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interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: January 04, 2012 09:46AM

I know a lot of people out there collect their urine and bottle it and things like this, and I've decided I want to start doing this too.

I will die very soon and I want to save everything of my body and from my body, so that my essence is preserved; I want to waste nothing. When you urinate in the toilet and you flush it, it goes down into some pipe and just ends up in a big giant tub of everybody elses urine and all that urine then goes into a big stream somewhere out in nature where it becomes water that we later drink. I want to save mine. I don't want to throw it away. I want to keep my essence. I don't want to flush my essence down some pipes and into a big tub of other essence.......this is very important to me.

I've wanted to do this for a long....and now that I have a larger compartment with enough storage space, I have the option of keeping my essence bottled and saved for posterity, not just let it go to waste with every other tom dick and sallys out there urine into a big stream somewher. I also like to preserve my solid waste, but I understand there may be smell problems associated with this

if anyone knows anything about bott
ling and saving their urine and preserving their lifeforce so it doesn't leave them and go to waste, please leave me a a PMS and I'll appriceitate
it. thanks


Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: January 04, 2012 09:50AM

I love orange juice, but orange juice sure doesn't love me....i'm feeling that right about now boy

Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: January 04, 2012 09:52AM

I'm hurting myself with the juice. I can't
help it, taste so good but it just ends up hurting me.......I always come back to it. I let it hurt me......I need to get out of this abusive relationship with orange juice I have

Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: January 05, 2012 02:30AM

i put alot of work into these thereads

Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 05, 2012 03:00PM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> I'm hurting myself with the juice. I can't
> help it, taste so good but it just ends up hurting
> me.......I always come back to it. I let it hurt
> me......I need to get out of this abusive
> relationship with orange juice I have

Leave it and return to prune juice.
Prune juice will NEVER hurt you.

Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: 3 and out ()
Date: December 24, 2015 07:46AM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> I know a lot of people out there collect their
> urine and bottle it and things like this, and I've
> decided I want to start doing this too.
> I will die very soon and I want to save everything
> of my body and from my body, so that my essence is
> preserved; I want to waste nothing. When you
> urinate in the toilet and you flush it, it goes
> down into some pipe and just ends up in a big
> giant tub of everybody elses urine and all that
> urine then goes into a big stream somewhere out in
> nature where it becomes water that we later drink.
> I want to save mine. I don't want to throw it
> away. I want to keep my essence. I don't want to
> flush my essence down some pipes and into a big
> tub of other essence.......this is very important
> to me.
> I've wanted to do this for a long....and now that
> I have a larger compartment with enough storage
> space, I have the option of keeping my essence
> bottled and saved for posterity, not just let it
> go to waste with every other tom dick and sallys
> out there urine into a big stream somewher. I also
> like to preserve my solid waste, but I understand
> there may be smell problems associated with this
> if anyone knows anything about bott
> ling and saving their urine and preserving their
> lifeforce so it doesn't leave them and go to
> waste, please leave me a a PMS and I'll
> appriceitate
> it. thanks
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Re: interested in beginning to bottle and collect my urine, also feces maybe
Posted by: Buddy ()
Date: May 28, 2019 12:06AM


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