whatever25 Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When you are over 30, you need to start acting
> > like an adult. That means no more dressing like
> > you are 19, putting hot rod shit on your
> Corolla
> > and treating members of the opposite sex like
> shit
> > as part of some stupid mind game you've come up
> > with.
> What a load of crap. I was out on my own at 17
> years old and I didnt have to wait til 30 to be an
> adult. And not everyone in their teens and 20s is
> a baby faced pimply geek wearing a graphic t-shirt
> and playing video games. Ive seen teens that look
> middle aged and 30 year olds that look 16. Age is
> totally irrelvant -with the exception of who you
> sleep with.
You missed my point. I was saying that by the time you are 30 you should start acting like an adult. That's not to say that there aren't 20-somethings who do already. But 35-year-olds walking in graphic T's and chasing 20-ish pussy at college bars is fucking lame.