I have an opportunity to buy most items at Best Buy for cost plus 5% on Sunday night. However, I am curious as to how much this could actually save me.
I know that some items (like cables and CD's) are marked-up to ridiculous prices. Therefore, the discount would be substantial. But what about DVD's, printing supplies, appliances and electronics (especially a digital camera)?
Re: Price mark-ups at Best Buy
Posted by:
Date: December 02, 2005 01:04PM
I get mine free with the five-finger discount.
Re: Price mark-ups at Best Buy
Posted by:
RESton Peace
Date: December 02, 2005 01:11PM
Gen, you know printer consumables are marked up... way up
DVD's, older titles, are generally a loss leader for Best Buy from what I understand. That means they are probably selling them below or at cost... if they make any profit it's because the sheer volume allows them to compensate. So in theory you may end up paying more, which of course, hopefully would just make the system default back to the regular price (speculation)
So it's just this sunday I take it, we better make a list
Can i get some of that Sunday night action. Looking for a 60" HDTV.
Re: Price mark-ups at Best Buy
Posted by:
RESton Peace
Date: December 02, 2005 02:38PM
apparently tv's are one of the items that don't fall under "most" dude
she gets 15% off the retail price for those and major appliances, and she must purchase a protection plan, and she gets the plan at the employee discount.
you can buy almost everything that best buy sells much cheaper online. it's uncommon to find electronics in any store that you cant get cheaper online.
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."
Yeah, all DLP, Plasma and LCD TV's are just 15% off. Of course depending on the markup, that might be a better savings than cost plus 5%.
But if an item has a protection plan, you have to buy the protection plan. From what I've been told, this usually means that you barely save any money on appliances/electronics. But it is kind of like getting a protection plan for free. Since I want a protection plan for my new digital camera (my last camera broke after less than 2 years) it may work out well for me.
But its not a bad place to shop and seethe items in person.
Re: Price mark-ups at Best Buy
Posted by:
Ayn Rand
Date: February 17, 2013 11:40AM
Aynd some of the associates are randy hot!
All Hail Best Buy
pics not related
Re: Price mark-ups at Best Buy
Posted by:
Date: February 17, 2013 11:55AM
I have never purchased a protection plan for any electronics I have ever owned in my entire life. And I have never needed a protection plan. I was told a long time ago those things are pure junk profit for the retailer and a complete rip off for the consumer.