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Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Unemployed Meade ()
Date: May 01, 2012 11:58PM

Listen to this compulsive liar. Today he claims he has a resume, work experience and he is starving to death. Notice he keeps lifting up his sleeve and showing his upper arm. Creepy flamer. Why are the walls so dirty and grimy? Someday it will come out that they have been living like Grey Gardens.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Lonnie Stanks ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:10AM

"it's so hard, it's so hard y'all"

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Lonnie Stanks ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:13AM

"keep up the faith buckaroo, you can do it"

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:29AM

He looks like he has tardive dyskinesia.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: sadsadsadasdsad ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:36AM

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: youdon'tknow ()
Date: May 02, 2012 01:34AM

dude meade is a really cool guy irl, you don't even know

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: it's just so HARD ()
Date: May 02, 2012 04:32AM

I thought Meade quit the smoothie shop way before it might have shut down

take your savings out go to atlantic city play poker and get some hookers. come back to richmond destitute and go on welfare and food stamps

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: May 02, 2012 05:58AM

Meade's videos have become increasingly despondent over the years. Despondent may be too harsh a term, but it's less happy go lucky and more "the real world sucks" - no job, no money, no traction with his music, etc. 2 years from now, we'll be watching the Meade suicide video.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:33AM

Isn't star search an option?
I seem to remember a retarded Asian that was so bad that he actually was entertaining , to a limited extent.
Perhaps Meade can rise to that level of badness, and claim at least his 15 minutes.
He'll never get anywhere being simply mediocre and delusional.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: tuggy the boat ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:51AM

Well Meade does listen to Obama, he is blaming everyone but himself for being a loser. 99% my ass, get off your fat butt and work at McDonalds and dont start singing while you are flipping those burgers.

Meade if you are reading this please post your resume online.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:01AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> Meade's videos have become increasingly despondent
> over the years. Despondent may be too harsh a
> term, but it's less happy go lucky and more "the
> real world sucks" - no job, no money, no traction
> with his music, etc. 2 years from now, we'll be
> watching the Meade suicide video.

We can only hope and pray it is much sooner than 2 years.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Lonnie Stanks ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:03AM

yeah he quit the smoothie shop a LOOONG time ago. He kept complaining that they wouldn't let him run the register

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: LiverLips ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:35AM

Earth to Meade!

No kidding music isn't work. Anybody can play instruments and sing. Look at all the ten of thousands of people who try out for American Idol. Look at all the homeless who sing on street corners. Duh!

Now go fill out an application at McDonalds and start flipping those burgers!

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Job Market ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:49AM

How many paying musician/performing jobs are available in Richmond, really? I'm not talking about being a star and making millions, just something you can actually make a living at. For some reason, I suspect there are not many.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Meades Mom ()
Date: May 02, 2012 09:42AM

Job Market Wrote:
> How many paying musician/performing jobs are
> available in Richmond, really? I'm not talking
> about being a star and making millions, just
> something you can actually make a living at. For
> some reason, I suspect there are not many.

Musician are a dime a dozen and most will work for free because it is a side hobby. Everybody knows how to play some instrument and sign. We all had music class in elementary school.

The problem with Meade is he is playing an out of date instrument, the organ\keyboard. Meade could make more money maybe up to $75 a night if he could play and sign with a guitar.

There are plenty of jobs out there but just filling out one application a day is going to cut it. Meade needs to talk to friends and hit up some temporary agencies. If illegal Mexicans can get jobs than Meade can.

How about construction helper. They make ok money and it's a workout also.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 10:39AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> Meade's videos have become increasingly despondent
> over the years. Despondent may be too harsh a
> term, but it's less happy go lucky and more "the
> real world sucks" - no job, no money, no traction
> with his music, etc. 2 years from now, we'll be
> watching the Meade suicide video.

I think the narcissistic fantasy world he created for himself is breaking down. Seems like only yesterday he was claiming to be upper class descended from a blue blood family.

The question is when his elderly father passes away, what will Meade and his semi-functional sisters do for sustenance....

Blessed are the murderous.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: May 02, 2012 10:46AM

eesh Wrote:
> The question is when his elderly father passes
> away, what will Meade and his semi-functional
> sisters do for sustenance....

In another one of his videos, he mentions that his trust is getting low.

Unless that house is mortgage free, they're going to be living on the street or at other relative's/friend's houses.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 10:57AM

Warhawk Wrote:

> Unless that house is mortgage free, they're going
> to be living on the street or at other
> relative's/friend's houses.

Even if they didn't have mortgage payments, they still have to worry about real estate taxes and utility payments. I don't know if Meade could handle a monthly electric and water bill.

Blessed are the murderous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2012 10:57AM by eesh.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Number Cruncher ()
Date: May 02, 2012 11:43AM

eesh Wrote:
> Even if they didn't have mortgage payments, they
> still have to worry about real estate taxes and
> utility payments. I don't know if Meade could
> handle a monthly electric and water bill.

The house and property is worth $393,000. The tax rate in Richmond is $1.20 per $100 of assessed value, so his annual property tax bill will be $4,716 (Richmond makes you pay it in two installments).

The house is almost 100 years old, and uses steam heat, so I'll bet it's an oil-fired furnace, which means it probably costs around $300-$350 per month to heat for 5-6 months. Toss in another $250 per month for electricity, and you're right around $9,816 per year to have a fucking house to live in that's not cold and dark.

Meade could probably find a full-time job that pays him $10 an hour, which would leave him around $15,000 after taxes. That means he'll still have around $400 a month to buy food, pay the phone bill, cable bill, Internet bill, and pay for gas and upkeep on his car. It would be tight, but probably doable.

Of course, if he winds up with a mortgage payment or a car payment, it's game over. He's a guy with no marketable skills, no college degree, and a spotty work history, and they're not going to offer a guy like that $45 - 50K a year, which is the lowest amount he'd have to make to be able to afford those kinds of payments.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Meadeesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 11:47AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> Unless that house is mortgage free, they're going
> to be living on the street or at other
> relative's/friend's houses.

Maybe eesh will let Meade move in with him since they are childhood friends.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Highly Unlikely ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:02PM

Meadeesh Wrote:
> Warhawk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Unless that house is mortgage free, they're
> going
> > to be living on the street or at other
> > relative's/friend's houses.
> Maybe eesh will let Meade move in with him since
> they are childhood friends.

I think eesh would rather undergo conversion therapy at the Ted Haggard Institute for the Sexually Confusticated.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: In the know ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:17PM

Meade plans to incorporate his music ministry as a not-for-profit entity, headquartered at his present address. No more property taxes.

Blankets are a less expensive and green-friendly alternative to the use of an oil-fired furnace.

Use of sunlight and flashlights cut his electric bill to approx $25/mo.

Basic phone service is $35/mo. Library for internet. (Cable? Are you kidding? That's an umbilical cord to Satan.) Walking and buses for transport. Eligible for food stamps.

Total annual costs, approx $1000. He makes far more than that from royalties. In a pinch, he can take in a boarder (designated a ministry consultant for tax purposes, lol).

Meade is not genuinely worried, of course. His apparent worry is a product of the amazing empathy he has for the suffering of his fellow humans (many talented artists have similar "canary in a coal mine" sensitivities), which he internalizes and presents as worry.

In reality, he is anxious for nothing.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: stevve bassett ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:41PM

So what's the address for Meade's website were he sells old turntables and vintage clothing?

2 turntables and a microphone
that's were its at
i'm a loser baby

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: hip black guy ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:44PM

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Sad... ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:54PM

These two phrases don't go together: "I apply for jobs every single day", followed by "I've done it four or five times." I don't think Meade has the faintest idea what jobs are out there (that he "qualifies" for), what he has to do to get them, and what accommodations he'll have to make physically and mentally to earn a living. He really needs to get help...he needs to be "brought along", kind of like people in the inner city who are helpless without guidance. But he doesn't meet that profile, and he doesn't have the initiative to get help on his own.

I could see Meade giving private music lessons, or working kid's parties, or in some sort of minor-league sales position (e.g., Sears). It doesn't have to be McDonalds.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: mr lunchtime ()
Date: May 02, 2012 12:57PM

I dont want Meade at McDonalds. Its called fast food for a reason. As a cashier he would start talking to me about his lousy singing career and drone on and on about hipsters.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: May 02, 2012 01:41PM

mr lunchtime Wrote:
> I dont want Meade at McDonalds. Its called fast
> food for a reason. As a cashier he would start
> talking to me about his lousy singing career and
> drone on and on about hipsters.

He'd get fired for drinking all of the sweet tea.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 02, 2012 01:59PM

eesh Wrote:
> I think the narcissistic fantasy world he created
> for himself is breaking down. Seems like only
> yesterday he was claiming to be upper class
> descended from a blue blood family.

The "grandiositty gap" may be getting too wide to ignore. A major "narcissistic decomp" may be just around the corner.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2012 02:01PM by TheNorthman.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: GuitarSixStringPlayer2 ()
Date: May 02, 2012 04:32PM

LiverLips Wrote:
> Earth to Meade!
> No kidding music isn't work. Anybody can play
> instruments and sing. Look at all the ten of
> thousands of people who try out for American Idol.
> Look at all the homeless who sing on street
> corners. Duh!
> Now go fill out an application at McDonalds and
> start flipping those burgers!

I think hes refering to the work that goes into a music career. Travel, promos, songwriting, marketing, publishing, etc. A lot of non-musicians have no idea. they think people just show up and play and a PA system is magically there waiting for them. If you're a working musician, its very hard work. You play only 10% of the time. The rest of the time you're dealing with shady bookers, keeping up a pa system, working and revamping style, perfecting image, etc. It is a hard business, and its full of rejection. At least if you go into a Dr or lawyer you dont get in based on something as subjective. People in non entertainent will never experience the same level of rejection.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: lifewithlarry ()
Date: May 02, 2012 04:38PM

This is all just part of his act. He is a genuis in a way by keeping the public guessing. My guess is hes an elaborate performance artist. His music is so bad its good, and it does have enough validity in it to make it seem as if its for real. He probably has some other kind of job or something that keeps him going. His internet following is surreal, and he probably is banking on it if he decided to release another album or go National.

That is really a genius at work.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Col Tom Parker ()
Date: May 02, 2012 05:14PM

Only a handful of people can carry a singing career from one year into another and make a successful go at it. Some are just one hit wonders and even those are few and far between.

Go to a smaller venue like Birchmere and see some of the performers who a few years ago could have filled the Verizon Center. Fame is indeed fleeting.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Busking Busker ()
Date: May 02, 2012 05:31PM

GuitarSixStringPlayer2 Wrote:
> I think hes refering to the work that goes into a
> music career. Travel, promos, songwriting,
> marketing, publishing, etc. A lot of non-musicians
> have no idea. they think people just show up and
> play and a PA system is magically there waiting
> for them. If you're a working musician, its very
> hard work. You play only 10% of the time. The rest
> of the time you're dealing with shady bookers,
> keeping up a pa system, working and revamping
> style, perfecting image, etc. It is a hard
> business, and its full of rejection. At least if
> you go into a Dr or lawyer you dont get in based
> on something as subjective. People in non
> entertainent will never experience the same level
> of rejection.

Anonymous MrMephisto post.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Patrick the Pansy ()
Date: May 02, 2012 05:33PM

Busking Busker Wrote:
> GuitarSixStringPlayer2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > I think hes refering to the work that goes into
> a
> > music career. Travel, promos, songwriting,
> > marketing, publishing, etc. A lot of
> non-musicians
> > have no idea. they think people just show up
> and
> > play and a PA system is magically there waiting
> > for them. If you're a working musician, its
> very
> > hard work. You play only 10% of the time. The
> rest
> > of the time you're dealing with shady bookers,
> > keeping up a pa system, working and revamping
> > style, perfecting image, etc. It is a hard
> > business, and its full of rejection. At least
> if
> > you go into a Dr or lawyer you dont get in
> based
> > on something as subjective. People in non
> > entertainent will never experience the same
> level
> > of rejection.
> Anonymous MrMephisto post.

Anonymous inkahootz/repressed homosexual post

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Christopher Allen Werner, latent homosexual/misogynist ()
Date: May 02, 2012 05:56PM

Patrick the Pansy Wrote:
> Busking Busker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > GuitarSixStringPlayer2 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > > I think hes refering to the work that goes
> into
> > a
> > > music career. Travel, promos, songwriting,
> > > marketing, publishing, etc. A lot of
> > non-musicians
> > > have no idea. they think people just show up
> > and
> > > play and a PA system is magically there
> waiting
> > > for them. If you're a working musician, its
> > very
> > > hard work. You play only 10% of the time. The
> > rest
> > > of the time you're dealing with shady
> bookers,
> > > keeping up a pa system, working and revamping
> > > style, perfecting image, etc. It is a hard
> > > business, and its full of rejection. At least
> > if
> > > you go into a Dr or lawyer you dont get in
> > based
> > > on something as subjective. People in non
> > > entertainent will never experience the same
> > level
> > > of rejection.
> >
> >
> > Anonymous MrMephisto post.
> Anonymous inkahootz/repressed homosexual post

Annonymous eesh aka Christopher Allen Werner of 1118 Grove Avenue Richmond, Va. (804)852-3901 latent homosexual and misogynist post

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: latent? ()
Date: May 02, 2012 06:17PM

Your knowledge is outdated. Haven't you been reading the Alux thread? eesh outed himself sometime around 11 PM last night. Dummy.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: 4 Dummy ()
Date: May 02, 2012 06:20PM

latent? Wrote:
> Your knowledge is outdated. Haven't you been
> reading the Alux thread? eesh outed himself
> sometime around 11 PM last night. Dummy.

Sorry, I wasn't on here last night, Dummy.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Date: May 02, 2012 06:25PM

4 Dummy Wrote:
> latent? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Your knowledge is outdated. Haven't you been
> > reading the Alux thread? eesh outed himself
> > sometime around 11 PM last night. Dummy.
> Sorry, I wasn't on here last night, Dummy.

Yes you were. You spend more time on this website than you do paying attention to me.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Christopher Allen Werner aka eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 06:37PM

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 02, 2012 06:55PM

I can't imagine hiring someone in their 30s with practically no work experience. It just doesn't align with the qualities I look for in an applicant.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: hipsterkids2 ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:28PM

Meade could easily have a following among the Hipster crowd. For someone who claims to be as Conservative and old fashioned as he is, he has an ironically hipster cred. His music and persona are so campy, and they eat that stuff up.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: intheknow2 ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:29PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> I can't imagine hiring someone in their 30s with
> practically no work experience. It just doesn't
> align with the qualities I look for in an
> applicant.

Music and Show Business is a lot harder work than sitting in some office cubicle all day long.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:32PM

intheknow2 Wrote:

> Music and Show Business is a lot harder work than
> sitting in some office cubicle all day long.

Even if that were true (I have a feeling that you have no idea what an office job may entail), it wouldn't disprove my point. Meade shows no desire to be self-sufficient, independent, realistic, or responsible. All of which are traits that most employers value.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: eesh be poppin' collars on the "downlow" ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:35PM

intheknow2 Wrote:
> Genevieve Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can't imagine hiring someone in their 30s
> with
> > practically no work experience. It just
> doesn't
> > align with the qualities I look for in an
> > applicant.
> Music and Show Business is a lot harder work than
> sitting in some office cubicle all day long.
eesh letters.gif

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: tempagencyrva ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:46PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> intheknow2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Music and Show Business is a lot harder work
> than
> > sitting in some office cubicle all day long.
> Even if that were true (I have a feeling that you
> have no idea what an office job may entail), it
> wouldn't disprove my point. Meade shows no desire
> to be self-sufficient, independent, realistic, or
> responsible. All of which are traits that most
> employers value.

He seems to have a strong drive and a good work ethic. He is very creative and motivated and has an award winning personality that would be an asset to any employment situation.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: stoop kid ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:51PM

tempagencyrva Wrote:
> Genevieve Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > intheknow2 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Music and Show Business is a lot harder work
> > than
> > > sitting in some office cubicle all day long.
> >
> >
> > Even if that were true (I have a feeling that
> you
> > have no idea what an office job may entail), it
> > wouldn't disprove my point. Meade shows no
> desire
> > to be self-sufficient, independent, realistic,
> or
> > responsible. All of which are traits that most
> > employers value.
> He seems to have a strong drive and a good work
> ethic. He is very creative and motivated and has
> an award winning personality that would be an
> asset to any employment situation.

"An award winning personality?"

You and your lame parodies are ridiculously stupid, eesh!

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 02, 2012 07:54PM

tempagencyrva Wrote:
> He seems to have a strong drive and a good work
> ethic. He is very creative and motivated and has
> an award winning personality that would be an
> asset to any employment situation.

I think perhaps you don't understand what these things mean. Having a good work ethic doesn't include pursuing a hobby full-time for most of... 15 years?

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Herbert Hemphrey ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:00PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> I think perhaps you don't understand what these
> things mean. Having a good work ethic doesn't
> include pursuing a hobby full-time for most of...
> 15 years?

Correlation is not causation. I bet my life would be very different if I was born/raised in the Skelton family.

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: hungry eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2012 08:02PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> tempagencyrva Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > He seems to have a strong drive and a good work
> > ethic. He is very creative and motivated and
> has
> > an award winning personality that would be an
> > asset to any employment situation.
> I think perhaps you don't understand what these
> things mean. Having a good work ethic doesn't
> include pursuing a hobby full-time for most of...
> 15 years?
don\'t feed the troll.jpg

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Lonnie Stanks ()
Date: May 03, 2012 12:24AM

looks like Meade removed the video. Guess he can't take the heat

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: it's so Hard y'all so HARD ()
Date: May 03, 2012 05:01AM

meade sleton the second coming of andy kaufman

Re: Unemployed Meade
Posted by: Red Skeleton ()
Date: May 03, 2012 01:32PM

did meade replace unemployed meade with this video. any chance someone recorded and can post back up? I love when Meade says it's Hard folks. is there some symbolism to the eiffel tower wall hanging? dick head?


lets have some sweet tea under the magnolia tree
come on this guy is the new andy kauffman

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