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New Strip Club
Posted by: TEF0NDON187 ()
Date: June 10, 2008 04:22PM

Anyone know the opening date of the Paper Moon? It is going in where Dauphines used to be.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Whybother? ()
Date: June 10, 2008 04:23PM

i didnt even kno VA had a strip club

is it all pasties???

cuz that sjust gay

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: j ()
Date: June 10, 2008 06:13PM

they have to open before july 16th (two years after dauphines closed) in order to use the grandfathered titty bar license.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: June 10, 2008 06:16PM


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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Dauphine ()
Date: June 10, 2008 06:57PM

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: June 10, 2008 07:12PM

Dauphine Wrote:
> http://www.fairfaxtimes.com/news/2008/apr/09/strip
> -club-upsets-community/

"You can be assured that our building code inspectors, police, and ABC Board will closely monitor them. This is not the type of business we want to see in our revitalization area, or anywhere for that matter. Springfield deserves better.”

Perhaps there will be an operation lap dance by the cadets now?

“Over the past five years, people have been talking about creating a walkable community that included a community theater, a renovated library, a coffeehouse, a specialty grocer ... Walking to a strip club on a Friday night is not what was envisioned and does not add to the value of homes,” Hammond said.

Walkable? What the metro to there? That's some walk.

"a strip club in the area is degrading to the community and hinders growth."
Tell this to Las Vegas or Houston, some of the highest strip clubs per capita in the US and they both grow and much higher rate than lil old Springfield.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2008 07:14PM by Mofo.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Tbats ()
Date: June 10, 2008 07:44PM

Pasties and g-strings only..
New owner has a club with the same name near Richmond, I haven't been but I have heard the girls are decent.
Fairfax is so weak, they should allow NEW zoning for strip clubs. That way they could have approved a different location, maybe off Fullerton or somewhere industrial so the county church and soccer moms wouldn't gripe...

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Mike Sorce ()
Date: June 10, 2008 08:35PM

Tbats Wrote:
> Pasties and g-strings only..

Is that a Fairfax County or Virginia ABC policy? Paper Moon in Richmond gets a lot of adult film stars and I would be a bit surprised if this is the standard that they use.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Tbats ()
Date: June 10, 2008 08:40PM

I think its statewide. CCR and the old Arlington Grille were that way, and I was at a few clubs in Tidewater in the early 90's- same deal

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: lost in space ()
Date: June 10, 2008 11:17PM

Over the past five years, people have been talking about creating a walkable community that included a community theater, a renovated library, a coffeehouse, a specialty grocer ...

Damn, has the guy even seen this neighborhood? It isn't nice at all. The strip club will be an improvement. Besides that with all the police and ABC people hanging around it will make the area a safer place. Now it is bodegas and check cashing places.

If just one of these strip clubs would fight the obsenity laws I think they would win. You see more skin at a beach than you do a Virginia strip club.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Eyeballs ()
Date: June 10, 2008 11:46PM

I refuse to go unless they get totally naked. Please dont tease me
with this. No way. Unless you to go DC, its a joke. They only way you
see naked women in a Virginia "Gentlemans Club" is when some bimbo
gets drunk at the Patriot. Sometimes you have to settle for whats

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: lurker@aol.com ()
Date: June 11, 2008 09:47AM

+3, On your comment. Maybe the FFX Police should also patrol the local swimming pools for violations or enforce the VA codes that deal with sexual behavior in our bedrooms?

The strip club would be an upgrade. They need to worry more about Springfield Mall which is a complete disaster.

And what's wrong with topless dancers?

So called religious people should note God created people nude in the first place. The Bible says we added clothing out of shame- "Adam and Eve, Aware now of their nakedness, made coverings of fig leaves to hide from God"

lost in space Wrote:
> "Over the past five years, people have been talking
> about creating a walkable community that included
> a community theater, a renovated library, a
> coffeehouse, a specialty grocer ..."
> Damn, has the guy even seen this neighborhood? It
> isn't nice at all. The strip club will be an
> improvement. Besides that with all the police and
> ABC people hanging around it will make the area a
> safer place. Now it is bodegas and check cashing
> places.
> If just one of these strip clubs would fight the
> obsenity laws I think they would win. You see more
> skin at a beach than you do a Virginia strip club.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: championSTATUS ()
Date: June 11, 2008 10:40AM

I think we can all agree that woman were placed on this earth to serve men and to reproduce our sperm...and to suck my dick on command

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: DeathByCop ()
Date: June 11, 2008 10:55AM

championSTATUS Wrote:
> I think we can all agree that woman were placed on
> this earth to serve men and to reproduce our
> sperm...and to suck my dick on command

I bet you don't have a girlfriend, or get laid much, do you? Try faking like you give a fuck about what they think, at least until you get laid. Unless you would ratther pay for sex, then you can say that shit (and more) the whole time.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: love the hoes ()
Date: June 13, 2008 10:29AM

i drove by there last night and it was open

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: June 13, 2008 11:11AM

love the hoes Wrote:
> i drove by there last night and it was open

Please use correct ghetto ebonics when posting about hoes.

-by love da hoes

i's drive by dere's last night and tis phat yo

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Eyeballs ()
Date: June 13, 2008 11:56AM

lurker@aol.com Wrote:
> +3, On your comment. Maybe the FFX Police should
> also patrol the local swimming pools for
> violations or enforce the VA codes that deal with
> sexual behavior in our bedrooms?
> The strip club would be an upgrade. They need to
> worry more about Springfield Mall which is a
> complete disaster.
> And what's wrong with topless dancers?
> So called religious people should note God created
> people nude in the first place. The Bible says we
> added clothing out of shame- "Adam and Eve, Aware
> now of their nakedness, made coverings of fig
> leaves to hide from God"
> lost in space Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Over the past five years, people have been
> talking
> > about creating a walkable community that
> included
> > a community theater, a renovated library, a
> > coffeehouse, a specialty grocer ..."
> >
> > Damn, has the guy even seen this neighborhood?
> It
> > isn't nice at all. The strip club will be an
> > improvement. Besides that with all the police
> and
> > ABC people hanging around it will make the area
> a
> > safer place. Now it is bodegas and check
> cashing
> > places.
> >
> > If just one of these strip clubs would fight
> the
> > obsenity laws I think they would win. You see
> more
> > skin at a beach than you do a Virginia strip
> club.

LOL! The pooch holding the sign reminds me of Kate Millet, a 60's feminist
who wrote a book on "looksism". No wonder men discriminate against her
looks. She's so ugly she could stop a dump truck dead in its tracks.
Kate may have called it looksism, but Darwin called it selectivity.
Hooters girls or the dump truck? What a decision.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: OFF THE HOOK ()
Date: June 14, 2008 08:04AM


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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: eyFCc ()
Date: June 16, 2008 08:40AM

Anyone know the law that prohibits nude clubs? It almost looks like the law prohibits alcohol licenses with nudity:


The Board shall refuse to grant any:

3. Mixed beverage license if the Board determines that in the licensed establishment there (i) is entertainment of a lewd, obscene or lustful nature including what is commonly called stripteasing, topless entertaining, and the like, or which has employees who are not clad both above and below the waist, or who uncommonly expose the body or (ii) are employees who solicit the sale of alcoholic beverages.

If that's it, in some states they get around these laws by charging a high cover, and selling 'set-ups' like glasses and ice, and it's BYOB/BYOL. Wonder why that hasn't happened here.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: June 16, 2008 11:34AM

The Paper Moon has been operating in Richmond for some thing like 35 years. I'm sure they know every loop hole there is.

How much was the cover? Drink?

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Ho Haw ()
Date: June 16, 2008 11:37AM

I called, it's a $15 cover charge...

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Hours ()
Date: June 16, 2008 12:52PM

Anyone know the hours? The website only shows hours for other locations.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: IN THE CLUB ()
Date: June 16, 2008 01:02PM

it was from 8 till 2 mon thru fri

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Dudefella ()
Date: June 17, 2008 11:08PM


ATM has a $20 surcharge. Not 2. 20. Credit cards have a $20 surcharge, too, although at least they have a system for paying for VIP dances with credit cards. OTOH, the dances are strange. In FL, the lap-dance was topless, no touching. Here, the rules seem weird. They take their tops off on stage (pasties - but trust me - letter of the law, not spirit) but can't in the VIP room.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 18, 2008 12:04AM

Dudefella Wrote:
> ATM has a $20 surcharge. Not 2. 20. Credit
> cards have a $20 surcharge, too

price gouging.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: June 18, 2008 03:31PM

With those kinds of prices, I'll stick with Good Guys in G'town.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Hollar Back Girl ()
Date: June 24, 2008 04:07PM

I've played with the idea of going to the paper moon. When did it open up? I've heard many different times on the hours, somebody let me know if it's worth even going too.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: j ()
Date: June 24, 2008 04:42PM

haha. maybe they should put a pastie over that zero.

Dudefella Wrote:
> ATM has a $20 surcharge. Not 2. 20. Credit
> cards have a $20 surcharge, too, although at least
> they have a system for paying for VIP dances with
> credit cards.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 24, 2008 05:29PM

Thats why certain banks have ATM rebates! HSBC does and Chevy Chase does IIRC. Be funny as hell when you have to call the 800 number to demand a refund of the ATM surcharge...

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Brian ()
Date: August 15, 2008 11:14PM

Anyone been there recently? I'm wondering what their "dancers" look like.... also, anyone tried to get a happy ending?

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: August 15, 2008 11:24PM

why dont you try it out..than tell us

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Dude ()
Date: August 28, 2008 08:33AM

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 28, 2008 05:34PM

Dude Wrote:
> http://www.chroniclenewspapers.com/articles/2008/08/28/news/news06.txt


Nancy-jo Manney, executive director of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, doesn’t think the strip clubs will adversely affect revitalization efforts, but rather that revitalization will probably eventually drive them out. She believes that as development occurs and land becomes more valuable, businesses that are non-conforming, therefore non-expandable, will be encouraged by higher taxes to sell to developers. Supervisor McKay said in response to a constituent’s complaint, “This is not the type of business that we want to see in our Springfield revitalization area. I am working with our Economic Development Authority, the county and the private sector to attract the kind of business that we do want here.”

isnt trying to drive out certain businesses illegal in some sense?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: amatuer ()
Date: August 30, 2008 05:24PM

has anyone been to the "Sunday night girl next door contest" that they advertise on their website? It says "nudity not required." Does that also mean that it's not allowed? I would assume that's the case if they're wearing pasties inside...

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: August 30, 2008 11:03PM

Let us think this through logically - what did the person mean "Nudidy not required"? It probably means that you can dance in what you are comfortable in, up to the legal limit - which I am sure they would tell exactly what that is.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: amateur ()
Date: August 30, 2008 11:21PM

Radio- thanks for the smartass reply. If you read my post correctly you would have known that I acknowledged that I understood the legality of it. My question pertained to the use of their wording. Obviously they're trying to trick you into thinking that there MAY be nudity if you go but that it's "not required to win." If not, the as should state something to the effect of "no nudity allowed."

Anyway you read it, it looks like a way to scam $$ through a false pretense.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: August 31, 2008 10:02AM

amateur Wrote:
> Radio- thanks for the smartass reply. If you read
> my post correctly you would have known that I
> acknowledged that I understood the legality of it.
> My question pertained to the use of their
> wording. Obviously they're trying to trick you
> into thinking that there MAY be nudity if you go
> but that it's "not required to win." If not, the
> as should state something to the effect of "no
> nudity allowed."
> Anyway you read it, it looks like a way to scam $$
> through a false pretense.

Is it just "nudity not required" or "nudity not required to win"? And a strip bar tricking a patron - who would of thunk that would happen?

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: TMU ()
Date: August 31, 2008 11:36AM

I love the local government dopes bitching about Paper Moon . . . in fact, there were TWO banks willing to put branches up there, but the idiots with the community groups demanded that the banks also put a "community meeting" room or something like that with the bank, and the banks didn't want the hassle . . . since the "adult" use was grandfathered under the zoning, the owner of the land shrugged and got Paper Moon in there, because if they didn't get open by X date, he wouldn't have the grandfathered use any more. So don't blame the property owners -- blame the local busy-bodies who tried to blackmail the banks.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: shocker... ()
Date: September 01, 2008 02:26PM

went last night to see the "Sunday night girl next door contest" you guys were just talking about. I asked at the door prior to going in and the girl said "there is no contest this week and the cover is $12. This was around 9:30. What a waste of my time.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Seenitall ()
Date: September 11, 2008 03:03PM

TEF0NDON187 Wrote:
> Anyone know the opening date of the Paper Moon?
> It is going in where Dauphines used to be.
During day $7 cover last week. Free buffet & nice service. LOUD MUSIC. Goodguys & Archibalds show more. Papermoon lap dances depend on the girl & her mood.

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: jayson ()
Date: September 13, 2008 02:31PM

I went there last sunday for the "girl next door contest." They never had one!! The place was awful! Some of the dancers were cute but that's about it. $12 cover to get harrassed by dancers for lap dances every 5 minutes...RELAX I'm going to get one soon!! If you don't say yes to their offer they give you a dirty look! WTF!

Then when you get a lapdance or a table dance, the asshole bouncers stand 5-10 ft away and stare at you! This is the most uncomfortable place I've ever been to. I'd rather go buy a used car!

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Re: New Strip Club
Posted by: Seenitall ()
Date: September 16, 2008 12:27PM

I don't think the dancers like the place much. Heard rumor same people could be opening another place soon. Face it, there are more than enough sex starved guys to support half a dozen places. Anyone old enough to remember 14th street DC will never complain about Paper Moon. Go where you want to go and get the word out for the rest of us.

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