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Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: John Myers ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:30PM

Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack... The "C" was inserted to soften the name from it original arabic version "Al Barak")

Fact - He was born a Muslim
Fact - His mother married Muslim men twice
Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
Fact - Obama did not vote for the Iraq war because he was NOT a senator back then
Fact - Obama's heritage: Half Black Muslim from Kenya
Fact - Obama studied in the worlds largest Muslim country as a kid

I cannot accept this person as our next commander and chief. Has anyone noticed that "Barak Hussein Obama" has never said anything in his campaign speeches about going after Islamic terrorists. It makes you wonder why! - The only reason that the democrats are backing this guy, is because he is a good orator and sounds convincing while delivering speeches. He talks about "change". The only change that he is capable of (if he makes president) is pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps, it is part of a greater Muslim strategy.


Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:34PM

you are out of your mind

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: John Myers ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:36PM

The truth hurts!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WTF ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:42PM

Back it up, thats a bunch of BS if you ask me. If any of that is true then provide some hard evidence, or you can go sit n' spin.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WTF ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:45PM

By the way, do you think the govt just lets anyone who is backed by a party and , elected be president? No! anyone who is a serious contender is seriously investigated!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:48PM

Fact: Barack Obama's father was a Muslim from Kenya.

Fact: His father left when he was two.

Fact: His mother remarried and Obama spent four years of elementary school in Indonesia from 1967 to 1971 - years before there was an Al Qaeda or Mujahadeen.

Fact: Obama then moved to Hawaii and was raised by his white, Christian grandparents.

Fact: Obama has been a practicing Christian most of his life.

Fact: If this were part of some radical Muslim conspiracy, why not utilize white, anglo people like John Walker Lynn versus a black guy named "Hussein?"

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:52PM

Very good Washington...but I am sure we will soon find out that John will not accept your rationale explanation.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Dell ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:52PM

This is an excellent thread. Barak Hussein Obama is altogether creepy.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:55PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> you are out of your mind

You're stupid.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 11, 2008 10:57PM

That's because John is part of the Clinton Machine (probably Virginia for Hillary).

Here is the story, as reported by Fox News several months ago. Hillary has been trying to get traction with this for several months....


She is only trying to do what Karl Rove did to John McCain in South Carolina in 2000 (spreading rumors that John McCain fathered a black child).

This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the Hillary camp is capable of. Just imagine what kind of slander she would promote if she were President.

Don't vote for Hillary!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: pizza joe ()
Date: February 11, 2008 11:04PM

I like the notion a guy is secretly a terrorist and he will get elected president and then take over the country. Yeah that works.

I fear Queen Hillary a thousand times more than Obama. Her rhetoric is right out of Marx and Lenin. No individual freedom but only a collective good.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 11, 2008 11:10PM

More details from Newsweek. Like I said, this is being linked to Hillary's campaign...

"Over the past few months, it's become clear that there are some shady people out there bent on spreading the claim----completely, inarguably, demonstrably false--that Obama is a "crypto-Muslim Manchurian candidate." It started with a set of untraceable viral emails, which say that "Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background" and ask "Can a good Muslim become a good American?" (the answer, they add, is no). And it has continued with trolls like "HolyRoller," a monomaniacal individual now infecting the "He's One of Us Now" comment board, where he's busy posing questions like "To all you Obama supporters: Is he Shiite or Sunni?" and lamenting "how foolish we have become" now that "a large segment of our population wants one of the [Islamic] devils to be their President"--despite the fact that my article had nothing whatsoever to do with Obama's religious background. The Obama campaign has been waging a determined, low-intensity war against the smear since January 2007, and the candidate himself has repeatedly weighed in. His typical response? "The American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for."

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Virginia for Hillary ()
Date: February 11, 2008 11:14PM

A lot of people from military in Virginia has serious doubts about Obama's qualification to be commander in chief. Senator Clinton and McCain are much more qualified on national security. During the first debate, a question was asked how you would respond if two cities were attacked. Barack's answer was basically he would call the ambulances. Hillary answered that she would find out who did it and retaliate forcefully. The experience between them is just night and day.

I will vote for Hillary tomorrow not because of Barak's Muslim background, which is a serious concern in the general election. I am choosing action over rhetoric.

John Myers Wrote:
> Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack... The
> "C" was inserted to soften the name from it
> original arabic version "Al Barak")
> Fact - He was born a Muslim
> Fact - His mother married Muslim men twice
> Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious
> Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
> Fact - Obama did not vote for the Iraq war because
> he was NOT a senator back then
> Fact - Obama's heritage: Half Black Muslim from
> Kenya
> Fact - Obama studied in the worlds largest Muslim
> country as a kid
> I cannot accept this person as our next commander
> and chief. Has anyone noticed that "Barak Hussein
> Obama" has never said anything in his campaign
> speeches about going after Islamic terrorists. It
> makes you wonder why! - The only reason that the
> democrats are backing this guy, is because he is a
> good orator and sounds convincing while delivering
> speeches. He talks about "change". The only change
> that he is capable of (if he makes president) is
> pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very
> dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American
> President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps, it
> is part of a greater Muslim strategy.
> John

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 11, 2008 11:18PM

Virginia for Hillary Wrote:
> A lot of people from military in Virginia has
> serious doubts about Obama's qualification to be
> commander in chief. Senator Clinton and McCain are
> much more qualified on national security. During
> the first debate, a question was asked how you
> would respond if two cities were attacked.
> Barack's answer was basically he would call the
> ambulances. Hillary answered that she would find
> out who did it and retaliate forcefully. The
> experience between them is just night and day.
> I will vote for Hillary tomorrow not because of
> Barak's Muslim background, which is a serious
> concern in the general election. I am choosing
> action over rhetoric.
> John Myers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack...
> The
> > "C" was inserted to soften the name from it
> > original arabic version "Al Barak")
> >
> > Fact - He was born a Muslim
> > Fact - His mother married Muslim men twice
> > Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious
> > Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
> > Fact - Obama did not vote for the Iraq war
> because
> > he was NOT a senator back then
> > Fact - Obama's heritage: Half Black Muslim from
> > Kenya
> > Fact - Obama studied in the worlds largest
> Muslim
> > country as a kid
> >
> > I cannot accept this person as our next
> commander
> > and chief. Has anyone noticed that "Barak
> Hussein
> > Obama" has never said anything in his campaign
> > speeches about going after Islamic terrorists.
> It
> > makes you wonder why! - The only reason that
> the
> > democrats are backing this guy, is because he is
> a
> > good orator and sounds convincing while
> delivering
> > speeches. He talks about "change". The only
> change
> > that he is capable of (if he makes president)
> is
> > pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very
> > dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American
> > President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps,
> it
> > is part of a greater Muslim strategy.
> >
> >
> > John

Virginia for Hillary! You rear your fucking ugly head again! I knew it was you! Can't wait for that fat bitch of yours to lose. What you are doing here will only guarantee it.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: February 11, 2008 11:19PM

Virginia for Hillary Wrote:

> Barack's answer was basically he would call the
> ambulances.

How about a quote or a link to this info.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Virginia for Hillary ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:38AM

Williams: Time has expired.

Thank you, Congressman.

Senator Obama, if, God forbid a thousand times, while we were gathered here tonight, we learned that two American cities have been hit simultaneously by terrorists and we further learned, beyond the shadow of a doubt it had been the work of Al Qaida, how would you change the U.S. military stance overseas as a result?

Obama: Well, the first thing we'd have to do is make sure that we've got an effective emergency response, something that this administration failed to do when we had a hurricane in New Orleans.

And I think that we have to review how we operate in the event of not only a natural disaster, but also a terrorist attack.

Clinton: Well, again, having been a senator during 9/11, I understand very well the extraordinary horror of that kind of an attack and the impact that it has, far beyond those that are directly affected.
I think a president must move as swiftly as is prudent to retaliate.

If we are attacked, and we can determine who is behind that attack, and if there are nations that supported or gave material aid to those who attacked us, I believe we should quickly respond.

You can find the entire transcript at

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: ImSoScared ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:43AM

Fact: Barak, Sadam, Osama all have the letter 'a' in their names. In fact, Satan shares the same letter and therefore true christians (not the pedophile ones you read about) can't trust him.

Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions are all men (Satan is most likely male given that males in other animal kindoms generally have horns where as the females do not)!

Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions study math in school (SubFact: Satan discovered 666 when he was given a broken calculator for his 12th birthday where he would have to click the 6 button 3 times for it to register. In fact, he received a failing grade in his midterm that year, and as a result, was scarred for life elevating the 666 digits to biblical status)

Fact: Barak's wife is a practicing wiccan that has hexed John McCain's comb over to look so ridiculous on TV that people will reject him based on his lack of presidential hair.

I will be revealing other facts about Barak's campaign shortly! Keep with this thread!

Classic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: February 12, 2008 07:09AM

ImSoScared Wrote:
> Fact: Barak, Sadam, Osama all have the letter 'a'
> in their names. In fact, Satan shares the same
> letter and therefore true christians (not the
> pedophile ones you read about) can't trust him.
> Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions are
> all men (Satan is most likely male given that
> males in other animal kindoms generally have horns
> where as the females do not)!
> Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions study
> math in school (SubFact: Satan discovered 666
> when he was given a broken calculator for his 12th
> birthday where he would have to click the 6 button
> 3 times for it to register. In fact, he received
> a failing grade in his midterm that year, and as a
> result, was scarred for life elevating the 666
> digits to biblical status)
> Fact: Barak's wife is a practicing wiccan that has
> hexed John McCain's comb over to look so
> ridiculous on TV that people will reject him based
> on his lack of presidential hair.
> I will be revealing other facts about Barak's
> campaign shortly! Keep with this thread!
> Classic:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense

If you are serious....you too are insane

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: February 12, 2008 07:40AM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> ImSoScared Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Fact: Barak, Sadam, Osama all have the letter
> 'a'
> > in their names. In fact, Satan shares the same
> > letter and therefore true christians (not the
> > pedophile ones you read about) can't trust him.
> >
> > Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions are
> > all men (Satan is most likely male given that
> > males in other animal kindoms generally have
> horns
> > where as the females do not)!
> >
> > Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions
> study
> > math in school (SubFact: Satan discovered 666
> > when he was given a broken calculator for his
> 12th
> > birthday where he would have to click the 6
> button
> > 3 times for it to register. In fact, he
> received
> > a failing grade in his midterm that year, and as
> a
> > result, was scarred for life elevating the 666
> > digits to biblical status)
> >
> > Fact: Barak's wife is a practicing wiccan that
> has
> > hexed John McCain's comb over to look so
> > ridiculous on TV that people will reject him
> based
> > on his lack of presidential hair.
> >
> > I will be revealing other facts about Barak's
> > campaign shortly! Keep with this thread!
> >
> > Classic:
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense
> If you are serious....you too are insane

You're stupid.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 12, 2008 08:06AM

John Myers Wrote:
> Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack... The
> "C" was inserted to soften the name from it
> original arabic version "Al Barak")
> Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious
> Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
> John

Your mom gave you the name "John," which is the first name of "John Wayne Gacy Jr". Therefore you think serial killers should be let free. Killing, torturing, and raping young men is okay with you.

Is this part of the Clinton campaign platform? That raping young men is desirable? You people are sicker than I thought.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Citizen ()
Date: February 12, 2008 08:32AM

WTF Wrote:
> By the way, do you think the govt just lets anyone
> who is backed by a party and , elected be
> president? No! anyone who is a serious contender
> is seriously investigated!

You jest.

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, we, the Citizens of the United States, are the only ones "investigating" a candidate. Which means...we obtain our information from the Media, to include now the Internet.

Legally, NO government agency can investigate a Presidential Candidate. We citizens,to include,Katie Couric, Alec Baldwin (when he isn't acting),Oprah, are the ones doing the background investigation. We are completely responsible in November and we need to be an informed citizenry.

Some quick Internet searches often dispel some reported information, but, CONFIRM others.
And, its our right to place weight on issues important to us...such as....say....oh...that minor issue of National Security!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: concerned 2 ()
Date: February 12, 2008 11:02AM

If Barack Hussien becomes the nominee, I have no doubt McCain will clean his clock.

The choices couldn't be more clear. A war hero or a Cocaine addict?

Citizen Wrote:
> WTF Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > By the way, do you think the govt just lets
> anyone
> > who is backed by a party and , elected be
> > president? No! anyone who is a serious
> contender
> > is seriously investigated!
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> You jest.
> As I've mentioned in an earlier post, we, the
> Citizens of the United States, are the only ones
> "investigating" a candidate. Which means...we
> obtain our information from the Media, to include
> now the Internet.
> Legally, NO government agency can investigate a
> Presidential Candidate. We citizens,to
> include,Katie Couric, Alec Baldwin (when he isn't
> acting),Oprah, are the ones doing the background
> investigation. We are completely responsible in
> November and we need to be an informed citizenry.
> Some quick Internet searches often dispel some
> reported information, but, CONFIRM others.
> And, its our right to place weight on issues
> important to us...such as....say....oh...that
> minor issue of National Security!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: February 12, 2008 11:08AM

ImSoScared Wrote:
> Fact: Barak, Sadam, Osama all have the letter 'a'
> in their names. In fact, Satan shares the same
> letter and therefore true christians (not the
> pedophile ones you read about) can't trust him.
> Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions are
> all men (Satan is most likely male given that
> males in other animal kindoms generally have horns
> where as the females do not)!
> Fact: Barak Obama and all the aforementions study
> math in school (SubFact: Satan discovered 666
> when he was given a broken calculator for his 12th
> birthday where he would have to click the 6 button
> 3 times for it to register. In fact, he received
> a failing grade in his midterm that year, and as a
> result, was scarred for life elevating the 666
> digits to biblical status)
> Fact: Barak's wife is a practicing wiccan that has
> hexed John McCain's comb over to look so
> ridiculous on TV that people will reject him based
> on his lack of presidential hair.
> I will be revealing other facts about Barak's
> campaign shortly! Keep with this thread!
> Classic:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense

It's offical! You are a fucking NUT CASE!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 12, 2008 11:19AM

concerned 2 Wrote:
> If Barack Hussien becomes the nominee, I have no
> doubt McCain will clean his clock.
> The choices couldn't be more clear. A war hero or
> a Cocaine addict?

Err, Republicans had that choice in 2000 and voted for the Cocaine addict.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Virginia for Hillary ()
Date: February 12, 2008 11:29AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> concerned 2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If Barack Hussien becomes the nominee, I have
> no
> > doubt McCain will clean his clock.
> >
> > The choices couldn't be more clear. A war hero
> or
> > a Cocaine addict?
> >
> >
> Err, Republicans had that choice in 2000 and voted
> for the Cocaine addict.

The biggest mistake made by American people in the 21st century. At least G. Bush had the dignity to not publicize it for the young to consume. This time around people will know better to kick the Cocaine addict to the curb.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Hills ()
Date: February 12, 2008 11:34AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> concerned 2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If Barack Hussien becomes the nominee, I have
> no
> > doubt McCain will clean his clock.
> >
> > The choices couldn't be more clear. A war hero
> or
> > a Cocaine addict?
> >
> >
> Err, Republicans had that choice in 2000 and voted
> for the Cocaine addict.

Never admitted, never proven. Innuendo does not constitute proof, so do not come back at me with some Hatfield "facts." I know facts don't matter to many here, but they are what builds logical and reasoned arguments and opinions.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: February 12, 2008 12:11PM

Has the "relation to Islam" question ever been asked of Obama at a press conference or otherwise?
What is HIS story?
If he took letters off his name to "soften it up", why didn't he just change his whole name and lose all the islamic traces?
If it turns out that he has any current relations with Islam, he doesn't stand a snowballs chance.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 12, 2008 12:20PM

John Myers Wrote:
> Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack... The
> "C" was inserted to soften the name from it
> original arabic version "Al Barak")
> Fact - He was born a Muslim
> Fact - His mother married Muslim men twice
> Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious
> Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
> Fact - Obama did not vote for the Iraq war because
> he was NOT a senator back then
> Fact - Obama's heritage: Half Black Muslim from
> Kenya
> Fact - Obama studied in the worlds largest Muslim
> country as a kid
> I cannot accept this person as our next commander
> and chief. Has anyone noticed that "Barak Hussein
> Obama" has never said anything in his campaign
> speeches about going after Islamic terrorists. It
> makes you wonder why! - The only reason that the
> democrats are backing this guy, is because he is a
> good orator and sounds convincing while delivering
> speeches. He talks about "change". The only change
> that he is capable of (if he makes president) is
> pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very
> dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American
> President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps, it
> is part of a greater Muslim strategy.
> John

Put down the Anne Coulter Book. Back away slowly. Have a sedative, Repeat after me, Barack is your friend.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Brandon ()
Date: February 12, 2008 12:58PM

you are blind, I have never seen so many people that are not considering the facts. I hope that we dont get what you are asking for by voting Obama. He is a joke.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Brandon ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:01PM

If he is insane then that makes you oblivious. Go ahead and vote for a muslim.... You cannot dispute one fact that is listed above so therefore it makes you a fucking idiot for opposing them.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: The Truth Hurts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:05PM

You turn to stupidity to defend the facts. What is sick is the fact that you people can't accept that you are voting for a wolf in sheeps clothing. Just man up and say yes, I am voting for the downfall of our country by putting a muslim extremist into office!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:24PM

The Truth Hurts Wrote:
> "putting a muslim extremist into office!"...

"...and now, a little more wood glue..."

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:28PM

Hills Wrote:

> > Err, Republicans had that choice in 2000 and
> voted
> > for the Cocaine addict.
> Never admitted, never proven. Innuendo does not
> constitute proof, so do not come back at me with
> some Hatfield "facts." I know facts don't matter
> to many here, but they are what builds logical and
> reasoned arguments and opinions.

When asked point blank if he ever used cocaine, George W. Bush said, "I'm not going to answer that."

That is a fact. Anyone who didn't use the drug would say, "I did not use cocaine." Bush obviously did and refuses to give a straight answer.

Give Obama credit for admitting to the truth (something he did as a teenager. For instance, Laura Bush killed her former boyfriend with her car when she was a teenager. Should that still be held against her?)

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:30PM

The Truth Hurts Wrote:
> You turn to stupidity to defend the facts. What is
> sick is the fact that you people can't accept that
> you are voting for a wolf in sheeps clothing. Just
> man up and say yes, I am voting for the downfall
> of our country by putting a muslim extremist into
> office!

The Truth that Hurts is that Hillary is not going to win the nomination. Your smear campaign on her behalf is despicable.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Hills ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:54PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> When asked point blank if he ever used cocaine,
> George W. Bush said, "I'm not going to answer
> that."
> That is a fact. Anyone who didn't use the drug
> would say, "I did not use cocaine." Bush
> obviously did and refuses to give a straight
> answer.

So, instead of ignoring facts, you are now inventing them. The question dealt with the use of "illegal drugs" not cocaine specifically.

> Give Obama credit for admitting to the truth
> (something he did as a teenager. For instance,
> Laura Bush killed her former boyfriend with her
> car when she was a teenager. Should that still be
> held against her?)

Getting into a car accident and using cocaine are hardly comparable. Unless you are contending that the cocaine accidently went into his nose and he accidentally inhlaed it, or it was crack, and he accidently smoked it. And, obviously you WOULD hold it against her. Why else bring it up 45 years later?

Look, I am not trying to be Bill Clintonesque with you by trying to parse words, but why should readers of this forum take you seriously when you defend Obama? You are no better then those here promoting Hillary and posting sham statements about Obama.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 01:57PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> The Truth Hurts Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You turn to stupidity to defend the facts. What
> is
> > sick is the fact that you people can't accept
> that
> > you are voting for a wolf in sheeps clothing.
> Just
> > man up and say yes, I am voting for the
> downfall
> > of our country by putting a muslim extremist
> into
> > office!
> The Truth that Hurts is that Hillary is not going
> to win the nomination. Your smear campaign on her
> behalf is despicable.

"Smear"? These are all facts from his own book. Barak Hussein's father and step father are both musilims. He did cocaine. He is a heavy smoker too, wearing nicotine patches these days on the campaign.

The media doesn't do their job but the voters need to be awared of these critical isssues.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: February 12, 2008 02:37PM

I'm so sick of this Clinton propaganda bullshit. Attacking a man's father's religion, something Obama has no control over, is the most shallow and despicable tactic. Appealing to whatever quasi-existent bigotry and anti-Islamic hate they can find, I hope this bullshit backfires and makes Obama's candidacy stronger. I'm not a die-hard Obama fan, but this kind of garbage needs to stop.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: C9Wty ()
Date: February 12, 2008 02:49PM

His fathers religion is the STRONGEST of all the WEAK points they have to go on with.


Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 02:55PM

What many failed to grasp is we are electing the commander in chief. Would you grant somebody security clearances with questionable ties to muslims? If we are electing American Idol, no one would say a thing about this.

These are the facts voters need to seriously consider.

stinkypoon Wrote:
> I'm so sick of this Clinton propaganda bullshit.
> Attacking a man's father's religion, something
> Obama has no control over, is the most shallow and
> despicable tactic. Appealing to whatever
> quasi-existent bigotry and anti-Islamic hate they
> can find, I hope this bullshit backfires and makes
> Obama's candidacy stronger. I'm not a die-hard
> Obama fan, but this kind of garbage needs to stop.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:00PM

Obama has many many weakness just to name a few

- weak on national security

- far left position on taxes, openly proposing raising payroll taxes

- driver licenses to illegals

- lack of experience

- Health care plan left millions uninsured; you and I pay their emergency care bill


C9Wty Wrote:
> His fathers religion is the STRONGEST of all the
> WEAK points they have to go on with.
> Sad.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:02PM

Questionable ties to Muslims?? You mean like the Bush family's involvement with the Carlyle Group?

Facts Wrote:
> What many failed to grasp is we are electing the
> commander in chief. Would you grant somebody
> security clearances with questionable ties to
> muslims? If we are electing American Idol, no one
> would say a thing about this.
> These are the facts voters need to seriously
> consider.
> stinkypoon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm so sick of this Clinton propaganda bullshit.
> > Attacking a man's father's religion, something
> > Obama has no control over, is the most shallow
> and
> > despicable tactic. Appealing to whatever
> > quasi-existent bigotry and anti-Islamic hate
> they
> > can find, I hope this bullshit backfires and
> makes
> > Obama's candidacy stronger. I'm not a die-hard
> > Obama fan, but this kind of garbage needs to
> stop.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:35PM

Facts Wrote:
> Obama has many many weakness just to name a few
> - weak on national security
National security is weak because Bush has sent our military to Iraq and has exhausted it.

> - far left position on taxes, openly proposing
> raising payroll taxes

He is proposing raising the income cap on Social Security contributions. Right now, people making about $100K stop paying into Social Security for all income above that level. Why not make people at that level pay more? They shouldn't get a 7% tax break just because they earn more.

> - driver licenses to illegals
He said he would leave that up to the states.

> - lack of experience

As opposed to bad experience or the wrong experience, as you see with Hillary and McCain.

> - Health care plan left millions uninsured; you
> and I pay their emergency care bill

Uhhh, this has been the George W. Bush healthcare model. Besides, how can Obama be liberal if he is - in your mind anyway - supporting a Republican position?


Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Taxpayer ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:49PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> > - far left position on taxes, openly proposing
> > raising payroll taxes
> >
> He is proposing raising the income cap on Social
> Security contributions. Right now, people making
> about $100K stop paying into Social Security for
> all income above that level. Why not make people
> at that level pay more? They shouldn't get a 7%
> tax break just because they earn more.

What a warped sense of entitlement. Just as you max out at what you pay in, you max out at what you can take out. According to your theory, the wealthy should subsidize the retirement (even more than they do already) of the less than wealthy. They have a name for that - socialism.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 03:59PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Facts Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama has many many weakness just to name a few
> >
> > - weak on national security
> >
> National security is weak because Bush has sent
> our military to Iraq and has exhausted it.
Bush is not on the ballot. Obama is still weak on national security.

> > - far left position on taxes, openly proposing
> > raising payroll taxes
> >
> He is proposing raising the income cap on Social
> Security contributions. Right now, people making
> about $100K stop paying into Social Security for
> all income above that level. Why not make people
> at that level pay more? They shouldn't get a 7%
> tax break just because they earn more.
I know for you making fries at McDonald, you won't be impacted. Many citizens in FFX county would be affected. When they have to lay you off, don't come on here crying

> > - driver licenses to illegals
> >
> He said he would leave that up to the states.
No, he fumbled his positions a few times but has come to a firm poistion - he supports giving driver licenses to illegals. Go to Wash post and check it out.

> > - lack of experience
> >
> As opposed to bad experience or the wrong
> experience, as you see with Hillary and McCain.

No one will hire a rookie to run a big company let alone the country, Dan Snider an exception maybe.

> > - Health care plan left millions uninsured; you
> > and I pay their emergency care bill
> >
> Uhhh, this has been the George W. Bush healthcare
> model. Besides, how can Obama be liberal if he is
> - in your mind anyway - supporting a Republican
> position?

Obama is pandering the republicans on this one. He doesn't have any solid principle to guide him through. What a politician.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: February 12, 2008 04:12PM

Facts, you are an ignorant bigot.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: JustDaFacts ()
Date: February 12, 2008 09:10PM

Fact - Fear tactics, you lost.

Association with muslims/hussein/satan/osama/al qaeda and all the crap might work in Texas but not here!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Johnny Boo Hoo ()
Date: February 12, 2008 09:20PM

Accept it. You lost. He won. LOLOLOLOLOLLOL.

John Myers Wrote:
> Real name: Barak Hussein Obama (not Barack... The
> "C" was inserted to soften the name from it
> original arabic version "Al Barak")
> Fact - He was born a Muslim
> Fact - His mother married Muslim men twice
> Fact - His middle name is Hussein (a serious
> Muslim name shared by Saddam Hussein)
> Fact - Obama did not vote for the Iraq war because
> he was NOT a senator back then
> Fact - Obama's heritage: Half Black Muslim from
> Kenya
> Fact - Obama studied in the worlds largest Muslim
> country as a kid
> I cannot accept this person as our next commander
> and chief. Has anyone noticed that "Barak Hussein
> Obama" has never said anything in his campaign
> speeches about going after Islamic terrorists. It
> makes you wonder why! - The only reason that the
> democrats are backing this guy, is because he is a
> good orator and sounds convincing while delivering
> speeches. He talks about "change". The only change
> that he is capable of (if he makes president) is
> pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very
> dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American
> President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps, it
> is part of a greater Muslim strategy.
> John

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Calzone ()
Date: February 12, 2008 09:48PM

John Myers Wrote:
The only change
> that he is capable of (if he makes president) is
> pulling out of Iraq and making the world a very
> dangerous place. This man is a "Dream American
> President" for Islamic terrorists or perhaps, it
> is part of a greater Muslim strategy.
> John

It's not a black and white world dumass. You and your biparty, right-wrong minuscule mind needs to understand the complexity of the world, you idiot hillbilly.

The Islamic terrorist strategy was to draw America into a costly war with no definition of victory that would bankrupt the country. How do I know this? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT OSAMA HAS BEEN FUCKING SAYING.

GWB has played into this, because Cheney and his corporate buddies want to demolish the middle class so that the upper 1% will reign over the entire lower 99%, and bring America into the feudalistic era.

Our country is going bankrupt day by day, while terrorists can take potshots at our troops with ease, with our troops in the middle east. Our military readiness is at a historic low, because our military is spread so thin as a result of ignorant war hawks like yourself.

Go read some books. Stop watching Michael Bay movies.

Ron Paul 2008

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Bond ()
Date: February 12, 2008 09:53PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Has the "relation to Islam" question ever been
> asked of Obama at a press conference or
> otherwise?
> What is HIS story?
> If he took letters off his name to "soften it up",
> why didn't he just change his whole name and lose
> all the islamic traces?
> If it turns out that he has any current relations
> with Islam, he doesn't stand a snowballs chance.

By Perry Bacon Jr. WASHINGTON POST Staff Writer
Thursday, November 29, 2007; Page A01
Barack Obama quote...

"The day I'm inaugurated, I think this country looks at itself differently, but the world also looks at America differently," he told another Iowa crowd. "Because I've got a grandmother who lives in a little village in Africa without running water or electricity; because I grew up for part of my formative years in Southeast Asia in the largest Muslim country on Earth."


In 2004...............this story in an African Newspaper....

15 August 2004
By John Oywa

...................The prospective Senator's sister-in-law Fauziah Anyango, wife to his step-brother Malik Obama, told the Sunday Nation that she was eager to meet her heroic in-law.
Said she: "I have not met him but I pray that he wins the Senate seat. His victory will not be for us, but for Kenya and Africa."............

........................Mama Sarah told us: "He is very enthusiastic about his relatives here. He keeps on sending people to find out how we are faring."
And whether or not he wins the Senate seat, the 43-year-old Harvard University trained lawyer is expected back in Alego to build his "Simba" (a young man's hut) in line with Luo traditions.

Barack has deep roots here. HE ONCE TOLD ME HE HAS TWO HOMES -KENYA AND THE UNITED STATES, she says happily."

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Stone ()
Date: February 12, 2008 10:05PM

Al-Barak Hussein Obama is very, very creepy. It's about time the media uses his full name so his genuine identity can be underdtood, and more importantly, he can be understood for the fraud that he is.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 12, 2008 10:21PM

Stone Wrote:
> Al-Barak Hussein Obama is very, very creepy. It's
> about time the media uses his full name so his
> genuine identity can be underdtood, and more
> importantly, he can be understood for the fraud
> that he is.

"Al Barak" Hussein Obama is going to be your next President. Get used to it.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Stone ()
Date: February 12, 2008 10:32PM

""Al Barak" Hussein Obama is going to be your next President. Get used to it."

Pffft...Yeah, and pigss will fly outta your butt at midnight.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Carrier ()
Date: February 12, 2008 10:34PM

WashingToneLocian :

"Al Barak" Hussein Obama is going to be your next President. Get used to it.

Ladies....get used to carrying fruits and vegetables on your heads!!

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: February 12, 2008 10:37PM

Does anyone know why Obamas lips are always purple? Could it have something to do with his smoking patch or does he have a grape Slurpee before addressing crowds?

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: HeeHee ()
Date: February 13, 2008 06:21AM

Creepy or not, he's your next president. Hee Hee. Unless, Mccain can pump up the rogaine and grecian formula, he doesn't stand a chance. Speaking of creepy, anyone feel the willies every time Mccain says "my friends" (which is often)

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 13, 2008 07:46AM

HeeHee Wrote:
> Creepy or not, he's your next president. Hee Hee.
> Unless, Mccain can pump up the rogaine and
> grecian formula, he doesn't stand a chance.
> Speaking of creepy, anyone feel the willies every
> time Mccain says "my friends" (which is often)

"My friends" is probably what his tormentors said before they stuck the electrodes to his balls.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: February 13, 2008 07:51AM

Hillary has essentially fired half of her campaign staff. I'm sure this is what they saw last night...


...Interestingly enough, she fired the people in charge of her online strategy. Hopefully that means the idiots behind "Al-Barak" and "I don't care for Hillary, but I'm voting for her" are now updating their resumes.

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: Trump Bump ()
Date: March 30, 2016 04:41PM

he is a bad dude

Re: Al Barak Hussein Obama
Posted by: flump the plump trump ()
Date: April 11, 2016 09:02PM

Still obsessed with the muslim takeover that never happened

jade helm fuckers!!!! we coming ooogity boogitY!

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