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Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: NOVALurker ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:21PM

I've been hanging out here a few weeks. Can I get some back and forth on registering versus staying anonymous?

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Brunette ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:26PM

If you're a hot blonde I know an anonymous poster who will give you some back and forth.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:32PM

You get more respect as registered user. Many registered users are tired of dealing with annon posters...its like they have something to hide.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: NOVALurker ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:41PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> You get more respect as registered user. Many
> registered users are tired of dealing with annon
> posters...its like they have something to hide.

So, if there's no advantage to being an anonymous poster why are they permitted?

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:57PM

The main advantage to registering is so folks can't impersonate you.

The main advantage to not registering is that it's anonymous unless you get outed.

Not everyone wants to engage on the site. Most people are lurkers.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Bob Marley ()
Date: December 06, 2011 02:59PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> The main advantage to registering is so folks
> can't impersonate you.
> The main advantage to not registering is that it's
> anonymous unless you get outed.
> Not everyone wants to engage on the site. Most
> people are lurkers.

The irony, B-Schoen...the irony...

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: December 06, 2011 03:24PM

It's still anon if you register. Big advantage to registering...no spam code to enter. You get access to the private message feature as well, so other registered posters can message you privately. Well, at least private from the forum, nothing is private to Cary, the site admin. But then, Admins are like God for computers. (they see all, if they want)

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: December 06, 2011 03:29PM

Well... you're unregistered so this is a strange question...

It's cool that you DON'T have to register to post on this site... It's really rare to find a site that isn't trying to get as much information out of you as possible to make a buck off of you...

The fact that anyone can come on here and post something encourages more people to post... which leads to more information for everyone...

NOVALurker Wrote:
> So, if there's no advantage to being an anonymous
> poster why are they permitted?

Signatures are for fags

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: December 06, 2011 03:33PM

NOVALurker Wrote:
> So, if there's no advantage to being an anonymous
> poster why are they permit

Not all registered users ignore anonymous users, just some.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: December 06, 2011 04:10PM

Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> The fact that anyone can come on here and post
> something encourages more people to post...

If I had to register I'd be gone.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 06, 2011 05:34PM

Olde Farte Wrote:
> Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The fact that anyone can come on here and post
> > something encourages more people to post...
> If I had to register I'd be gone.

Why is that? Seriously?

You personally aren't bad (I think)..as far as I can tell always use the same name.

It's the users that change their name with their mood that get me. I can't keep up with who is who and frankly, I lose interest in reading their posts.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: No Way ()
Date: December 06, 2011 05:38PM

If you're female don't register. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, look at almost any post on this forum.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 06, 2011 05:39PM

Just thought of one more thing........registered or unregistered, it doesn't really matter.

Evidently we're all eesh and eesh is all of us.

That said.......hello NOVAlurkereesh.

(wtf? can someone clue me on as to how eesh got such a bad rap? Is he simply the last guy standing from several pissing contests or what?)

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: No Comment ()
Date: December 06, 2011 05:40PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> You personally aren't bad (I think)..as far as I
> can tell always use the same name.

True, hafta admit.

Comfort Food: True, hafta admit.

curiously refreshing: True, hafta admit.

4 more years: True, hafta admit.

4 more years, II: True, hafta admit.

Face Melt: True, hafta admit.

Parental Opinion: True, hafta admit.

Etc ad nauseum.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 06, 2011 05:42PM

Im giving away free shrugs, (meh)

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: penelope ()
Date: December 06, 2011 06:21PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Just thought of one more thing........registered
> or unregistered, it doesn't really matter.
> Evidently we're all eesh and eesh is all of us.
> That said.......hello NOVAlurkereesh.
> (wtf? can someone clue me on as to how eesh got
> such a bad rap? Is he simply the last guy
> standing from several pissing contests or what?)

eesh is mostly hated on by inkahootz and chuckhoffmann posting anonymously, from what i can see

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: December 06, 2011 06:57PM

You all have failed to mention the bonuses we get for registering.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: MEMEME1 ()
Date: December 06, 2011 07:00PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> You all have failed to mention the bonuses we get
> for registering.

Which are?....

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: December 06, 2011 07:02PM

You'll find out after you register.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 06, 2011 09:28PM

you get to view the registered posters only threads and Start Private threads

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2011 09:29PM by ferfux.

Re: Registered FU user vs. Non-registered FU user
Posted by: H_I_D ()
Date: December 06, 2011 11:45PM

NOVALurker Wrote:
> I've been hanging out here a few weeks. Can I get
> some back and forth on registering versus staying
> anonymous?

Well, if you play it like eesh, you could:

1) Create a couple dozen registered IDs to post under.

and -

2) Use about 20 anonymous IDs each day to respond to your own posts to make a subject appear as if it's getting lots of attention from various responders.

Maybe, eesh can give you some more tips. He's kind of the veteran poster here and knows all the tricks of the trade.

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