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overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: lockhiminthecar ()
Date: June 11, 2008 05:38PM

News Release ***


June 11, 2008

Unattended Infant Case Arrest

City of Fairfax Police have charged a 75 year old Burke area man with a felony for leaving a four-month old male infant unattended in a locked vehicle while outside temperatures were above 80 degrees. About 1:00 PM on June 3 police were called to Patriot Harley-Davidson at 9739 Fairfax Boulevard for a report of an unattended baby in a locked vehicle on the parking lot. Dealership employees had been able to unlock the vehicle and take the overheated infant into an air conditioned area.

The child’s grandfather was located within the dealership where he had been shopping. He took custody of the child and left the area prior to the arrival of police. After subsequent investigation a City Police detective obtained a warrant charging James Randell Trew of 9462 Wooded Glen Avenue, Burke, with felony neglect and abuse of a child (Section 18.2 – 371.1 of the Code of Virginia). Trew was taken into custody on Monday, June 9 and released on $2500 bond.

Media Contact: Sergeant Pam Nevlud, Public Information Office

(703) 273-2889

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 12, 2008 01:35PM

hmm... that place is right by fairfax circle. why did they take a picture of the photo and why did they take it at and angle? it makes him look like yoda.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: native// ()
Date: June 12, 2008 04:22PM

a felony with a warrant is way out of line. I mean if the kid was ok, give the guy a summons not a freaking jail trip and a felony charge, I wonder who called the cops....

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: graymoose ()
Date: June 12, 2008 09:23PM

Are you kidding? this old bastard needs to do time for this or better yet, stick him in a car, 100 degrees or hotter and see how he likes it

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: June 12, 2008 11:18PM

Harley Davidson, eh? For a second there, I thought you were going to post a photo of Mike O'Meara.

Fat Mike

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 12, 2008 11:27PM

graymoose Wrote:
> Are you kidding? this old bastard needs to do time
> for this or better yet, stick him in a car, 100
> degrees or hotter and see how he likes it

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: June 12, 2008 11:41PM

dude looks like one of those suicide cult leaders....

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: June 13, 2008 12:28PM

native// Wrote:
> a felony with a warrant is way out of line. I mean
> if the kid was ok, give the guy a summons not a
> freaking jail trip and a felony charge, I wonder
> who called the cops....

I bet you if the guy was african american or hispanic you wouldn't say that ....

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: huh? ()
Date: June 13, 2008 05:45PM

native// Wrote:
> a felony with a warrant is way out of line. I mean
> if the kid was ok, give the guy a summons not a
> freaking jail trip and a felony charge, I wonder
> who called the cops....

Are you kidding? So while this piece of shit is inside shopping for a Harley and the 4 month old is left to fend for himself outside, locked in a hot car and possibly a target for child abduction, we'll just write him a TICKET and let him go? Yeah, we wouldn't want to do anything like "ruin" the old coot's life while the infant is left to fend for itself.

Are you a fucking lunatic?

Kids in Hot Cars Alert
From Vincent Iannelli, M.D.,
Your Guide to Pediatrics.

About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Kate Grossman, MD

Hidden Dangers

Although experts often focus on more common safety measures, like using car seats correctly and basic childproofing, there are many less well known 'hidden dangers' that may put your kids at risk.

Your family car is one of these 'hidden dangers,' and it is not just because of car accidents. In addition to the risk of getting hit or run over by a car, being left or getting trapped in a hot car can be just as deadly a danger. In fact, over 230 children have died after being left in a hot car (sometimes on relatively mild days with only 70 degree temperatures) since 1998.

Situations in which kids get hurt in hot cars include when:

* infants and toddlers are simply forgotten in their car seat

* toddlers or preschoolers sneak into the car to play and can't get out

* kids get trapped in the trunk

What's the danger?

In addition to the risk of being abducted if they are left alone in a car, on a typical summer day, the temperature inside a car (even with the windows rolled down a little) can quickly rise above 120 to 140 degrees.

Even on a relatively mild day, the temperature inside a car can get above 100 degrees. At those temperatures, kids are at great risk for heat stroke, which can lead to a high fever, dehydration, seizures, stroke and death.
If you don't think that it can happen to you or your kids, consider these descriptions from the death certificates of children from 1998 that were published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

* a 9 month old died after being 'left strapped in child safety seat in a sweltering minivan for two hours - misunderstanding between child's parents resulted in the child being left alone in the van; one parent believed infant was at home with other'

* a 6 month old 'baby died when accidentally left in hot car for 3 hrs, died when outside 90-degree temperatures rose to 130 degrees inside closed car, parents thought the other had carried the baby from the car to crib'

* a 34 month old 'toddler who recently learned how to open a car door apparently climbed inside family station wagon while parent and sibling were in house'

* a 23 month old died when a 'relative babysitting child, put child in car for trip to store, went back in house having forgotten something, was distracted by something on television, sat on couch to watch, fell asleep, woke up two hours later'

* a 2 year old died after a 'parent left child in car after returning home from errand - was left for more than an hour'

* a 2 year old 'child apparently slipped away from parents and siblings, fell asleep atop blanket in unlocked car in driveway of home, oldest sibling found child 40 minutes later'

Remember, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 'a locked car sitting in the summer sun quickly turns into an oven,' and 'temperatures can climb from 78 degrees to 100 degrees in just three minutes, to 125 degrees in 6-8 minutes.'

Safety Tips
To keep your kids safe:

* don't leave them in a car, which can quickly heat up, especially on a hot, sunny day

* always lock your car and secure the keys so that your kids can't get to them
warn your kids about playing in the car by themselves without adult supervision
install a trunk release mechanism, so that they can't get trapped in the trunk
get your kids out of the car first, and then worry about getting the groceries, etc., out of the car when you get home

* make sure that child car providers and day care workers have a plan to make sure that kids aren't left in the day care providers car or van=
If you are afraid that you might leave your sleeping infant or toddler in their car seat when you get out of the car, place a reminder on the dashboard.
Also be on alert for cars that might have an unattended child left inside. If you see a child alone in a car, be sure to call 911 and help make sure the child gets out as soon as possible.

And when a child is missing, in addition to checking the backyard pool and any other bodies of water, be sure to check inside the car and trunk of any nearby vehicles.

Kids in Cool Cars

The danger of being left alone isn't limited to kids getting overheated. Simply leaving the car running and the air conditioning on doesn't make your child any safer, even if it is just for a few minutes. Your child might be abducted, put the car into drive, or even get caught in a closing power window. So use the drive-through if it is available or take your kids inside, even if you will just be a few minutes. Don't leave your kids alone in the car. It just isn't safe and it is actually against the law in many states.


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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Date: June 14, 2008 03:05PM

Since 1998 through March 2008 and since the advent of air bags, 337 children have died after being left unattended in vehicles.

Please refer to www.forgetmenotusa.com or www.ggweather.com/heat/index.html for more information. Sadly, so far this year, beginning March 10,six (6) children have died.

There are currently 12 states with "unattended child in vehicle" laws, with Oklahoma and Hawaii being added to the list this year. Please check http://ggweather.com/heat/laws.htm to see if your state has legislation to protect our children.

There is no good reason to leave a child alone in a vehicle even for a minute.

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Re: overheated infant unattended in a locked vehicle
Posted by: LuLu ()
Date: July 13, 2008 03:41PM

Earlier this afternoon, I saw Trew at Shoppers Food Warehouse. He was entering as I was exiting, and his appearance is unmistakable! Like something out of a sci-fi movie. His eyes kept darting from left to right, which leads me to believe he gets recognized around the neighborhood quite often, and people are not nice about it. I said nothing even though being in his presence was disgusting.

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