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Make the fucking light
Posted by: trafficfucksticks! ()
Date: July 09, 2012 11:29PM

What the fuck is it with all these brain-dead fuck sticks who can't get off their fucking cell phones, maxipads or whatever the fuck they are doing when the left turn arrow turns green? Seriously, the traffic in NOVA is bad enough but these assholes who let 5 or 6 car lenghts get going before they wake the fuck up and accelerate thru the intersection should rot in fucking hell. And don't fucking wave to me when I beep and wake your stupid fucking ass up! I don't care that you were looking at child porn or combing your pubes. Just fucking step on the pedal on the right and get the fuck thru the intersection so more than your stupid fucking ass can get on with their lives.

Fuck you all.. ASSHOLES!

Re: Make the fucking light
Posted by: run over ()
Date: July 09, 2012 11:32PM

Not a damn thing you can do about it. Today I was on the FFx Parkway. The guy in front of me was texting and was travleing at 25mph. When he looked up from texting he would speed up to 50 then back down to 25 to text again.
I dont see the cops on the Parkway anymore, wish they could have gotten his ass.

Re: Make the fucking light
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 10, 2012 12:27AM

This isn't limited to driving. The other day I was in D.C. and watched while a texting bike courier ran into a woman who was walking and texting.

Sometimes multitasking means failing at multiple tasks at once.

Re: Make the fucking light
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 10, 2012 12:59AM

Ito Wrote:
> This isn't limited to driving. The other day I was
> in D.C. and watched while a texting bike courier
> ran into a woman who was walking and texting.
> Sometimes multitasking means failing at multiple
> tasks at once.

I hate bicycle couriers. For some reason, that occupation gets all the white people with dreadlocks that look like they shower once a week.

Blessed are the murderous.

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