jabberwocky Wrote:
> > That was the second ever location of Five Guys,
> at
> > the intersection of Beauregard and Route 7. It
> > closed about 5 years ago and I think has now
> been
> > demolished. The first shop was a short distance
> > away on Columbia Pike; it was closed so they
> could
> > open up this second restaurant. It’s now an
> > international brand, quite a good local story.
> Not only that but it started an entire industry of
> "better than fast food but not a sit down
> restaurant" style burger chains. Now you have
> Smashburger, Elevation Burger, Shake Shack, Burger
> 7, BGR The Burger Joint, etc. all following Five
> Guys lead. Before Five Guys, the only burger
> places you had were the major fast food chains and
> Fudruckers or Red Robin type places where you were
> expected to sit down and stay a while. Five Guys
> filled a huge hole in the market and that is why
> they took off so quick. I always love seeing them
> when I travel knowing that it all started here.