no matter what school they go to.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Ratings ()
Date: January 14, 2013 06:35AM

The county must use a ratings systm of some sort. Is it based on standardized tests, overall grades, budget spent, or somethng else?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Ghett-ho ()
Date: January 15, 2013 03:04AM

Dude, most of the kids are from the hood and their parents don't speak english and/or are too dumb to help with homework. I feel bad for the teachers.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Hoodie ()
Date: January 15, 2013 12:20PM

Ghett-ho Wrote:
> Dude, most of the kids are from the hood and their
> parents don't speak english and/or are too dumb to
> help with homework. I feel bad for the teachers.

What's the demographics of this school? It's in Reston, right?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: SpartanBBMom ()
Date: January 15, 2013 12:31PM

I can't believe how many racist people there are in Ffx Cty!?! You guys need to get a life and stop spreading so many hateful words. How about channeling some of that energy and go for a jog.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: January 15, 2013 12:36PM

SpartanBBMom Wrote:
> I can't believe how many racist people there are
> in Ffx Cty!?! You guys need to get a life and
> stop spreading so many hateful words. How about
> channeling some of that energy and go for a jog.

I think it has everything to do with self esteem. I was raised not to judge by skin color, by my father. A black man. 100% soul brother and from all places, Mississippi. Is what it is. I am pretty sure that the racist ones on here, are all pretty tough on the eyes. Probably have more shit with them. Maybe wet the bed. Poop stains in the drawls. Man boobs. Chicks with hairy tits. For someone to act and be THAT fucked up. You have to be, THAT fucked up.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2013 12:37PM by Ahmayzin.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: FrankenMonkey ()
Date: January 15, 2013 12:47PM

Archie Wrote:
> if you live in a poorer area, expect bad teachers, lackluster
> admins, and to get shortchanged when it comes to renovations.

I don't know about that. West Springfield High School is the oldest high school in the county that hasn't undergone a major renovation and it's hardly the poorest area of the county.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Logwood ()
Date: January 16, 2013 07:31AM

So does this Dogwood have a good rating, a bad rating, or are people just complaining to complain?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Define it ()
Date: January 16, 2013 03:36PM

Logwood Wrote:
> So does this Dogwood have a good rating, a bad
> rating, or are people just complaining to
> complain?

Hard to say what is good or bad when you can't define it. For a school like this with younger kids, what makes it a bad school?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dogwood survivor ()
Date: January 16, 2013 06:37PM

2 Principals ago the kids were allowed to roam the halls and that Principal was letting old man kidtoucher in. It was getting better with the last one.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Principal Skinner ()
Date: January 17, 2013 08:18AM

They used to let a kid toucher into the school? Are you serious?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: County Mountie ()
Date: January 18, 2013 01:54PM

Principal Skinner Wrote:
> They used to let a kid toucher into the school?
> Are you serious?

This whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion. T

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: yep ()
Date: January 18, 2013 06:52PM

Principal Skinner Wrote:
> They used to let a kid toucher into the school?
> Are you serious?

yep back in 2006. it was on the news

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Newsie ()
Date: January 22, 2013 06:41AM

yep Wrote:
> Principal Skinner Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They used to let a kid toucher into the school?
> > Are you serious?
> yep back in 2006. it was on the news

So what happened to the kid toucher, is he still at the school?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Concerned Dogwood Parent ()
Date: January 23, 2013 01:56PM

Newsie Wrote:
> yep Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Principal Skinner Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > They used to let a kid toucher into the
> school?
> >
> > > Are you serious?
> >
> >
> > yep back in 2006. it was on the news
> So what happened to the kid toucher, is he still
> at the school?

I hope not.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: FCPS ()
Date: February 04, 2013 01:55PM

Concerned Dogwood Parent Wrote:
> Newsie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > yep Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Principal Skinner Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > They used to let a kid toucher into the
> > school?
> > >
> > > > Are you serious?
> > >
> > >
> > > yep back in 2006. it was on the news
> >
> >
> > So what happened to the kid toucher, is he
> still
> > at the school?
> I hope not.

Don't get your hopes up, it's not like we keep up on those sorts of things.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Two ()
Date: February 11, 2013 07:28AM

Wow, no other FCPS has two threads named after them, way to go Dogwood!

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Date: February 13, 2013 09:13AM

They are still looking for someone to be the principal

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Principally ()
Date: February 14, 2013 10:42AM

> They are still looking for someone to be the
> principal

Apparently not even the adults want to go there. I wonder who they'll stick out there, it's like Siberia.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Let me ax you ()
Date: February 14, 2013 03:44PM

Would you want to work there?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Prinzipal ()
Date: February 28, 2013 01:03PM

How long since they have had a real Principal at this school? Can't FCPS find SOMEONE to promote into the position? Isn't the Assistant Principal good enough to take over full time?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Lay off! ()
Date: March 01, 2013 01:37AM

I grew up with a lot of people who went to Dogwood and they turned out just fine... even with both parents working. I even grew up with people from Sunrise Valley and Terraset that turned out just fine.... with both parents working. That is some ignorant shit to sasy they will end up criminals if the parents work and don't have time to spend with their kids!

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Principally Speaking ()
Date: March 04, 2013 06:43AM

Prinzipal Wrote:
> How long since they have had a real Principal at
> this school? Can't FCPS find SOMEONE to promote
> into the position? Isn't the Assistant Principal
> good enough to take over full time?

No, FCPS can't. They don't have the qualified people and don't trust those they have on staff. Pretty sad.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: RumorMonger ()
Date: March 04, 2013 05:41PM

Principally Speaking Wrote:

>No, FCPS can't. They don't have the qualified people and don't trust those they >have on staff. Pretty sad.

And you base this OPINION on what? What FACTS do you have to bring to the table to verify this claim?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: RumoredMonger ()
Date: March 05, 2013 06:38AM

I work for FCPS and can say this is indeed true. Very few qualified people are promoted into higher spots. There is interest in getting "outside" people into many of these senior spots, but many people can't afford to live here and work at the salary FCPS wants to pay. It's a sad Catch-22 that just goes around in circles. The County could easily put one of the many qualified, dedicated people it has on staff now into that position permanently, but chooses not to.

I base this OPINION on the FACT I have been with FCPS for 14 years.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: ssw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:36AM

RumorMonger Wrote:
> Principally Speaking Wrote:
> >No, FCPS can't. They don't have the qualified
> people and don't trust those they >have on staff.
> Pretty sad.
> And you base this OPINION on what? What FACTS do
> you have to bring to the table to verify this
> claim?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: sweatloaf ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:11PM

The funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, will you be sure and tell her...aw, you know the rest

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: cpa ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:54AM

the sol scores a re high

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: RumorMonger ()
Date: March 07, 2013 06:17PM

RumoredMonger wrote:
>I work for FCPS and can say this is indeed true. Very few qualified people are >promoted into higher spots. There is interest in getting "outside" people into >many of these senior spots, but many people can't afford to live here and work at >the salary FCPS wants to pay. It's a sad Catch-22 that just goes around in >circles. The County could easily put one of the many qualified, dedicated people >it has on staff now into that position permanently, but chooses not to.

>I base this OPINION on the FACT I have been with FCPS for 14 years.

1. Your "facts" speaks globally about FCPS. Whats facts do you have pertaining to Dogwood specifically?
2. There is a process in place for promoting/moving administrators (Principals). They are not just "put" into permanent Administration positions because they are "dedicated people".

It's not as easy as everyone wants to think.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: RumoredMonger ()
Date: March 08, 2013 06:48AM

RumorMonger Wrote:
> RumoredMonger wrote:
> >I work for FCPS and can say this is indeed true.
> Very few qualified people are >promoted into
> higher spots. There is interest in getting
> "outside" people into >many of these senior spots,
> but many people can't afford to live here and work
> at >the salary FCPS wants to pay. It's a sad
> Catch-22 that just goes around in >circles. The
> County could easily put one of the many qualified,
> dedicated people >it has on staff now into that
> position permanently, but chooses not to.
> >I base this OPINION on the FACT I have been with
> FCPS for 14 years.
> 1. Your "facts" speaks globally about FCPS. Whats
> facts do you have pertaining to Dogwood
> specifically?
> 2. There is a process in place for
> promoting/moving administrators (Principals).
> They are not just "put" into permanent
> Administration positions because they are
> "dedicated people".
> It's not as easy as everyone wants to think.

I never said I was talking about Dogwood, you made that assumption on your own. Dogwood is not well regarded within the FCPS system, but overall, very few people are promoted to higher spots within the system. It's a global statement I stand behind and the fact is, it is true.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dogwood Parent ()
Date: March 08, 2013 11:12AM

Here's a FACT and not an OPINION. Dogwood has no permanant principal in place. It has not had one for some time. This is a FACT.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dogwoody ()
Date: March 08, 2013 11:18AM

Here's another FACT: the name of Dogwood Elementary will be OFFICIALLY changed to Dogshit Elementary. This is also a FACT.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: FishMonger ()
Date: March 08, 2013 11:44AM

Dogwoody Wrote:
> Here's another FACT: the name of Dogwood
> Elementary will be OFFICIALLY changed to Dogshit
> Elementary. This is also a FACT.

oooooohhh, you're going to make RumorMonger mad! Watch out! In their OPINION this is not a FACT. The FACT is they are an asshole.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: NoPromotions ()
Date: March 09, 2013 12:50PM

Not many people are promoted within the system? Are we sure about that?
Many promotions require a person to vacate a position thereby opening a position into which someone can be promoted. There is an ebb and flow to that within the system.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: one example of the ebb and flow ()
Date: March 09, 2013 03:16PM

The high school Social Studies/History Specialist (a central office position) retired last year. The replacement has never worked within FCPS. This is a FACT and not an OPINION. I think there are examples of others. I am highly skeptical of anyone who says that nobody from the inside was qualified for this job.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Another example ()
Date: March 11, 2013 02:57PM

Here's another example: Nobody from within the County hsa been promoted to the Dogwood Principal job, that is a FACT. It's been over a year and you mean there are NO qualified people within the county?

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Another another example ()
Date: March 11, 2013 03:03PM

Another another example: Dogwood = Dogshit, everyone knows, nobody cares, that is a FACT. Eventually some clueless derp will become Principal yet still NOBODY cares, 'cept maybe YOU!

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Dog Tired ()
Date: March 12, 2013 03:26PM

Another another example Wrote:
> Another another example: Dogwood = Dogshit,
> everyone knows, nobody cares, that is a FACT.
> Eventually some clueless derp will become
> Principal yet still NOBODY cares, 'cept maybe YOU!

Not even a new principal will care, FACT.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: FACTS checker ()
Date: March 17, 2013 07:42PM

Another Example wrote:
>Here's another example: Nobody from within the County hsa been promoted to the >Dogwood Principal job, that is a FACT. It's been over a year and you mean there are >NO qualified people within the county?

It has not been over a year. Get your FACT's right. And furthermore, get your other facts right before you post. I guarantee you don't have all the information to make the comments you are posting.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: NO FACT checker ()
Date: March 18, 2013 06:39AM

FACTS checker Wrote:
> Another Example wrote:
> >Here's another example: Nobody from within the
> County hsa been promoted to the >Dogwood Principal
> job, that is a FACT. It's been over a year and you
> mean there are >NO qualified people within the
> county?
> It has not been over a year. Get your FACT's
> right. And furthermore, get your other facts right
> before you post. I guarantee you don't have all
> the information to make the comments you are
> posting.

So you can just bust in and say it's not been a year with no fact to back yourself up? Why should you be believed?

The fact is it has been TWO years with no principal, because I say so.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Typical NOVAite ()
Date: March 18, 2013 09:05AM

FACTS checker Wrote:
> Another Example wrote:
> >Here's another example: Nobody from within the
> County hsa been promoted to the >Dogwood Principal
> job, that is a FACT. It's been over a year and you
> mean there are >NO qualified people within the
> county?
> It has not been over a year. Get your FACT's
> right. And furthermore, get your other facts right
> before you post. I guarantee you don't have all
> the information to make the comments you are
> posting.

You get on a messageboard and accuse someone of not having their facts straight yet you offer no facts to back up your claim, typical. Go back under your rock and come back out when you can provide dates and names and timeframes. Otherwise, shut up and stay away from the keyboard.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: all that factually matters ()
Date: March 18, 2013 10:54AM

Here's a FACT: A FACT is a piece of information presented as having objective reality. It originates from the Latin word "factum" and the first know use is from the 15th century, and yes this is also a FACT. The original sense was 'an act or feat,' later 'bad deed, a crime,' surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses ( 'truth, reality') dates from the late 16th century, which is yet another FACT.

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Fact-Checker ()
Date: March 18, 2013 10:58AM

all that factually matters Wrote:
> Here's a FACT: A FACT is a piece of information
> presented as having objective reality. It
> originates from the Latin word "factum" and the
> first know use is from the 15th century, and yes
> this is also a FACT. The original sense was 'an
> act or feat,' later 'bad deed, a crime,' surviving
> in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The
> earliest of the current senses ( 'truth, reality')
> dates from the late 16th century, which is yet
> another FACT.

You obviously did not attend Dogwood

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: fcpss ()
Date: May 06, 2014 09:56AM


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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Fact-checker ()
Date: May 06, 2014 10:18AM

fcpss Wrote:

Go suck dick

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Re: Dogwood Elementary
Posted by: Consuela ()
Date: May 06, 2014 11:44AM

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