DLawson Wrote:
> Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Springfield "rockin chair" theatre 1969.
> >
> > "Fight pay TV" What was that all about?
> Found a 1973 newspaper ad with that slogan,
> warning about new FCC rules that could result in
> having to pay for broadcast movies. I didn't get
> much detail, as I didn't want to create an account
> to see the high-res version.
> tv/
Text of the linked article:
You may have to pay for movies on television...unless you make your voice heard.
Every week there are several movies on TV...and you've seen some great ones-Bonnie & Clyde, Patton, Love Story, Funny Girl, A Man for All Seasons and many others. Coming soon - My Fair Lady and Hello Dolly.
Under current FCC rules, pay-TV systems can show first-run movies and charge for them. Then, practically all go on free TV at no cost to you.
Now pay-TV operators are trying to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to change its rules to allow pay-TV to lock up movies like these in order to present them on television at box office prices.
If pay-TV operators are permitted to do that, those movies will no longer be available to you on free TV until many years later. If you want to see them before that you will have to pay to see them on your own television set.
The pay-TV operators want to do the same thing with sports events - college and professional football, baseball, basketball, etc, and popular entertainment shows.
That could cost the average family a lot of money every month...$40 or $50 seems to be a reasonable estimate.
How about people living on restricted retirement incomes...people on welfare...people who are unemployed...people living in low-income sections of big cities? Where will they get the money to pay for television? Apparently, they will have to go without.
Pay-TV is operating in a few scattered places in the United States already. In our opinion, in the not-too-distant future, you will be paying for the type of programs you now receive without charge if the FCC changes its rules.
- If you want to receive sports, movies and entertainment shows without charge...
- If you oppose allowing pay-TV operators to lock up those programs for the exclusive use of those who can afford to pay...then -
- Write to the FCC or to your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that you are against loosening the FCC rules on pay-TV. A bill to prevent pay-TV from siphoning movies, sports and entertainment programs from free TV has been introduced in the Senate - $,2283. Ask your Senators to support it.
Channel 5 Channel 9 Channel 4