> +3, On your comment. Maybe the FFX Police should
> also patrol the local swimming pools for
> violations or enforce the VA codes that deal with
> sexual behavior in our bedrooms?
> The strip club would be an upgrade. They need to
> worry more about Springfield Mall which is a
> complete disaster.
> And what's wrong with topless dancers?
> So called religious people should note God created
> people nude in the first place. The Bible says we
> added clothing out of shame- "Adam and Eve, Aware
> now of their nakedness, made coverings of fig
> leaves to hide from God"
> lost in space Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Over the past five years, people have been
> talking
> > about creating a walkable community that
> included
> > a community theater, a renovated library, a
> > coffeehouse, a specialty grocer ..."
> >
> > Damn, has the guy even seen this neighborhood?
> It
> > isn't nice at all. The strip club will be an
> > improvement. Besides that with all the police
> and
> > ABC people hanging around it will make the area
> a
> > safer place. Now it is bodegas and check
> cashing
> > places.
> >
> > If just one of these strip clubs would fight
> the
> > obsenity laws I think they would win. You see
> more
> > skin at a beach than you do a Virginia strip
> club.
LOL! The pooch holding the sign reminds me of Kate Millet, a 60's feminist
who wrote a book on "looksism". No wonder men discriminate against her
looks. She's so ugly she could stop a dump truck dead in its tracks.
Kate may have called it looksism, but Darwin called it selectivity.
Hooters girls or the dump truck? What a decision.