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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Huntington ()
Date: March 04, 2013 02:48PM

White Possible Hispanic - the old mall at Beacon Hill on Rt.1?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: slubdawg ()
Date: March 04, 2013 02:50PM

Burke Brat, that's a great map. Where did you find it?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 05:55PM

about the RR on Burkebrat's map - It's the Manassas Gap RR - there's more about it on about midway thru page 7.

ok, here are the 9/11 pics - amazing how quickly they repaired the building considering....................

side note: never have I been more PROUD to be an American than on 9/12 when I watched many of YOU go back to work at the Pentagon while IT WAS STILL ON FIRE.

Anybody ranking on Govt workers can go suck a big black cock - cause aint nobody in the private sector working in a building that is CURRENTLY ON FIRE. Govt workers did that day...............stood in line in order to do it. TONS of them, cause I remember seeing the backup. I remember them evacating the building repeately during the day and ppl STILL willing to go back inside...........while it's still on fire.

Dont care how big the place is, it's STILL to me, one of the most brave things I've ever seen - regular, normal, everyday ppl saying "FUCK YOU OSAMA YOU AINT GONNA STOP US". Ok, I'm done :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 07:02PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 07:18PM

OMFG!!!!! Look at Burkebrat's map!!! If you go southwest from Germantown to whereabout the Govt Center is.......................



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 07:20PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 04, 2013 09:35PM

@Burkebrat - I've totally loving this map! soooooo +1 thank you!!
here's a map of Ft Lyon, that was on the hill that Huntinton Metro sits on - totally looked it up after seeing in on yr map :)

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: memories ()
Date: March 04, 2013 10:11PM

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: March 04, 2013 11:24PM

This thread is awesome, I have enjoyed all the pics here. I am 30 yrs old and sadly I remember alot of these places being torn down. I live around North Springfield and Annandale area. I would love to see if anyone have pics of North SPrignfield before it was built, and ravensworth shopping center. Thanks for everyone has been posting.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Hunt ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:56AM

Gordon Blvd., not challenging you, just wondering. Am I reading that map wrong? It puts the site of the old fort/ Huntington Metro to the west of Telegraph Rd. That can't be right. Help me out here, I love hearing/ seeing old maps of my neighborhood. My point of interest in that map is what appears to be an island in the middle of Little Hunting Creek. I know that Cameron Run (Little Hunting Creek) was diverted when the beltway was constructed, it's one of the reasons we flood. I know that there used to be a channel from the Potomac straight up to what is now Eisenhower Ave., they discovered an old mill where the "new" parking garage is now.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:24AM

Hunt-I don't believe the map is entirely accurate. It shows Little Riveer Turnpike hitting the city north of King Street, when even during the Civil War it would have been Duke Street to the south. It also does not show Leesburg Turnpike heading from King Street west which would have been just to the north of Fort Elsworth.

My guess is that the road lableled Telegraph Road is today's Route 1. Like the road on the map it is located to the east of the heights where FOrt Lyons was located.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: hunting cr ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:36AM

Hunt, this won't directly answer your question, but it seems that whole area has changed/rerouted over the past 150 years...more recently, from the late 50's during the beltway construction, Hunting Creek has become much smaller.

From looking at historicaerials.com, it looks like the area of belle haven country club you see from George Washington Parkway just accross from Porto Vecchio wasn't there...it became filled in during beltway construction or thereabouts.

So, it looks like Belle Haven CC "traded" land they had to the west (between Rt 1 near the Travelers Motel and Fort Hunt Rd, just across from the current entrance to the club, it appears they had a few holes there, where there are town houses now) and, at the southern boundary of the club, where you would take a hard right from the Parkway to go up to Ft Hunt Rd, it also looks like they had some holes there, where there are townhouses now.

So, my guess is that the alignment of Telegraph road changed a great deal over the past 150 years, as did the alignment and size of Little Hunting Creek.

Rt 1 used to be where a young Jim Morrison would hang out, according to a book or two I read on him. Kind of behind the Travelers Motel (not directly, but almost as if you went straight west from the back of that motel towards Hunting Creek) there used to be a kind of River Lodge back there, on the creek, that supposedly was a hot spot for GW high school students in the 50's and 60's. I've seen something that looks like this on Historicaerials.

As for the GW Parkway, near Morningside Road, before there was a GW Parkway, a guy had a big mansion on the river...the JW Kruettner mansion, a past president of the Portland Cement Association. Apparently, from the bike trail in the winter, you can see remnants of this house...

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:43AM

@Hunt - its no challenge to ask a logical question, my friend - and I'm glad you pointed it out. I was originally thinking that on the map I put out, that the "Telegraph Rd" on it was our South Kings Hwy, and that "Gravel Rd" was Rt 1.

But if I look on Burkebrat's map, we CLEARLY see Ft Lyon marked over closer to what WE think of as Telelgraph Rd - on Burkebrat's map it looks like the Fort would be closer to where Jefferson Manor Park is and "Gravel Rd" is South Kings Hwy.................so I dunno.

All I know for sure is that I finally know why it's called Fort Dr LoLz

edit - I think maybe South Kings Hwy was a "Telegraph Rd"-spur at the time? Cause the location on the fort on both maps really doesnt change, just the name of South Kings is the only confusing part

also, it's kinda funny how they used to call Jones Point
"The Boot" :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2013 07:46AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:47AM

oh yeah, couldnt find any Ravensworths.............but DAMN if the interwebz doesnt love itself some old Annandale pics LoLz

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chester_Brook ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:13AM

You should give credit: Drawn by Pvt. Robert Knox Sneden, Union Mapmaker.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:00AM

"But if I look on Burkebrat's map, we CLEARLY see Ft Lyon marked over closer to what WE think of as Telelgraph Rd - on Burkebrat's map it looks like the Fort would be closer to where Jefferson Manor Park is and "Gravel Rd" is South Kings Hwy.................so I dunno."

http://www.historicaerials.com/ and type in "Alexandria VA" - has aerials back to '49.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Just Another Old Fart ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:38AM

Here's one I've never been able to figure out, but maybe someone here knows. The map below is from Springfield west of Backlick Road and south of the Beltway, on the approach to Lake Accotink. The arrow points to a small street called "Steel Mill Drive." How did it get that name? Was there a steel mill here at one time?
steel mill.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:41AM

@just - i dunno the details, but it's got something to do with WW2 and the base that was back up in there. The lake and the park all used to be some armybase or something.

edit - the base is/was also the reason why all that industrial stuff is all back in that neighborhood.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2013 11:10AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:59AM

@Jess - that is an AWESOME link - thank you VERY much

also ROFLMAO at the name of the Fort on the other side of the hill from Ft Lyon - it's like they knew how the neighborhood would turn out one day LoLz

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: old farter ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:05AM

Just Another Old Fart Wrote:
> Here's one I've never been able to figure out, but
> maybe someone here knows. The map below is from
> Springfield west of Backlick Road and south of the
> Beltway, on the approach to Lake Accotink. The
> arrow points to a small street called "Steel Mill
> Drive." How did it get that name? Was there a
> steel mill here at one time?

It wasn't a steel mill as such, they didn't actually make steel there, but there was(is?) a fabrication plant there. Don't recall the whole name but I think it had "Erectors" in it.

They would cut and weld girders for buildings. etc.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:33AM

The mill as such a fabrication place was right next to the train tracks as you turn onto the access road for the park down from Highland, going towards where Cox has its building.

The lake was dammed to serve as a reservoir for Ft. Belvoir, late 1910s. Hence, the Reservoir Road.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Just Another Old Fart ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:07PM

This place, perhaps?
steel mill.jpg

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I guess they are out of business LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:37PM




I'm sorry but I gotta say...............................that must have been SOME PLACE. You know it's a hell of a shop if you google the name of a place and the FIRST THREE THINGS that come up are lawsuits


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:00PM

Awesome pic close enough! Gordon BLVD please keep posting LOL!! I am looking through old photos myself to post! I make some postings here soon.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:09PM

I do have a question, does anyone know where Ravensworth mansion was located Southeast of Braddock and Beltway the still live a big area!!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:14PM

Early 1900's 1918? Lake Accotink Dam.
lake accotink dam 1918.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:52PM

Rory Wrote:
> I do have a question, does anyone know where
> Ravensworth mansion was located Southeast of
> Braddock and Beltway the still live a big area!!

I believe its was torched for the Ravenworth Farm development. There is an old book called Northern Virginia Heritage that had alot of old mansions, farms, etc. listed in it. Some things are still standing, others are long gone...

Anyway, the Fairfax County Fire Department used to torch buildings for "practice" once they had been sold, eminent domain, etc.

I remember when they did this to the house that stood on the land where Holmes Intermediate (Middle) School located.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:58PM

...IE: Ravensworth Mansion..."Ossian Hall faced Braddock Road where Royston Street and Rosslyn Road now intersect. The beautiful home, which resembled Mount Vernon, was visited by many notable persons during Colonial days, including George Mason, George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette.

On September 3, 1959, Ossian Hall was burned to the ground by the Annandale Fire Department to make way for the Bristow subdivision.

"Ravensworth," the third Ravensworth mansion, was built in 1796 by William Fitzhugh of Chatham. After the death of Anna Maria Fitzhugh, the family of Robert E. Lee used the mansion as a summer home. When Mrs. Lee fled Arlington House during the Civil War, she stayed at Ravensworth briefly, but fearing that Union troops might harm the lovely old home, she journeyed further south. She need not have worried, because the three Ravensworth mansions were officially protected from harm by orders from the leaders of both sides.

Ravensworth was located slightly southeast of the intersection of Braddock Road and the Capital Beltway. The mansion was mysteriously burned in 1925"

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: YxKNy ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:00PM

Facebook T-

Awesome pic of the dam during construction. You can see the old RR trestle behind it - they moved the tracks to the present position because of the lake created by the dam.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:10PM

so Ok, this is a pic of Great Falls Park and you can see a trolly from W&OD

Didja know Old Dominon Drive used to be train tracks, not a road? That's why Kirby Rd has that overpass - always thought it was weird that Kirby Rd has an overpass - not the sorta place you'd expect one, right?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:30PM

blanche Wrote:
> Rory Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I do have a question, does anyone know where
> > Ravensworth mansion was located Southeast of
> > Braddock and Beltway the still leaves a big
> area!!
> I believe its was torched for the Ravenworth Farm
> development. There is an old book called Northern
> Virginia Heritage that had alot of old mansions,
> farms, etc. listed in it. Some things are still
> standing, others are long gone...
> Anyway, the Fairfax County Fire Department used to
> torch buildings for "practice" once they had been
> sold, eminent domain, etc.
> I remember when they did this to the house that
> stood on the land where Holmes Intermediate
> (Middle) School located.

What house is where Holmes is at?? I went to middle school there!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:34PM

I always wondered if there pics of that dam being built awesome. Thanks

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 05, 2013 06:23PM

It's called Kaezano's.
Kaezano's & Bradlick Theater.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:08PM

Rory Wrote:
> blanche Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Rory Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I do have a question, does anyone know where
> > > Ravensworth mansion was located Southeast of
> > > Braddock and Beltway the still leaves a big
> > area!!
> >
> >
> > I believe its was torched for the Ravenworth
> Farm
> > development. There is an old book called
> Northern
> > Virginia Heritage that had alot of old
> mansions,
> > farms, etc. listed in it. Some things are
> still
> > standing, others are long gone...
> >
> > Anyway, the Fairfax County Fire Department used
> to
> > torch buildings for "practice" once they had
> been
> > sold, eminent domain, etc.
> >
> > I remember when they did this to the house that
> > stood on the land where Holmes Intermediate
> > (Middle) School located.
> What house is where Holmes is at?? I went to
> middle school there!

There was a small Cape Cod, one house on the entire piece of land that Holmes was built on. Mid 60s it was torched to clear the land for the school to be built on.

I used to collect coke bottles on Saturdays at the building site with my friends for pocket change. We'd take them to the 7-11 on 236 next to the Home Depot. It was a High's then. Good Times!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 05, 2013 07:38PM

Plan Of The Redoubt And Rifle Pits Ensilading [Sic] The Leesburg And Fairfax Turnpikes 2 Miles From Alexandria, Virginia. :
Built By The 38th, 40th N.Y. And 3rd Maine Regiments During October And November 1861.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 05, 2013 07:42PM

Virginia view of Georgetown:

Pitt & King in Alexandria:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2013 07:43PM by White Possibly Hispanic.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Roosevelt ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:25PM

Awesome! Those rocks in the Virginia View of Georgetown picture are on Roosevelt Island. I almost proposed to my wife on those rocks but ended up doing it somewhere else. I never would have thought some union dude would have been standing on the same spot shooting geese or whatever 150 years earlier.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:20PM

slubdawg Wrote:
> Burke Brat, that's a great map. Where did you
> find it?

I am not really sure, I was searching for Maps a few years back and came across it, There are a few more after you posted this that I found in a Google search, but this seems the best an really gives a clear history where some of the street names came from and where things where during the civil war, after Gordon posted that about B.S. Hill I looked and above that is Old Bad Rd and Bad Road, I haven't looked to see if they still exist today. I also noticed that the water had depth markings on it, I didn't know they did that back then. I have a Map from 1974 when I find it I will post it up, its not as old but still interesting.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:27PM

ROFLMAO about Bad Road (Hunter Station) and Old Bad (Vale) - yeah, just another example of how the past knew how the future was gonna turn out LoLz

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:02PM

IIRC Ravensworth burned in the 1920s. Ossian Hall was the one that was tourched by the Fire Department in the 1950s.

@Gordon-The GW Parkway south of Alexandria follows the old trolley line to Mount Vernon, and the traffic circle there was the location of the original trolley circle.

The Georgetown view shows the old Aqueduct Bridge, originally constructed to carry the Alexandria branch of the C&O canal across the Potomac River. It was drained during the Civil War, and was permanently converted into a highwy bridge when the canal was abandoned. You can still see the Georgetown abutment just upstream of Key Bridge.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:31AM

Telegraph Rd. 70's

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:55AM

@Facebook - OMG you ca barely make out the old Sev!!
@Bill - wow, never knew - that totally explains that circle, that's for sure lol

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 1320 II ()
Date: March 06, 2013 08:50AM

is this sign still there?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 06, 2013 01:16PM

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: March 06, 2013 01:20PM

Just a note; old military maps are notorious for "name of" mistakes (roads, mountains, etc.). One of the "Battle of Chantilly" sites shows the road names switched on two different maps.
That's why "military" maps went to numbering everything years ago - "hill 123" instead of "Bob's Mountain"...

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 06, 2013 03:21PM

Hayfield Manor House
Hayfield Manor House 1700's.JPG
Hayfield manor house foundation.JPG
Hayfield history.JPG

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 06, 2013 05:03PM

Cabin John Nuff Said ;)

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 06, 2013 05:19PM

Looking eastward along the I-495 Capital Beltway in Virginia, east of Springfield, toward the Beltway bridge over the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac (RF&P) Railroad (today's CSX Railroad) 1963

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ron Hilbig ()
Date: March 06, 2013 05:50PM

I'm working on a 50th anniversary project. Does anyone have photos of corner of Braddock and Backlick from the 1960s-1970s? Bradlick Shopping Center, church on the corner etc.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 06, 2013 06:09PM

Ron Hilbig Wrote:
> I'm working on a 50th anniversary project. Does
> anyone have photos of corner of Braddock and
> Backlick from the 1960s-1970s? Bradlick Shopping
> Center, church on the corner etc.

Yes, can I get a free copy? Ben Franklin in back ground.
Bradlick shopping center 2.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:03PM

Ron Hilbig Wrote:
> I'm working on a 50th anniversary project. Does
> anyone have photos of corner of Braddock and
> Backlick from the 1960s-1970s? Bradlick Shopping
> Center, church on the corner etc.

Sorry, no pictures. However, Bradlick shopping center was built around 1963, although I believe the gas station on the corner was built a bit earlier. The church I believe was built around 1981. That was a pretty simple intersection back in the 60s. I remember a house on Backlick Rd across from where the church is now with steps leading to a side door. After Backlick Rd was first widened, the steps were very close to the road. When I was a kid I used to imagine someone walking out the door and getting hit by a car.

I wish you luck and would love to see the end result!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: CaddyMan ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:11PM

Facebook Thief Wrote:
> Ron Hilbig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm working on a 50th anniversary project. etc, etc
>>and also had a nice pic

1962 Coupe deVille

Does the gauge in the background say it's 40 degrees or is it measuring something else?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Whobe ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:15PM

Facebook Thief Wrote:
> Telegraph Rd. 70's

Is this picture from the little shopping center that used to be across Telegraph at the bottom of Kings Hwy?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:30PM

CaddyMan Wrote:
> Facebook Thief Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ron Hilbig Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I'm working on a 50th anniversary project.
> etc, etc
> >>and also had a nice pic
> 1962 Coupe deVille
> Does the gauge in the background say it's 40
> degrees or is it measuring something else?

My guess is it's 40 degrees. This photo is from a highschool yearbook. Most likely taken in the fall/winter as an ad for the station. No leaves on the trees. The girls don't look to happy freezing. LOL

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 06, 2013 07:47PM

Whobe Wrote:
> Facebook Thief Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Telegraph Rd. 70's
> Is this picture from the little shopping center
> that used to be across Telegraph at the bottom of
> Kings Hwy?


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 06, 2013 08:35PM

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 06, 2013 08:40PM

Old Lincolnia Road:


New Lincolnia Road:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2013 12:26PM by White Possibly Hispanic.
New Lincolnia.png

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: March 06, 2013 09:06PM

Ron Hilbig Wrote:
> I'm working on a 50th anniversary project. Does
> anyone have photos of corner of Braddock and
> Backlick from the 1960s-1970s? Bradlick Shopping
> Center, church on the corner etc.

You might try the Virginia Room at the Fairfax City branch of the Fairfax County Library. They have great archives of old time Fairfax Pictures. Alot of them would appear in the "The Way We Were" section of the old Fairfax Journal newspapers. The librarians will let you make copies of the things you like.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 06, 2013 09:16PM

Mount Olivet Episcopal Church, Franconia

Labor Day Parade Franconia - 1947

Franconia Hardware

Wards Corner

Source: http://www.fairy-lamp.com/Franconia/Franconia_Historic_Photos.html

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 06, 2013 09:19PM

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:17PM

The pic is New but the subject matter is old ;)
tressle clifton.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:41PM

Mr. Gatti's at University MAll,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2013 10:42PM by Burke Brat.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ron Hilbig ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:35AM

Thanks for the feedback. I work at the church on the corner (Immanuel Bible) and we will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary next year. I am putting together a book and timeline. Haven't found much yet since this was before the age of digital cameras!Definitely going to check the archives at FFX Library.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:15AM


I've learned so much about our County in the last week and a half thru this thread and hope to learn more :)

about Ward's Corner - so is that the Gulf that's still there now?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Date: March 07, 2013 11:54AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> about Ward's Corner - so is that the Gulf that's
> still there now?

The original site is now a Shell station (which was a Crown for the longest time). Ward's Corner was located exactly at Franconia and Old Rolling Rd. It was said to be the precursor to the current strip mall layout, having a grocery store, movie theatre, auction house, slaughter house and gas station all in one place. Apparently it was the pride of Franconia during the depression and WWII eras.

Here is a view of that location now through Google Street View:http://goo.gl/maps/kdzOa

Ward's Corner Today

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2013 02:21PM by White Possibly Hispanic.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:10PM

@burke - so pretty much what yr telling us is that Springfield Mall used to be further down Fraconia Rd back in the day
@white - COOL firestation pics! Does anybody know where that old stationhouse used to be? Is that REALLY an old gas station? I wonder what sorta gas station it was?
@everyone - back on page 3 of this thread, I threw up a pic of a train crossin 396 over near the Glebe Rd exit - just found out they took that crossing up in 1968. Just fyi

about Mr Gattis - The original Hopsfrog used to be one

edit - ok, this pic is tiny but it's the begining of HOV in our area - apparently the pic on the right is Shirley in 1969 and they made a bus lane thru a constrution zone (Seminary, it looks like) and it worked so well, they made the orignal HOV lanes and the rest is history LoLz

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2013 01:12PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:22PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @everyone on this thread - SO AWESOME! SERIOUSLY,

Does this mean you will end your trolling ways on this message board? Have you found Jesus?

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pro tip: just cause someone doesnt agree with your opinion doesnt make them a troll
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:39PM

Hay - you can look on this ENTIRE thread and no has started a bad vibe here

leave it on the other threads, ok?

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Re: pro tip: just cause someone doesnt agree with your opinion doesnt make them a troll
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:53PM

This is the best thread on FFu. All Fairfax County ,however kinda sad for those of us who once enjoyed the freedom that life here used to represemt.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 02:08PM

@ Gordon, No Mall is same place, I believe the pics are after the now mixing bowl and Van Dorn Street. CSX runs under 495 there. Those pics are from 1963, so the road wasn't even finished at that time on the other side of the bridge it was done around 1964.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: David G. ()
Date: March 07, 2013 03:56PM

Me & Mom.
David & Virgina Grohl 1982.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:16PM

Burke Brat Wrote:
> @ Gordon, No Mall is same place, I believe the
> pics are after the now mixing bowl and Van Dorn
> Street. CSX runs under 495 there. Those pics are
> from 1963, so the road wasn't even finished at
> that time on the other side of the bridge it was
> done around 1964.

no, I was just playing around - should put an LoLz in there :) It was just funny to me that what you described to me sounds exactly to me like a 1920's version of Springfield Mall

anywho, new pic

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: good job! ()
Date: March 07, 2013 07:32PM

Great photo's!!!!! Thanks to all that posted.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Facebook Thief ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:00PM

Franconia Firehouse 1943
Franconia firehouse 1943.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: love me some roy's ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:08PM

What a great pic of 7 Corners! Had many a meal at the old S&W Cafeteria. After it closed it became the Magic Pan

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: old farter ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:13PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> no, I was just playing around - should put an LoLz
> in there :) It was just funny to me that what you
> described to me sounds exactly to me like a 1920's
> version of Springfield Mall
> anywho, new pic

Seven Corners

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:19PM

Oh Yea baby...7 Corners...

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:29PM

wow. you know what? I cant seem to find any pics of Landmark back when it was open-air - been looking and looking but no luck

hey! is this an old cue bus? anybody know?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:40PM

Here are my pics from Lorton, the distant one is from FXCO PKWY and Hooes.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:43PM

95 Nothing ever changes

They Rebuilt the 236 Exit ramps and on Ramps

Remember when it was WMAL?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:53PM

Dulles '81

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 08:58PM

This was a Hot day, and all the Participants where wearing Wool. Bull Run Park about 86
civil war1.jpg
civil war 2.jpg
civil war 3.jpg
civil war 4.jpg
civil war 5.jpg
civil war 6.jpg
civil war 7.jpg
civil war 8.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:00PM

Church on Rt 1 hit by lightning early 80's
rt1 church.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Keep posting. ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:00PM

damn, love the old photo's!! It's sad looking at the area today. This was a great area to live, not so much anymore.
Thanks for posting the photo's, this is the all time best thread!!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:04PM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> Oh Yea baby...7 Corners...

Good old open air version of Seven Corners. That and Parkington were neat places to go as a kid.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Alex Andria ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:11PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> wow. you know what? I cant seem to find any pics
> of Landmark back when it was open-air - been
> looking and looking but no luck

Not much out there that I've found either.

Landmark was one of our main hangouts as juvenile delinquents. Bunch of long hairs styling in our cool ass Levis jean jackets and loitering out on the last set of benches at the end of the mall where what used to be a Peoples Drug and Sears. Kind of incredibly thinking back about it now, we'd regularly smoke joints right there. Different time I guess. lol

There was a Steven Windsor's next door. Tom McCann's shoe store and Irving's Sports across from that. Woodward & Lothrop mid-mall. The head shop was in the cut-through across from that. Hechts and S&W at the other end.

From the Hechts Museum circa 1965.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:23PM

about 236 fuel truck - I was in Fairfax when it happened - and let me tell you kids, there is NO FEAR GREATER than living back during the Cold War and all of a sudden during your normal course of day, look up and see a mushroom cloud.................

that truck accident is also the reason why that ramp has those tilty-truck signs on it

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Alex Andria ()
Date: March 07, 2013 09:26PM

Landmark Woodies entrance:


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 07, 2013 10:54PM

Not Really a Picture but some pretty interesting reading during the Civil War here in Fairfax for the eyes of a Vermont Soldier.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:42PM

Laying the cornerstone of the original building, CIA, Langley, 1959.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:43PM

Burke Brat Wrote:
> Not Really a Picture but some pretty interesting
> reading during the Civil War here in Fairfax for
> the eyes of a Vermont Soldier.
> http://dotcw.com/category/army-life-in-virginia-by
> -george-grenville-benedict-12th-regiment-vermont-v
> olunteers/

That was a fun read, thanks!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:57PM

Difficult Run flooding Route 7 (a two-lane Route 7) at Colvin Run.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Agnes ()
Date: March 08, 2013 12:26AM

Hurricane Agnes flood damage to Occoquan Route 1 bridge.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 08, 2013 12:27AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2013 12:31AM by GettinOld.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Agnes ()
Date: March 08, 2013 12:36AM

This says that it's the Rt 1 bridge being washed out during Agnes but I think that it's actually the smaller bridge that crossed upstream into Occoquan.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Huntington ()
Date: March 08, 2013 12:38AM

That church on RT. 1 is adjacent to what is now Chili's, I think. Across from the Target and PetCo/ PetSmart? Those old pics of Landmark are crazy, when we first moved here (late 70's) my Dad worked in corporate for Hecht's (May Cos.). My Mom would have to drive to the Hecht's at Landmark to get his paycheck, we did all of our back to school shopping there to get the employee discount. Right before my Dad left Hecht's/ May, he bought our first "big screen" TV, VHS player, and video recorder there. It was still an outdoor mall then.

The Springfield office tower that caught fire used to have a small motel/ hotel across Commerce St, think it might have been a HoJo's, it was a dump! The ground level of the office building had a gas station, and the what is now Pho place, used to be McDonald's. My parents closed/ settled on our house at a bank in nearby Springfield plaza, and my Aunt took us to an old donut place in that plaza during the closing.

I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure back then you could drive Backlick Rd. across Old Keene Mill, at a stop sign, where the on ramps are to the Beltway and 395. Now the Veteran's Bridge reroutes you, thank God.

OK, so this is morbid, anyone remember when the small plane crashed at Rolling Rd. and Hooes Rd., t was then the back entrance to Daventry? The Parkway is now there so the intersection is long gone. Rumor had it that the plane emergency landed and the wing decapitated the driver of a woman on her way back from Erol's on her way to her daughter's b-day party, and someone stole the diamond ring of her finger, only to be returned to the family days later.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ole Fart ()
Date: March 08, 2013 12:50AM

Huntington Wrote:
> I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure back then
> you could drive Backlick Rd. across Old Keene
> Mill, at a stop sign, where the on ramps are to
> the Beltway and 395. Now the Veteran's Bridge
> reroutes you, thank God.

Definitely could. In fact, that still messes me up now and then when I'm coming back from the South and I'm not paying attention.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: March 08, 2013 01:00AM

Agnes Wrote:
> This says that it's the Rt 1 bridge being washed
> out during Agnes but I think that it's actually
> the smaller bridge that crossed upstream into
> Occoquan.
> src="http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/550x/d1/
> e7/55/d1e7556d21d08dc4943c53e857cf3659.jpg">

I think that's the 123 bridge. I was posting the same photos at almost the same time you made the Rte. 1 post. Weird.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Huntington ()
Date: March 08, 2013 01:03AM

When I got my driver's license my Insurance agent worked out of that building at that corner. Drove by the building a few weeks ago, it's empty and I think it has been condemned Back then, we had an actual Insurance agent, his name was Sebert Hogan, his name was on my Insurance card, great old guy. My Dad used to use Presto Valet for his dry cleaning, fucking place is still there. Odd how those little strip malls along that stretch of Backlick are still alive. I am pretty sure Delia's is still open. Can't believe that area hasn't been redeveloped, quality real estate

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: monkey ward ()
Date: March 08, 2013 04:52AM

Montgomery Ward, Springfield mall sometime in the 70's. Wards went downhill after Mobil oil bought them out.
montgomery+ward+1970's springfield.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: fc memories ()
Date: March 08, 2013 05:29AM

anyone have any pics of P&P that used to be on lee highway in falls church or the old duckpin bowling alley?

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