liquid Wrote:
> Read 'em 'n Weep Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > profffdd Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > >
> > > Same standards, please point out any offshore
> > > accounts that Obama has, I would like to
> point
> > > those out too.
> >
> >
> > Just as an example, Obama has a 529 plan
> invested
> > in Calvert Equity Portfolio (see page 3 here):
> >
> >
> > ident_obama_2011_oge_form_278_certified.pdf
> >
> > Calvert holds, among others, China Environment
> > Fund III, L.P. (Chinese) and Ignia Fund I Lp
> > (Mexican).
> >
> >
> > 919
> >
> > He also owns many oil and coal companies, evil
> > financial instutions, hedge funds, etc., etc.
> His
> > IL State Pension Plan holds foreign securities
> to
> > the tune of $1.5 billion and plays those nasty
> > derivatives and CMOs.
> >
> > And yes, this is a bullshit way of looking at
> > things but it's the same kind of bullshit that
> > they're counting for Romney.
> Those are diversified funds, everyone has money
> floating overseas in these funds. Romney has
> liquid cash overseas.Investments are not cash
> accounts. Try again. I would really like to know.
> Obama should divest from all overseas
> investments.
Which again is exactly the kind of thing that they're counting for Romney. Go look at the details. His investments largely are held in a blind trust (i.e., not controlled by him) which invests in other entities in exactly the same way as a mutual fund and which includes various funds that they've pulled things like the "Cayman fund" from as examples of his "offshore" holdings.
Here, for example, are the "shady" details of the infamous Swiss Bank Account (as reported by the NYT no less). It was not in any way any sort of tax avoidance or money-hiding strategy.
"Mr. Malt, who manages the family’s blind trusts, said Tuesday in a conference call that he had opened the account with the United Bank of Switzerland in 2003 and closed it in 2010. The account was reported to the United States government; the interest it accrued in 2010, about $1,700, was reported on tax documents the campaign released this week.
Mr. Malt said the account was opened “for diversification.”
“It is a bank account, nothing more, nothing less,” Mr. Malt said. “An ordinary bank account.”
During Mr. Romney’s first presidential campaign, he and his wife, Ann Romney, reported the Swiss account among five assets not contained within the couple’s sprawling trusts, according to a personal financial disclosure form Mr. Romney filed and signed in 2007. The value of the account, described on the form as a money-market savings account, was listed as between $1 million and $5 million. Four other checking and savings accounts, all with Bank of America, held the balance of the couple’s liquid assets.
Mr. Romney’s campaign told The New York Times on Wednesday that the 2007 form was incorrect and that the account should have been listed among the dozens of other investments and holdings in the family’s trusts. A campaign official said an amendment would be filed to the form.
Mr. Malt, acknowledging that the Swiss account held the potential to cause political headaches for Mr. Romney, said that he had closed the account as part of his normal periodic reviews of the family’s assets.
“I decided that this account wasn’t serving any particular purpose,” Mr. Malt said. “It might or might not be consistent with Governor Romney’s political views — you know, again, the taxes were all fully paid, etc. It just wasn’t worth it. And I closed the account.”