FYI As We Talk About Nova Roads Wrote:
> The Interstate system was approved in 1956,
> President Eisenhower knew of Germanys Autobahn
> system and he wanted the same for the US national
> defense to move troops and equipment fast to any
> part of America
> The interstate system was numbered like the older
> US Highway System which gives roads numbers
> depending on the direction they travel. US 1 the
> first US Highway numbered is here in Fairfax Co
> and goes from Maine to Florida. Rt 1 a odd number
> travels north and south , all US highway numbers
> that are odd do the same. All US Highway numbers
> that are even travel east to west such as our Rt
> 50 that starts in Ocean City Md and travels to
> Sacramento Ca
> As you head west the north south numbers grow
> larger with US 101 right on California's coast and
> the east to west numbers start with US 2 in Maine
> and become higher by the time you get to Florida
> with US 90
> ed_Highway_System US Highways
> The interstate system is the same with odd numbers
> traveling north to south and even numbers
> traveling east to west, One big difference with
> the older US Highway system is that the US
> interstates low single digit numbers start on the
> west coast for north to south routes with I-5 and
> by the time you get here on the east there up to
> I-95. Going east to west the interstate numbers
> start low with I-10 across the southern areas
> going up to I-90 across the northern most states ,
> which is a reverse of the US highways north south
> east west numbering system
> The beltways spurs and thru route numbers are as
> described by Greybeards post
> US Interstate system
> All in all , find a north south and east west US
> highway or interstate sign and it will give you an
> idea of where your at
Yep. With the exception of I-99, the former US 220, which broke the pattern and as such is an abomination!