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To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:20PM

To all,

I must say that going through these previous posts have given me much amusement. In you I have seen an array of human emotional maladies (A disease, a disorder, or an ailment. An unwholesome condition). We have individuals calling for blood (metaphorically speaking) over someone they do not know or have any personal connection with. Yet they protect them as if they were their only child. I happended to listen to the radio program that day and heard Don's plea for information. Did he call his audience to war, did I miss something? Have we been chosen to exact his revenge? I think not. Don has obtained the information and will do with it what he chooses. Don't let someone elses problem cause you to sink to the level of children. You are all better than this, I least if I am to have any hope in humanity I would pray that you are. If not, then I pity your children, I pity your families and I do not envy your life.

To those of you who so kindly posted stidmans information on this forum. How is what you did any better then what he did? Do you not realize that Don's anger was do to his personal information being given out? Do you realize that you have now lowered yourself to the level of man you deem horrible? Does that not make you horrible as well? Please, before the lynching (any yes lynching is the correct spelling) begins, I am not deffending him, and I do not agree with what he did, but I believe that those of you who did not maintain the moral high ground have no right to judge and are no better than he.

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Shadddup! ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:37PM

Why don't you live up to your name sake and quit your bitchin'!

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:43PM

Wow, if that is the worst I get from my post I feel grateful. Thank you for your unadulterated view. I will carry it with me always.

Posted by: Amused ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:44PM

Come on if you use spell check for "lynching"... you may as well use it for the entire post. And try your grammar check too!

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:53PM

Point out the misspellings, I must learn from you. Teach me! Oh Please, Teach me!.

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Shadddup! ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:56PM

Try and buy a clue about dropping it.

The Don & Mike issue is deader than Elvis or their Elvis show yesterday. (You choose.)

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 04:01PM

Wow, but yet you reply..... I did this for you, can't you tell. You must have known it was for you. You read it, I can't believe you read it. I am so happy, oh rapture, oh joy.

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: August 17, 2005 04:10PM

1) happended - happened
2) elses - else's
3) stidmans - stidman's
4) deffending - defending
5) Do you not realize that Don's anger was do to his personal information being given out? Do you realize that you have now lowered yourself to the level of man you deem horrible? - These sentences are all wrong.

I agree with what you said though! :-)

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 04:17PM

Crap, they weren't the ones I was expecting to misspell. LOL and Thank you.

Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Posted by: dude ()
Date: August 17, 2005 04:33PM

Hi, everyone. How are you?

Elvis is dead?

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