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Posted by: k14nk ()
Date: March 12, 2012 09:16AM

So in all reality,

Can people please tell me why in the world they would vote for Mitt romney, Rick santorum, or newt gringrich over ron paul??

it just doesnt make sense, People are too blind..

please someone give me a legit reason why we want more government bankers in our huge facist government???

Posted by: I Like Ron Paul, but... ()
Date: March 12, 2012 09:54AM

k14nk Wrote:
> Can people please tell me why in the world they
> would vote for Mitt romney, Rick santorum, or newt
> gringrich over ron paul??

That's easy.

Because Ron Paul as absolutely no chance of winning a general election. None whatsoever. It would be Barry Goldwater all over again.

Romney sucks (most real conservatives will agree with that), but he has the best chance of beating BO.

This is no time for moral victories, BO MUST lose in November.

Posted by: Ron Paul Fan ()
Date: March 12, 2012 10:27AM

Ron Paul all the way!!! But I'll vote for anyone over Obama!

Posted by: FGGTFO ()
Date: March 12, 2012 10:29AM

Fairfax County General!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GTFO
images (1).jpg

Posted by: kinh ()
Date: March 12, 2012 04:04PM

Obama 2012, best President EVER!!! Suck it white trash.

Posted by: Obozo ()
Date: March 12, 2012 04:15PM

Haha best pres ever? You are funny.

Posted by: kinh ()
Date: March 12, 2012 06:41PM

well you will need your humor, your party doesn't believe in education (college is for snobs)... very funny..you will be laughing the whole time you work for the college educated.

Posted by: FBO ()
Date: March 13, 2012 01:15PM

That fucking zero in my White House needs to go.


I say "fuck" a lot...

Posted by: Jokester ()
Date: March 13, 2012 01:33PM

kinh Wrote:
> well you will need your humor, your party doesn't
> believe in education (college is for snobs)...
> very funny..you will be laughing the whole time
> you work for the college educated.

The only joke is in the White House. Oh, and that buffoon that is the VP.

Posted by: timeonyourhands ()
Date: March 13, 2012 05:26PM

Best President ever, especially after the years of Bush moronics, you are just a racist, you would love Obama if he was white, he has a pair, he got Bin Laden, eat it moron

Posted by: tarballs ()
Date: March 18, 2012 06:50PM

Barack The Magic Negro Best One Ever...............
If thats His best His Best Won't Do

Barack 2012
Kony 2012

Both have a record to run on
Just Do the math

Barack Killed Osama
Kony Killed Children

Date: March 19, 2012 02:50PM

I Like Ron Paul, but... Wrote:
> Romney sucks (most real conservatives will agree
> with that), but he has the best chance of beating
> BO.

which is to say, none.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: old virginny ()
Date: March 19, 2012 03:15PM

Eyes of the Weasel Wrote:
> I Like Ron Paul, but... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Romney sucks (most real conservatives will
> agree
> > with that), but he has the best chance of
> beating
> > BO.
> which is to say, none.

If gas is over four bucks a gallon then Barry is gone. People bitch back and forth over many issues yet what it comes down to is the wallet. You keep money in peoples pockets they love you no matter how bad you are on the other issues.

Posted by: toomanymorons ()
Date: March 20, 2012 08:16AM

Obama like Bush has nothing to do with the price of gas, he has increased the use of domestic sources and decreased our dependency on foreign oil, but thats not what you morons want to hear, read a book, it will hurt initially but you will get over it.

Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: March 20, 2012 10:35AM

Was a Republican for years.
Voted for G. W. Bush the first time.
Realized Bush was dumb as a rock and Cheny was evil puppet master.
Realized that Reagan Era Republicans were gone.
Realized I don't belong with the Neo-Cons.
Voted for Kerry (he wasn't Bush)
Voted for Obama, am quite pleased with his job performance.
Will vote again for Obama because I'm pleased with his job performance.

If you don't like what I have to say? I've got two words for ya.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2012 10:37AM by Ogien.

Posted by: IDK ()
Date: March 20, 2012 10:54AM

toomanymorons Wrote:
> Obama like Bush has nothing to do with the price
> of gas, he has increased the use of domestic
> sources and decreased our dependency on foreign
> oil,

please explain, I hope you are not talking about windmills for Gods sake

Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: March 20, 2012 12:32PM

IDK Wrote:
> toomanymorons Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama like Bush has nothing to do with the
> price
> > of gas, he has increased the use of domestic
> > sources and decreased our dependency on foreign
> > oil,
> please explain, I hope you are not talking about
> windmills for Gods sake

That's easy. Oil/Gas companies are free to charge as much or as little as they want. The price of gas is dictated by the international market and right now the market price for the United States is around $5.

These companies are in NO WAY connected to the United States Government or the president. They charge whatever they want to charge for their product, in this case it's gasoline and diesel.

They are exactly like Walmart, Walmart charges whatever it wants for it products and generally speaking they want to undercut the competition so that's how the market influences their prices and the exact same thing is true for oil companies except that circumstances allowed them to charge a fortune for a gallon of gasoline.

Understand? I really tried to explain clearly why the President has no say regarding the price of gasoline.

Edit: Also, under President Obama, the amount of places in the USA that are now being drilled for oil has risen by 20% over anything the Bush administration ever did.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2012 12:34PM by Ogien.

Posted by: a response ()
Date: March 20, 2012 12:44PM

The amount of oil being drilled is over 20% on PRIVATE lands--under policies put in place by Bush.

We are not drilling anywhere near as much on public lands as we should be.

Obama refused to let off shore drilling begin again long after it was allowed after the BP spill. He stopped responsible drillers from continuing--putting thousands of Louisianans and Texans out of jobs. However, Cuba is now drilling offshore--and the rigs have gone elsewhere.

Obama loaned money to Brazil for drilling off shore--and the oil is going to CHINA.

Obama did not approve the Keystone pipeline which would get Canadian oil for the US--and create jobs.

The Dems refuse to allow drilling in Alaska on land the size of Dulles within a park the size of England.

Yes, the President can affect the price of oil.

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 20, 2012 12:48PM

toomanymorons Wrote:
> Obama like Bush has nothing to do with the price
> of gas, he has increased the use of domestic
> sources and decreased our dependency on foreign
> oil, but thats not what you morons want to hear,
> read a book, it will hurt initially but you will
> get over it.

Incorrect. Any new oil being produced now is a direct result of Bush. Oil takes at the absolutely minimum of 3 years to start producing from a well. Federal drilling and permits are also way down under Obama which he does control. Private land production is up which he cant stop but dont let the facts get in the way of what you want to believe.

Let me rewrite what you actually were meaning to say, "Obama has nothing to do with the price of gas even though I blamed Bush for high gas prices. Obama has decreased the number of federal permits and the amount of drilling during his presidency. He is taking full credit for the increased production which is the sole result of wells approved under Bush and private land production. But I dont want to hear any of this because he is my Messiah. I will believe that anything good that happens is a direct result of Obamas policies and that anything bad is someone elses fault. Further more I will spew lies and call anyone who disagrees with them a moron."

Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: March 20, 2012 01:15PM

a response Wrote:
> The amount of oil being drilled is over 20% on
> PRIVATE lands--under policies put in place by
> Bush.
> We are not drilling anywhere near as much on
> public lands as we should be.
> Obama refused to let off shore drilling begin
> again long after it was allowed after the BP
> spill. He stopped responsible drillers from
> continuing--putting thousands of Louisianans and
> Texans out of jobs. However, Cuba is now drilling
> offshore--and the rigs have gone elsewhere.
> Obama loaned money to Brazil for drilling off
> shore--and the oil is going to CHINA.
> Obama did not approve the Keystone pipeline which
> would get Canadian oil for the US--and create
> jobs.
> The Dems refuse to allow drilling in Alaska on
> land the size of Dulles within a park the size of
> England.
> Yes, the President can affect the price of oil.

You probably get your talking points from Ultra Right-Wing radio talk show hosts. You don't seem to research for yourself, you just take whatever you hear on the radio and regurgitate it as if it were your own argument.

Personally I actually read, I read just about all perspectives on subjects that interest me or I think are vital for me to know. I keep the information that corroborated by several other sources and I toss out the vitriol.

The stuff that you're tossing around so loosely as fact is the vitriol I'm speaking of.

As for off shore drilling, the fishing industry in the Gulf of Mexico is still drastically affected by the BP oil spill and BP is one of thos companies that everyone thought was a responsible company until a horrible ecological tragedy proved BP to be completely irresponsible. So please, don't tell me about other "responsible" companies that want to drill off shore cause I've already seen the results that "responsible" companies can produce and the price is just to high.

As for whether or not we're drilling enough? Well, did you know that the United States has started exporting oil that was drilled in the United States? Oh, you didn't know that? I wonder why the jiggly talk show host didn't mention that.

Oil production in the United States is very high right now the reason for the high gas prices isn't because of a lack of oil but rather it's a mixture of saber rattling towards Iran, the Israelis tunnel vision towards Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan and the fact that our good buddies the Saudi's are fucking us ever chance they get. So market speculators drove the price of oil up due to fears of another possible war in that part of the world. The second factor for these high gas prices is decreased demand. People aren't using as much gasoline as they use to so the big "responsible" oil companies decided to make up the difference in sales by raising prices.

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 20, 2012 01:21PM

Ogien Wrote:

> You probably get your talking points from Ultra
> Right-Wing radio talk show hosts. You don't seem
> to research for yourself, you just take whatever
> you hear on the radio and regurgitate it as if it
> were your own argument.
> Personally I actually read, I read just about all
> perspectives on subjects that interest me or I
> think are vital for me to know. I keep the
> information that corroborated by several other
> sources and I toss out the vitriol.
> The stuff that you're tossing around so loosely as
> fact is the vitriol I'm speaking of.
> As for off shore drilling, the fishing industry in
> the Gulf of Mexico is still drastically affected
> by the BP oil spill and BP is one of thos
> companies that everyone thought was a responsible
> company until a horrible ecological tragedy proved
> BP to be completely irresponsible. So please,
> don't tell me about other "responsible" companies
> that want to drill off shore cause I've already
> seen the results that "responsible" companies can
> produce and the price is just to high.
> As for whether or not we're drilling enough? Well,
> did you know that the United States has started
> exporting oil that was drilled in the United
> States? Oh, you didn't know that? I wonder why the
> jiggly talk show host didn't mention that.

Obviously you dont look at credible sources or only look at extreme left wing sites. There is no debate about why oil production is up and where its coming from.

Federal permits are down thats fact.

Private land production is increased which Obama cant stop.

Oil wells take 3-10 years to be online and producing, thats a fact.

New wells popping up and online now and in the first and 2nd year of this presidency were all because of Bush.

Or do you think Obama took office said get me some wells and 3 months later they were all online and he did that all?

Yes oil gets exported when they can make money off of it which helps us. We arent energy independent so it doesnt matter. If we wanted to be we could be in a decade but we wont be

Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: March 20, 2012 01:32PM

We arent energy independent
> so it doesnt matter. If we wanted to be we could
> be in a decade but we wont be

First of all, I didn't mention the President even once in my last post and I didn't mention Bush either so I don't know why you feel the need to sling mud at one and deify the other.

Since you brought them both up I'll say this much. Bush was a horrible president who set the nation back so far that we're still digging ourselves out. Secondly, Bush wrecked the Republican party so bad that it fractured into it's own factions and now there hardly even is a GOP.

Obama is a politician and he does lots of things I don't like, nevertheless, when I put the good things and the bad things he's done on a scale the good outweighs the bad IMHO and so I'll vote for the guy again come November.

The one thing that we can completely agree upon is that "We aren't energy independent" and "If we wanted to be we could be in a decade but we won't be."

I am not for nationalizing anything but people seem to have this idea that the Government controls the oil-wells in this nation. They do not. The oil companies take their subsidies and the crude oil the extract and they put it out on the open international market. In other words, the Americans who get to work for these companies are making a living and that's great but the oil that is produced (mostly by foreign companies drilling in the USA) doesn't help us much because the oil does go to the highest international bidder.

So, unless oil drilling were to be nationalized, the "drill baby drill" argument is kind of moot.

Date: March 20, 2012 02:00PM

dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> Federal permits are down thats fact.

Data from the Bureau of Land Management that shows that as of September 30, 2011, the oil and gas industry had more than 7,000 unused Approved Drilling Permits - the final approval needed before beginning to drill for oil or gas (see attachments).

When the oil and gas industry uses the permits it already has, it can have some more.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012
Boddington Letter.jpg
Idle Wells.jpg

Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: March 20, 2012 02:42PM

Eyes of the Weasel Wrote:
> dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Federal permits are down thats fact.
> Data from the Bureau of Land Management that shows
> that as of September 30, 2011, the oil and gas
> industry had more than 7,000 unused Approved
> Drilling Permits - the final approval needed
> before beginning to drill for oil or gas (see
> attachments).
> When the oil and gas industry uses the permits it
> already has, it can have some more.


These companies have plenty of sites that they can drill but for some reason they don't. The whole, "Obama won't let us drill" argument is a complete straw man argument. It's BS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2012 02:48PM by Ogien.

Date: March 20, 2012 03:31PM

Ogien Wrote:
> These companies have plenty of sites that they can
> drill but for some reason they don't. The whole,
> "Obama won't let us drill" argument is a complete
> straw man argument. It's BS.


My point exactly.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 20, 2012 03:56PM

Ogien Wrote:

> And?
> These companies have plenty of sites that they can
> drill but for some reason they don't. The whole,
> "Obama won't let us drill" argument is a complete
> straw man argument. It's BS.

It never posted my last response to you for some reason and I really dont feel like retyping it all.

You can thank the EPA for why those sites arent being drilled. As they crack down further and further it doesnt make sense to drill unless its a huge haul and those sites have been blocked.

The head of the EPA and the Secretary of Energy have both said they want higher gas prices. Obama himself has admitted his policies will raise gas prices. Its not a surprise that they are going up and will continue to do so

Date: March 20, 2012 09:12PM

dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> Ogien Wrote:
> > And?
> >
> > These companies have plenty of sites that they
> can
> > drill but for some reason they don't. The
> whole,
> > "Obama won't let us drill" argument is a
> complete
> > straw man argument. It's BS.
> It never posted my last response to you for some
> reason and I really dont feel like retyping it
> all.
> You can thank the EPA for why those sites arent
> being drilled. As they crack down further and
> further it doesnt make sense to drill unless its a
> huge haul and those sites have been blocked.
> The head of the EPA and the Secretary of Energy
> have both said they want higher gas prices. Obama
> himself has admitted his policies will raise gas
> prices. Its not a surprise that they are going up
> and will continue to do so

Oh, I see. You have an excuse for everything, and everything is President Obama's fault.

Gee, where have I heard something like THAT before?


"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 20, 2012 09:16PM

Eyes of the Weasel Wrote:

> Oh, I see. You have an excuse for everything, and
> everything is President Obama's fault.
> Gee, where have I heard something like THAT
> before?
> Hmmm....

Stating a fact that the EPA is blocking something is not an excuse. The alternate reality you live in though isnt used to facts so I know you may not be used to dealing with them.

Well by your logic if the president has no control over everything then why not replace him? Hes had his run lets let someone else experience the White House. After all according to you they cant affect anything negatively anyway, they can only do good.

Posted by: arrogant kenyan ()
Date: March 20, 2012 09:38PM

Because anything is better than Obama
I will list the reasons

Failed Stimulus Plan Twice
Cost of Obamacare 2 trillion dollars he does not have (future generations will pay)
Never Delivered on his campaign promises
Fails on Shovel Ready jobs (And he thinks its Funny)
Gas Prices at his start 2.18 now 4.00 and rising
Can not produce many jobs no rather what he does.
Class Warfare Vetos Pipeline and regulates drilling for oil
Community Organizer in way over his head
Not as smart as the media made him out to be.
His Past is very questionable Radical and Socialist views
Not a bad man just a failed experiment
And He has has no record except for killing bin laden

And He will not be getting my vote in the 2012 Election

Date: March 20, 2012 10:08PM

dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> Stating a fact that the EPA is blocking something
> is not an excuse.

Oh, so you no doubt have proof that the EPA has 'blocked' drilling on permits it has already issued.

I'll wait here while you produce it.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: free cheese ()
Date: March 20, 2012 10:20PM

Yes Obama can effect the price of gasoline. But it will be hard for liberals to follow along. Obama goes on a spending spree with new entitlements and lots of free stuff. Country goes into more debt, takes out more loans from China and prints up more money.

U S dollar has less buying power and oil futures are sold on international market. Get it.

Posted by: Say Anything Romney ()
Date: March 20, 2012 10:24PM

free cheese Wrote:
> Yes Obama can effect the price of gasoline. But it
> will be hard for liberals to follow along. Obama
> goes on a spending spree with new entitlements and
> lots of free stuff. Country goes into more debt,
> takes out more loans from China and prints up more
> money.
> U S dollar has less buying power and oil futures
> are sold on international market. Get it.

You're kidding yourself if you think Romney is not more of spend thrift than Obama. Look at the shit Romney has done over the years.

Both Gingrich and Santorum have pointed out over the years Romney's spend spree's.

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 20, 2012 11:07PM

Eyes of the Weasel Wrote:
> dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Stating a fact that the EPA is blocking
> something
> > is not an excuse.
> Oh, so you no doubt have proof that the EPA has
> 'blocked' drilling on permits it has already
> issued.
> I'll wait here while you produce it.

Its sad how you have to have everything spoon fed to you. You dont believe proof anyway and just go on spewing lies all over the place. You get proven wrong on everything you post so the fact you think its not true is proof enough. If you want to actually get informed and then come discuss things feel free to join in, until then save the conversations for the people who actually know what theyre talking about.

Ask your teacher about it maybe theyll know

Posted by: fern ()
Date: March 21, 2012 08:34AM

Obama 2012- this country doesnt need an empty suit with no brains or guts (Romney) or a religious jihadist (Sanitorium)- and Ron Paul is simply a racist and a nut.

Date: March 21, 2012 04:57PM

dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> You dont believe proof anyway and just go
> on spewing lies all over the place. You get
> proven wrong on everything you post so the fact
> you think its not true is proof enough.

I see. You cannot prove your assertion and so are relying upon the logical fallacy of an ad hominem argument. That, of course, makes you look awfully weak. Care to try again?

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: arrogant kenyan ()
Date: March 21, 2012 04:58PM

Obama is an empty suit with no brains and a dick, you are a racist if you vote for
Obama this time around and you will be considered unAmerican. Not another 4 years of this socialism from a community organizer who talks out of both sides of his mouth period

Posted by: dont let facts get in the way ()
Date: March 21, 2012 06:40PM

Eyes of the Weasel Wrote:

> I see. You cannot prove your assertion and so are
> relying upon the logical fallacy of an ad hominem
> argument. That, of course, makes you look awfully
> weak. Care to try again?

No I dont. Im not going to waste any time explaining things to the guy who thinks that oil wells were researched, drilled, and opened in under 3 years under Obama and that hes responsible for increased production or that Lush Dimbulb is a creative and funny name. You dont deal in fact and Im not going to waste time on a brick wall. Everyone knows your full of it ill just wait till you say the next stupid thing and call you out on it

Date: March 21, 2012 09:16PM

dont let facts get in the way Wrote:
> No I dont. Im not going to waste any time
> explaining things to the guy who thinks that oil
> wells were researched, drilled, and opened in
> under 3 years under Obama and that hes responsible
> for increased production or that Lush Dimbulb is a
> creative and funny name. You dont deal in fact
> and Im not going to waste time on a brick wall.
> Everyone knows your full of it ill just wait till
> you say the next stupid thing and call you out on
> it

Obfuscation. Good attempt at distraction. Alas, you have failed.

Again, all you have to do is prove your assertion that the EPA has 'blocked' drilling on permits it has already issued. Simply support your talking point. How difficult is that, if what you say is true.

I'll continue to wait here while you produce it.

"I'm not concerned about the very poor." – Willard "Mitt" Romney, February 1, 2012

Posted by: Jack F. Biden ()
Date: March 21, 2012 09:20PM

Somewhere in Chicago there is a Ghetto missing its community organizer

Posted by: kudos ()
Date: March 22, 2012 08:04AM

somewhere in Boston there is a liberal/conservative/moderate/radical/progressive etch-a-sketch candidate robot missing. The dead dog misses mittens tho. You idiots who vote for Willard have no idea what you are voting for, maybe thats the idea.

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