Greybeard Wrote:
> Whobe Wrote:
> > There was an Ollies in Annandale? That pic
> looks
> > like the one in Arlington, think it's still
> there?
> It does kinda...that was my thought when I saw the
> pic. As for whether it's still there, GIYF:
> d+drafthouse&ll=38.86309,-77.084439&spn=0.001474,0
> .002578&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&fb=1&gl=us&hq=ci
> nema+and+drafthouse&hnear=0x89b7b69d7ba7a70f:0xf8c
> f6fc845f6b093,Arlington,+VA&cid=0,0,11734987844834
> 206387&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=38.863168,-77.084657&
> panoid=gvlSlC3iVytC7vjlAbtm_A&cbp=12,343.03,,0,16.
> 5
> So no.
the trolley is still there