meh Wrote:
> NewDad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm clipped. My son is due to shoot out in a
> few
> > weeks and we're having the discussion. We're
> both
> > in agreement to clip him but, is there any
> reason
> > not to?
> It's the equivalent of cutting the clit off of a
> woman.
> You know how much it hurts to bit your cheek? Well
> the nerve ending density in your (nonexistent)
> foreskin is greater than in your cheek. Think
> about how much pain you are forcing on an
> unwilling child.
> If you do it, you are a sick fuck. Sure, the child
> might not remember the pain, but do you shoot a
> dog in the ass before you shoot it in the head to
> put it down? No, not unless you are a sick fuck.
> Circumcision is absolutely fucking disgusting and
> barbaric, UNLESS it's medically necessary in which
> case a doctor will tell you so, then it's ok. But
> there's no reason to cut another dude's dick just
> because others do it.
> Please sir, if you really do love your child, you
> will read up on it and not just ask in this
> retarded shit hole of a forum.
> start here.
> then watch this video
> I bet you do.
> Also, I'm uncut and no girls have ever said
> anything negative about it. I told one of my
> girlfriends and she didn't even believe that I was
> uncut.
> But let's go over the pros and cons right quick of
> NOT cutting
> Pros:
> sex feels better for him
> you're not mutilating a baby
> it's natural
> cons:
> he has to clean it a bit more
You've got a dog dick.
Women hate that shit. They just don't want to tell you.