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wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: fred ()
Date: March 01, 2005 08:42PM

Cox sucks and i'm sick of them. wtf

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 01, 2005 08:43PM

DSL is teh slow. Cox is OK if you have 5 MBps, but for me its slow as molasses due in part to a shitty computer, and in other part to a 256 KBps cap.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 01, 2005 08:49PM

yeah most DSL sucks. cox has gotten a lot better. we can't get DSL cause our central office (the thing you have to be less that 18,000 feet from) is that verizon building in centreville next to the 7-11 at stringfellow road and rt 29.
and yeah Nik the upload cap sucks shit.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 01, 2005 11:15PM

hmmm I am right near that CO at Union MIll and Braddock... still can't get DSl so I leach my neighbor's wifi for some extra ummph.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: johnyfitz ()
Date: March 08, 2005 10:37PM

just a random fun thing to do sometime, drive by a residential neighborhood some day with a laptop that has wireless access and count all the unsecured wireless networks. even if they are secured, passwords are usually "password, name of router company (linksys usually), same as network name, and a list of other random stupid things people choose as passwords.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 08, 2005 11:01PM



But yeah, wardriving kicks ass. Free internet for all.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 18, 2005 10:34AM

Yeah, I just saw in 2600 that if you live near a Best Buy, they're all WiFi, so if you can get close enough run ipconfig, get your IP, put it into IE, and the password to the router settings is just "password", so you enable port 80 and get online. It's been tested on computers inside Best Buy, but I assume it would work in the parking lot or whatever too.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 18, 2005 11:42PM

Best Buy could take steps to prevent the signal from leaving the building if they wanted... it would be xpensive and prohibitive tho..

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 19, 2005 01:59PM

just read it in 2600... i imagine they have a MAC address lock on the network so only their computers can get in. it's still worth a shot.

/ex blue-shirt


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 19, 2005 03:56PM

which best buy? i know like half the staff at the fair lakes one.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 19, 2005 06:53PM

Yeah, I worked at the Fair Lakes one. Did you hear that the Ops manager Mike got canned? He stole from employees. He manually punched people out for two hour long lunches or whatever, to save the store money on paychecks.

I got canned for asking out a female employee.


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 19, 2005 08:10PM

Hell I probably see you there all the time.. rare is the day I don't find my ass staring at big tv's I don't really want...

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 19, 2005 08:36PM

I got canned for asking out a female employee.

I haven't worked there since December.


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 19, 2005 09:02PM

I had a manager at Carlos Okelly's once that did that punch-out scam, and he ran some other scam regarding benefits... what a round asshole he was.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 20, 2005 07:53AM

Man, managers are dumbasses.

/hopes the people at CompUSA don't read this until after his interview next week


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 20, 2005 06:41PM

Nik, if you have any skills with comps at all you should become a dell installer, I know who to talk to. It's freelance out of your home, you gotta have a car but not much else in the beginning. They steadily give you more involved jobs as you pass cert tests that they pay for... not too bad except for the paying your own taxes part.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 25, 2005 02:31PM

see, there's my problem. i don't even have a drivers license (i'm 16). i could have my mom drive me around though...


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 25, 2005 11:30PM

....your mom


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 28, 2005 06:32PM

Uh, yeah, my parents are divorced and I live with my mom. Get over it.


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 28, 2005 06:35PM

16 and don't have a license? Go get one damnit! The test isn't hard. You better have your permit at least.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: March 30, 2005 09:36AM

I haven't had it long enough, and I don't have but two hours of driving under my belt. And that was last June.


Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: paleogrrl ()
Date: January 24, 2006 08:40PM

OMG, the conversation here is just killin' me...about dumb managers and the admonitionments over the license. 'Course I knew it would be good when I came across "Cox sucks"...yeah, no kidding. Could they nickel and dime you more for their bundled services?! "Bundling saves you soooo much money"; yeah, right, it saves you money on more premium packages...if you could afford those in the first place. Fuckers. Anyone know if we can get Comcast out here...I've seen them around Arlington...I mean, not that Comcast's gonna save me money...it's just would be "not Cox."

Oh and I came by this forum searching and trying to find info on where I'm picking up linksys from. I'm near the gov't center and the freeway. Course it also might be one of my neighbors. Does the county have any free hotspots...like I thought I read somewhere city or county of Arlington's gov't was creating some free ones...???

Viele danke! (Or is it vielen...ich vergessen...)

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: May 09, 2006 12:59AM

Lets get back to the DSL and internet.

I have my own wifi (secured of course) leach off 2 neighbors and am cracking a 3rd. I got cox. im 17,800 ft from the CO and I will never get it. So wtf are tehy screwing over my lawn!? I drove around once and counted and found 32 wifi connecions. The news did it too.

Re: wtf is with us not being able to get dsl
Posted by: iain ()
Date: February 25, 2008 01:27PM

My parents live on the other side of Fairfax City (Between Olley and Guinea) and they got cable internet when it first came out under Media General. The service was good for about a year but went downhill fast as Media General over-subscribed their node. They've been on DSL since. When I got out of college, married and moved to Fair Lakes (where I am now) my only choice for highspeed was through Cox and I have to say...I've been real happy. We've only had issues a couple times in the 6 years I've lived in this apartment and they were all sorted out within a few hours. There was one period where my connection was lousy and it took them about a 2 weeks to sort out but calling but that just happened 1 time and I've been happy since.

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