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Hello Mr. and Mrs. Asshat and Cary too
Posted by: DaAngryFan ()
Date: August 27, 2005 10:02AM

Hello everyone. Normally I don't bother to add my two cents worth on these things but I would like to this time around. I am a loyal Don and Mike listener and have been for many years and will continue to be for many years to come or until Mike's liver gives out and Buzz's belly button explodes again. But I digress here.
I was sticken when I heard about Don's loss and like so many Freda touched my life and helped me find a bit of laughter and hope when all else seemed to be cloaked in darkness. I understood what Don was feeling having had a similar loss myself and respected that. It apaulled me however when he explained when he returned that someone posted his address on here and you people whoever you are were and still are sending those terrible sympathy cards. I know people can be cruel but what kind of twisted, sick, and demented Asshat doesthat to a family.
I mean come on.. Put yourself in that situation. Would you want someone doing that to you? No I dont think you would. I was physically sick after I heard that. Its damn disturbing that people in this modern and what I thought was a civilized society coulddo something so vile and aprehensible. Well thast my thoughts. I hope this gets back to Don because I want him to know not all people in this world are animals that should be kulled out.

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