about the RR on Burkebrat's map - It's the Manassas Gap RR - there's more about it on about midway thru page 7.
ok, here are the 9/11 pics - amazing how quickly they repaired the building considering....................
side note: never have I been more PROUD to be an American than on 9/12 when I watched many of YOU go back to work at the Pentagon while IT WAS STILL ON FIRE.
Anybody ranking on Govt workers can go suck a big black cock - cause aint nobody in the private sector working in a building that is CURRENTLY ON FIRE. Govt workers did that day...............stood in line in order to do it. TONS of them, cause I remember seeing the backup. I remember them evacating the building repeately during the day and ppl STILL willing to go back inside...........while it's still on fire.
Dont care how big the place is, it's STILL to me, one of the most brave things I've ever seen - regular, normal, everyday ppl saying "FUCK YOU OSAMA YOU AINT GONNA STOP US". Ok, I'm done :)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 07:02PM by Gordon Blvd.