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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jamie ()
Date: June 23, 2008 07:29PM

Hi everyone,
I was curious to see if anyone can describe what the county jail is like. My husband has to spend a few days in jail for a DWI and I'm a nervous wreck about it. I have heard it called 'The Fairfax Hilton' and that it isn't all that terrible, but if anyone has a testiment of what a day in jail is like, I would love to hear it to hopefully put myself (and him) at ease. He is such a wonderful person and it makes me nervous to have him in there.
Thank you!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: native/ ()
Date: June 23, 2008 07:34PM

If it is his first offense it will mandatory 5 days with 175 days suspended. He will be ok. I don't understand why would you want it to be an easy thing, don't you think he deserves to suffer for a couple of days to realize what he has done???

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: tbats ()
Date: June 23, 2008 07:48PM

Tell him to show up tired, he'll probably be able to sleep through it. But you can't show up buzzed, probation will be worse if he fails a breath or whizz test..

Unless your hubby is really weak and doesnt know how to carry himself, he'll have no problems. He'll probably be in isolation much of the time. Don't go in there fronting like a badass and keep everyone at arms length, it will be like a weekend at a bad youth hostel..

BTW would you like to have a drink or something when he's gone??

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: LuLu ()
Date: June 23, 2008 07:50PM

Your husband is NOT a wonderful person, shut your mouth.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jamie ()
Date: June 23, 2008 07:52PM

No, I don't want him to suffer- that is why I am asking what the experience is like. He made a mistake and has learned from it. If he was someone who drives repeatedly under the influence then yes, he deserves a harsh penalty, but his situation is one where he really had a stoke of very bad luck. He is not a terrible person for having a few beers and driving 2 miles home.

If anyone has experience with this- please share-

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jumbo ()
Date: June 23, 2008 08:22PM

Be sure and give him some little pink panties to wear. You know, the
frilly kind with lace and bows. He will be very popular.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: June 23, 2008 09:08PM

2 miles? Could have walked.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone? -lulu
Posted by: clean_resident ()
Date: June 23, 2008 09:21PM

re "lulu: Your husband is NOT a wonderful person, shut your mouth."

Hey lulu. what makes you say such nasty comments? did you have a hard time in jail? now.... The lady is just asking questions--no need to be nasty.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: uggh ()
Date: June 23, 2008 09:55PM

You know, some community message boards I have visited are populated by people asking questions about commute times, yard sales, shopping, dining,etc. Not this one. No, this one continually has questions about obtaining a lawyer for some charge and jail.

Lady, you definitely came to the right place to ask this question.

"Fairfax Underground: Criminals Helping Criminals"

By the way, it's really not OK to "have a few beers and drive two miles home." If your husband received a jail sentence for a DWI it's either not his first conviction for drunk driving or he had a very high BAC which means he was at least twice (and probably more) the legal limit to be driving.

According to MADD, the average first time drunk driving convict has driven drunk approximately 87 times in his or her lifetime before they are caught even once.


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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Chica ()
Date: June 23, 2008 10:00PM

Boring, there are about 10 books on the book cart. Bad food, and not enough of it, he will always be hungry. He will have to buy his own underwear, toothpaste, soap, etc. Its always cold in there so he will need to buy long sleeved thermal undershirts. You can send money orders so he can use the commissary, but they will take $1 a day from his account for room & board. Its over crowded. I hope he won't be there over the weekend, visiting is a bitch. You used to have to make an appt to visit, lets hope they've done away with that. It didn't work. You still had to stand in line and wait forever. If he minds his own business, the other inmates won't bother him.

Its only 5 days, maybe he will just stay in the holding cell or intake.

He should have read the thread about the DWI attorneys before he went to court. That might have helped him. Five days is better than having him get killed or kill someone else while driving drunk.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: chowhound ()
Date: June 23, 2008 10:12PM

what drove the husband to drink and drive in the first place?

maybe problem at home with the wife?

5 days in county jail away from the wife may feel like a much-need vacation for him.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Kid ()
Date: June 24, 2008 12:59AM

i dont understand why he even needs to be in jail if it was his first time offense....unless he drove over .20 which might explain it.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: KeepYourMouthShut ()
Date: June 24, 2008 01:02AM

State is where the problems start. You got feds coming back into the state system and staties that have been there for 5 years and haven't had sex w/ a female in 5 yrs. If your county don't worry about getting cornholed, but count on possibly getting into a fight, especially at meal time. Stay the fuck out of people's way (I suggest a good 2 foot space when getting food or lining up for other shit). Don't get into other people's conversations, I'm serious. County kids won't give a fuck but if you get in the conversation of a statie, oldie, or fed coming back through, they fight first ask questions later w/ no warning. I've been in county and regional joints, and they even had shanks in county. If, you're latin be tight w/ the latins. If you're black, bet on black. If your white...hold on tight! JK! You can be friends w/ whoever, but remember, if shit goes down, blacks back blacks and vice versa w/ every race in jail, regardless of who is friends w/ who. There might be a gay guy or 2. My advice to you is dont talk to them or even look at them. There are people in there who are used to identifying weaknesses and angles in order to later extort or have your ass beat because they make up some b.s. story for no reason, or because you won't give them your personal shit. It's fucking Darwinism to the fullest in there, so watch your back and be smart about shit. Also, don't make small talk w/ or befriend guards, haters will use it against you, not to mention it makes u look like a kiss ass narc. GOOD LUCK!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Otis Campbell ()
Date: June 24, 2008 01:38AM

Dont drink and drive. You might hit a bump and spill it.
Join up with Drunks Against Mad Mothers. They will provide
legal assistance if you get busted. Where am I?

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Retired-Deputy ()
Date: June 24, 2008 09:27AM

O'right let me tell you what would happen. When your husband shows up to be booked on his DWI charge, he'd searched, medically screened and be classified by inmate counselor. Ok, after that, depending on his classification (he is not suicidial, threat, victimization, or any of that good stuff) he'd more than likely end up in one of the intake housing units. Thats where everyone who comes off the street is sent to. He'd probably end up being locked down for most of the time, because its basic housing unit (1-3hr rec). So tell him to mind his own business, not to give the brown shirts (deputies) any trouble and to just think about what he did. Fairfax is NOT the hilton hotel. If you want jail that feels like a hotel, goto Arlington and you'd know why inmates call Arlington Detention Facility the hilton hotel. Inmates would rather get locked up in Arlington than be Fairfax. Anyways, tell your husband to man up and face his crimes and learn from it and be a good productive member of society.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 24, 2008 09:29AM

Well the tables will be turned. After all the nights when he's asked to do it in the butt with you will now be reversed.

He'll now understand your objection to anal sex...

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Date: June 24, 2008 10:30AM

The best way to get him prepared for the experience is to acquire the following items:

1) Amyl nitrate (or butyl nitrate)
2) An aluminum baseball bat
3) An economy-size tub of Vaseline

Have your husband take the amyl nitrate (colloquially known as "poppers"). This will help relax the sphincter muscles. Next, liberally apply Vaseline to the bat. Now have him remove his trousers and undies, and proceed to work the bat into his rectum. Go slowly, and use plenty of lube. Once it's fully inserted, allow it to remain for at least three hours.

Repeat as often as you can prior to the jail sentence. This will loosen his anus sufficiently so that anal rape he will experience will be much less traumatic.

You're welcome.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 24, 2008 10:41AM

wow that was way detailed for having been written at work... you got the day off today howie?

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jailbird ()
Date: June 24, 2008 10:59AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> wow that was way detailed for having been written
> at work... you got the day off today howie?

LOL! Howie must work for FEMA.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: June 24, 2008 11:07AM

Sphincter says what?

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: LuLu ()
Date: June 24, 2008 06:17PM

2 miles is more than enough distance to have killed or injured someone. Drunk driving at an speed, place or distance is reckless, selfish and intolerable.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 25, 2008 07:23PM

496 Wrote:
> Sphincter says what?


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Katie ()
Date: June 26, 2008 09:31PM

Some of you are hilarious. All high and mighty like you've never had a beer or two and then got behind the wheel. I'm by no means condoning it, however, I'm not about to condmemn the man. "Your husband is not a wonderful man". I mean REALLY?! Because based on this one action you have the right to make that call, Lulu sweetie?

Judge not lest ye be judged, bitches! ;)

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch ()
Date: June 27, 2008 10:25AM

Uh Katie, I haven't gotten behind the wheel after one or two beers. Ever. It's real simple...any amount of alcohol at all means no driving for me that night. It's really, really, really easy to NOT drink and drive. It's called take a cab, alternate driving duties with your spouse, have a designated driver, forgo the drink, etc.

Having had a friend killed by a drunk driver, it's the only sensible thing to do. People convicted of DUI are total scum. They should be locked up and have the key thrown away.

So blow me Katie. This chick's husband is a cockbag. He got drunk, risked the lives of everyone out on the road, just because he was too chickenshit to take a cab. He richly deserves what he's getting and more.

Do the crime, do the time, bitches.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: June 27, 2008 11:17AM

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
> Uh Katie, I haven't gotten behind the wheel after
> one or two beers. Ever. It's real simple...any
> amount of alcohol at all means no driving for me
> that night. It's really, really, really easy to
> NOT drink and drive. It's called take a cab,
> alternate driving duties with your spouse, have a
> designated driver, forgo the drink, etc.
> Having had a friend killed by a drunk driver, it's
> the only sensible thing to do. People convicted of
> DUI are total scum. They should be locked up and
> have the key thrown away.
> So blow me Katie. This chick's husband is a
> cockbag. He got drunk, risked the lives of
> everyone out on the road, just because he was too
> chickenshit to take a cab. He richly deserves what
> he's getting and more.
> Do the crime, do the time, bitches.


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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: June 27, 2008 11:25AM

Otis Campbell Wrote:
> Dont drink and drive. You might hit a bump and
> spill it.
> Join up with Drunks Against Mad Mothers. They will
> provide
> legal assistance if you get busted. Where am I?

Yes, MADD certainly does provide its members with great legal assistance when they get busted for DUI's. It would certainly be a shame if one their members pops up in the press, or so they plead to get out of DUIs.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jake ()
Date: June 27, 2008 02:21PM

Alright people- I know blogs constitute free speech and everything and you can post what you want, but the lady is just asking to hear an experience, not to judge her husband, so keep your opinions to yourself before badgering someone you don't even know for making a mistake...yes a terrible one, but we've all made mistakes..and clearly by going to jail he'll probably learn from it.

That being said- sorry lady, thankfully I don't have any experience to share, but maybe going forward someone will write thier experience and not talk about how bad drinking and driving is. We all know it is a terrible thing to do. The End.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: June 27, 2008 02:43PM

Jake, it's a forum, not a blog.

No one badgered anyone, merely vented about what losers drunk drivers are.

Shut your stinkhole, and go away.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: sewshi ()
Date: June 27, 2008 04:09PM

Um, well I got arrested for a DWI fairly recently. Call me scum, potential killer, cockbag, whatever. I'm paying the price, but according to this forum it looks like I should be stoned to death. SOME OF US MAKE MISTAKES. Fucking Christ people, I don't condone drinking & driving either, Infact I thought _I_ would never get one since I was always the guy preaching against it among my group of friends.

Well guess what, I fucked up. Just like the hundreds and thousands of people waiting to get their DWI. Yes, it is serious. People can be killed. I know that. I suppose losing thousands of dollars, my license for a year, and going to jail should be enough to say "Hey don't do this again, asshole", and of course I won't; I don't like to repeat the experience of jail again. The jail sucks, plain and simple. Cold, smells like ass, too bright. Cops treat you like a lesser being. And I suppose thats what you are for the time you're in jail.

You can have have thousands of classes, fines, punishments, but guess what folks? There is still going to be drinking & driving. It's not going away unless we figure out something better than just throwing people in jail and getting the lynch mob ready. I don't have the solution either.. maybe cab numbers written all over the bar? A breathalyzer in bars? Better public transportation? I don't know, I'm not an expert.

So, sorry to those who have lost a loved one or know someone who have lost someone to a drunk driver. But from the looks of it, it's not going to disappear anytime soon.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 28, 2008 01:49AM


I hope a member of your family gets drunk and backs over you in the driveway, killing you brutally and saving humanity once and for all.

I will never say another bad word about drunk drivers again if that happens, I promise.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2008 01:53AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: watcher ()
Date: June 28, 2008 10:18AM

sewshi, you are scummy potential killer. And a cockbag, whatever that is.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: tbats ()
Date: June 28, 2008 11:04AM

Since this post started, Jamies husband has
1) Served his time
2) Completed his probation
3) Been "fully rehabilitated"

or maybe he's picked up DWI #2 in the interim...

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: sewshi ()
Date: June 28, 2008 03:38PM

lol watcher, i try!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: SHaZbOt ()
Date: June 29, 2008 01:33AM

all the anal queers in here need to stop being themselves or just not talk on this topic anymore. The woman asked a question: what is it like in the county jail. if your just gonna harp on her for having a husband that fucked up, cuz obviously none of you have fucked up before (sarcastic) (and yes i need to put that in parenthesis because sadly most of you out there are complete idiots) then please just go fuck yourselfs, you are most likely boring and pathetic. GO FUCK YOURSELVES

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: April 25, 2009 04:07PM

The Fairfax police don't care if someone has been drinking or not.

Anyone who gets pulled over at 3 a.m is going down. BAC or no BAC.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jeanie ()
Date: April 25, 2009 10:05PM

Since he is a guy - he will be okay. My lawyer said that men are treated FAR better than women. Don't worry.


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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Billy H. ()
Date: April 25, 2009 10:09PM

Jamie Wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was curious to see if anyone can describe what
> the county jail is like.

Everything is "shurla burla", which means "like this, like that". You never know what will happen. All foreigners are "ayip", they're considered dirty. So is homosexuality, it's a big crime here, but most of them do it every chance they get. There are about thousand things that are "ayip", for instance, you can stab or shoot somebody below the waist but not above because that's intent to kill. So everyone runs around stabbing everyone else in the ass. That's what they call Turkish revenge. I know it must all sound crazy to you, but this place is crazy.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: celecia ()
Date: September 13, 2012 09:24PM

my brother died from a drunk driver and it killed me. but lulu you shut your uglyo nasty mouth you have no right to judge .you will be jugde someday by your lack of compassion in the flames of hell. aybe even before that you fat ass.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Enigma ()
Date: September 13, 2012 09:35PM

Jamie Wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was curious to see if anyone can describe what
> the county jail is like. My husband has to spend
> a few days in jail for a DWI and I'm a nervous
> wreck about it. I have heard it called 'The
> Fairfax Hilton' and that it isn't all that
> terrible, but if anyone has a testiment of what a
> day in jail is like, I would love to hear it to
> hopefully put myself (and him) at ease. He is
> such a wonderful person and it makes me nervous to
> have him in there.
> Thank you!

Yes, he's such a wonderful person that he got behind the wheel of roughly 2Ton vehicle and endangered who knows how many lives. What a swell guy.

Hope he has a "memorable" stay behind bars.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2012 09:36PM by Enigma.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: jailhouse cum dumpster ()
Date: September 13, 2012 09:37PM

its nothing you wouldnt see at any gay club in the area... although instead of luve we use piss and spit

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Poke ()
Date: September 13, 2012 10:19PM

Everyone knows that if you want to get respect, on the first day in prison you've got to find the biggest, meanest looking guy and take him down. After that, you will command respect and no one will mess with you.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: convict joe ()
Date: September 13, 2012 10:30PM

I learned the hard way about dropping the soap.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Pokey Vet ()
Date: September 13, 2012 10:42PM

^ -1

That there advice is - Well that's a sure formula for a serious ass whoopin from the village and a sizable forced SuckSex.

Attacking somebody without doing surveillance?! Doomass!

Actually, when you matriculate you do it on the QT. Humble. Quiet. Slow. And keep your purty mouth shut. Avoid - at all costs - the the concept you might appear to be a bad ass - or you will be shitting your teeth out your ass within 24 hours.

The best play is to keep everything about you as low key as possible for a good while, and not to intentionally seek out any trouble.

Leave that to someone else and trouble will find you out soon enough. Guards are looking for it and so too the inmates.

When trouble comes at you - and it will come at you full fucking force - then is when you deal with it - with humbleness.

Best be planned and prepared. Then you show crazy! But planned out and prepared crazy.

^ Cum Dumpster is a FOOL!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Just curious ()
Date: March 29, 2014 03:56PM

I know someone who we put in for domestic assault
How do inmates treat men in for domestic violance one charge was against
His child? I heard inmates frown upon this. He also hasn't called his girl
Friend In days; she does not know if he's safe.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: ADC employee ()
Date: March 29, 2014 04:11PM

Just curious Wrote:
> I know someone who we put in for domestic assault
> How do inmates treat men in for domestic violance
> one charge was against
> His child? I heard inmates frown upon this. He
> also hasn't called his girl
> Friend In days; she does not know if he's safe.

He should be okay. This is one of the reasons J&DR court is held behind closed doors. Hopefully he is telling everyone he is in for prescription drug fraud or cocaine possession. The deputies do not let anyone get their asses beat but the occasional bitchslap does happen. He is just fine in there and statistically speaking he is safer than someone who is driving on the beltway.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Rick Grimes ()
Date: March 29, 2014 04:13PM

Why don't ya just try it!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: BeenThereDoneThat ()
Date: March 29, 2014 05:37PM

'The Fairfax Hilton' is a joke. Its not fun. It sucks. Its like being grounded for adults. Its not dangerous though. Probably an experience he could share with his grandkids someday. Most likely he'll be in PRC which is laxer than ADC.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: The Cops ()
Date: March 29, 2014 06:07PM

Ah, only if you are an asshole, usually. Check the attitude and be correct, (be right). If you are wrong look out. It's really kinda simple. Play by the rules and don't hurt or get hurt. Don't make a mess my boy or u claim it. And by the way, what are u doing out a 3am anyway? Every officer knows that anyone out after 10pm is up to something. Or did u not know that? We are not as stupid as you think. And you are not as smart as you think.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: GGkCL ()
Date: March 29, 2014 06:11PM

this thread is from fucking 2008

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: The Cops ()
Date: March 29, 2014 06:22PM

Damn! Ya see what one glass of wine did to me? Well, don't drink and drive!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Wearzz ()
Date: March 29, 2014 07:12PM

Wear white underwear. Colored undies means hubby's going commando in the jail jump suits.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Jamesreston ()
Date: March 29, 2014 08:20PM

I've had three relatives killed by drunk drivers. I have no pity for him. I hope anal rape is the most pleasant part of his experience.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Booking Deputy Crusty ()
Date: March 29, 2014 08:48PM

He will be striped searched and thrown into S1 or S2 with no clothes. He will have to piss and shit into a grate on the floor that the sadistic deputy's will flush every 15 min and talk on a intercom telling him to look for the burning bush.

After 24 hours he will go to a R-cell that the lights are on 24/7 and hear the screams of the insane. After that experience he will be seen by the property deputy that will remove all street cloths and t-shirts or underwear that is not white. He will, be issued a jail jump suit and other jail issued items and placed into a DT cell block for 3 days.

He will not make it to general population due to the days he has to serve and should be release after 3 days due to the 50% rule for county time.

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County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Quick Answer Needed ()
Date: March 30, 2014 12:42AM

What are the phone rules? Haven't heard from husband in a week.
Does it mean he's hurt? He does have $ on phone account. Could it be they
Listen to calls? Last time he called and was yelling at me saying he
Was there because I called police (which I didn't neighbors did)

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Lt. Sonny Cachuela ()
Date: March 30, 2014 01:37AM

Quick Answer Needed Wrote:
> What are the phone rules? Haven't heard from
> husband in a week.
> Does it mean he's hurt? He does have $ on phone
> account. Could it be they
> Listen to calls? Last time he called and was
> yelling at me saying he
> Was there because I called police (which I didn't
> neighbors did)

He's probably in the S cell naked and afraid as the sadistic deputy's torture his last bit of humanity out of his soul. He will be broken within 24 hours as the insane scream all day and night in receiving.

Or the friends of Fletcher in SERT could be using him as a punching bag.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: blew a .16 ()
Date: March 30, 2014 01:44AM

Did 5 days.

It's like staying at a shitty hostel. Really not that bad.... You get to meet interesting people.

Easy 5 days though, it was nice being away from work.

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County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: 4cutedogs ()
Date: March 30, 2014 01:53AM

What does it mean when your in jail and you've got NO BOND. Charges
Were 2 simple assaults/false imprisonment? Is this guy
Going to prison or getting off? How many sleep in a
Cell at FC_ADC

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Trips ()
Date: March 30, 2014 02:09AM

What do you mean? We are really concerned.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: FFXexInmate ()
Date: March 30, 2014 02:47AM

If you've ever watched Lockup on Msnbc - FFX county jail is 50x worse than those prisons shown. I got raped a number of times all for my bologna sandwich and milk carton, i guess in the end, I got enough bologna and mayo -
literally... Plus, there's a lot of gangs so everything is segregated, I hope your husband isn't white cause if he is - he's f*cked. Good luck.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: BlackYeezuz065 ()
Date: March 30, 2014 06:49PM

keep ur asshole tight white boy!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Date: March 30, 2014 06:58PM

THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by: Too legit to quit (hey hey) ()
Date: March 30, 2014 08:25PM

What does it mean to be locked up with NO BOND in Fairfax ADC; is
My baby coming home after court? He's in for domestic

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: YDLkj ()
Date: March 30, 2014 10:37PM

it means you need to get a new baby

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Too legit ()
Date: March 30, 2014 10:39PM

What do you mean? When he goes to court he'll be sentenced
To prison?

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Flind Melon ()
Date: March 30, 2014 10:44PM

It'll be easy. Your baby will get unfettered internet access. Look at all the obvious felons on this board.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: Fifth ()
Date: March 30, 2014 10:48PM

Thanks all; I was looking for a serious answer. Not
All victims want the worse when the person needs intense counseling.
I honestly was looking for clear answers as I can't seem
To get answers elsewhere

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: lolyer1 ()
Date: April 01, 2014 09:44AM

Get plain white boxers / breifs. If you come in without wearing the plain whites, you will be completely stripped naked while they check in your property and clothes and issue you a faint bleach / chlorine smelling green FFX ADC jump suit and trust me, they do not fit right.

Depending what classfication level he is (prior criminal record, if he's violent... his' total demeanor while waiting to be classified... security risks), he will be sent to either the old side of the jail or the new side.

The old side has two people per cell and are a lot more strict. You cannot go back into your cell after morning.. etc - violent and risky offenders come to the old side.

The new side is more like a military boot camp. One person per cell.. gym in between the two dayrooms... 1 hour of gym (or whatever the guard on duty calls for)

A deputy sits in the dayroom at a control board watching over the inmates. Most have control on the behavoir of the inmates on the new side because if you start shit, you will be placed in the hole (segregation) and could be possibly moved to the old side of the jail.

Breakfast is around 5 or 5:30 am and at about 15 minutes later, the inmates are locked back into their cells. Laundry days are Monday after breakfast.

You are not to take food back with you in the cell. After or about 7:am, you are woken up by the unlocking of your cell and it's clean up time. You must make your bed and mop up the cell. You then must stand there for a daily inspection and to make sure everything is in order.

If there are any missing utensils after breakfast, lunch and / or dinner, everyone is locked down and a search commences.

Tell your hubby to where white boxers and white socks and to bring funds so he can order shit.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: lolyer1 ()
Date: April 01, 2014 09:50AM

I forgot to add, after lunch and dinner, all the inmates must participate in cleaning the dayroom everyday. Listen to the trustee or ask for instructions on what you can do to help clean. No one likes someone who does not do their part.

When your hubby arrives, he will sit in the drunk tank for about a day or so depending on the time he arrives. He will be fed cheese and bologne sandwhiches until he is classified for security risks.

After that, he will be placed and a sardenee can size room with up to 16 other inmates for about a day or two while they get the cells ready. This is where you get your jumpsuite.

Lunch is the same EVERYDAY. Two bologne sandwhiches with a cookie. Water to drink.

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Date: April 01, 2014 03:15PM

THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS THREAD IS FROM FUCKING 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: francis sawyer ()
Date: April 01, 2014 04:18PM

cheese and bologna sandwiches. all you can eat. where do i sign up?

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Re: County Jail Experience anyone?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: April 01, 2014 04:21PM

"Get plain white boxers / breifs"

Wouldn't brown skivvies be better? They mask the shit stains incurred after ass rapings.

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