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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: lbss32 ()
Date: April 08, 2013 02:07PM

Springfielder Wrote:
> I think that sign is for the Springfield shopping
> center across from the Holiday Inn Express. It's
> now called the Tower Shopping Center.
> That shopping center was built in the late
> 50s/early 60s and had the Springfield Pharmacy on
> the corner. That store had everything, including a
> soda fountain in the early days. The office tower
> was built around 1972.
> When we were kids, there was some event where we
> were allowed to paint pictures on the store's
> large windows. I remember painting near the barber
> shop.
> I'd love to see a picture of the Howard's
> Johnson's restaurant. I worked there right out of
> high school. I seem to remember we only got 80
> cents an hour, plus tips.
> I remember the fish fry on Friday nights. Good
> stuff!
> The attached pic is the Howard Johnson's in Falls
> Church back in the 1950s. The Springfield
> restaurant looked a lot like this.

This video of the hojo birthday club looks pretty gay by todays standards. But is was cool as hell back in the 70s.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Zapista! ()
Date: April 08, 2013 02:37PM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> Here is the Falls Church location now...still
> around. BTW, That style of Ho Jo's was called the
> NIM'S stlye, named after the architect/designer.

Interesting pic. I would have never guessed that Pistones (sp?) was a HoJos in its former life.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Rute Boye ()
Date: April 08, 2013 02:38PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> zero personality Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> Speaking of rarities, during WW2 a railroad bridge
> was built from where the Blue Plains treatment
> plant in DC sits to Pot Yard. It was taken down
> at some point after the war. Anyone know of any
> pictures of that?

Here are a couple of factoids on the Shepherd's Landing bridge:

- November 1, 1942 First train crosses 3,3 60 ft. long Shepherd's Landing Bridge connecting B&O's Alexandria branch with Potomac Yard, Alexandria.

- November 14,1945 Shepherd's Landing bridge withdrawn from service. During 3 years of service required I train a day to maintain safety. Averaged 3 to 7 trains daily with a maximum of 184 trains reached in the entire month of October, 1944. Bridge demolished early 1947.

I couldn't locate a photo of the bridge, but attached is a 1945 USGS map clearly showing where is very recently was located.
Shepherd's bridge.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: NotTrue ()
Date: April 08, 2013 02:48PM

Burke Brat Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Burke Brat Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > White Oaks. Formerly Burke School.
> >
> >
> > that's funny cause White Oaks is also the
> current
> > Burke school, isnt it? LoLz
> No, Burke School is now White Oaks built in 1912,
> Burke School was built in 1939? and is still used
> and named that, White Oaks School was built on
> Shiplett and modeled after Terra Center on Burke
> Centre Parkway, Both are Underground Schools. I
> remember on some of the reading about Burke That
> Willie Harlow, Jolly Roger did work on the train
> station, White Oak and Burke School.
> I got to spend some time with him a few years
> before he went into the old Commonwealth Hospital
> and he told me about how his house on Jackson St
> was built partially submerged, the trees around
> the house where filled with Squash Plants and
> grape vines. I did allot of exploring in my youth
> especially around Old Burke.
> I ran into him about 1988 when he was in
> Commonwealth Care Center and I was working
> security there, I didn't recognize him without the
> beard, he passed shortly after that. It was
> almost like Green Fried Tomatoes.

White Oaks is not an underground school.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: old ()
Date: April 08, 2013 07:05PM

Springfielder Wrote:
> Anyone remember Pick Temple? He was the host of a
> local western-themed children's TV show, "Pick
> Temple Giant Ranch," and all the kids in my
> neighborhood wanted to be on the show. He had a
> dog, a horse, and we got to shoot guns into
> balloons!
> The show aired on WTOP and eventually was
> sponsored by Giant Food. Pick showed up at a local
> Giant Food store opening on Rt 7:
> www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg-S2Qm7N-k. (The video
> is a history lesson.)
> He was friends with Ranger Hal!

Heck yeah, I remember Pick! I was on the show in '58 or '59. His horse Piccolo and collie, Lady.

They gave everybody coupons for Giant's Heidi bakery stuff. Pick even used to say "Heidi, Pardner" at the beginning of the show.

Cool as Pick was, my favorite was Captain Tugg on WTTG channel 5. He normally didn't have kids in the studio, but if you put on a "Carnival for MD" (muscular dystrophy) and raised a lot of money, you could go on the Captain Tugg show.

Captain Tugg was priceless with all the imaginary characters----Commander Salamander, Flash Flood, etc.


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 08, 2013 07:16PM

Rute Boye Wrote:
> I couldn't locate a photo of the bridge, but
> attached is a 1945 USGS map clearly showing where
> is very recently was located.

Thanks. From the map I'm guessing it crossed the river a little further downstream than I thought.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: where is goose island ()
Date: April 08, 2013 07:21PM

Rute Boye Wrote:
> Bill.N. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > zero personality Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > Speaking of rarities, during WW2 a railroad
> bridge
> > was built from where the Blue Plains treatment
> > plant in DC sits to Pot Yard. It was taken
> down
> > at some point after the war. Anyone know of
> any
> > pictures of that?
> Here are a couple of factoids on the Shepherd's
> Landing bridge:
> - November 1, 1942 First train crosses 3,3 60 ft.
> long Shepherd's Landing Bridge connecting B&O's
> Alexandria branch with Potomac Yard, Alexandria.
> - November 14,1945 Shepherd's Landing bridge
> withdrawn from service. During 3 years of service
> required I train a day to maintain safety.
> Averaged 3 to 7 trains daily with a maximum of 184
> trains reached in the entire month of October,
> 1944. Bridge demolished early 1947.
> I couldn't locate a photo of the bridge, but
> attached is a 1945 USGS map clearly showing where
> is very recently was located.

Where is Goose Island? It looks like it should be right across from Old Town Alexandria...

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 08, 2013 07:28PM

Goose Island, I believe was linked to the shore on the MD side.

There was a lot of land reclamation down at Jones Point and across the WW.

Where 295 runs north of the bridge, there is the little lagoon before you hit Blue Plains, I think the old island is under 295.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2015 09:10PM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 08, 2013 07:58PM

so get this - Military Rd in Arlington used to go all the way down to where Reagan is now - all of what's now Rt 110 used to be Military Rd.

and apparently.........well remember that pic a while back of that airport used to be in the middle of where 395 and the GW Parkway meet up on our side of the 14th St? (it's somewhere in this thread LoLz)

Well anyways, apparently this Military Road used to CROSS THE EFFING RUNWAY! Just like they do now at the airport in Gibraltar - dont that beat all?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:06PM

Now, I never knew there was a nuclear reactor operating in Fairfax County. The Army's SM-1 plant, at Fort Belvoir, operated from 1957-1973. Military reactor operators were trained on the two megawatt reactor.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:10PM

The airport with the stop light was Hoover Field. It closed when National opened. The Pentagon was built where the airport used to be.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: ItsNATIONALdammit ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:13PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> so get this - Military Rd in Arlington used to go
> all the way down to where Reagan is now - all of

Military Rd went all the way to Simi Valley, CA? Man, I had no idea!

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:22PM

ItsNATIONALdammit Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > so get this - Military Rd in Arlington used to
> go
> > all the way down to where Reagan is now - all
> of
> Military Rd went all the way to Simi Valley, CA?
> Man, I had no idea!

I got used to saying Wizards too. It's not so bad..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2015 09:10PM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 7bbyt ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:56PM

where is goose island Wrote:
> Rute Boye Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bill.N. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > zero personality Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------

> Where is Goose Island? It looks like it should be
> right across from Old Town Alexandria...

Goose island was dredged right out of the river in the 50's or so.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 08, 2013 08:59PM

So was Goose Island dredged to be part of the channel, or was land filled in that linked it to the MD shore?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2015 09:10PM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: bobabooie ()
Date: April 08, 2013 09:46PM

WingNut Wrote:
> So was Goose Island dredged to be part of the
> channel, or was land filled in that linked it to
> the MD shore?
If you look at http://www.historicaerials.com/ it slowy dissapears. It dissapears compleatly between 1980 and 2002

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gilligan ()
Date: April 08, 2013 09:53PM

bobabooie Wrote:
> WingNut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So was Goose Island dredged to be part of the
> > channel, or was land filled in that linked it
> to
> > the MD shore?
> If you look at http://www.historicaerials.com/ it
> slowy dissapears. It dissapears compleatly between
> 1980 and 2002

That's interesting, 'cause I've been boating the Potomac since the 70's in that area, and damned if I remember an island there.

Not doubting you or historic aerials, of course.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 08, 2013 10:06PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:59AM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: bobabooie ()
Date: April 08, 2013 10:17PM

WingNut Wrote:
> That island was way out there.. I don't think it
> was linked to shore in a landfill like I thought.
> 295 was built between 1957 and 1962, doesn't look
> like there was any landfill action there.
> Shape of Jones Point hasn't changed as much as I
> believed it had either. I was always told a lot of
> that was landfill.
Trying to post screen captures...1957, 1980 and 2002 hope this works..

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old fishing trick ()
Date: April 08, 2013 10:24PM

Gilligan Wrote:
> bobabooie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WingNut Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > So was Goose Island dredged to be part of the
> > > channel, or was land filled in that linked it
> > to
> > > the MD shore?
> > If you look at http://www.historicaerials.com/
> it
> > slowy dissapears. It dissapears compleatly
> between
> > 1980 and 2002
> That's interesting, 'cause I've been boating the
> Potomac since the 70's in that area, and damned if
> I remember an island there.
> Not doubting you or historic aerials, of course.

google earth hybrid and close in you can see what remains as shallow water.
Use this method for the Northwest Territories and Alaska for fishing.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: BHCC ()
Date: April 08, 2013 10:31PM

WingNut Wrote:
> That island was way out there.. I don't think it
> was linked to shore in a landfill like I thought.
> 295 was built between 1957 and 1962, doesn't look
> like there was any landfill action there.
> Shape of Jones Point hasn't changed as much as I
> believed it had either. I was always told a lot of
> that was landfill.

What has changed is the shape of Hunting Creek and Belle Haven Country Club during that time...as you are heading south on GW Parkway, the part of BHCC on the right that "borders" Hunting Creek...that is "new"...meaning, from around when they were constructing the beltway.

You can see the progression on HistoricAerials.

It looks to me what happened is that BHCC used to own land across the main entrance on Fort Hunt Road, and between Route 1...kind of across from Traveler's Hotel (or whatever motel that is that is still there on Rt 1).

It looks like there was a par 3 hole there, where there are now like 1970's vintage townhomes.

In addition, it looks like BHCC owned land, and had some holes across the street from its southernmost boundary, where again, there are now townhomes.

In the 60's it looks like its land-mass increased on Hunting Creek, and they gave up these other parcels.

If you haven't done it, go to HistoricAerials, and use the "slide" feature that allows to have an aerial from one time on one side of the picture and a newer aerial on the other...and let us know what you think.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Dude ()
Date: April 08, 2013 10:40PM

WingNut Wrote:
> That island was way out there.. I don't think it
> was linked to shore in a landfill like I thought.
> 295 was built between 1957 and 1962, doesn't look
> like there was any landfill action there.
> Shape of Jones Point hasn't changed as much as I
> believed it had either. I was always told a lot of
> that was landfill.

It's still there. Not much too it. It's just the flat between the main channel and the mouth of Oxon Creek south of Blue Plains. Once in a while if the river's low and the grass is thick and/or you get a low tide you can see it. Most people find it by banging their motors on some old pilings there headed over to Blue Plains.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 7bbyt ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:03PM

It could have been the 60's, the isand was not there during the 70's. I just called my old man and he said he thinks it had something to do with the airport, the dock south of the airport, channel being moved and silt deposits but cant fully remember. I'll post some pics after I dig them up of the entire potomac from CB down to 495 around 1965.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: boat guy ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:10PM

You would be able to see it birds eye if it was shallow.


Current navigation maps dont show any obstructions. 80's map does show it being shallow.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:15PM

GettinOld Wrote:
> Now, I never knew there was a nuclear reactor
> operating in Fairfax County. The Army's SM-1
> plant, at Fort Belvoir, operated from 1957-1973.
> Military reactor operators were trained on the two
> megawatt reactor.

Yep, true. And it's still there.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:31PM

Did you know that back in 1955, the Key Bridge Marriott hotel had a Hot Shoppes in the parking lot? Also, this particular hotel is the longest running Mariott hotel, opening in 1959.
Hot Shoppes at Key Bridge 1955.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:34PM

Ok, this isn't Fairfax County, but I thought this picture was amazing:

The installation of the Lincoln Memorial statue in 1920.
Abraham Lincoln Statue Installation 1920.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Dude ()
Date: April 08, 2013 11:35PM

boat guy Wrote:
> You would be able to see it birds eye if it was
> shallow.
> http://binged.it/12D3Gb5
> Current navigation maps dont show any
> obstructions. 80's map does show it being shallow.

Bing's map sucks.


USGS refences it at Latitude: 38.8084466 Longitude: -77.0299765

Brief description from a 1999 dredge spoils survey:


Goose Island (SS-2, fig. 1) in the Potomac River near Alexandria, Va. and Craney Island (SS-3, fig. 2), offshore of Mason Neck Wildlife Refuge, are two potential sites for island restoration. Goose Island had several trees on it in 1978, but the island has since eroded away. The shoal in the location of Goose Island was vegetated with Hydrilla verticillata and Myriophyllum spicatum in 1997, whereas the shoal surrounding Craney Island has never been vegetated with SAV, possibly because of poor water clarity or lack of propagules. Craney Island originated as an industrial fill disposal site, and in 1997, the island supported several live trees (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987, p. C-4). Either of these two islands could be enlarged with dredge material, although Craney Island would be more suitable than Goose Island because it lacks historical SAV. Flood velocities, which could cause scouring of any site, are more likely to be lower at Craney Island than at Goose Island because of the increased width of the river at Craney Island.

I don't ever recall and real "trees" on it other than maybe some big trunks that had washed down but those don't count. More like maybe a scrub bush or two.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Dude ()
Date: April 09, 2013 01:22AM

Here's a picture circa 1950s looking south from National Airport (before the Wilson Bridge was completed in 1961).

The small dark area in the river toward the top left of the pic just beyond the docks and across from Alexandria is/was "Goose Island."


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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: lbss82 ()
Date: April 09, 2013 04:53AM

Okay this thread is branching out to pics from Arlington and DC now how about one from Manassas from the early 60s. The airport is where manaport shopping center now sits. I am pretty shure the road in the lower right hand corner is what we now know as 234 business.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:41AM

About the pics - HEY, this is ALL about NoVA on this site - so anything goes as long as it's NoVA related. Any disagreement on that vibe? I mean, half this page is ppl concerned over an extinct island in either PG or DC so I say it's all good lol

about Twin Bridges Marriott - still cant figure out how/why that site never got rebuilt or why it even got demolished in the first place - seems like the BEST LOCATION EVAH for a hotel, y'know?

The "dump" was the Clark Street Playhouse - longtime area indy theater. I think they merged with the new Arena Stage since they seemed to close up shop around the same time that thing went up..................but I could be wrong.

@springfielder - So check out Rosslyn just in front of the Restaurant in this pic. This is 29@Nash St...............

edit: every time I look at that pic...................it reminds me of the look of that city the American Servicemen were walking thru in the move Full Metal Jacket when they meet the prostitute and get robbed of their camera lol

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2013 08:32PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: skeeter ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:59AM

WingNut Wrote:
> ItsNATIONALdammit Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > so get this - Military Rd in Arlington used
> to
> > go
> > > all the way down to where Reagan is now - all
> > of
> >
> >
> > Military Rd went all the way to Simi Valley, CA?
> > Man, I had no idea!
> I got used to saying Wizards too. It's not so
> bad..

The only long-time residents who refer to National Airport as "Reagan" are indeed WingNuts.

Will you be as flexible when they eventually rename Alzheimer's disease "Reagan's"?

It's not so bad...

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:59AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:58AM by WingNut.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:03AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:58AM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: skeeter ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:08AM

WingNut Wrote:
> skeeter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The only long-time residents who refer to
> National
> > Airport as "Reagan" are indeed WingNuts.
> Try calling it National to someone new or coming
> to the area and watch the confusion.
> Douche.


The number of people new to the area who would bother with this thread is negligible.

Are you just trying to stay in practice by calling it Reagan?

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:12AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:58AM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:24AM

I didn't agree with the name change when they did it, and I don't now. I have nothing against the man, I just feel that Reagan has enough named after him. The airport will forever be Washington National Airport to me!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:29AM

Here's a pic of Columbia Pike in 1934. It was labeled as being in Arlington. However, if you blow the pic up, you can see that someone has written "Georgetown Alexandria Rd(?)" on the cross street. I can't quite figure that one out. I thought maybe it was George Mason Rd. Anyone?
Columbia Pike Arlington 1934.jpg

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:33AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 10:19PM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:34AM

How about some pics of Annandale...

1. Bank of Annandale, 1953
2. Ravensworth Rd & Rt 236, 1953
3. Another Ravensworth Rd and Rt 236, 1953
Annandale 1953.jpg
Ravensworth & 236 annandale 1953.jpg
Annandale Ravensworth & 236 1953.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:36AM

Are you feeling it?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:37AM

Damn! Things sure have changed!

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:46AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:58AM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ye Ole Woodson Man ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:11AM

The little island on left near the top is Roseile Island. The WW Bridge connects there ,then by land bridge over to the shore, It forms the now "Penrod Cove" or Spoils named for the bass pro. to the north and Smoot Bay with National Harbor to the south. The Goose island is gone but thats a very shallow area on that side of the river loaded with hazards.The piles from the old 1940's emergency railroad bridge built across the river in case the main line was sabotaged are still there and extend about 250 feet out. The area where Belle Haven Marina is has not been filled in and the islands around the Dyke Marsh have not been dredged out, Lots of land fill is now where the Belle Haven Golf Club is and Jones Point, also Hunting Creek is huge in the picture. , I think this picture is older then the 1950's maybe early 40's.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ye Ole Woodson Man ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:11AM

The little island on left near the top is Roseile Island. The WW Bridge connects there ,then by land bridge over to the shore, It forms the now "Penrod Cove" or Spoils named for the bass pro. to the north and Smoot Bay with National Harbor to the south. The Goose island is gone but thats a very shallow area on that side of the river loaded with hazards.The piles from the old 1940's emergency railroad bridge built across the river in case the main line was sabotaged are still there and extend about 250 feet out. The area where Belle Haven Marina is has not been filled in and the islands around the Dyke Marsh have not been dredged out, Lots of land fill is now where the Belle Haven Golf Club is and Jones Point, also Hunting Creek is huge in the picture. , I think this picture is older then the 1950's maybe early 40's.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: moonshine ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:12AM

That pic of Columbia Pike would probably be somewhere near the Pentagon and Shirley Hwy. The Alexandria Georgetown Rd. is no Arlington Ridge Rd. and used to extend all the way to Rosslyn. This might be Hell's Bottom, the African American community that was on the current site of the Pentagon and was a place of illicit liquor and gambling.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:22AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 10:19PM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: chemtrails! ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:22AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Are you feeling it?

evidence of chemtrails! MLK Republican was right all along!

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:23AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 07:58AM by WingNut.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: April 09, 2013 11:31AM

@Springfielder, Great Annandale shots...Thanks. This is an unusual one...what is at that spot now? Any remains?
ffx tp1.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 09, 2013 12:35PM

moonshine Wrote:
> This might be Hell's Bottom, the African American
> community that was on the current site of the
> Pentagon and was a place of illicit liquor and
> gambling.

Hell's Bottom most likely referred to Jackson City (or possibly Rosslyn) and not the African community further west.

Jackson City was a failed antebellum development located at the Virginia end of the Long Bridge, predecessor to the 14th Street Bridges. After the Civil War Jackson City and slighly later Rosslyn became known for saloons, pool halls, gambling, and brothels. They became the targets of a crusading proseccutor and his vigilantes at the start of the 20th century. I think they also targetted a race track in what is now northern Alexandria, and the CA hassled a brewery located where Key Bridge Marriott is now situated. Sorry no more details but this is off the top of my head.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 09, 2013 12:46PM

Springfielder Wrote:
> How about some pics of Annandale...
> 1. Bank of Annandale, 1953
> 2. Ravensworth Rd & Rt 236, 1953
> 3. Another Ravensworth Rd and Rt 236, 1953

Where was the Bank of Annandale located. Also I am having a hard time figuring out where pic #3 was taken.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 02:28PM

Bill N.: The Bank of Annandale picture is facing south from Rte 236 across from the Firestone Store(?). The Bank of Annandale was housed in the building originally built for the post office. On right is a Texaco station. The post office was in the gas station before the bank building was built.

Wingnut & Bill N.: I agree with Wingnut that this is the old hardware store on Backlick Rd. And to be honest, I'm not totally convinced it's not. But susposedly the picture is facing Rte 236 at Ravensworth Rd. The next building is a dime store and at the end is a café. Hopefully, someone might figure this one out.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: April 09, 2013 04:22PM

@Springfielder....OK, I'm pretty sure I got this. Thanks to the 1949 Annandale shoppers guide...in 1949 at the supposed spot was...E W Longs Heating/Plumbing/Appliances/Shoe repair...Ellicott's 5 & 10...Kirk's Tavern/Cafe.That would be where the Custom Carpet shop was. If you look directly accross the street are 2 buildings that are still around that look very close to those in the 1953 photo...where Sal's shoe repair is still located..since the early 50's. I know many times when areas were developed they used the same footprint...ie: Jefferson Village Shopping and the small shopping area across from Loehmann's were almost a mirror immage. I know that because in 67' when we just moved here my Dad screwed up on Annandale/Graham Rd...came home and said to my Mother "God Damn it they turned the hardware store into an ice cream place." Laughing at his mixup of course. Anyway, what do you think?
carpet store.JPG

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 09, 2013 05:00PM

I think Springfielder is correct. Looking at this site:


they have an arial picture of Annandale and you can see the two buildings on the south side of 236 just west of Ravensworth. What messed me up is that it looks like the land just to the west is higher, but I recall that point as about the highest spot in Annandale. Now I will need to go back and take a new look.

Also take in the activities for Annandale Days.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Sparky ()
Date: April 09, 2013 05:32PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> I think Springfielder is correct. Looking at this
> site:
> http://www.annandalechamber.com/annandale_of_old_1
> 955.rhtml
> they have an arial picture of Annandale and you
> can see the two buildings on the south side of 236
> just west of Ravensworth. What messed me up is
> that it looks like the land just to the west is
> higher, but I recall that point as about the
> highest spot in Annandale. Now I will need to go
> back and take a new look.
> Also take in the activities for Annandale Days.

Notice that the Annandale Grill (although listed in the 1949 Annandale Businessmen's Assn flyer posted above by Sleepy Holla) was not a member of the Chamber of Commerce (big surprise) in 1955.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: old ()
Date: April 09, 2013 07:27PM

I'm pretty sure that Bank of Annandale building is now a trophy place. 7221 Little River Tpke, next door to Steinhorst Plumbing. County site says it was built in 1950.

When I was a kid (60's) it was a pet store (Steinhorst was a Phillips 66 station). Only thing, in the picture above of when it was Bank of Annandale, it had a flat roof. Now it has a gable roof. That may have been done to gain attic space or maybe it was cheaper than replacing that old built-up tar flat roof.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: moonshine ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:08PM


I don't think that's quite right. After vigilantes burned down Jackson City, the action moved over to Hell's Bottom, which would have been on the north side of the Long Bridge (now 14th St. Bridge). The whole strip of land from Rosslyn to the current Crystal City was marshy land with dumps, factories, and little communities. I've read about tons of raids on illegal gambling and liquor stills in the area.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: moonshine ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:17PM

here's a pic of Hell's Bottom: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arlib/5238997712/in/photostream/

In the book "Zula Remembers" the author notes that Hell's Bottom was located at the intersection of Columbia Pike and Arlington Ridge Rd., so this is definitely it. http://books.google.com/books?id=tkJUAQboTD0C&lpg=PA41&ots=lUMhEzxOTb&dq=%22hell's%20bottom%22%20arlington&pg=PA41#v=onepage&q=%22hell's%20bottom%22%20arlington&f=false

From the all-knowing Wikipedia: "The Hell's Bottom neighborhood, a slum with numerous pawnshops, factories, approximately 150 homes, and other buildings around Columbia Pike, was also cleared to make way for the Pentagon.[19] Later 300 acres (1.2 km2) of land were transferred to Arlington National Cemetery and to Fort Myer, leaving 280 acres (1.1 km2) for the Pentagon"

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:46PM

The 1949 Annandale shoppers guide shows The Bank of Annandale location. Look at #43, that is Mettauer's Texaco gas station. And if you look at #44 & #44, it clearly states "Post Office." The Bank of Annandale was in that building after the post office. The dates fit.

Looks like "Old" is right. The location fits since Springfield Road was later changed to Backlick Rd. They easily could have modified the roof line in later years.

As for the two other buildings, I agree with Sleepy Holla. On the map, looks the numbers are 7 & 8, right? According to real estate records those buildings were built in 1900!

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 08:47PM

Never had heard about Hell's Bottom before.
The link from Moonshine is great.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Kings Parker ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:04PM

Okay you have to be an old time Fairfax kid to appreciate this but this is Safeway BEFORE it turned into pfaltzgraff. This is going back a few years!
safeway before phaltz.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: straight ed J ()
Date: April 09, 2013 09:27PM

Here's some old pics of Mission Impossible at Lake Braddock Community Center in the 80s. They call it Ashbourn Community Center, but I don't remember using that name. Look for Dave Grohl:


Back in the day Burke had a big punk scene.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 09, 2013 10:08PM

Kings Parker Wrote:
> Okay you have to be an old time Fairfax kid to
> appreciate this but this is Safeway BEFORE it
> turned into pfaltzgraff. This is going back a few
> years!

for a while, half of it was pfaltzgraff and half of it was something else - anybody know what that was?

one day I'll do a storytime on how this one coffeehouse revitalized oldtown fairfax from the early 90's dump it was into the kinda cool hangout place it is now

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: hairy peter ()
Date: April 09, 2013 11:07PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Kings Parker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Okay you have to be an old time Fairfax kid to
> > appreciate this but this is Safeway BEFORE it
> > turned into pfaltzgraff. This is going back a
> few
> > years!
> for a while, half of it was pfaltzgraff and half
> of it was something else - anybody know what that
> was?
> one day I'll do a storytime on how this one
> coffeehouse revitalized oldtown fairfax from the
> early 90's dump it was into the kinda cool hangout
> place it is now

Wasn't there a Harris Teeter there for a short time?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 09, 2013 11:08PM

The other half of the pfaltzgraff store: Was it some kind of a book store? I seem to remember it had something to do with books. Used books, maybe?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: April 10, 2013 01:09AM

I should have taken pictures (but I left my phone at home) as we went to Best buy, Home Depot and HHGregg, The Mall looks so helpless. :( Just a skeleton.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2013 01:09AM by Burke Brat.

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Re: Old & Future pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: waldenthreenet ()
Date: April 10, 2013 05:01AM

April 10, 2013

Topic: Old Picture is New Again

Ride This Train to Richmond Va
Hallowed Ground USA (1861-1865)

Conversation Fairfax
Commmunity to Community
Cafe Twin

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: April 10, 2013 02:45PM

moonshine Wrote:
> @Bill.N
> I don't think that's quite right. After vigilantes
> burned down Jackson City, the action moved over to
> Hell's Bottom, which would have been on the north
> side of the Long Bridge (now 14th St. Bridge).

You are probably correct. What I was trying to convey was that Hell's Bottom wasn't the black neighborhood of Queen City, but was closer to Washington. From checking maps on the net it appears Queen City was where the cloverleaf is west of the Pentagon

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 1995hoo ()
Date: April 10, 2013 05:36PM

Let's see if this will display.... I remember these ads from 1984 when the Dulles Toll Road opened. The Reston Association was campaigning to have the road named the "Reston Expressway" (never mind that it's a freeway, not an expressway) and they rather cheekily ran ads using that name. They had another ad campaign at around the same time referring to "Reston, D.C.," but I can't find any of those.

Notice the Washington Monument's shadow.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 10, 2013 05:51PM

1995hoo Wrote:
> Let's see if this will display.... I remember
> these ads from 1984 when the Dulles Toll Road
> opened. The Reston Association was campaigning to
> have the road named the "Reston Expressway" (never
> mind that it's a freeway, not an expressway) and
> they rather cheekily ran ads using that name. They
> had another ad campaign at around the same time
> referring to "Reston, D.C.," but I can't find any
> of those.
> Notice the Washington Monument's shadow.

I follow your definition, but I think anyone would have a hard tine selling a toll road(particularly the only toll road in the area at the time) as a 'free'way.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 1995hoo ()
Date: April 10, 2013 06:15PM

Yeah, I know what you mean. The word "freeway" is a legal classification that has nothing to do with whether or not there's a toll in effect (the New Jersey Turnpike is a "freeway," for example).

I think it's more a case of "freeway" not really being an East Coast term outside of a few narrow exceptions (Whitehurst Freeway; Anacostia Freeway; Southwest–Southeast Freeway; Center Leg Freeway....funny, all of those are in DC, too).

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Kirkland for the Win? ()
Date: April 10, 2013 09:35PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Kings Parker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> for a while, half of it was pfaltzgraff and half
> of it was something else - anybody know what that
> was?
> one day I'll do a storytime on how this one
> coffeehouse revitalized oldtown fairfax from the
> early 90's dump it was into the kinda cool hangout
> place it is now

OH! Damn, I can't think of the name, but I can tell you the type of merchandise they sold - it was a home decor/gift store, like Kirkland's (or was it Kirklands) - think circa '97 - potpurri, gift books, planters, smal home decor items that were inexpensive.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Kamp Washingtonian ()
Date: April 10, 2013 10:17PM

> one day I'll do a storytime on how this one
> coffeehouse revitalized oldtown fairfax from the
> early 90's dump it was into the kinda cool hangout
> place it is now

Would that be Dharma cafe (I think that is what it was called)? It was where the firehouse grill is located in the early 90s. I hung out there in high school a few times. We felt cool being in a place with a bunch of college kids since we couldn't go to bars. I left the area for a few years and when I came back it was a bar.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: love me some roy's ()
Date: April 10, 2013 10:54PM

Reston 20 minutes closer to D.C.. Ha ha

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ye Ole Woodson Man ()
Date: April 10, 2013 11:09PM

The picture of the old Safeway was taken just before it was Razed to become the Harris Teeter look at the cars in the background. the Safeway closed about 1975 or so, then later it became Pfhalzgraf seconds factory store. The coffee shop..early 90.s ..way past my prime. Some of my favs of the Safeway shopping center way back were the sub shop on the other side Little Italian ?? and Packwood Printing Co down below in the back. Doctor Bennish was a eye Dr in the red building across the street I believe the Fairfax Surf shop was there too. Around the corner theres a wig shop across from the City Central Libary, that was a failed CIA breakin about 1973 that was the buzz in the local papers, they could not pick the lock and took the door off the hinges, I think the Fairfax PD came and the story was out. The old Huddleston Library I think its called on 236 was a big grand old building that was all beat up and was rented time to time by Geo. Mason students for beer parties. Across the street
on 236 was Jim McKays Cheverolet original location from the 50's. There was a grain feed place on 236 and 236 ran both ways as it does today.The field that is now the Courthouse Plaza? with the "New Safeway" was not there. I lived for about 4 months in Layton Hall apts in 1973 and walking along that field fell on a tree stump on the slope of the field to the street by the 7-11 on University, The stump was only about 4 inches out of the ground 3 inches around. It was one of the most painfull things I ever had, went to FX Hospitol thought my hip was broke and wore a huge bruise for a month.My Fav place to go late at night ..The 29 Diner with a older lady cook called what else "Mom" and JC ? who was one of the Daniel brothers who owned a diner themselves till about the early 70's Seven Daniel Bros Diner??

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: DWNicolo ()
Date: April 11, 2013 01:56AM

The crypts around Mount Vernon.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Reston? ()
Date: April 11, 2013 05:20AM

Remember how Reston was supposed to be a "planned community"?

It was supposed to be a place where kids could walk to school and dad's could walk to work and everyone would live a place where shiny happy people could walk the streets in a shiny happy way and we could all get together on earth day and have an environmentally friendly community get-together.

All those plans are shot to hell now. Reston is just another place littered with vinyl siding, granite countertops and traffic gridlocks.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 11, 2013 06:09AM

Dewitt Army Hospital, Fort Belvoir when it opened in 1957. This, of course, is the most important building in the county because I was born there:-)

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Wiser One ()
Date: April 11, 2013 10:22AM

"Planned Community" = no gun zone high crime area

Like Reston became on the wonderfull jogging paths at least until 1995 when Virginia woke up smelled the roses and made concealed carry "shall issue" despite the crys of "There will be Old West Shootouts like the OK Corrall Everywhere !"by anti-self defense crime zone advocate loons.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 11, 2013 07:27PM

love me some roy's Wrote:
> Reston 20 minutes closer to D.C.. Ha ha
ha ha laugh2.gif

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 11, 2013 10:27PM

Someone mentioned this item earlier in this thread. Not specific to Fairfax County, but definitely a part of growing up in the 60s.
Muscular Dystrophy Carnival Kit 1960s.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 11, 2013 11:43PM

Our county's finest, 1940s style. Would they put the criminal in the sidecar??

Obviously taken near the Alexandria train station with the George Washington Masonic Temple in the back.
Fairfax County Police 1940s.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Native Springfielder ()
Date: April 11, 2013 11:58PM

I'm pretty certain the Bob Evans in Springfield was open in 1989--I went there for dinner with my mother the night before I left for my JYA. It may well have been open for one or two years by that point.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Springfielder ()
Date: April 12, 2013 12:40AM

Native Springfielder Wrote:
> I'm pretty certain the Bob Evans in Springfield
> was open in 1989--I went there for dinner with my
> mother the night before I left for my JYA. It may
> well have been open for one or two years by that
> point.

You could be right. I know the Howard Johnsons was closed for awhile before the Bob Evans was built and opened. The date I used is stated in the Real Estate Assesssment records. But who knows, guess they could be wrong. Maybe someone else might remember going there in the late 80s?

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: lbss82 ()
Date: April 12, 2013 03:59AM

Lorton train station 1930's
lorton train sta.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: lbss82 ()
Date: April 12, 2013 04:07AM

Lorton NIKE missile site. Date unknown.
lorton nike.jpg

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Copper ()
Date: April 12, 2013 06:48AM

Springfielder Wrote:
> Our county's finest, 1940s style. Would they put
> the criminal in the sidecar??
> Obviously taken near the Alexandria train station
> with the George Washington Masonic Temple in the
> back.

The sidecar is more for equipment, shotgun, etc than to have someone cuffed and stuffed into. Secret Service and Metro PD use a lot of sidecars in motorcades, etc so officers have access to other equipment.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Kings Parker West ()
Date: April 12, 2013 07:16AM

Do any of you remember the skate wheel conveyor that went through the wall to the curbside pickup at the Fairfax City Safeway? This would have been late 60's to maybe 1972 or 73.

After you checked out they'd put your groceries in a box and slide it out the "hole/window" to the guy loading groceries at the curb. In the pic Kings Parker posted that hole/window is bricked up.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 12, 2013 08:31AM

Finally found something with the Giant Department Stores logo.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Kings Parker ()
Date: April 12, 2013 08:38AM

Kings Parker West Wrote:
> Do any of you remember the skate wheel conveyor
> that went through the wall to the curbside pickup
> at the Fairfax City Safeway? This would have been
> late 60's to maybe 1972 or 73.
> After you checked out they'd put your groceries in
> a box and slide it out the "hole/window" to the
> guy loading groceries at the curb. In the pic
> Kings Parker posted that hole/window is bricked
> up.

Yeah I remember they had that setup at the ravensworth Safeway also. I used to beg my mom to get me some cragmont orange sodas when she took me there. She bought most of our groceries at the Cameron Station commissary so we thought is was cool to go to a real grocery store every once in a while.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Cragmont ()
Date: April 12, 2013 08:42AM

Loved me some Cragmont cream soda

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 12, 2013 10:22AM

To paraphrase Crocodile Dundee, those aren't Cragmont cans, THESE are Cragmont cans.

For the kiddies in the audience, the photo withe cream soda can shows post-1981 cans, with the attached pop-top. The others wi the old style pop-top are 60s or 70s.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Cameron S. ()
Date: April 12, 2013 10:39AM

Kings Parker Wrote:
> Kings Parker West Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Do any of you remember the skate wheel conveyor
> > that went through the wall to the curbside
> pickup
> > at the Fairfax City Safeway? This would have
> been
> > late 60's to maybe 1972 or 73.
> >
> > After you checked out they'd put your groceries
> in
> > a box and slide it out the "hole/window" to the
> > guy loading groceries at the curb. In the pic
> > Kings Parker posted that hole/window is bricked
> > up.
> Yeah I remember they had that setup at the
> ravensworth Safeway also. I used to beg my mom to
> get me some cragmont orange sodas when she took me
> there. She bought most of our groceries at the
> Cameron Station commissary so we thought is was
> cool to go to a real grocery store every once in a
> while.

Coincidentally, the Cameron Station commissary had the same type grocery conveyor where you picked up your groceries at a facility in the parking lot for a couple of years ending in '73 or '74.

They received too many complaints about items pilfered by the bag boys and went back to the traditional roll your grocery cart (or have a bag boy do it) out to your car.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: April 12, 2013 11:01AM

@GettinOld....you call those old? :) This is OLD. Do it yourself can opener old. Thanks for the memories.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: old ()
Date: April 12, 2013 11:26AM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> @GettinOld....you call those old? :) This is OLD.
> Do it yourself can opener old. Thanks for the
> memories.

Ahh yeah, and the called the openers "church keys". lol

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 12, 2013 11:43AM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> @GettinOld....you call those old? :) This is OLD.
> Do it yourself can opener old. Thanks for the
> memories.

Yup, that's old. I missed that for soda cans. Remember Dad opening some beer that way, and V-8 and Hi-C still needed openers for a while. Thanks, as you said, for the memories (cue Bob Hope singing).

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 12, 2013 12:01PM

sitting here ROFL at the "Craigmont Can Challange" I am seeing unfold :)

me, I am still jaw dropped every time I drive thru Annandale now (man, they tore UP that old gas station/3 chefs/fuddruckers, didnt they?) and look at the BofA and see the "Safeway" it used to be :)

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: April 12, 2013 01:33PM

Okay Gordon, The can evolution is not for you...here is some Annandale love for ya'.

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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GettinOld ()
Date: April 12, 2013 03:00PM

More 1862 photos, apologies if some have shown up before.
Ruins of the Cub Run Bridge, and ruins of the Stone Bridge over Bull Run. Stone Church at Centreville, and the Stone House that's still on the Manassas Battlefield. So the last is in Prince William, but in keeping with the ecumenical nature of this thread as regards localities.
cub-run-bridge (800x742).jpg
stone-bridge-2 (662x800).jpg
stone-church (793x800).jpg
stone-house (800x696).jpg

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