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Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: TrumpIt ()
Date: August 04, 2011 01:29PM

Well Trump says he may have to re-enter the race because there are no viable Republican Presidental candidates for 2012.

Who would vote Bachmann, Romney or Trump?

I'd have to say Trump.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Looney ()
Date: August 04, 2011 01:46PM

Youd have to be an idiot to vote for eny of them.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: yoda22180 ()
Date: August 04, 2011 01:55PM

Romney is the kinda CEO who sends jobs to China

Bachmann has a gay husband

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: She relaly does ()
Date: August 04, 2011 01:57PM

yoda22180 Wrote:
> Romney is the kinda CEO who sends jobs to China
> Bachmann has a gay husband

The fat guy on Modern Family is based upon her husband.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: August 04, 2011 01:58PM

If I had to guess I'd say Romney but I doubt he'd do very well.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: LitterBug ()
Date: August 04, 2011 03:20PM

I'd take Trump over both of them and that's not saying much. Even Obama is a better choice than ego Trump.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Trump Rules ()
Date: August 04, 2011 03:31PM

Donald for the win.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 03:32PM

yoda22180 Wrote:

> Bachmann has a gay husband

If this is true then she's a shoe in.

Why isn't Barney Frank campaigning for her?

Why haven't the liberals hoisted her up on their shoulders and carried her to victory?

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: fred ()
Date: August 04, 2011 03:34PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> yoda22180 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bachmann has a gay husband
> If this is true then she's a shoe in.
> Why isn't Barney Frank campaigning for her?
> Why haven't the liberals hoisted her up on their
> shoulders and carried her to victory?

Those are Republican tactics. When we Dems see an idiot we call them an idiot. And just about all the Republican candidates are idiots.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 03:50PM

fred Wrote:
> Those are Republican tactics. When we Dems see an
> idiot we call them an idiot. And just about all
> the Republican candidates are idiots.

I kinda like having idiots in Congress.

Look where we are having nothing but smart people in charge.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: August 04, 2011 04:39PM

I have said it here before and I will say it again. Barring a multiple wives scandal or "a alien ate my dog" moment, either of which has a decent chance of happening, the ticket will be Romney/Bachman.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: August 04, 2011 04:39PM

I am a Democrat, but I am voting for Bachmann in the primaries. If she wins the nomination, we are going to have a very funny election season. I will not vote for her if she gets the nomination.

Michelle may not be an idiot, but she certainly tries to appeal to the voters that have a TV in their living room, and no books or newspapers in their house; you know, the Fox & Friends viewers and Hannity listeners.

There is a "documentary" movie coming out about Michelle that is being produced by the same clowns that did the Sarah Palin movie "Undefeated." Watch for heavy promotion on Hannity's shows.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: August 04, 2011 04:42PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> I have said it here before and I will say it
> again. Barring a multiple wives scandal or "a
> alien ate my dog" moment, either of which has a
> decent chance of happening, the ticket will be
> Romney/Bachman.

Will Fox News claim Bachmann running for VP is "historic," like they did with Sarah Palin?

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: fli ()
Date: August 04, 2011 04:46PM

fred Wrote:
> When we Dems see an idiot we call them an idiot.

"we dems" = groupthinker unable to form an individual opinion or thought.

Yeah, that sums up the Dems perfectly. Thanks for putting it so succinctly, fred.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: August 04, 2011 04:51PM

Michelle, in happier times.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Shecky Gangreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 05:19PM

dig up Everett Dirksen and get him to run

when a million was a million

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 05:58PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> Will Fox News claim Bachmann running for VP is
> "historic," like they did with Sarah Palin?

1. Were they wrong? She was the first ever female VEEP in running for the Republican party was she not?

2. Will they be wrong if Bachmann gets the job?

3. With so many real problems in the world, why do you have act stupidly and come up with fake ones?

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: I'll wait. ()
Date: August 04, 2011 06:04PM

To see who WLT would go with if he were a Repub. then I'll go with that. That guy has alot of political insight, I trust him 100%.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 04, 2011 06:19PM

I'll wait. Wrote:
> To see who WLT would go with if he were a Repub.
> then I'll go with that. That guy has alot of
> political insight, I trust him 100%.

Keep a fire extinguisher handy.

Cause if WTL even pretends to be a Republican......he's gonna burst into flames.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: MongoLloyd ()
Date: August 06, 2011 12:16PM

Never vote for pretty or telegenic people! They are total puppets and the corporate puppet masters don't even try to cover themselves anymore. The American Voters are just that stupid. For the rest of us...

ALWAYS vote Third Party from now on! I've been voting for Ralph Nader in the past 4 presidential elections and 3rd party candidates in the past 6-7 election cycles, including the off-year elections.

The Kingmakers have already decided who you are allowed to vote for in high office i.e. President, Governor, U.S. Senate, and certain Congressional districts. The Dems and Republicans are just minor brand variations of the same globalist power structure. You will truly THROW AWAY YOUR VOTES if you vote for Puppet A or Puppet B.

The persistence of close-call elections is just more proof that our elections are rigged. It's to keep you from leaving the GOP-Democrat plantation.

That said, you should always vote for a 3rd party candidate. Only then will your vote count. Even if your vote gets electronically altered to Puppet A or Puppet B, the odds are that your friend's 3rd party vote went through.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Perry 2012!!! ()
Date: August 07, 2011 02:14AM

Rick Perry 2012!!!

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: mongo is right on ()
Date: August 07, 2011 02:30AM

mongolloyd..its good to see a few people out here that can think for themselves.
you are right on.
ron paul has my vote

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: Wow ()
Date: August 07, 2011 09:18AM

fli Wrote:
> fred Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When we Dems see an idiot we call them an idiot.
> "we dems" = groupthinker unable to form an
> individual opinion or thought.
> Yeah, that sums up the Dems perfectly. Thanks for
> putting it so succinctly, fred.

We Reps...no new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes! The bible is the truth, truth, truth. Lots of individual thoughts there.

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: MongoLloyd ()
Date: August 07, 2011 09:29AM

mongo is right on Wrote:
> mongolloyd..its good to see a few people out here
> that can think for themselves.
> you are right on.
> ron paul has my vote

Yep, problem is that Ron Paul and Ralph Nader are rather advanced in age. Even though they are both in excellent shape, age has a way of catching up to even the best old men!

Damn, outside of those two, it's a fucking wasteland. It's tempting to take George Carlin's advice and not vote at all. I gotta get my two cents in, anyway. Even if the voting machine alters my vote electronically.

If it's Obama/Biden vs Perry/Romney/Bachmann... it doesn't matter, I'm voting for the fucking Communist Party. Obama is NOT a Communist, BTW!!! He is a Corporate Neo-feudal Globalist.

It's so fucking bad in America that the CPUSA actually looks GOOD now!!! Why not? BE SOMEBODY! I DARE YA!

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: mong is right on ()
Date: August 07, 2011 10:32AM

mongo, i think we should be clear about something. obama is nothing but a puppet. the puppetmasters that control him are absolutely corporate globalists, i agree, however obama is simply a tool..nothing less, nothing more (an america hating tool, but a tool nonetheless).

the mindless americans would have you believe obama is president because our great democracy voted him in...you and i, and others that are capable of thinking for themselves, understand that the puppet masters chose him.

the corporate puppetmasters knew they couldnt continue to destroy our constitution, rape us of our civil liberties, and continue endless wars with an evil republican white guy at the helm...

see now weve got a half-black man, who won a nobel peace prize (is that a fucking joke or what?), doing the raping, robbing, and murdering. so what are you gonna do now, you gonna question your government and that half-black president?...you RACIST!

Re: Who are Republicans Voting for in 2012 Mitt Romney or Bachmann?
Posted by: liff ()
Date: August 07, 2011 04:21PM

Romney does have enough votes.

It will have to be Bachmann, she serves both the Republican Party and the Tea Party.
Plus women will jump on her band wagon from both parties.

Presidential candidates need massive funding. It's way to late for any other Republican candidates to enter the race, even Trump. There's no way a new Republican candidate could raise enough cash at this point.

I'd say it's Huckabee, Romeny and Bachmann. I don't think Palin will run.

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