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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: arrrghhhh ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:02PM

I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home, sleeping with multiple chicks, good group of friends. Why is it I find myself sooooooo bored with this area and what it has to offer????

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:21PM

Read you own post objectively, and you'll answer your own question.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:30PM

arrrghhhh Wrote:
> I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living
> in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home,

There is more to life then material objects, seek adventure

> sleeping with multiple chicks,

This leavs you with an emotional that needs to be filled, develope and intimate meaningful relationship with one woman

> good group of friends.

Negative, they are not true friends but simply people waiting for an opportunity to advance themselvs at your expense.

> why is it I find myself sooooooo bored
> with this area and what it has to offer????

This area doesnt offer anything but hours of sitting in traffic.

Sell everything you have and hike the appalachian trail and live off the land until you find the true meaning of life.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Biohazard ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:37PM

Wake the fuck up. You're depressed. Go see a Dr., get on some happy meds, and deal.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: leavefairfax ()
Date: September 19, 2012 04:18PM

u won't be bored when u get your STD

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Enlightenment ()
Date: September 19, 2012 05:54PM

arrrghhhh Wrote:
> I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living
> in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home,
> sleeping with multiple chicks, good group of
> friends. Why is it I find myself sooooooo bored
> with this area and what it has to offer????

Give everything up and start over.
Maybe,just maybe you might get it right.
Are you man enough?

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: bordem cure ()
Date: September 19, 2012 06:40PM

If your that bored you could always come on over and blow me...that would add some excitement to your life

arrrghhhh Wrote:
> I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living
> in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home,
> sleeping with multiple chicks, good group of
> friends. Why is it I find myself sooooooo bored
> with this area and what it has to offer????

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: travelled ()
Date: September 19, 2012 06:46PM

You don't have to stay! Bye.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: JustAGuy ()
Date: January 04, 2013 02:48PM

The only reason that I found this is that I'm in the same boat as you. Work is rewarding. Love the work here.

I have a fiance, so stop that crap. Decent people around, but because of the traffic and everyone living so far apart, no one gets together often enough.

I often sit with my fiance and we do the "what should we do this week? Movies? Mall? Hiking? Beach? Meh." So bored with the same crap all of the time. There's not a ton of variety here. Might be that we came from Chicago (in the city), where things were moving quite a bit faster too.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: liar ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:01PM

arrrghhhh Wrote:
> I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living
> in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home,
> sleeping with multiple chicks, good group of
> friends.
Why is it I find myself sooooooo bored
> with this area and what it has to offer????

If this were true, you wouldn't be bored and on here complaining about it.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: 404ed ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:03PM

How about trainspotting near the Alexandria railroad yard.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: section 8 sharon ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:04PM

arrrghhhh Wrote:
> I am soooooo fucking bored 90% of the time living
> in Fairfax. Good job, nice car, nice home,
> sleeping with multiple chicks, good group of
> friends. Why is it I find myself sooooooo bored
> with this area and what it has to offer????

How do you like the section 8 luxury condo I put you in ? Sweet huh?

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: i c u 2 ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:05PM

"sleeping with multiple chicks"

because you gave your left and right hands a name doesnt qualify as multiple girlfriends.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: allivant ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:16PM

what would you be doing in a different city?

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: missing Cali ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:29PM

allivant Wrote:
> what would you be doing in a different city?

I'm not the OP but,

fuck, when I was in southern California I would come home from work and surf until sunset, friends would have a bon fire on the beach, drink, go eat dinner on the pier and drink some more. Wake up early, jog on the beach, during the summer depending on the tide, go surfing before work. so many other things I could list.
I feel like slitting my wrist living in this area. And the women here are just about useless. Nothing but pretentious cunts. yeah, I said cunts.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Que? ()
Date: January 04, 2013 03:49PM

Exactly...Aside from some geographical differences (Body of water, Mountains), the only difference between cities is the people. Either they're good people, your kind of people or they're not.
What does Chicago have that Washington DC doesnt? More murders? An even more ignorant mayor? Wind? You miss these things? I'm certain that both cities have fine and less than fine dining, arts, theatre, music, recreation, etc. Do you miss the taller buildings? Miss the smell of Lake Michigan in the morning?

Or is it just the people that are a bit more "you"?

I happen to hate this area, primarily because of the people, secondarily because of the development. I'm looking for a place with much more geniune, laid back people, without a Bank/Chinese Restaurant/Starbucks/Great American Restaurant/Grocery every 2-3 miles...

allivant Wrote:
> what would you be doing in a different city?

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: my analysis of things ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:03PM

I get what the t/s is saying...

On winter break from school out west, and what I have to look
forward to is totally bleak if I stay here. Basically, you will graduate from
school, put on your khakis, go to work at some govt. contracting
org, raise a family, minivans, diapers, etc....The highlight of your life
will be going to soccer matches and a night out with the fellas twice a year.

You will get your 100k a year, live in Ashburn, have a Starbucks every 100 yards, and all the women wear red feathered peacoats with tons of jewelry. Then you will look at the college hotties wearing daisy dukes and your dick will go limp as you look at your wife.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: yowwzwww ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:09PM

In Fairfax, you will go from being these to this in a blink of an eye. Enjoy your life before it ends.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: bingster ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:09PM

Move to Detroit or Flint then come back and really have something to bitch about.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Up the road ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:12PM

bingster Wrote:
> Move to Detroit or Flint then come back and really
> have something to bitch about.

Wht travel that far? go to Baltimore, same fucking thing.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:15PM

Save even more time and take the Metro to Capitol Heights. Upon leaving the station you'll be greeted by a liquor store across the street!

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: 404ed ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:17PM

Que? Wrote:
> Exactly...Aside from some geographical differences
> (Body of water, Mountains), the only difference
> between cities is the people. Either they're good
> people, your kind of people or they're not.
> What does Chicago have that Washington DC doesnt?
> More murders? An even more ignorant mayor? Wind?
> You miss these things? I'm certain that both
> cities have fine and less than fine dining, arts,
> theatre, music, recreation, etc. Do you miss the
> taller buildings? Miss the smell of Lake Michigan
> in the morning?

I've traveled to most all the cities mentioned in this thread. Chicago is a city where everyone is from Chicago or has close family in Chicago. Thus, everyone is of the same mind set. I know this is a gross oversimplification, but this has been my observation. Chicago is also a real city with a real downtown, real high rises, real urban feel, etc. Take New York and move it 800 miles west, and you have Chicago.

Women there are fairly unpretentious, and I've had a very good time there (before I was married).

San Diego is pretty much the polar opposite of DC in about 90% of matters. The weather, the beach, and the mountains dictate everything. People are very laid back, roll with the punches, and are NOT pretentious (in general). The notion of folks going out after work and surfing until sunset is 100% complete truth.

Women there are what I would call "libertine". Fiscally moderate to conservative, but socially crazy (e.g., try most anything). The only cattiness you will see are certain BEAUTIFUL types who know they're beautiful and will not give 90% of the population the time of day. But that happens in every city.

In DC by contrast, every single thing people do is calculated. Will this get me in trouble? Will this affect my status on Facebook? Will this compromise my Confidential security clearance? The lack of easy access to varied scenery (e.g., a beach or a mountain or a major body of water) tends to limit people to safe activities. Sure, there are trails to bike and run on, bodies of water to fish, and things to do, but it doesn't dominate the scenery.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2013 04:21PM by 404ed.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: bored2 ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:25PM

I am bored because I am broke. It's hard to do things around here without any money.

I am grateful I have a job, but it sucks when it's just enough to cover your rent/electric/food/gas and not much else. If i want a night out for anything greater than the dollar menu and a 12 pack of beer on sale and actually go outside with other people, VISA has to cover for me- and I hate being in debt.

Doesn't help either people judge you on what car you drive or what brand name you are rocking before they even say hello (if they do).

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: down and out ()
Date: January 04, 2013 04:34PM

The rent is just too damn high for this area. The juice is not worth the squeeze to live in this area.
Looking forward to buying a 12 pack for the ride home, only 25 miles from work, but the traffic is always not moving. Fun place to live.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: urbane urbanite ()
Date: January 04, 2013 05:50PM

Umm...you're living in the suburbs. The whole point of the suburbs was to live devoid of the nightlife, noise, action, lights, stimulation and arts. You take advantage of what's out here, aka, sports: like hiking, kayaking, and camping. You have easier access to these things plus storage.

Otherwise, rent a room in a group house downtown. It's a great city, DC.

Chicago would be a great place to live too.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Quit Complaining ()
Date: January 04, 2013 06:59PM

If you are a young person and you are bored in this area, then you are doing something wrong. Admitedly, Fairfax is not exactly jumping, but there are things to do and DC is right around the corner.

If you are an older, married person with kids then your options are more limited - but that's the choice you made. And you can still have daytime excursions and occasional nights out. But that's probably not your priority anymore.

You have more options in this area for entertainment than most of the rest of this country, and you are much more likely to have the money to afford them.

There are tradeoffs everywhere. If you decided to make them, quit complaining.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: get bent ()
Date: January 04, 2013 07:04PM

Quit Complaining Wrote:
> If you are a young person and you are bored in
> this area, then you are doing something wrong.
> Admitedly, Fairfax is not exactly jumping, but
> there are things to do and DC is right around the
> corner.
> If you are an older, married person with kids then
> your options are more limited - but that's the
> choice you made. And you can still have daytime
> excursions and occasional nights out. But that's
> probably not your priority anymore.
> You have more options in this area for
> entertainment than most of the rest of this
> country, and you are much more likely to have the
> money to afford them.
> There are tradeoffs everywhere. If you decided to
> make them, quit complaining.

Typical Northern VA response.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Area really sucks ()
Date: January 04, 2013 07:46PM

Quit Complaining Wrote:
> If you are a young person and you are bored in
> this area, then you are doing something wrong.

No it's the area...A young single male would be bored out of his
fucking mind. The girls are uglier and more stuck up. Bars, clubs,
any nightlife within a 50 mile radius pales in comparison to NYC, Miami,
Vegas, LA. The DC metro area has the least friendliest denizens of
any metro area in the country. Everything is overpriced.

That's why you have a shitload of upwardly mobile young professionals
frequenting the same stale haunts (Reston Town Center, Clarendon, K Street,
Adams Morgan).

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Multicultural segregation ()
Date: January 04, 2013 07:50PM

For an area that flaunts its diversity, there's so much
social segregation. Go to any social setting and you see the whites, blacks,
hispanics, asians, and arabs are clustered within their own cliques.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Fairfax is this ()
Date: January 04, 2013 07:53PM

Rinse and repeat for just about everyone:

1. Go to college
2. put on khakis and work in IT
3. bar scene for 2 years
4. meet a chick
5. married
6. soccer parents
7. life is over
8. your kids repeat the same

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: razzmore ()
Date: January 04, 2013 08:14PM

Fairfax is this Wrote:
> Rinse and repeat for just about everyone:
> 1. Go to college
> 2. put on khakis and work in IT
> 3. bar scene for 2 years
> 4. meet a chick
> 5. married
> 6. soccer parents
> 7. life is over
> 8. your kids repeat the same

You left something out

9 - Get divorce start back at step 2 then skip to step 7

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Quit Complaining ()
Date: January 04, 2013 09:53PM

Area really sucks Wrote:
> Quit Complaining Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you are a young person and you are bored in
> > this area, then you are doing something wrong.
> No it's the area...A young single male would be
> bored out of his
> fucking mind. The girls are uglier and more stuck
> up.

Translation - I'm a loser and girls won't talk to me. Women here are generally much better educated than in most parts of the country. They are looking for someone of a comparable background. If you want hot, stupid, and easy, go somewhere else.

> Bars, clubs,
> any nightlife within a 50 mile radius pales in
> comparison to NYC, Miami,
> Vegas, LA.

So leave. Or you could do something radical like volunteer, join a club, visit museums, go back to school, maybe even read a good book. If you're idea of a good time is limited to bars, then you are either very young or really shallow.

> The DC metro area has the least
> friendliest denizens of
> any metro area in the country. Everything is
> overpriced.

It's priced for the demographic - which is pretty well off. And I've met far less friendly people. Try living in France.

> That's why you have a shitload of upwardly mobile
> young professionals
> frequenting the same stale haunts (Reston Town
> Center, Clarendon, K Street,
> Adams Morgan).

Translation - there's too much competition out there, and they're better than me.

If all you are looking for is to get laid, then go somewhere where standards are lower. But if you are young and single, you have no one to blame if you hate it here and stay.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: fly away ()
Date: January 04, 2013 10:07PM

The other people who posted have it right, for some reason "Quit Complaining" does not see it that way..You are entitled to your thoughts.. I can't wait to get out of here and move back to southern cali.
pay the same price for an apartment and go surf and relax at the ocean, enjoy the warm weather.
The one thing you have wrong is the attitude of women in this area, they are beyond fucked up. I know this sounds like sour grapes, but I have traveled and lived in other city's, and this place is a fuck job. I know i'm not the only one who feels this way.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Rakish ()
Date: January 04, 2013 10:29PM

missing Cali Wrote:
> allivant Wrote:

> And the women here are just about useless. Nothing
> but pretentious cunts. yeah, I said cunts.

***It's because all the thirsty dudes who live here. The women here get spoiled. I don't care what the statitics say. The DC area is a sausagefest.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Mikeymike ()
Date: January 04, 2013 10:37PM

Oh, woe. The first world problems...

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: the truth is out there ()
Date: January 04, 2013 10:42PM

The snobby attitude would be more justifiable if the girls here were
hot. Even the ugly NOVA chicks feel entitled. All the girls here are
looking for a sucka who makes a lot so they can buy them more purses
and more money in case of a divorce.

It's gotten so bad that a girl that rates a 4 could walk into any bar
and have at least a half-dozen guys jumping at the dance to buy them
drinks. Idiots are acting like slaves out there.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: Quit Complaining ()
Date: January 04, 2013 11:23PM

the truth is out there Wrote:
> The snobby attitude would be more justifiable if
> the girls here were
> hot. Even the ugly NOVA chicks feel entitled. All
> the girls here are
> looking for a sucka who makes a lot so they can
> buy them more purses
> and more money in case of a divorce.
> It's gotten so bad that a girl that rates a 4
> could walk into any bar
> and have at least a half-dozen guys jumping at the
> dance to buy them
> drinks. Idiots are acting like slaves out there.

At least be honest with yourself...those guys are not jumping at the chance to buy women drinks in the hope of meeting a potential life partner; they just want to get laid. Even assuming you are correct (women want a sugar daddy), which I don't believe, how is that any worse than you pretending to be interested in someone just to have sex? What do you expect? You are both each others lowest common denominator.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: reality rules ()
Date: January 04, 2013 11:58PM

Quit Complaining Wrote:
> the truth is out there Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The snobby attitude would be more justifiable
> if
> > the girls here were
> > hot. Even the ugly NOVA chicks feel entitled.
> All
> > the girls here are
> > looking for a sucka who makes a lot so they can
> > buy them more purses
> > and more money in case of a divorce.
> >
> > It's gotten so bad that a girl that rates a 4
> > could walk into any bar
> > and have at least a half-dozen guys jumping at
> the
> > dance to buy them
> > drinks. Idiots are acting like slaves out
> there.
> At least be honest with yourself...those guys are
> not jumping at the chance to buy women drinks in
> the hope of meeting a potential life partner; they
> just want to get laid. Even assuming you are
> correct (women want a sugar daddy), which I don't
> believe, how is that any worse than you pretending
> to be interested in someone just to have sex? What
> do you expect? You are both each others lowest
> common denominator.

Actually, a lot of these guys would wife the chick if given
the chance. When you have overweight girls being selective, many
guys are desperate enough shell out purses for one girl in the hopes
that it will be the last one. The girls eat it up, even the
fat ones. That's why even the huge ugly chicks act all snobby.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: the truth is out there ()
Date: January 05, 2013 12:07AM

I always tell people that you should enjoy being single when you
are young. Study hard, but fuck as many bitches as you can. When you're
in college, cheap beer and condoms are all you need. Once you enter the workforce
in NOVA, you need to replace that cheap beer with expensive dinners and
putting on that rubber will cost you a few shopping sprees.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: hiesx ()
Date: January 05, 2013 12:09AM

and I hope that's a girl who wrote about volunteering
and reading books over getting laid. fucking a hot
bitch > volunteering.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: love this place ()
Date: January 05, 2013 12:55AM

It's this area where it thrives. Don't get me wrong, other city's have cunty women. This place is ground zero for pretentious women.

It's funny as hell seeing women scurry when they are 38 to 41 years old, out of shape, looks are fading, "getting fat" and never focused on a relationship, only their job, looking to land the perfect man, and wonder why no sane man wants them.

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Re: Bored In Fairfax!!!!!!
Posted by: alvarezje ()
Date: January 06, 2013 09:23PM

humblebrag fail.

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