Don't sweat it. The map is seen on several commercial sites, including David Rumsey's. But it's also available in multiple scans of varying conditions on the Library of Congress.
Notice To Cary Wiedemann Wrote:
> Owner of the internet domain
> Cary remove the two 1862 Washington DC and
> Virginia maps on this page , I uploaded them not
> seeing any legal language as to their use with no
> intention that they may be used for any monetary
> consideration which I understand is Fairfax
> Undergrounds strict policy as there are no
> advertisements or other income producing uses on
> this web site that Cary Wiedemann the owner has
> placed here. The 1862 maps appeared to be US Govt
> maps in the public domain when I uploaded them ,
> they are not .They are copyrighted material which
> can be seen to the far right on the bottom in
> extremely small print.
> I request that they be removed at once from this
> Fairfax Underground page . I also made a request
> last night on this page to remove them as I stated
> they have a copyright mark.
> I will post a link to what I believe is the
> copyright owners source in this post. I searched
> for History of Fairfax County and other terms when
> I came across them on the internet. The site I
> uploaded from I think is old it is not the source
> in my link below to . I
> searched for for the maps
> here I posted . They are not on that site, I don't
> know where I found the 1862 maps on the internet.
> I searched but could not find them again today.
> www.mapsofthepast is listed as
> on Google who is the
> apparent copyright holder, they may have been
> sold .
http://www.historicmapsrestored AKA Maps of The
> Past have numerous old maps of Virginia and
> Fairfax County , Washington DC and other areas
> across the United States . Fairfax Underground
> readers can look at them but can not use them or
> download them or post them elsewhere without
> expressed permission of the copyright holder, as
> per their legal instructions as they are copyright
> protected.
> inia.html?CatListingOffset=24&Offset=24&Per_Page=1
> 2&Sort_By=name_asc
> Info on the map web sites all from Google
> I attempted to post this request to remove the
> 1862 maps on the first page with your instructions
> on the use of Fairfax Underground Cary ,but there
> is porn on there and I immediately left that page