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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: January 12, 2019 08:18AM

Wow I started another page.

I see that the movie was "Gigot" not "Gigi."

So the picture was taken in 1962. The last first run picture that I saw at the State was "The Love Bug."

I know I'm ancient...

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 12, 2019 10:58AM

1960 .

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 12, 2019 11:02AM

Date unknown.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Alexandria Roller Rink ^^ ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:07PM

Never went in but went by many times. Did get those little square burgers from the Little Tavern near by. Heard about many concerts at the roller rink too, wonder when it was razed and I miss the Lil Taverns whose slogan was "Buy Em By The Bag" I bought 2 of the lil greasy grey squares on a bun with minced onions at a time

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: From Old Pics Archives Here ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:12PM

The Little Tavern by the roller rink reposted, I just saw references to the Doors playing at the roller rink in the 60's

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Happy time ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:23PM

The same under a White Castle brand are waiting for you eight now in 6-packs over at 7-11. Yum!!!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 12, 2019 03:16PM

A better shot of Bradlee shopping center. pic courtesy of Fairfax county library yearbook archives 1961.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Roller Rinker ()
Date: January 12, 2019 04:21PM

The Alexandria Roller Rink was razed around 1984.

If you go into the Royal Cafe there, they have a neat painting of a view out their window with the Roller Rink across the street.

Yep, the Doors played there in 1968 (as did a number of major bands from that era), it was maybe Jim Morrison's one and only visit to Alexandria (where he spent his HS years) during the time he was a "star".

Apparently he flipped out and chucked a cymbal into the crowd, and somebody got injured?

As a little aside, there is a "Antiques Roadshow" episode viewable on YouTube where a buddy of his from college was given a book as a present from Jim Morrison...in the front area, where Jim Morrison had signed it, was the Alexandria Library logo, clearly showing the building. Pretty cool, gotta be on the lookout for it.

Interesting to note, there is one old timey motel a block or two away on Washington Street (there were two until a year or so ago, one got demolished) where the bands of the era would stay if they were playing the Roller Rink. Remember, that was the 60's, the motels weren't that old back then, plus, the age of high end luxury hotels was decades away...

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Western FFX ()
Date: January 12, 2019 07:59PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> I think this might be Falls Church?
> Date unknown.


Need to track down when the awning was changed to narrow down the date of your photo.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Western FFX ()
Date: January 12, 2019 08:08PM

Western FFX Wrote:
> Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I think this might be Falls Church?
> > Date unknown.
> http://www.mjarchitecture.com/state-theatre-falls-
> church-va/
> Need to track down when the awning was changed to
> narrow down the date of your photo.

Oops, didn't go the this page to see Blanche's post before I posted. Sorry.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 12, 2019 08:38PM

blanche Wrote:
> Wow I started another page.
> I see that the movie was "Gigot" not "Gigi."
> So the picture was taken in 1962. The last first
> run picture that I saw at the State was "The Love
> Bug."
> I know I'm ancient...

I am right there with ya Blanche! We are old! lol.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bugs And Heaps ()
Date: January 12, 2019 08:47PM

You say you want Bugs and Heaps From the past

W T Woodson Parking in the 1968 yearbook from the Fairfax Co Library collection

Lots of State Dept CIA and Military people in Fairfax back then which explains the foreign cars many of which known as Bugs as explained here in the past in Old Pics of Fairfax County

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: January 12, 2019 09:15PM

Came back in from helping my neighbor get his snowblower running, and discovered someone posted a great photo of WT Woodson HS

4 VW Bugs, and 3 Chevrolet Corvairs

Thank you - Enjoy the Winter Sports!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 13, 2019 12:07AM

Bugs And Heaps Wrote:
> You say you want Bugs and Heaps From the past
> W T Woodson Parking in the 1968 yearbook from the
> Fairfax Co Library collection
> Lots of State Dept CIA and Military people in
> Fairfax back then which explains the foreign cars
> many of which known as Bugs as explained here in
> the past in Old Pics of Fairfax County

Very cool picture. Is that Whitacre Rd in the background?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Yes Its Whitacre Rd ()
Date: January 13, 2019 05:17PM

Same style houses are still there , this was probably near 236 as that's where the main building is and some of the houses are gone today replaced by office condos or large homes

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Down Rt 1 Back In The Day ()
Date: January 13, 2019 05:52PM

Belvoir Pharmacy Woodlawn Texaco and another of the Dixie Pig all back in 1967 from the Fairfax Co On Line Yearbooks Mt Vernon Surveyor 1967

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 3 Port Holes ()
Date: January 13, 2019 06:02PM

Buick Special at the Woodlawn Texaco trusting their car to:

"The Man Who Wears The Star"

In The days of Service With A Smile

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: HEY Bruce! ()
Date: January 13, 2019 06:03PM

My car does not RUN ON WEED BROTHER ! LOL!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: F3E6M ()
Date: January 13, 2019 11:21PM

You guys are just going to ignore the Renault Dauphine in the WT Woodson pic?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: It was not Ignored ()
Date: January 14, 2019 12:05AM

The post was Bugs and Heaps the Renault was a heap , there were several heaps in the pic one looks like an Amphib car near the oldest black heap in the pic . I see 4 VWs and 2 Corvairs plus a small English sports car that wont start , maybe Lucas made the electric system the way they did for Triumph motorcycles like the 200 Cub, also useful as a boat anchor. The Renault is next to a old style Chevy van . The first car I ever drove without a license by myself was a 3 speed Renault I think it had a 3 cyl engine baby blue 1959 and it ran good

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: ouch ()
Date: January 14, 2019 07:29AM

don't ignore that third corvair!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 14, 2019 08:45AM

May be a re-post , not sure.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 14, 2019 01:46PM

My Dad had one of these Montgomery ward add on A-C units installed in his Ford Galaxy and it was noisy but worked great for years.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: pc retardzz ()
Date: January 14, 2019 01:51PM

everything was so clean and fresh!

it looks swarthy and depressing now.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: January 14, 2019 03:09PM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> My Dad had one of these Montgomery ward add on A-C
> units installed in his Ford Galaxy and it was
> noisy but worked great for years.

Remember vinyl seats on a 95 degree summer day with 80% humidity? Those add on under dash A/C units made hot summer nights at the drive in movies much more comfortable.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Riverside Benelli ()
Date: January 14, 2019 09:55PM

Anyone have advertising for the Riverside motorcycle that Montgomery Wards sold .
We stripped the lights and made dirt bikes out of them. Around 70,71.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Guessing Game From A Plane ()
Date: January 14, 2019 10:13PM

Flying over some of Marcus Bles Land in Fairfax County in 1967

The man had a amazing history RIP Mr. Bles one of the good guys


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Flying Over Who Knows Where ()
Date: January 14, 2019 10:17PM

In Fairfax County Mysteryland back in 1967 52 years ago

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Flying Over Gone Not Forgotton ()
Date: January 14, 2019 10:22PM

Where people could live in Fairfax County cheaper in 1967

That's it for now

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: chris nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 12:23PM

got one of those trade dollars in the next room.
it’s got chinese chop marks in it. might snap a pic of it and post later.

great thread! been lurking it for years, decided to catch up on whatever posts i’ve missed since 2014. i grew up off of s. glebe road (mom worked for nick rinaldi lanes in the late 70s, then taso’s pizza) then moved to arlandria in the mid-80s, then my fam hopscotched to a few more places in alexandria til i graduated t.c. williams hs in 1990, after which i got the hell out of ‘dodge’.

anyone remember the old comic book store off of e. windsor and the main drag in arlandria?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: chris nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 12:28PM

chris nick Wrote:
> got one of those trade dollars in the next room.
> it’s got chinese chop marks in it. might snap a
> pic of it and post later.
> great thread! been lurking it for years, decided
> to catch up on whatever posts i’ve missed since
> 2014. i grew up off of s. glebe road (mom worked
> for nick rinaldi lanes in the late 70s, then
> taso’s pizza) then moved to arlandria in the
> mid-80s, then my fam hopscotched to a few more
> places in alexandria til i graduated t.c. williams
> hs in 1990, after which i got the hell out of
> ‘dodge’.
> anyone remember the old comic book store off of e.
> windsor and the main drag in arlandria?

apologies, i quoted the post i was replying to from dec. 2017, but had to add to my username to get reply to post and apparently lost quote in the process.

readers will live without it. never done much more than lurk these old skool message boards

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: chris nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 12:36PM

little article on nick rinaldi here,i bowled for what is referred here as the ‘shirley park’ team.

that strip mall also had an Ollie’s Trolley in the parking lot, as well as a Drug Fair and Giant Foods - on Sundays we took a little walk across the bridge to Arlandria to the ‘Wafle Shop’, next door to a record store and across the street from a 5 & 10 store (think it was an H.L. Green’s)


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: chris nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 02:04PM

the old comic book store in Arlandria.
Dennis, the proprietor was still at it after all those years.

got my first Fabulous Furry Freak Bros. comics here in the mid-80s (they already vintage by the time i ever bought any of them).

also the bulk of my Star Trek memoribilia outside of a few conventions i attended


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 15, 2019 05:34PM

chris nick Wrote:
> little article on nick rinaldi here,i bowled for
> what is referred here as the ‘shirley park’
> team.
> that strip mall also had an Ollie’s Trolley in
> the parking lot, as well as a Drug Fair and Giant
> Foods - on Sundays we took a little walk across
> the bridge to Arlandria to the ‘Wafle Shop’,
> next door to a record store and across the street
> from a 5 & 10 store (think it was an H.L.
> Green’s)
> http://www.northamericanbowling.com/Articles/10-RI

In the early 80s I worked a job on the 4pm to midnight shift and we used to go bowling at Rinaldi's at 1 or 2 in the morning, great place! Wasn't there also a theatre in that shopping center that showed X rated movies?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 05:55PM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> chris nick Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > little article on nick rinaldi here,i bowled
> for
> > what is referred here as the ‘shirley park’
> > team.
> >
> > that strip mall also had an Ollie’s Trolley
> in
> > the parking lot, as well as a Drug Fair and
> Giant
> > Foods - on Sundays we took a little walk across
> > the bridge to Arlandria to the ‘Wafle
> Shop’,
> > next door to a record store and across the
> street
> > from a 5 & 10 store (think it was an H.L.
> > Green’s)
> >
> >
> http://www.northamericanbowling.com/Articles/10-RI
> In the early 80s I worked a job on the 4pm to
> midnight shift and we used to go bowling at
> Rinaldi's at 1 or 2 in the morning, great place!
> Wasn't there also a theatre in that shopping
> center that showed X rated movies?

Hi France Conia:

i think there was some dodgy films on offer in the left side of the bowling alley, but since i was very underage i don’t remember having the opportunity to see what was really going on in that section. i do remember the exit door always stank of urine. very mysterious section of the ‘alley’ to me!

hard to separate what was reality and what was a scene i dreamed when it comes to those far-off times ;)



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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 15, 2019 06:07PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> A better shot of Bradlee shopping center. pic
> courtesy of Fairfax county library yearbook
> archives 1961.

in the late 80’s, i worked in the little used bookstore called Bookstop, which was directly behind Bradlee’s, til i graduated high school.

i was the only clerk for the owner, Toby Cedar (now deceased), until i got my mother a job there to replace me when i gave into wanderlust. if memory serves, my mum worked for Ms. Cedar until the store went out of business some time in the nineties.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: primitive hills ()
Date: January 15, 2019 08:39PM

Fairfax Fred Wrote:
> Is that Pimmit hills in the lower left hand area
> of that pic??

Not sure if you got your answer?
It is not...though you are looking in the correct direction.

Pimmit hills is on the other side of I-95- I could not resist a 95/495 funny.

Pimmit hills is on the other side of 495 from the mall.

495 is barely visible along the bottom of the picture at hand.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 18, 2019 03:18PM

Anyone remember this place? 1951 evening Star ad.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 18, 2019 03:29PM

Posted primarily for the VW.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: January 18, 2019 06:28PM


Thanks for the Roller Rink, many good times there!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: January 18, 2019 06:54PM

Turkey dinners and VWs - The best of everything!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 19, 2019 11:51AM

Mclean. Is that another VW? Date unknown

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 20, 2019 07:45AM

This is a very cool video of my old stomping grounds in the early 70's


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Mall rat ()
Date: January 21, 2019 01:10PM

Does anyone have some pictures of Springfield Mall's interior from the 70s-90s? That would be amazing!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: research is fun and rewarding ()
Date: January 21, 2019 01:56PM

Mall rat Wrote:
> Does anyone have some pictures of Springfield
> Mall's interior from the 70s-90s? That would be
> amazing!

It is amazing! And they are mixed among the 111 pages of posts and pictures on this thread. Get to clickin'....

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: mr helper2 ()
Date: January 21, 2019 01:59PM

Mall rat Wrote:
> Does anyone have some pictures of Springfield
> Mall's interior from the 70s-90s? That would be
> amazing!

a couple here,

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 21, 2019 01:59PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Posted primarily for the VW.

use to skate there a lot. my favorite rink. unsavory neighborhood.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 21, 2019 02:05PM

1937 town of fairfax history question .png

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Class of 71 ()
Date: January 21, 2019 03:49PM

causeican Wrote:
> question:

On the corner of RT 123 and School Street(west side) there was a little store that made a fortune selling to the black community of Fairfax City. The owners had set the prices higher than 7-11, and I think they extended credit.

I looked at the photo, and the yellow line is running through where the store was located. The western side of School Street was all black, and the houses were little more than shacks. We were forbidden as kids to go anywhere near that area, so we rode our bikes to the 7-11 on University Drive near the library and post office.
court house market.jpg
images (4).jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Loved that place ()
Date: January 21, 2019 04:14PM

In high school,71_75 we used to go there to buy beer underage. They charged more than other places but didn't ask for ID

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Shhhhh ()
Date: January 21, 2019 05:24PM

Loved that place Wrote:
> In high school,71_75 we used to go there to buy
> beer underage. They charged more than other places
> but didn't ask for ID

The Cash and Carry out Rt. 50 at Centreville Rd was our go to. They also sold pipes, bongs, rolling papers among other things young men would be shopping for!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: DLawson ()
Date: January 22, 2019 02:17PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Springfield "rockin chair" theatre 1969.
> "Fight pay TV" What was that all about?

Found a 1973 newspaper ad with that slogan, warning about new FCC rules that could result in having to pay for broadcast movies. I didn't get much detail, as I didn't want to create an account to see the high-res version.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Yes A Black Community ()
Date: January 22, 2019 04:28PM

The west area by the Court House market which was a popular place to stop for fried baloney or bacon ,sausage and egg sandwiches, coffee and a paper in the am. Koreans ended up owning it and it was about 8 years ago they sold it. I told them many times to make their burgers like 5 guys but they kept on with the frozen thin ones, They were sitting on gold and paid no attention to the mother lode they could have struck and sold the place

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: passerby ()
Date: January 22, 2019 06:25PM

DLawson Wrote:
> Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Springfield "rockin chair" theatre 1969.
> >
> > "Fight pay TV" What was that all about?
> Found a 1973 newspaper ad with that slogan,
> warning about new FCC rules that could result in
> having to pay for broadcast movies. I didn't get
> much detail, as I didn't want to create an account
> to see the high-res version.
> https://www.newspapers.com/clip/23113650/fight_pay
> tv/

Text of the linked article:

You may have to pay for movies on television...unless you make your voice heard.

Every week there are several movies on TV...and you've seen some great ones-Bonnie & Clyde, Patton, Love Story, Funny Girl, A Man for All Seasons and many others. Coming soon - My Fair Lady and Hello Dolly.

Under current FCC rules, pay-TV systems can show first-run movies and charge for them. Then, practically all go on free TV at no cost to you.

Now pay-TV operators are trying to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to change its rules to allow pay-TV to lock up movies like these in order to present them on television at box office prices.

If pay-TV operators are permitted to do that, those movies will no longer be available to you on free TV until many years later. If you want to see them before that you will have to pay to see them on your own television set.

The pay-TV operators want to do the same thing with sports events - college and professional football, baseball, basketball, etc, and popular entertainment shows.

That could cost the average family a lot of money every month...$40 or $50 seems to be a reasonable estimate.

How about people living on restricted retirement incomes...people on welfare...people who are unemployed...people living in low-income sections of big cities? Where will they get the money to pay for television? Apparently, they will have to go without.

Pay-TV is operating in a few scattered places in the United States already. In our opinion, in the not-too-distant future, you will be paying for the type of programs you now receive without charge if the FCC changes its rules.

- If you want to receive sports, movies and entertainment shows without charge...
- If you oppose allowing pay-TV operators to lock up those programs for the exclusive use of those who can afford to pay...then -
- Write to the FCC or to your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that you are against loosening the FCC rules on pay-TV. A bill to prevent pay-TV from siphoning movies, sports and entertainment programs from free TV has been introduced in the Senate - $,2283. Ask your Senators to support it.

Channel 5 Channel 9 Channel 4

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Remember? ()
Date: January 23, 2019 09:15AM

Circa 1982
images (6).jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 23, 2019 04:57PM

Vincents Esso Lee Highway@route 123 where 7-11 is today. Reportedly late 1940s.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Vincent's Corner ()
Date: January 23, 2019 05:11PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Vincents Esso Lee Highway@route 123 where 7-11 is
> today. Reportedly late 1940s.

These pictures have been posted here before by others. Vincent must owned that entire corner.
Vincents Diner south side of Route 50 at Chain Bridge Road Fairfax Virginia graphic.jpg
vincents hardware .jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ernest ()
Date: January 24, 2019 05:04PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Vincents Esso Lee Highway@route 123 where 7-11 is
> today. Reportedly late 1940s.

I haven't lived in Fairfax in decades. Where exactly is that on 123?


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 26, 2019 10:45AM

A VW Beetle. Who can name the other 5 cars in that row?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Your Moms ()
Date: January 26, 2019 11:20AM

Looks like a charger and cougar on either side of the Beetle. No effing clue about the others.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: January 26, 2019 11:42AM

Ok I will take a guess.

Left to right as follows:

1968 Dodge Charger R/T

1966 VW Bug

1968 Mercury Cougar XR-7

1966 Ford LTD

1966 Moskvitch ???

1967 Ford Galaxie

Great pic - Thank you

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: The Only 3 Things I Know ()
Date: January 26, 2019 01:06PM

About the Massey pic are

1. That pic was around the end of summer in 69 or 70 as the Massey opened in late summer 69

2.It was summer not spring because theres no endless line of people going out past the parking lot in May to get the metal county tags back then Fairfax had with half the people in the county showing up on the same day and time to get them

3. Its 196 feet from the bottom of the side entrances on the left and right 1 story below the entrance in the pic to the top edge of the building

4. The building is 100 X 100 feet square with 10000 sq feet on each floor

5. The lights were on all the time as it had something to do with the HVAC system

6. There's a computer area that's buried under the ground on the left side. it was full of giant computers that had about 1/100 as much memory as your laptop

7. The police and fire dispatch was down under in the basement pre 911

8. Fairfax County Park Police manned the desk inside and patrolled the area

9. The Board of Supervisors board room was on the 1st main floor 1 floor down
from the entrance you see and the Chairman's office was in the building, the other BOS members were out in the districts

All of this was in the local Journal newspapers, when ?? Way back when

10. The arrival of the 66 Moscowvitch was the beginning of the end of Fairfax County as a great place to live as liberal Moscowvitch owners began to infest NOVA in droves lol

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: You Pick the 3 Things ()
Date: January 26, 2019 01:07PM


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Just thinking ()
Date: January 26, 2019 01:25PM

The Only 3 Things I Know Wrote:
> About the Massey pic are

> 7. The police and fire dispatch was down under in
> the basement pre 911

I thought that was run out the facility on Woodburn Road in Annandale? Went on a tour of the facility around 1990-91 and I know the 911 call center was there.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Class of 71 ()
Date: January 26, 2019 01:33PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> A VW Beetle. Who can name the other 5 cars in that
> row?

Photo is circa 1969 because the plates on the cars are white. Odd years white plates, even years black plates.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: just passing through ()
Date: January 26, 2019 01:46PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> A VW Beetle. Who can name the other 5 cars in that
> row?

It is strange to be able to see all the high rise buildings in Tysons Corner from Vienna/Oakton and now you can see the Massey Building from Rt.123 in Oakton with all the tree removal along I-66.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 1987 Was When 911 Moved ()
Date: January 26, 2019 02:08PM

From the Massey to the former Pineridge elementary school which was a combination Fairfax County Police training academy, bomb squad, police motorcycle facility with the 911 call center. The police call center was in the Police Admin office before moving to the Massey, before that it was inside a pay phone outside the Dixie Pig on Rt 1 near all the real action on Rt 1 south.

In 2010 The 911 center moved to its current location on West Ox Road across from Costco near Rt 29. The new complex has the 911 call center a Va State Police northern Va dispatch, VDOT dispatch a emergency management operations area and a large Fairfax County police crime lab.

Sources " Fairfax Crime Buffs " and "Jailhouse Lawyers"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Just thinking ()
Date: January 26, 2019 02:20PM

1987 Was When 911 Moved Wrote:
> From the Massey to the former Pineridge elementary
> school which was a combination Fairfax County
> Police training academy, bomb squad, police
> motorcycle facility with the 911 call center. The
> police call center was in the Police Admin office
> before moving to the Massey, before that it was
> inside a pay phone outside the Dixie Pig on Rt 1
> near all the real action on Rt 1 south.
> In 2010 The 911 center moved to its current
> location on West Ox Road across from Costco near
> Rt 29. The new complex has the 911 call center a
> Va State Police northern Va dispatch, VDOT
> dispatch a emergency management operations area
> and a large Fairfax County police crime lab.
> Sources " Fairfax Crime Buffs " and "Jailhouse
> Lawyers"

"Police motorcycle facility"

I have not seen FFX Cty police on enduro's in years. I guess with all the development there is not much in the way of rural areas to get back into. I also remember the Fire Department had a 4wd Jeep looking thing to drive off the beaten path and fight fires. Watched them use that when the old barn at the intersection of West Ox and Lawyers went up in flames many years ago.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 26, 2019 04:03PM

1947 Falls Church from the Fairfax county library yearbook archives.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: January 27, 2019 09:42AM

Great pics...Remember this large Store up the way on 7 from the FC photo?
Jelleffs Fashion Show SH.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 27, 2019 12:45PM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> Great pics...Remember this large Store up the way
> on 7 from the FC photo?

Jelleff's later became Syms did it not?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: January 27, 2019 12:51PM

Yes, I believe so, Fran.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 27, 2019 01:51PM

Reportedly 1970.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 27, 2019 01:59PM

Inside shot of Alexandria roller rink. With that disco ball I am guessing mid 70s to mid 80s? Maybe one of those young ladies is Blanche!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 27, 2019 02:26PM


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:10PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Inside shot of Alexandria roller rink. With that
> disco ball I am guessing mid 70s to mid 80s? Maybe
> one of those young ladies is Blanche!

Andy Ratlips:

rte 1 was virtually out of my reach as my fam never owned a car when i was a mimor, but i’m going to hazard a guess at circa-1980 for that interior shot of the roller rink. what’s left of my family in Virginia live on rte. 1 now, poor souls.

got the feeling Blanche was beyond that scene by the time that shot was taken.
imagine just outside the rink: teens with ghetto blasters on their shoulders and others taxi-ing casually on their BMW bikes.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:13PM

lovely old shot of Bradlee that Andy posted.
saved and saved;


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Hornet ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:15PM

Old Iron Wrote:
> 1966 Moskvitch ???

To me, that car looks like a Peugeot 404.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:24PM

>Text of the linked article:

You may have to pay for movies on television...unless you make your voice heard.

Every week there are several movies on TV...and you've seen some great ones-Bonnie & Clyde, Patton, Love Story, Funny Girl, A Man for All Seasons and many others. Coming soon - My Fair Lady and Hello Dolly.

Under current FCC rules, pay-TV systems can show first-run movies and charge for them. Then, practically all go on free TV at no cost to you.

Now pay-TV operators are trying to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to change its rules to allow pay-TV to lock up movies like these in order to present them on television at box office prices.

If pay-TV operators are permitted to do that, those movies will no longer be available to you on free TV until many years later. If you want to see them before that you will have to pay to see them on your own television set.

The pay-TV operators want to do the same thing with sports events - college and professional football, baseball, basketball, etc, and popular entertainment shows.

That could cost the average family a lot of money every month...$40 or $50 seems to be a reasonable estimate.

How about people living on restricted retirement incomes...people on welfare...people who are unemployed...people living in low-income sections of big cities? Where will they get the money to pay for television? Apparently, they will have to go without.

Pay-TV is operating in a few scattered places in the United States already. In our opinion, in the not-too-distant future, you will be paying for the type of programs you now receive without charge if the FCC changes its rules.

- If you want to receive sports, movies and entertainment shows without charge...
- If you oppose allowing pay-TV operators to lock up those programs for the exclusive use of those who can afford to pay...then -
- Write to the FCC or to your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that you are against loosening the FCC rules on pay-TV. A bill to prevent pay-TV from siphoning movies, sports and entertainment programs from free TV has been introduced in the Senate - $,2283. Ask your Senators to support it.

Channel 5 Channel 9 Channel 4


isn’t the cost of getting “free tv” having to put up with adverts on the regular?
advertisers are in too deep, imo.

i’ll take the risk that pay-TV never gains a real foothold.



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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:27PM

Chris Nick Wrote:
> Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Inside shot of Alexandria roller rink. With
> that
> > disco ball I am guessing mid 70s to mid 80s?
> Maybe
> > one of those young ladies is Blanche!
> Andy Ratlips:
> rte 1 was virtually out of my reach as my fam
> never owned a car when i was a mimor, but i’m
> going to hazard a guess at circa-1980 for that
> interior shot of the roller rink. what’s left of
> my family in Virginia live on rte. 1 now, poor
> souls.
> got the feeling Blanche was beyond that scene by
> the time that shot was taken.
> imagine just outside the rink: teens with ghetto
> blasters on their shoulders and others taxi-ing
> casually on their BMW bikes.
> cheers,
> Chris

Okay Chris you outted me. I was in college or almost by the time that picture was taken.

I don't remember a disco ball at the roller rink, thinking there was some sort of contraption with speakers above the skating floor. Is the yellow background was covering where the organ was located? Its been a LONG time...

I still appreciate a photo of inside the rink.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:41PM

Hi Blanche,

i’ve enjoyed you sharing your memories and banter since page one of this thread ;)

also that of Gordon, Sleepy Hollow, and the rest of the regular band of N. Va dissolutes (i mean that affectionately).

i live in the mountains now, but i always remember whatever N. Va was in those days, but i absolutely could not wait to get out of there when i saw how fast those beloved neighbourhoods were changing.



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chris Nick ()
Date: January 28, 2019 02:51PM

lol @ ‘BMW bikes’ and my other errors like ‘mimor’

*BMX bikes



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: You make the call ()
Date: January 28, 2019 06:23PM

Hornet Wrote:
> Old Iron Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > 1966 Moskvitch ???
> >
> To me, that car looks like a Peugeot 404.

The Peugeot vs The Moskvitch

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: January 28, 2019 08:54PM

This picture has been posted before but can anyone identify that first car on the left? Is it a Datsun??

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Process of Elimination Professor ()
Date: January 28, 2019 09:17PM

It is not weird enough to be a Subaru , next the Germans ? Herr Audi Herr Opal ?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Hornet ()
Date: January 29, 2019 07:52AM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> This picture has been posted before but can anyone
> identify that first car on the left? Is it a
> Datsun??

It's an early 1970s Toyota Corona.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Occquan 1989 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 03:57PM

Some construction in 1989 where Sea & Sea was and the newer places next door.

Of all the pics of things to waste film on, why this one lol

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: JKR ()
Date: January 29, 2019 05:06PM

This thread is addicting even when I can't post any pics yet.
Some pics may be coming when we find a light bulb for our kodak carousel slide projector. We have slides to view that may go back a long ways. (50's-80's I think) Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the light bulbs.

Some recent posts of the Alexandria Roller Rink have me remembering the concert I went to way back. Not sure of the year. Perhaps in was 68 or 69? The Jeff Beck Group with Rod Stewart as the lead singer was in concert along with Jethro Tull. I was mesmerized by Ian Anderson playing his flute whilst standing on one leg with other leg wrapped around his mic stand and resting on the opposite knee. The audience was sitting on the roller rink floor - no chairs... Wow.

I think Blanche and I may be the same age. Chris, I hope you like your life whatever mountain you're on now.

Once we figure out how to get digital pics from the slides we have, I'll be posting pics. Maybe that'll be fun for all? eh?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 29, 2019 06:07PM

JKR Wrote:
> This thread is addicting even when I can't post
> any pics yet.
> Some pics may be coming when we find a light bulb
> for our kodak carousel slide projector. We have
> slides to view that may go back a long ways.
> (50's-80's I think) Unfortunately, we are still
> waiting for the light bulbs.
> Some recent posts of the Alexandria Roller Rink
> have me remembering the concert I went to way
> back. Not sure of the year. Perhaps in was 68 or
> 69? The Jeff Beck Group with Rod Stewart as the
> lead singer was in concert along with Jethro Tull.
> I was mesmerized by Ian Anderson playing his
> flute whilst standing on one leg with other leg
> wrapped around his mic stand and resting on the
> opposite knee. The audience was sitting on the
> roller rink floor - no chairs... Wow.
> I think Blanche and I may be the same age. Chris,
> I hope you like your life whatever mountain you're
> on now.
> Once we figure out how to get digital pics from
> the slides we have, I'll be posting pics. Maybe
> that'll be fun for all? eh?

Jeff Beck you say?

These are from the rink in ’68, I think
Jeff Beck.png
jeff beck at alex .png

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: MJMUN ()
Date: January 29, 2019 07:23PM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Anyone remember this place? 1951 evening Star ad.

This is the now closed Apline Restaurant near the intersection of Lee and Glebe

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Slides And Pics ()
Date: January 29, 2019 07:41PM

If you have a digital camera hold the slide with fingers on the side of it, up to a piece of white paper and you can get a pic with the micro lens, most cameras even the cheap ones will make a decent digital pic this way cheap

I just did it to show you some old rich guy that raced Nissan's for the car people here at Summit Point WVA back in the 70's. He did pretty well , used some type of salad dressing in the engine called it Golden Gear Lube

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Like Then Is Like Now ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:21PM

Quick scan of a slide of the back of Mt Vernon from you know the place in 1990.

A piece of white paper is all you need in a pinch to make a digital pic of a slide

Your Pal … HIC !... DAJAX

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Do Cary A Favor ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:29PM

Learn to resize your pics smaller up to about 300kb , right off the camera a 3mb pic is huge here so big you cant see anything. There's programs free most computers have one already to resize and crop or add effects like a pro


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: dave1234 ()
Date: January 30, 2019 07:05AM

JKR Wrote:
> This thread is addicting even when I can't post
> any pics yet.
> Some pics may be coming when we find a light bulb
> for our kodak carousel slide projector. We have
> slides to view that may go back a long ways.
> (50's-80's I think) Unfortunately, we are still
> waiting for the light bulbs.
> Some recent posts of the Alexandria Roller Rink
> have me remembering the concert I went to way
> back. Not sure of the year. Perhaps in was 68 or
> 69? The Jeff Beck Group with Rod Stewart as the
> lead singer was in concert along with Jethro Tull.
> I was mesmerized by Ian Anderson playing his
> flute whilst standing on one leg with other leg
> wrapped around his mic stand and resting on the
> opposite knee. The audience was sitting on the
> roller rink floor - no chairs... Wow.
> I think Blanche and I may be the same age. Chris,
> I hope you like your life whatever mountain you're
> on now.
> Once we figure out how to get digital pics from
> the slides we have, I'll be posting pics. Maybe
> that'll be fun for all? eh?

You can take those slides to MccLanahan camera out in Warrenton and they can put them all on a thumb drive for you in a flash. It's cheap too.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: January 30, 2019 05:34PM


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: springfielder0 ()
Date: January 30, 2019 10:13PM

I want a teen twist and an orange freeze!

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> 1962

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: snot ()
Date: January 31, 2019 04:38PM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> This picture has been posted before but can anyone
> identify that first car on the left? Is it a
> Datsun??

It's a VW 411 or 412.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fairfax Fred ()
Date: January 31, 2019 05:04PM

snot Wrote:
> Fran Conia Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This picture has been posted before but can
> anyone
> > identify that first car on the left? Is it a
> > Datsun??
> It's a VW 411 or 412.
> https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&;
> cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwijzoWe_ZjgAhWFMd8KHWHrDj
> 4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbestcarmag.com%2Fma
> kes%2FVolkswagen%2F411&psig=AOvVaw3b7hi-08YcYDP1GM
> JGZMBa&ust=1549056986030008

I'll buy that. The Corona looks similar though. Tough call.
corona (2).jpeg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Twist Away Friends ()
Date: January 31, 2019 08:50PM

>I want a teen twist and an orange freeze!

Ill take a Mighty Mo and a BBQ sandwich some chili beans slaw and a ICE COLD A&W Root Beer in a frosted mug. I miss the Marriot Cafeterias

OH...Your paying right, LOL DAJAX

"I always like to be in debt before a parachute jump" Col. Joe Kittinger USAF

The Wiki page is wrong , he was also awarded the Air Force Cross for extraordinary heroism in Vietnam, an American with the right stuff


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: FXU Correction Dept ()
Date: January 31, 2019 09:13PM

Col. Joe Kittinger USAF was awarded the Silver Star, he was shot down over Vietnam and was a POW until 1973.. DAJAX

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