I'm fricken serious! Can I get a synopsis of what's happened? The place seems like a devastated ghost town. Also two months is quite a while in FFU time.
Where has everyone gone? Especially the ladies? ;-) ;-) ;-)
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2012 02:10PM
BTYB was outed by eesh
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
peggie Wrote:
> don't know don't care
LOL I didn't think you were posting anonymously.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Here Ya Go
Date: April 29, 2012 05:19PM
TGP has been missing in action for at least a month. No explanation. Best guess is that his parents walked by when he was reading one of the many threads here with gynecological crotch shots or one of Eesh's snuff pictures. I really liked the little fella.
BTYB was sadly outted and treated like dirt by the pigs on this board. The same guys who are constantly looking (and failing) to score couldn't handle a strong woman who liked to have fun.
Ding an Sich disappeared after it was brought to his attention that posting pics of marijuana here with his name might not be a smart move. Eesh helped ease that departure along.
Miz is back, but in a much more toned down version. And he seems to have lost the will to die. Good for him!
JBass has become infamous for the phrase "butt tail" and trolling skeevy dives.
Lizzie has renamed herself Bitch (how appropriate) and is constantly talking to herself in the many threads she creates and fucks up. Lizzie single-handedly brought about the demise of life as we know on FFXU. The better posters left cause they couldn't tolerate the same inane drivel OVER AND OVER AND OVER...
As expected, the whole lizzie/tricked out truck/Eesh porn kerflufle died. Still unclear how much of that crap was a figment of lizzie's imagination.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
I'm just waiting for more interesting conversation...
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
this is all
Date: April 29, 2012 10:12PM
Lizzie has renamed herself Bitch (how appropriate) and is constantly talking to herself in the many threads she creates and fucks up. Lizzie single-handedly brought about the demise of life as we know on FFXU. The better posters left cause they couldn't tolerate the same inane drivel OVER AND OVER AND OVER...
she will never admit to this being true, even though everyone realizes this obvious sad truth
best part is her late night anon threads asking why it is so dead here
says "idc" all the time, but seems to post after any mention of her or any of her 7000 names, this is her life as pathetic as it may be
she has no logic but likes to use the word in her paranoid rants
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
is is all Wrote:
> Lizzie has renamed herself Bitch (how appropriate)
> and is constantly talking to herself in the many
> threads she creates and fucks up. Lizzie
> single-handedly brought about the demise of life
> as we know on FFXU. The better posters left cause
> they couldn't tolerate the same inane drivel OVER
> she will never admit to this being true, even
> though everyone realizes this obvious sad truth
> best part is her late night anon threads asking
> why it is so dead here
> says "idc" all the time, but seems to post after
> any mention of her or any of her 7000 names, this
> is her life as pathetic as it may be
> she has no logic but likes to use the word in her
> paranoid rants
I must say that the forum has been quite tranquil today without lizzie or inkahootz around, talking to each other.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Oh no. It's all true...idc idc idc. I don't try to hide and never deny when I'm posting. Ever. So yeah..nice try there.
Whatcha gonna say to that? Oh it's my life. Sooo pathetic. Haven't heard that a million times. Yet what I do seems to bother and effect your life so much yet you never see me whine about what anyone else does here LOL!
That's the sad truth. I don't let anyone get under my skin the way you allow me to. Because that is truely pathetic. Now isn't it? :)
Now please, write another book about me. I'll be waiting to write another review.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Now, I'll use this name to break it all down. Then post as anon to praise myself of doing such a great job.
this is all Wrote:
> Lizzie has renamed herself Bitch (how appropriate)
Well duh. I'm the last bitch standing! ;)
> and is constantly talking to herself in the many
> threads she creates and fucks up.
I don't talk to myself. Sorry. And how do I fuck up threads? LOL!
> single-handedly brought about the demise of life
> as we know on FFXU.
Thanks! I tried! :)
The better posters left cause
> they couldn't tolerate the same inane drivel OVER
Yes. Give me all the power and control. Cause I'm just THAT good!
> she will never admit to this being true, even
> though everyone realizes this obvious sad truth
Really? I will never admit to it? But I already did. Here, I'll do it again. All true. Totally true. Fer sure!
> best part is her late night anon threads asking
> why it is so dead here
> says "idc" all the time, but seems to post after
> any mention of her or any of her 7000 names, this
> is her life as pathetic as it may be
Because idc. And yes. Its my life. My everything. I would not want to live if this site got shut down. Yes. So pathetic. Almost as pathetic as you knowing my entire internet life. Right? :)
> she has no logic but likes to use the word in her
> paranoid rants
I have more logic than anyone here. And I don't think you know what paranoid means. It means fear of someone being after you...retard.
Okay! Time to post as anon now!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2020 06:34PM by Meade Skelton.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2012 11:35PM
Meade Skelton Wrote:
> nooo logic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wow lizzie sure showed you! She sure shut you
> up!
> > Way to go lizzie! You rock! This place would be
> > dead without you!
> Lizzie isn't the best poster here. She has great
> hair and perfect teeth. She will be a star one
> day. You're all just jealous!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
and there it is
Date: April 29, 2012 11:43PM
lizzie in a number of posts and names proves why no one is here
logic shows she proved it all by herself, good job, you get an internet point
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Don't be fooled
Date: April 30, 2012 12:41AM
and there it is Wrote:
> lizziein a number of posts and names proves why
> no one is here
> logic shows she proved it all by herself, good
> job, you get an internet point
It wasn't lizzie. It was eesh.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
be fooled
Date: April 30, 2012 03:22AM
No fuck you. I want my point!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 04:36AM
I would say lizzie is a cunt, but that would be mean to cunts everywhere.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 04:33PM
It's hard to find decent pizza outside of NY. The chains suck.
I've had a couple of good slices in Phili.
Oddly enough, I had a delicious slice in Sedona, AR (oops, AZ) - in a little outdoor place with beautiful views and humming birds zipping by.
I was just about to say to my friend, "Wow, this is really good pizza," when my nose started bleeding profusely - the word "projectile" comes to mind. I fast-walked to the rest room leaving a trail of blood. Blood was everywhere... on my shirt, on my shoes, on the table, on the pizza, although that blood blended in with the sauce.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 04:36PM
ooops, above post should be in pizza thread; just mentally move it.
Thanks. (smiley face)
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 04:44PM
How do you make such a big fail like that?
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
SO, you see lizzie has been shitting all over the place here.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
late guy
Date: April 30, 2012 04:55PM
You're about 15 hours late. Everyone else already noticed. Sorry you were the last to know.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 06:58PM
88? Wrote:
> How do you make such a big fail like that?
I have absolutely no idea, 88?, but it's worrisome, since it's just one of many strange things I've done lately.
The other day, I almost killed a bunch of people at the bank drive-thu. I accidentally hit the gas while leaning out the window, catapulting my car forward like one of those little toys you wind up and let go.....
I thought I'd put the car in park.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 07:01PM
Happens to me all the time. Just say your brakes went bad. I always do.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
88 is eesh
Date: April 30, 2012 07:23PM
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 10:29PM
88? Wrote:
> Happens to me all the time. Just say your brakes
> went bad. I always do.
What's my defense if I go smashing through a store window because I think my car is in reverse?
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 10:30PM
"I blinked"
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Transgender Minx
Date: April 30, 2012 11:38PM
GordonBlvd was revealed to be a woman...for, like the 10th time!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2012 01:17AM
88? Wrote:
> "I blinked"
Maybe I should add that I sneezed.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2012 01:33AM
Yes. And that you had blacked out as well. Always works!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2012 02:24AM
88! Wrote:
> Yes. And that you had blacked out as well.
Right, because my idiot doctor prescribed drugs that reacted with the grapefruit juice I was drinking.
> Always
> works!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2012 02:39AM
Hell yes! There you go! Make sure you blame everyone but yourself because it's always everyone's fault but yours. Don't ever forget that!
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: May 01, 2012 03:39AM
88! Wrote:
> Hell yes! There you go! Make sure you blame
> everyone but yourself because it's always
> everyone's fault but yours. Don't ever forget
> that!
OK, Daddy, I won't forget.
But, please don't make me have sex with you tonight.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2015 01:16AM
friskydingo Wrote:
> Anyone go to jail?
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Break through...
Date: February 13, 2015 01:25AM
this is all Wrote:
> Lizzie has renamed herself Bitch (how appropriate)
> and is constantly talking to herself in the many
> threads she creates and fucks up. Lizzie
> single-handedly brought about the demise of life
> as we know on FFXU. The better posters left cause
> they couldn't tolerate the same inane drivel OVER
> she will never admit to this being true, even
> though everyone realizes this obvious sad truth
> best part is her late night anon threads asking
> why it is so dead here
> says "idc" all the time, but seems to post after
> any mention of her or any of her 7000 names, this
> is her life as pathetic as it may be
> she has no logic but likes to use the word in her
> paranoid rants
This guy is the current captcha spammer. Same writing style. Damn, really went off the deep end since 2012
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2015 01:29AM
He's also the Megan troll
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2015 01:41AM
Options: Reply Quote
Re: Megan the cray cray lady
Posted by: Ediot ()
Date: February 02, 2015 12:03PM
So Megan is on another of her threads saying the only reason she keeps harassing Eesh is because "If she is held accountable for her actions he should be too"
Crazy bitch has NEVER been held accountable
Go ahead and sue Eesh, you will get nothing
And BITCH, when were you held responsible for staling photos from people in other countries?
Just because they do not have the resources to come to the US and prosecute you does not mean you should make them another of your victims!
Nothing but Trailer trash, that is why your real mother threw you away.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Angry little fella arent ya?
Date: February 13, 2015 01:42AM
FIRST: If you have nothing to prove why respond?
SECOND: If this website effects your home and family life stop looking at it.
THIRD: No you lost your job for telling people about the nudes, and the fact that you were charged with felonies.
FOURTH: Your diagnosis is Bat Shit Crazy
FIFTH: *refer to Second and the emails the officer sent you
SIXTH: *Refer to Fifth
SEVENTH: * Refer to Fifth
EIGHTH: Who is paying for your lawsuit against Eesh? The cops told you they don't care, and so far you have proven only that you contacted a lawyer's office. This sounds like all of your other bat shit crazy rant and threats. And refer back to Fifth.
Now your PTSD and crazy shit has been reported by you for 10 years or so, but you have only been going to your therapist a year now? Which story is true? Cause I would say BS on most of what you claim your therapist does for you.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2015 01:47AM
888, except for the last 888 post, was Alias.
Why did she "accidentally" post in this thread?
I think she did it on purpose.
Re: Can someone puh-leeze explain to me what's been happening here for the past two months
Posted by:
Date: February 13, 2015 02:07AM
Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> Yo, where'd you go, friksksky? What has the dango
> been gettin'to?