Re: The Illegal Invasion
Posted by:
hate asians
Date: March 01, 2012 04:05AM
Tin Whiskers Wrote:
> The following happened to the neighborhood that I
> grew up in. It was a just a normal neighborhood
> where people kept their houses neat and yards nice
> with no trash in the streets. Then the illegal's
> overran it. You can call me racist or whatever you
> want but until it happens to your neighborhood you
> don’t know what you're in for.
> And with the housing collapse they are moving into
> higher classed sub-divisions now. These people are
> turning our country into a ghetto. They do not
> like or are used to clean neighborhoods, streets,
> sidewalks, parks, and shopping centers. Soon your
> nice clean and orderly neighborhoods and towns
> will resemble these peoples homeland. Your
> neighborhoods will have dilapidated homes where
> the broken windows have been repaired with old
> plywood and the houses will be painted in day glow
> blue/orange/purple.
> Each house will have as many family members as
> they can squeeze in to it, Grandparents, uncles,
> nieces, and cousins you name it. The garage will
> have bunk beds from end to end. Each house will
> have as many cars as they can park in the yard and
> on the streets. These car’s license plates with
> current registration will have been stolen from
> someone else’s car. Or they will have forged
> temporary registration paper plates in the rear
> window. Along with the cars will be broken
> refrigerators, washing machines worn out
> mattresses and furniture piled up around the
> house. None of them will have driver’s licenses
> or insurance for their cars.
> If one of them should crash into your car, they
> will jump out and run like the wind. If the police
> should track them down they will claim that the
> car was stolen that morning. Your neighborhood
> will have 14 year old girls pushing their babies
> in beat up strollers along the dirty sidewalks
> heading to the welfare office to collect their
> single parent checks and food stamps. The boy
> friend's of these babies will be living in the
> same house with them without the social services
> knowing. The sidewalks will be strewn with
> abandoned shopping carts from various super
> markets that they used to take their food home or
> their dirty clothes to and from the laundry matt
> but were too lazy to take back to the store. They
> will never leave the carts in front of their house
> but will leave it in front of yours.
> The ones that get a hold of forged S.S. cards will
> get jobs at the local fast food restaurant. So
> that when you go there they will always screw up
> your order. Their families will go there and order
> a coke and leave with enough food to feed them for
> two days. The older ones will rent a U-Haul with
> fake documents and have the other family members
> grind off all VIN numbers and hand paint it a
> bright yellow to use as a traveling supermarket to
> drive around your neighborhood. The ones that do
> not want a normal job will come home each day
> after “work” to display to all of the other
> family members the car stereos, GPS’s, chrome
> rims and tires and other electrical equipment they
> acquired to sell at the local swap meet on the
> weekends. The other family members will not even
> ask where they got these items.
> They will have fifty people parting at their house
> on weekends urinating in the yards and streets and
> have their music blaring all night with no regard
> for anyone else living nearby. Graffiti will be on
> all the fences, super markets, schools and highway
> bridges. The kids that go to your school for free
> will form gangs, disrupt the class constantly and
> bully the other kids on the playground. Your
> schools GPA will gradually decline to where the
> State will cancel funding for the school and blame
> the teachers until the GPA raises which will be
> impossible as their “Children don’t speak
> English”.
> This is what will happen to your neighborhood when
> they arrive and infest it. They do not care one
> bit about you, our way of life or our laws. Since
> our “Leaders” refuse to address this invasion
> it only going to get worse.
Down with slanty!