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Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:26PM

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:27PM


Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Repub ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:31PM

Fuck, fuck, fuck the poor
Fuck, fuck, fuck the poor
Fuck, fuck, fuck the poor

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Gaffes ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:33PM

Gaffe's from Gingrich are going to be priceless.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:37PM

How is this a gaffe?

"Really poor children, in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works so they have no habit of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich claimed.

“They have no habit of staying all day, they have no habit of I do this and you give me cash unless it is illegal,” he added.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2011 02:37PM by FurfaxTownie.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 02:39PM

The solution,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: sumguy ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:06PM

Truth hurts. Its not just poor kids, most kids today don't know what hard work is. They get a college education and expect to be instant CEO's.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:09PM

Lots of kids aren't even in decent enough shape to work hard,,,they've been sitting in the basement on the couch eating junk food and playing video games,,,

Fat, lazy, button pushers,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:13PM

You say that now but wait until the military converts to a cyborg force.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:20PM

yes im sure Newt hangs out in with poor kids and employs them in menial jobs. He has First HAND KNOWLEDGE of what he speaks. WOW must be tough to go and speak to the converted, tell them what they want to hear and collect your big Bucks. LOL at newt

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Deshantel ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:23PM

A good parent leads by example. If a mom has a different baby daddy stopping over every week and does not work there is a good chance the kids see that as acceptable.
Monkey see monkey do.

Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:41PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2012 12:15PM by Alias.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: he didnt say anything wrong ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:42PM

Its funny how when you actually read what was said the attack on him loses its basis. Its no big secret that work ethic is an issue. Trying to ignore that fact will not solve the problem, it will just make it worse. There is also truth to the fact that they do follow the role models of what has been set forth by their parents and until something is done to help break that cycle sadly this problem will continue and most likely just get worse.

Would you rather have someone that continues to just ignore everything and tell people what they want to hear get elected again or someone who will actually put themselves on the line trying to actually address problems that people like to pretend dont exist

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Cake ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:43PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How is this a gaffe?
> "Really poor children, in really poor
> neighborhoods have no habits of working and have
> nobody around them who works so they have no habit
> of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich claimed.
> “They have no habit of staying all day, they
> have no habit of I do this and you give me cash
> unless it is illegal,” he added.

Newt is a little out of touch with Americans if he thinks nobody in a poor neighborhoods works. Sounds like Newt has never visited a poor neighborhood and is eating in too many 5 stars restaurants.

I've lived in poor neighborhoods and most everybody works. They just are not getting paid shit and have too many bills cover. In one case a single mom who was raising 3 kids on a minimum wage salary. Daycare, medical expenses, clothes, food, books, car expenses, rent, utilities... No way she could make it and she couldn't get a better job because she had little education. Her deadbeat husband ran off with blonde chick and wasn't paying a dime in child support.

So Newt is saying she's a lazy ass??? I'd like to slap him upside his head for making such a comment!

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:56PM

The republicans seem to operate under the premise that all poor people are on welfare or some type of Gov't assistance,,

It's been proven time and time again, that many of the poor work harder than the average citizen,by virtue of the fact many low wage jobs are manuel labor and many of the poor work two or three of these jobs to support their families,,,

The GOP is trying to vilify the the poor to distract from the fact they don't give a shit about anyone that doesn't live in a gated community,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: not every single one ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:56PM

Cake Wrote:
> Newt is a little out of touch with Americans if he
> thinks nobody in a poor neighborhoods works.
> Sounds like Newt has never visited a poor
> neighborhood and is eating in too many 5 stars
> restaurants.
> I've lived in poor neighborhoods and most
> everybody works. They just are not getting paid
> shit and have too many bills cover. In one case a
> single mom who was raising 3 kids on a minimum
> wage salary. Daycare, medical expenses, clothes,
> food, books, car expenses, rent, utilities... No
> way she could make it and she couldn't get a
> better job because she had little education. Her
> deadbeat husband ran off with blonde chick and
> wasn't paying a dime in child support.
> So Newt is saying she's a lazy ass??? I'd like to
> slap him upside his head for making such a
> comment!

Hes making a generalization. Of course theres exceptions to every rule. You can come up with an exception for every statement. The fact is though gang activity is highest in poor areas of large cities ect. Not EVERYONE of them has a poor work ethic. But all you have to do is look at crime rates to see that a significant percentage view crime as a legitimate source of income.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:58PM

Of course he's making a generalization,,,racism is also a generalization,,,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2011 03:58PM by Hatemotor.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: WhiteGuy ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:07PM

What a stupid thing to say.

For anyone who wants to defend Newt's statement with some version of, "But isn't what he said basically true??" I'm telling you, what he said sounds like code words for, "Black people like watermelon and fried chicken and mexicans are lazy." Give me break, poor kids are lazy -- as if he's been there to observe. Even if it was true it would be dumb to say.

If he had said "rich kids are lazy/etc." I would think his statement was equally as retarded, as if there are no hard-working rich kids. Obviously any time a presidential candidate makes a sweeping generalization and politically insensitive statement about a whole class of people like this, they have has stepped in it, big time.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:18PM

Newt, go to any bus stop in Anacostia or Brentwood at 5:00 AM and see all the people up, dressed, and waiting for a bus at 5:00 AM so they can go to work.

Go to the poorest neighborhoods of the tidewater area and you will find people who go to work at 5:00 AM removing the crab meat from carcasses that were the morning's catch. They also have to pick the cartilage pieces from the meat before processing. Don't fool yourself, this is very hard work.

Who delivers your newspaper, newt. W=ho prepares school lunches or cleans up the schools every morning and night? Who cooks in fast food or waitresses in diners? Who makes the beds in hotels? who works on roofs in the summer?

Poor people, Newt, poor people. And by the way, poor kids have to show up in school for six-seven hours, five days a week, so, what the hell are you talking about?

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: he didnt say anything wrong ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:21PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> Newt, go to any bus stop in Anacostia or Brentwood
> at 5:00 AM and see all the people up, dressed, and
> waiting for a bus at 5:00 AM so they can go to
> work.
> Go to the poorest neighborhoods of the tidewater
> area and you will find people who go to work at
> 5:00 AM removing the crab meat from carcasses that
> were the morning's catch. They also have to pick
> the cartilage pieces from the meat before
> processing. Don't fool yourself, this is very hard
> work.
> Who delivers your newspaper, newt. W=ho prepares
> school lunches or cleans up the schools every
> morning and night? Who cooks in fast food or
> waitresses in diners? Who makes the beds in
> hotels? who works on roofs in the summer?
> Poor people, Newt, poor people. And by the way,
> poor kids have to show up in school for six-seven
> hours, five days a week, so, what the hell are you
> talking about?

And you will also see gang members waking up at 2 in the afternoon and neighborhoods the police wont go into that are gang controlled and higher unemployment rates and arrest rates. Whats you point

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: nice try ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:23PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Of course he's making a generalization,,,racism is
> also a generalization,,,

And trying to say its race based is a lazy cop out that the left uses when they have no good argument and the facts are against them. Just like anyone who opposes Obama must be racist, it cant possibly be that they dont like his policies. Its a pathetic attempt to discredit an argument and part of the reason why this mess exists in the first place

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:25PM

he didnt say anything wrong Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Newt, go to any bus stop in Anacostia or
> Brentwood
> > at 5:00 AM and see all the people up, dressed,
> and
> > waiting for a bus at 5:00 AM so they can go to
> > work.
> >
> > Go to the poorest neighborhoods of the
> tidewater
> > area and you will find people who go to work at
> > 5:00 AM removing the crab meat from carcasses
> that
> > were the morning's catch. They also have to
> pick
> > the cartilage pieces from the meat before
> > processing. Don't fool yourself, this is very
> hard
> > work.
> >
> > Who delivers your newspaper, newt. W=ho
> prepares
> > school lunches or cleans up the schools every
> > morning and night? Who cooks in fast food or
> > waitresses in diners? Who makes the beds in
> > hotels? who works on roofs in the summer?
> >
> > Poor people, Newt, poor people. And by the
> way,
> > poor kids have to show up in school for
> six-seven
> > hours, five days a week, so, what the hell are
> you
> > talking about?
> And you will also see gang members waking up at 2
> in the afternoon and neighborhoods the police wont
> go into that are gang controlled and higher
> unemployment rates and arrest rates. Whats you
> point

Please accept this invitation to join the Apostrophobia Society.

The first rule of the Apostrophobia Society; "Its important to put the apostrophe in it's proper place."

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:26PM

I'm just as concerned about the gangsters on Wall St,,,

"A crook with a breifcase can steal more than 10 with machine guns"

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:29PM

nice try Wrote:
> Hatemotor Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Of course he's making a generalization,,,racism
> is
> > also a generalization,,,
> And trying to say its race based is a lazy cop out
> that the left uses when they have no good argument
> and the facts are against them. Just like anyone
> who opposes Obama must be racist, it cant possibly
> be that they dont like his policies. Its a
> pathetic attempt to discredit an argument and part
> of the reason why this mess exists in the first
> place

My point was that generalizations don't work as a matter of policy,,,

His arguement IS weak,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 02, 2011 04:32PM

he didnt say anything wrong Wrote:

> Would you rather have someone that continues to
> just ignore everything and tell people what they
> want to hear get elected again or someone who will
> actually put themselves on the line trying to
> actually address problems that people like to
> pretend dont exist

thats laughable. Because Gingrich wont address the problem of poverty except to make it WORSE. He likes the status quo and WANTS to make MORE poor people.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: no ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:02PM

ferfux Wrote:

> thats laughable. Because Gingrich wont address the
> problem of poverty except to make it WORSE. He
> likes the status quo and WANTS to make MORE poor
> people.

The fact that you think that just shows you have no clue what you are talking about and just blindly support your party while hating anyone with an R next to their name

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: nice try ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:04PM

Hatemotor Wrote:

> My point was that generalizations don't work as a
> matter of policy,,,
> His arguement IS weak,,,

The first part of your statement is somewhat true. Generalizations always have exceptions but thats what ALL politicians talk in when doing interviews or policy speeches. His argument isnt weak especially for the younger generation. Hell Obama just said the same thing and took it a step further to say all americans are lazy but thats fine because hes YOUR candidate

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:10PM

Obama is not MY candidate,,,whenever anyone critizes this piss poor group of republican candidates, your automatically a Obama supporter,,,

Your the idealogue, you're trying to defend YOUR guys even if they are probably the weakest candidates the GOP has ever fielded,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Gopped ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:24PM

This GOP field has democrats laugh all the way to the elections. Chris Christie made the smartest move by staying the hell out of the race with these clowns.

Hell Palin might of even had a chance at a GOP nomination with this group.

Gingrich, Romney and Perry are democrats dreams. As for Ron Paul, he might as well be talking to a wall because nobody is even covering him.

The fact that each month there is new leader is a strong indicator that they all weak.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:27PM

no Wrote:
> ferfux Wrote:
> > thats laughable. Because Gingrich wont address
> the
> > problem of poverty except to make it WORSE. He
> > likes the status quo and WANTS to make MORE
> poor
> > people.
> The fact that you think that just shows you have
> no clue what you are talking about and just
> blindly support your party while hating anyone
> with an R next to their name

The Fact that Newt said that, that You defend him saying that and that He lives in a sepia toned 1950's dream world and feels the NEED to attack the POOR?!?! Come on! that old Conservative saw, "the poor are the poor because they are LAZY!" 'we the rich are RICH because we WORK HAAAAAARD" sure. Blowing hot air to cheering crowds who pay six figures to tell them what they want to hear. Real hard work newt. go back to boys town you clown.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:28PM

People are poor in this country because they make poor decisions over & over & over & over again.

Ever actually talk to people in soup kitchens or inner cities? Ask them about their last job? Why they are out of work? What they are doing to fix it?

Most of the time it comes down to drugs. They get clean for a while, are doing well, working themselves out of the whole then someone from the past gets out of jail or comes back to town they think they can imbibe themselves, once becomes twice, twice then thrice and so on.

Next thing, they start showing up late, not at all, then when they are at work is poor performance.

A manager asks them to do something and the worker doesn't like the tone. Next thing you know its a shouting match.

1) Tardiness: "i missed the bus"
- translation: I got high and forgot i was supposed to work

2) No show: "my ride didn;t show up"
- translation: "me and my friends got high and passed out"

3) Insubordination: "you're being disrespectful"
- translation: "ok i got high, knew i had to work but didn't sober up in time"

4) Poor customer service: "it wasn't my fault"
- translation: "I got high last night and am still hungover"

This is coming from someone who worked in entry level positions from high school through college. It almost always the same no matter what color you are.

They are the rule. Yes there are some exceptions. When you find those people and are able to help them out its wonderful.

Seriously, fuck most poor people because they never want to take responsibility for their lot in life.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2011 05:28PM by Hay Zeus.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: or you just dont pay attention ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:28PM

Gopped Wrote:

> The fact that each month there is new leader is a
> strong indicator that they all weak.

Or that fact that you dont pay any attention to elections. That ALWAYS happens when there isnt an incumbent from their party

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: yea right ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:29PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Obama is not MY candidate,,,whenever anyone
> critizes this piss poor group of republican
> candidates, your automatically a Obama
> supporter,,,
> Your the idealogue, you're trying to defend YOUR
> guys even if they are probably the weakest
> candidates the GOP has ever fielded,,,

Ive seen your other views on things. He most certainly is your candidate. If anything hes not liberal enough for you

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:48PM


Like when I said Chris Christie was the best option for the GOP and said I would consider supporting him?

Reagan and Nixon would be considered liberals compared to todays republicans,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: yea right ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:58PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Really?
> Like when I said Chris Christie was the best
> option for the GOP and said I would consider
> supporting him?
> Reagan and Nixon would be considered liberals
> compared to todays republicans,,,

Theres no denying Christie would have been the best candidate. If he decides to run hell wait until an open election with no incumbents though.

Not really, Bush was a very liberal republican the left just wanted to make him out to be some far right maniac. Its more that the left is going so far left that everyone else seems more conservative. Theres definitely some people that are far right in the race, they arent serious contenders though. Perry is probably the biggest name but its doubtful he gets the nomination.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 06:07PM

Nixon wanted universal health care for ALL Americans,,,supported the clean water act

Reagan signed amnesty for illegal aliens (I didn't support that personally),,,

Pretty liberal,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 02, 2011 06:09PM

Gopped Wrote:
> This GOP field has democrats laugh all the way to
> the elections. Chris Christie made the smartest
> move by staying the hell out of the race with
> these clowns.
> Hell Palin might of even had a chance at a GOP
> nomination with this group.
> Gingrich, Romney and Perry are democrats dreams.
> As for Ron Paul, he might as well be talking to a
> wall because nobody is even covering him.
> The fact that each month there is new leader is a
> strong indicator that they all weak.

You do understand how our elections work, no?

A short five months prior to the last election, Obama had just moved ahead of Hillary. And there were six other candidates running up to the primary.

President Obama did not hit the ground running when he announced his candidacy, he struggled for quite a while in fact.

But in the end, America decided they'd rather have a man they knew nothing about as their president than a woman named Hillary.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: December 02, 2011 06:14PM

Alias Wrote:
> ferfux Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > yes im sure Newt hangs out in with poor kids
> and
> > employs them in menial jobs. He has First HAND
> > KNOWLEDGE of what he speaks. WOW must be
> tough
> > to go and speak to the converted, tell them
> what
> > they want to hear and collect your big Bucks.
> > at newt
> You might not like him, but what he's saying is
> essentially correct.
> Is it not?

It's certainly stereotypically correct.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 06:15PM

Big mistake,,,I think we would have been better off with Hillary,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 02, 2011 07:45PM

And by the way, Newt, Janitorial supplies and equipment are not designed to be used by children. I guess you are not smart enough to figure that one out either.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 02, 2011 08:14PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> And by the way, Newt, Janitorial supplies and
> equipment are not designed to be used by children.
> I guess you are not smart enough to figure that
> one out either.


As long as you're going to talk to him......you may as well talk to him.

Unless you're nothing but talk, that is.

I doubt he reads the FFXU.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 02, 2011 08:15PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Big mistake,,,I think we would have been better
> off with Hillary,,,

I agree although I am not all that high on her either. Something about career politicians turns me off.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 08:21PM

If you would have told me back in the early 90's I would ever advocate Hillary Clinton as the best candidate from either party, I probably would have fought you in the street,,,

The fact that four years after the last election she STILL looks like the best option is just incredible,,,

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 02, 2011 09:48PM

Hay Zeus Wrote:
> People are poor in this country because they make
> poor decisions over & over & over & over again.
> Ever actually talk to people in soup kitchens or
> inner cities? Ask them about their last job? Why
> they are out of work? What they are doing to fix
> it?
> Most of the time it comes down to drugs. They get
> clean for a while, are doing well, working
> themselves out of the whole then someone from the
> past gets out of jail or comes back to town they
> think they can imbibe themselves, once becomes
> twice, twice then thrice and so on.
> Next thing, they start showing up late, not at
> all, then when they are at work is poor
> performance.
> A manager asks them to do something and the worker
> doesn't like the tone. Next thing you know its a
> shouting match.
> 1) Tardiness: "i missed the bus"
> - translation: I got high and forgot i was
> supposed to work
> 2) No show: "my ride didn;t show up"
> - translation: "me and my friends got high and
> passed out"
> 3) Insubordination: "you're being disrespectful"
> - translation: "ok i got high, knew i had to work
> but didn't sober up in time"
> 4) Poor customer service: "it wasn't my fault"
> - translation: "I got high last night and am
> still hungover"
> This is coming from someone who worked in entry
> level positions from high school through college.
> It almost always the same no matter what color you
> are.
> They are the rule. Yes there are some exceptions.
> When you find those people and are able to help
> them out its wonderful.
> Seriously, fuck most poor people because they
> never want to take responsibility for their lot in
> life.

Congrats! You just summed up Afro Man's smash hit single...I was gonna get a job but den I got high!

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: yea right ()
Date: December 02, 2011 10:41PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Nixon wanted universal health care for ALL
> Americans,,,supported the clean water act
> Reagan signed amnesty for illegal aliens (I didn't
> support that personally),,,
> Pretty liberal,,,

Bush was for amnesty as well. Im on the fence on that issue. I dont believe they should be rewarded for breaking the law but its the most practical way to deal with the problem

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: December 02, 2011 10:48PM


It IS possible to deport large groups of people,,,

You ever heard of the trail of tears?

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: yea right ()
Date: December 02, 2011 11:35PM

Hatemotor Wrote:
> Wrong!
> It IS possible to deport large groups of
> people,,,
> You ever heard of the trail of tears?

So you do what you drop them just on the other side of the boarder and they come right back over. Also what are you going to do when all the kitchens have no staff and the farmers lose all their labor. The fact is we NEED to have that type of cheap labor we just need some sort of work program to get it. As long as the boarder has as many holes as it does today it doesnt matter. Even if you deported them all more would just come in their place. Your also assuming you would find them all in the first place

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 03, 2011 05:17AM

yea right Wrote:
> So you do what you drop them just on the other
> side of the boarder and they come right back over.
> Also what are you going to do when all the
> kitchens have no staff and the farmers lose all
> their labor. The fact is we NEED to have that
> type of cheap labor we just need some sort of work
> program to get it. As long as the boarder has as
> many holes as it does today it doesnt matter.
> Even if you deported them all more would just come
> in their place. Your also assuming you would find
> them all in the first place

No, what we NEED is to teach the assholes involved in "Occupy" that if they'd start at the bottom like everyone else on the planet, there'd be no need in hiring illegals of any sort or in shipping any jobs overseas.

If there were no jobs available, the would not come here. Period. They'd rather be home around people they actually like.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 03, 2011 10:56AM

SoylentGreen Wrote:

> No, what we NEED is to teach the assholes involved
> in "Occupy" that if they'd start at the bottom
> like everyone else on the planet, there'd be no
> need in hiring illegals of any sort or in shipping
> any jobs overseas.
> If there were no jobs available, the would not
> come here. Period. They'd rather be home around
> people they actually like.

you are an IDIOT. if you start at the bottom with your McJob you STAY at the bottom. Its how the power brokers and the money men in Wall street have set up the system. Its a put down stay down situation so they can Hoard all the money for themselves. HOARD ALL THE MONEY AND POWER AND INFLUENCE FOR THEMSELVES. The American dream is broken. You can see it in that the richest 1% of families wealth since 1977-2007 has GROWN larger and larger while everyone else has stagnated or decreased. They ship jobs over seas because of slave wages.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 03, 2011 11:50AM

ferfux Wrote:
> SoylentGreen Wrote:
> >
> > No, what we NEED is to teach the assholes
> involved
> > in "Occupy" that if they'd start at the bottom
> > like everyone else on the planet, there'd be no
> > need in hiring illegals of any sort or in
> shipping
> > any jobs overseas.
> >
> > If there were no jobs available, the would not
> > come here. Period. They'd rather be home
> around
> > people they actually like.
> you are an IDIOT. if you start at the bottom with
> your McJob you STAY at the bottom. Its how the
> power brokers and the money men in Wall street
> have set up the system. Its a put down stay down
> situation so they can Hoard all the money for
> INFLUENCE FOR THEMSELVES. The American dream is
> broken. You can see it in that the richest 1% of
> families wealth since 1977-2007 has GROWN larger
> and larger while everyone else has stagnated or
> decreased. They ship jobs over seas because of
> slave wages.

And you are a liar and a fool. 99% of the 99% started at the bottom. Just because you had a silver spoon shoved up your ass when you entered the job market doesn't make it so for everyone.

There are a few jobs in this country that have zilch to do with Wall Street yanno...maybe you should step out of your ivory tower (that your parents gave you) and take a good look at the rest of the world using something other than IE and MSNBC.com.

The bottom doesn't always equal minimum wage either. But you do have to pay your dues to get anywhere in this world. Even the 1% had to. And evidently everyone else has been successful at it except you.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 03, 2011 12:43PM

> And you are a liar and a fool. 99% of the 99%
> started at the bottom.

and thanks to the 1% STAY THERE!
Just because you had a
> silver spoon shoved up your ass when you entered
> the job market doesn't make it so for everyone.
yeah just the 1%!

> There are a few jobs in this country that have
> zilch to do with Wall Street yanno...maybe you
> should step out of your ivory tower (that your
> parents gave you) and take a good look at the rest
> of the world using something other than IE and
> MSNBC.com.

I use Firefox thank you but Im well informed and self educated and KNOW of what I speak, Rather than the blather from FOX news that keeps people UNINFORMED and are a propaganda organ for the 1%

> The bottom doesn't always equal minimum wage
> either.

yeah it equals LESS than min wage

But you do have to pay your dues to get
> anywhere in this world. Even the 1% had to.

yeah they paid 100,000 to MILLIONS in campaign funds and lobbying efforts to rig the system!
> evidently everyone else has been successful at it
> except you.

everyone else or the 1%?

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: nothing you said was true ()
Date: December 03, 2011 01:55PM

ferfux Wrote:
> >
> >
> > And you are a liar and a fool. 99% of the 99%
> > started at the bottom.
> and thanks to the 1% STAY THERE!
> Just because you had a
> > silver spoon shoved up your ass when you
> entered
> > the job market doesn't make it so for everyone.
> >
> yeah just the 1%!
> > There are a few jobs in this country that have
> > zilch to do with Wall Street yanno...maybe you
> > should step out of your ivory tower (that your
> > parents gave you) and take a good look at the
> rest
> > of the world using something other than IE and
> > MSNBC.com.
> >
> I use Firefox thank you but Im well informed and
> self educated and KNOW of what I speak, Rather
> than the blather from FOX news that keeps people
> UNINFORMED and are a propaganda organ for the 1%
> > The bottom doesn't always equal minimum wage
> > either.
> yeah it equals LESS than min wage
> But you do have to pay your dues to get
> > anywhere in this world. Even the 1% had to.
> yeah they paid 100,000 to MILLIONS in campaign
> funds and lobbying efforts to rig the system!
> And
> > evidently everyone else has been successful at
> it
> > except you.
> everyone else or the 1%?

You honestly might be the most uninformed person Ive ever come across. Your self education clearly didnt work which makes sense why you feel like youve been screwed since you have no formal education. The only people making less than minimum wage are illegals. No not everyone stays at the bottom. People such as yourself who just whine and complain waiting for free handouts such as yourself stay at the bottom, others work their way up the ladder and move into management or more. Not everyone is gonna be the CEO. Theres 1 CEO and they will be there for a while usually.

Yea keep blaming Wall Street for your shortcomings. By the way your boy Obama took more money from Wallstreet than anyone else did

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 03, 2011 02:46PM

ferfux Wrote:
> I use Firefox thank you but Im well informed and
> self educated and KNOW of what I speak, Rather
> than the blather from FOX news that keeps people
> UNINFORMED and are a propaganda organ for the 1%

I see. So it's FOX News fault that you're a total failure at life and can't get a CEO job on Wall Street?

The more you talk the dumber you sound. I think we're done here.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 04, 2011 08:57AM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> ferfux Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I use Firefox thank you but Im well informed
> and
> > self educated and KNOW of what I speak, Rather
> > than the blather from FOX news that keeps
> people
> > UNINFORMED and are a propaganda organ for the
> 1%
> I see. So it's FOX News fault that you're a total
> failure at life and can't get a CEO job on Wall
> Street?
> The more you talk the dumber you sound. I think
> we're done here.

So basically you read my post and understood NONE OF IT except you read FOX NEWS and stopped. Thats typical of FOX NEWS WATCHERS! You are a Complete LOSER AND MORON! The more things you post the STUPIDER YOU REVEAL yourself to be.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 04, 2011 09:07AM

nothing you said was true Wrote:

> You honestly might be the most uninformed person
> Ive ever come across.

you must not come across very many people and they must all watch FOX NEWS

Your self education clearly
> didnt work which makes sense why you feel like
> youve been screwed since you have no formal
> education.

I have a mix of both formal education and self education. You on the other hand need all the help you can get. That is the poorest excuse for sentence construction I have ever seen.

The only people making less than
> minimum wage are illegals.

Again you have no reading or comprehension. The LEGAL residents of other countries make SLAVE WAGES. Idiot.

No not everyone stays
> at the bottom.

According to statistics even those in the middle get laid off, FREQUENTLY. Also since 1977-2007 wages have flattened or gotten worse. Thanks for your misinformation again.

People such as yourself who just
> whine and complain waiting for free handouts such
> as yourself stay at the bottom,

Again its the attack of the poor sentence construction. Do I whine and complain or am I, literally a free handout? A person who cant edit his own thoughts shouldn't try to argue with someone, such as myself, who is vastly more intelligent.

others work their
> way up the ladder and move into management or
> more.

more than management? LOL, and get their jobs outsourced to someone making less money or overseas.

Not everyone is gonna be the CEO.

Yes the 1% make sure of that.

Theres 1
> CEO and they will be there for a while usually.
> Yea keep blaming Wall Street for your
> shortcomings.

"Yea" or nay? YEAH, or YES I will keep Blaming wall street for cratering the economy, getting bailed out DECADE after DECADE, savings and loans, Enron, THE HOUSING BUBBLE scandal after SCANDAL and getting away with sucking tax payers money through the government as yet another financial scam to get richer.

By the way your boy Obama took more
> money from Wallstreet than anyone else did.

Which is why we live in a plutocracy. I dont endorse Obama any more than any other corrupt political figure. You are just the IDIOT that cant see past partisan politics. FUCKING IDIOT.

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: December 04, 2011 09:10AM

ferfux Wrote:
> SoylentGreen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ferfux Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I use Firefox thank you but Im well informed
> > and
> > > self educated and KNOW of what I speak,
> Rather
> > > than the blather from FOX news that keeps
> > people
> > > UNINFORMED and are a propaganda organ for the
> > 1%
> >
> > I see. So it's FOX News fault that you're a
> total
> > failure at life and can't get a CEO job on Wall
> > Street?
> >
> > The more you talk the dumber you sound. I
> think
> > we're done here.
> So basically you read my post and understood NONE
> OF IT except you read FOX NEWS and stopped. Thats
> typical of FOX NEWS WATCHERS! You are a Complete
> LOSER AND MORON! The more things you post the
> STUPIDER YOU REVEAL yourself to be.

I understood all I needed to understand. You believe that FOX News is the cause of all the country's woes. By most of your posts (which include some slam against that network) no one else is to blame.

Do you actually understand how stupid that sounds? If FOX News controls so much......and FOX News hates the president so much....how the fuck did he get elected?

And before you say that the majority of the country was too smart to fall for what they say and voted for him, think about that a minute. How good is FOX at being the "propaganda organ for the 1%"?

Not that it matters, I haven't watched any news channel other than to catch the weather since the last election. Why do I need to when I can come here and be enlightened by your erroneous opinions?

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: SoyIentGreen ()
Date: December 04, 2011 09:15AM

kill me now

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: i hope you get help ()
Date: December 04, 2011 03:09PM

ferfux Wrote:

> you must not come across very many people and they
> must all watch FOX NEWS

Youre a broken record. I know its hard to try and say things when its not on the days current talking points but at least put a little more effort into it. You must have been fired by Fox or not hired by them with how you just go on and on and on about them when not a single person has mentioned it but you. But its all just a big conspiracy right?

> I have a mix of both formal education and self
> education. You on the other hand need all the
> help you can get. That is the poorest excuse for
> sentence construction I have ever seen.

It was 100 percent fine. Learn how to read. I write more like Im writing to a child to help you out.

> Again you have no reading or comprehension. The
> LEGAL residents of other countries make SLAVE
> WAGES. Idiot.

I dont care what people in other countries make. Thats not our country. No one makes slave wages in the US. Minimum wage HAS to be paid to anyone LEGALLY working.

> According to statistics even those in the middle
> get laid off, FREQUENTLY. Also since 1977-2007
> wages have flattened or gotten worse. Thanks for
> your misinformation again.

And by those in the middle you mean yourself gets laid off frequently. You arent even making a point with this broad statement that your trying to portray as fact. People at all levels get fired. Starting wages are significantly higher now than in 1977 so again lay off the koolaid.

> Again its the attack of the poor sentence
> construction. Do I whine and complain or am I,
> literally a free handout? A person who cant edit
> his own thoughts shouldn't try to argue with
> someone, such as myself, who is vastly more
> intelligent.

Your not intelligent at all. You cant read. You cant understand things. You cant talk in facts. Everything is just a big right wing conspiracy to you.

> > more than management? LOL, and get their jobs
> outsourced to someone making less money or
> overseas.

No, jobs that get outsourced are manual labor jobs that unions drove the cost way up for in the US.

> Yes the 1% make sure of that.

You really just are an idiot.

> "Yea" or nay? YEAH, or YES I will keep Blaming
> wall street for cratering the economy, getting
> bailed out DECADE after DECADE, savings and loans,
> Enron, THE HOUSING BUBBLE scandal after SCANDAL
> and getting away with sucking tax payers money
> through the government as yet another financial
> scam to get richer.

So we agree then that liberal ideas are the reason to blame for all of this. Not everyone can own a house.

> Which is why we live in a plutocracy. I dont
> endorse Obama any more than any other corrupt
> political figure. You are just the IDIOT that cant
> see past partisan politics. FUCKING IDIOT.

Has nothing to do with partisan politics. Polarizing political figures do that. But let me guess Obama is to conservative for you

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: bumpers ()
Date: December 04, 2011 09:20PM


Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: Newt Lover ()
Date: December 04, 2011 09:21PM

Go Newt!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: billyjoe ()
Date: December 04, 2011 10:04PM

Fuckin' nigger

Re: Gingrich: Poor kids don’t know work unless it’s crime
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: December 04, 2011 10:08PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> How is this a gaffe?
> "Really poor children, in really poor
> neighborhoods have no habits of working and have
> nobody around them who works so they have no habit
> of showing up on Monday,” Gingrich claimed.
> “They have no habit of staying all day, they
> have no habit of I do this and you give me cash
> unless it is illegal,” he added.

How does that stray from the reality of it all? If he had replaced "Really poor" with "Inner city blacks", he'd still be correct, but then he'd be accused of being a racist.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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